Crows on the Perch
Length: 6:45
- First song written after Gary Finch’s death.
- First song as Gears of Fate.
Crows on the Perch, was written by Renee a few days after Gary’s death, so it was a special song for the both of us. She wrote this to help get rid of the feeling of emptiness that Gary’s has sort of left us with, by using the creativity that he has left us with. Hopefully everyone else likes it.
- Greg Marsh
Sound:- Guitar Composition: Slow and calm strumming, like that of a folk song. The pedal element that Winston is used to has no place here. The melody that Winston conveys here is a melodic one, slow and increasingly intricate.
- Bass Guitar Composition: Mostly follows in behind the guitar, other than that not notable at all.
- Drum Composition: Drumming is close to non-existent with the occasional kick here or there.
- Vocal Pitch: Winston’s Vocal Pitch in this song is scratchy, and indecisive signifiying the uncertainty that he and the rest of the band currently feels.
Legend: (.p) - Quick pause for a single line which includes only light cymbal taps. Also, the vocal pitch changes from remorseful to scratchy for a single line.
(.b) - Bass Solo begins, this solo is quite slow and mimics the guitar from earlier.
(.e) - Bass enters the songs, following the guitar and supporting it.
(.r) - Renee and Winston both sing for this line.
Took the train to a town called Blackwater/Said goodbye to my sinning ways
Met a boy out in Blackwater/Pa’s said he’d be somebody someday
(.p)Yet we all stay damned/Lest the sounds keep us running, running, runnin’
(.p)Lest we find ourselves/Burning forever, ever, ever
In that burning town/I see my past intertwined with all I’d ever be, ever be, yeah
I can’t be nobody without/Without that voice guiding me
Without that lovely muse/Hanging right over my back, over, over, over, yeah
Even though the sounds of tomorrow/Ride on my back
We’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/Someday, somehow
and we’ll all end up as corpses/Corpses dead forever, ever, ever, yeah
and the fires we started will burn/Burn on without us to watch
Even though the sounds of tomorrow/Ride on my back
We’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/Someday, somehow
and we’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/That damned Perch will be the end
(Chorus End)
Ever since those scornful words/Left your mouth and entered my ears
I’ve been back to the way/Back to the way I was broken
Broken far past repair/Broken for a long time and broken to this day
So please promise me/Promise me you’ll savor every moment
(.r)Because dawn isn’t waiting for me/And I don’t want to keep her waiting
And dawn will leave me behind/Like a toy left and forgotten.
So with these final memories/I’ll break upon a door
To the town of Blackwater/And with these final solemn words I’ll be gone
My words forgotten/My actions left post-mortem
Even though the sounds of tomorrow/Ride on my back
We’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/Someday, somehow
and we’ll all end up as corpses/Corpses dead forever, ever, ever, yeah
and the fires we started will burn/Burn on without us to watch
Even though the sounds of tomorrow/Ride on my back
We’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/Someday, somehow
and we’ll all end up as Crows on that damned Perch/That damned Perch will be the end
(Chorus End)
(Song Ends)