Den, aka Daniel Walnut, was born in London on November 28th, 1991.
He's been called the 'smile' of the band for his positive and cheerful personality, but Den has worked hard in his life to get to his happiness as he struggled with depression during his early adolescence. But just like working to get out of his depression, Den works hard for all his goals and never gives up until he makes it and his high ambition made him able to record his own music when he was just 16 and released his debut solo album under a local record label in London at the age of 17.
As Den was trying to get fame through internet and promo, his small record label decided to form a band with other four people to join him and create the Teen Titans, whose name is a tribute to the famous super-hero team of the DC comics.
With the band, Den released their first five singles and the debut album 'Teen', but left the group at the end of their first UK tour explaining that he felt a lack of friendship within the band.
So he released a collection of his solo singles with a new single called 'True Love'. During the promotion of the album though, Den regretted his break-up with the group and attempted a suicide, which failed and brought him close to the Titans again.
Once out of the hospital, Den took part of the Warped Tour and then rejoined the Teen Titans, releasing with them the new album 'Generation' and going on their first world tour.
During the tour Den met and dated the G2L member Lyrica Ocha, who he broke up with at the end of the tour due to unknown reasons and went on to release a new album with the group called 'Rebellion' along with the new solo one 'Planet Jupiter'.
After the releases of the new singles with the band and new solo ones, Den took a break with the rest of the band this summer to record new music in Los Angeles, where he dated a secret person until the end of August.
While releasing the 'Neon Lights' album and the last 'Greatest Hits' album around 2013/2014, Den came out as gay revealing his relationship with actor and radio speaker Kegan Dawson.
The relationship ended around 2015 when Den met his second important partner, Adam Black. The two went on for a few years together growing up the little Britney Walnut, born with the help of a surrogate mother.
During 2018, after accusations of violence from Black, Den came back to the music industry releasing the new solo singles 'Yourself' and 'Tick Me Off', obtaining further success. In 2018 his third solo album 'Don't Be A Pain In My Sky' was also released and was manily focused on his experiences as now an open homosexual and his life as a celebrity as well as his difficult relationship, while creating a Dance, Disco Pop album.
Now today, after releasing his new single 'Uncover It' Den is working on his fourth solo album coming soon, while enjoying life with his daughter Britney and his new partner and now husband Dj Rashai.
AlbumsThe Power Of Music
(Certified PLATINUM)Rebellion
(Certified 2xPLATINUM)Planet Jupiter
(HeatTop:3)(Certified 2xPLATINUM)
Neon Lights (HeatTop:1)(Certified 2xPLATINUM)*
Greatest Hits (HeatTop:5)*Don't Be A Pain In My Sky
SinglesPlay With Me
Angel For Life
Flying Away
Friendship Never Ends*
I Will Wait For You*
Who Are You?*
True Love
Out of The Galaxy(Top20Airplay:16)*
Behind Me
(Top20Airplay:1/Top20Digital:4/DigitalPopSongs:4) (Certified PLATINUM)*
(TheTop20Airplay:3/MusicBoxTopTenVideos:1/Top20Digital:2/DigitalPopSongs:2) (Certified GOLD)*
Recognise Me
(Top20Airplay:1/Top20Digital:10) (Certified GOLD)*
(Top20Airplay:3/Top20Digital:1/DigitalVideoCharts:3) (Certified PLATINUM)*
Thunder Of My Energy
(Top20Airplay:4/Top20Digital:2/DigitalVideoCharts:8) (Certified PLATINUM)Super Powers
(Top20Airplay:3/Top20Digital:4/DigitalVideoCharts:1) (Certified GOLD)*
(Top20Airplay:5/Top20Digital:19/DigitalVideoCharts:5)No Space
(Top20Airplay:6/Top20Digital:12/MusicBox:7) (Certified GOLD)*
Fast Car (feat. Will.Rocca)
(Top20Airplay:12/DigitalVideoCharts:17)Somebody New In The City
Forbidden Wish
(DigitalVideoCharts:8)Bang Bang Bang (Top20Airplay:3/Top20Digital:2) (Certified
Where Is The Love? (Top20Airplay:11/Top20Digital:7) (Certified
Turn The Radar On (Top20Airplay:2/Top20Digital:5) (Certified
Heart Of Titanium (Top20Airplay:2/Top20Digital:1)*
Phoenix (UK:20/Top20Streaming:11/Top20Airplay:11/Top20Digital:5)*
Yourself (Top20Airplay:2)
Tick Me Off (Top20Airplay:1)
Uncover It
The After Life (Top20Airplay:2)
* = Album/Single released with Teen TitansEdited by user 01 December 2020 17:58:35(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified