In the spring of 2010 Reported Failure frontman Billie Beckett had said to Alternative Press Magazine "We've reached a new level of of concept. This album is going to be punk rock at the best we can do it". The quotation seems now in the distant past to Beckett and the rest of the fresh, fired up, and inspired Sacramento quintet. After the album Billie had been referring to ("Disarm") became Reported Failure's breakthrough album. The story has been told over and over. With bands that first listed Reported Failure as one of their influences now topping the charts, and Matt Collins facing death threats, and Billie Beckett attempting to take his own life last September, Reported Failure are at a turning point in their career. A multi-platinum selling EP and a world tour brings Reported Failure to a level they've never been at before. But what's next? A long career in which they remain in the shadows of more established rock gods. Maybe a few Chaos awards. Or as is plausible, more conflict perhaps a breakup, and inevitable solo careers from Collins and Beckett. Regardless of what the future holds, at the moment Reported Failure are embarking on a journey to make their new album "Darkness" which Vin Peters says "More closely resembles The Phantom of the Opera, than it resembles Post-Grunge Catastrophe".
"This album really started years ago. Before Disarm, and before PGC", says Beckett. "From the time we first got signed to 2010 I was in one relationship that was completely fucked". Beckett is closing doors on this this new album. He says "I'm not holding back". Beckett isn't a typical frontman. He isn't to Reported Failure as Jason Smith is to Mind. Reported Failure is known for being an ensemble band. With that said, this album seems to change that. "Things are more personal to me than they ever have been", says Beckett. It is true. If it doesn't seem like a dramatic change to you then realize that Billie's face is on the cover of Darkness.
With that said it would be wrong to say that Darkness is all Billie. "We're getting more musicians involved in this than anything we've done before" says guitarist/producer Vin Peters. "Organs, full orchestras, tons of guest vocalists, guitar melodies that seem to come from a higher place, they'll all be there". Late at night Vin got more serious. "Making this has tested absolutely everything we've already established as a band" he said. "Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I wonder what the hell am I doing? This record is our musical equivalent of doing something like converting from Christianity to Hinduism". Such ambition isn't unknown for Reported Failure, but Vin has expressed that "If we pull this off then nothing we've done before will matter. Punk rock? What the fuck is that? It's kind of like on PGC we lyrically destroyed the scene. I think if everything we want to do works out then we wont be part of a scene anymore. Either people will get it or they wont. It'll probably either flop and our careers will be on the downhill side or they will peak".
Darkness is described as being a gamechanger. "I love whats going on, but sometimes I wonder if we should just say screw it and make it into a broadway musical." says bassist Matt Collins. He has a fair point. Peters says that Darkness will have "characters that are each played by a different vocalist. The acting comes in the words and in the music. There will be songs with at least ten different vocalists harmonizing. The orchestra and everything will give it a very epic but different vibe. Were really just making a musical just with guitars and on an album instead of a stage".
In the end this album could either make or break Reported Failure's career. On one hand it could be groundbreaking and work out and no one will ever think of Reported Failure the same way again. Or the quintet could have finally bit off more than they can chew. " Making this album has dug out everything that lies within my soul. Sometimes it is terrifying. I wonder 'What will I find?'" says Beckett. The way all of the band members are talking capture the importance of Darkness. Will it bring a Chaos Award or a Magical Mystery Tour type flop? For a band that has never been on top of the world, but never been at the bottom of the music industry it will likely define the rest of their eitherv brief or long careers.
6771"This song has a kind of classic rock vibe but with epic vocal harmonies and probably the funnest guitar licks that I've ever pleyed for Reported Failure" - Vin
Being Man"A lyrical epic with pianos, violins, trumpets, and sweep picking" - Billie
A Pattern of Distress"Metal meets Sweeney Todd? I'm not sure really how to explain this song, but you'll love it" - Robert
Lithium"Incredible lyrics, and probably the most traditional punk song on the whole album. It's gonna be great mostly because I get to play hertshaking bass riffs" - Matt
Overture II"An amazing ensemble vocal piece. People are hitting notes that only my dogs can hear. It is seriously going to be great!" - KC