Meanwhile, in the Mandatorium! ...A man with a thick black goatee and long mangled jet black hair stares with blood shot, coal black eyes into a cam corder. The room is hazy and he is giggling. The haze comes from a fire he created when he shorted out the mixing desk with beer to try and get a fire started, so he could cook bacon. He leans forward.
'Heeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....' *cough/splutter/gurgle/spit/obscenities* He goes bright red from the bodily internal spasms.
'It's Tomi know...Tomi...owner of the coolest label ever Shiny Metal Ass Records and one fourth of The Infidels!. Yeah, that's right...The Infidels are back like a medieval plague to wipe out your ear drums in a bubonicly contagious assault of shit music and other stuff. So you probably were wondering were the fuck we have been for god knows how long...'Tomi shifts in his seat.
'Liars! You don't care! Fuck you all...anyway, I am sitting on a chair, in case your wondering and its damn comfortable too...and that haze is from a bacon a studio in Weston Super Mare...just outside our CASTLE OF DOOM. Why are we in a studio? Well at first I had no idea...I thought we were on our way to a festival of some sort...or was it tea and scones with my grandma..but then Habib reminded me, we were here to record music!''Yeah yeah, music and The Infidels! are mutually exclusive I hear you smug bastards say smugly but we created RETRO DOOM FUNK! That's right, we created a genre of music. What have you miserable fuckers ever created other than your own hypberole and multicoloured exhibitions on a toilet seat after a night out on dodgy vindaloo and cheap wine with three gay goats and a two dollar hooker who could pass as a Hoover snorting lines of blow like a possessed Hoover that likes to snort blow' Cue another round of spasms and sputum ejected from Tomi's mouth onto the carpet.'In the ten minutes we have been in this fucking place, we have recorded a new album. Oh fucking yes, ten pubescent fucks would kill to last even ten seconds with Kamikaze Kate. KAMIKAZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love you for ever and ever! There is a song on here for Kamikaze Kate...its the spiritual successor to 'Kamikaze Kate Gave me AIDS' from that last album we released...whatever it was called'Tomi picks up a CD case and flashes it before the camera, spinning it this way and that, investigating it as if he had never seen it before in his life. He looks behind the camera and whispers 'Were the fuck did this come from?' He looks bewildered for a moment before an epiphany strikes him.
'Look! It's our new album already in CD form! See?'1. Achmed and his Amazing Encounter with Helicopters and Navy SEALS in Pakistan (1.13)
2. Kamikazeeeeeeeeeee!!! (0.59)
3. I Deliberately Stood on Jemenez Cricket (Brutal Truth are Ghey) (0.23)
4. The Castle of Doom! (1.44)
5. Song Number 6 (Habib Can't Count) (0.19)
6. The Castle of Unremitting, Knee Trembling and Pants Browning Doom! (2.30)
7. Mr T Gave Me AIDS, Not Kamikaze Kate. I Lied. I'm Sorry (1.29)
8. Super Atomic Whore Brides (3.01)
9. Zombie Hitler and the Zombie Jesus Roller Disco Spectacular. (0.38)
10. WTFWZJD?? (0.45)
11. Sir, Your Just a Little Enraged Because Your Dying (1.40)
12. To the Mandatorium! (1.43)
13. Due to Osama's Unfortunate Death, All Future Jihadist's Receive 20% off Union Membership Fees for a Limited Time Only! (1.08)
14. Is It Actually Possible for Us to be Even More Shit than Last Time? (1.52)
15. Don't Puke When You Read the Lyrics To This (0.47)
16. I'll Cry If You Don't Buy (1.38)
17. Come Join the Suicide Party (2.11)
18. Bob Ross Returns from the Dead Jesus Style to Kick Your Ass You Cock Licks! (0.30)
19. If You Take Us Seriously You Deserve to be Molested by Turkish Priests and Habib
20. If It Walks Like a Gay, Talks Like a Gay, Looks Like a's probably Peter Andre (live in Japan)
21. We Were Promised Death Kittehs (Live in Australia)
22. Homosexuals Are Supposed to be Nice People but They Just Make Fun of my Shoes (Live in Turkey)
23. We Apologize for the Long Song Titles (Rare Unreleased)
'This was written entirely by me. All music, lyrics and arrangements by me. Habib wrote some but if I credit it to him I have to pay that Lebanese cucumber royalties so fuck him. You can guess what it sounds like”
“Oh hah fucking say it sounds like shit but it its not...ok it is but its not at the same time alright? You know there is some old fashioned punk, grindcore, Thomas the Tank Engine theme song...there is some of my native Finnish Hummpa music layered on top of a furious blackened calcified hate encrusted fear slathered loathing spread black/pink electro death track. It's that damn cool as a drunken robot. OH HOW I MISS HIM! So buy it through Shiny Metal Ass Records. The Coolest Label in History. As our logo once said, if your not on our label you very much suck. You have to buy it through us because no record store will stock our shit'Tomi once more shuffles in his seat and leans forward. He falls out before springing back up to face the camera.
' thought it was over...its not over...when I come back, I'll bring my axe! Haha Cannibal Corpse are cool. Did you get that reference before I gave it away? Anyway its not over...I'm hungry and we have some other shit that we are releasing which I am sure will enrage some, amuse others and cause lawsuits to be launched against us'With that Tomi lurches away from the camera and the sounds of smashing and banging can be heard and screams of
'AAAAAAGH FUCK THATS HOT!'Edited by user 01 December 2011 23:02:28(UTC)
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