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The End Of An Era MattY sat at his piano in his top floor loft conversion apartment in New York, he was playing a new song he had been fiddling with for the past few days, it reminded him of Cherise, especially at this time of year.
A year ago he was locked up in a prison cell with his world crashing down around him and lost the one love of his life. He knew Tuesday would be a hard day to get through, a year had gone by so quickly and MattY had locked himself away from the world, his old life and old friends.
He played the keys on the piano with passion and anger all coming together as he thought back, the sound was magical it made his heart feel alive and sad at the same time. His emotions had been all over the place since he departed his old life. He never got the closure he needed, he never got to say goodbye...
As MattY sat scribbling down notes and words on the paper placed on top of the piano, the open fire blazing warming the apartment in the chilly New York evening his stomach was churning feeling nervous about the impending visitor that had brought him back to his old world with a bump when they phoned him last week..
Celeste had managed to track MattY down and caught him off guard when she called him up out of the blue. He had no idea what she wanted or why now all he knew was he couldn't say no to her coming to see him.
Celeste was one link left to Cherise that MattY had, her parents hadn't tried to contact him and he hadn't heard from Mykaylah since summer when she paid a flying visit and deep down he was hoping for some sort of closure finally.
As the darkness approached MattY got up and turned the lights on, entering the open planned kitchen area he grabbed his second beer of the night and looked at the clock, half seven, she was late he thought to himself as he smiled "Just like Cherise" he said out loud as the intercom buzzed and MattYs stomach flipped upside down.
As MattY approached the large sliding door at the other end of the room he looked at himself in the mirror 'Still look like hell' he thought as he pressed the speaker on the intercom "Whats up" he said in his swagger way "Its Celeste" came the reply as MattY pushed the buzzer to let her up "Top floor" he spoke back as he slightly opened the door and took a swig out of his bottle, preparing himself for the unknown.
As he heard the heeled shoes reach the door way he took in a deep breath as he moved forward to assist in opening the door, Celeste appeared in front of him as MattY took a step back as his heart raced "Fuck" he exclaimed as he dropped his bottle and it shattered on the wooden floor "Here let me help" Celeste spoke as both her and MattY crouched down and their eyes met "Jesus" MattY let out as he stared at her "I'd forgotton just how much you looked alike, especially when you.. " Celeste cut MattY off "I know I'm sorry I forgot how hard this would be for you specially now I've got contacts and straightened the old hair" As they finished clearing the broken glass up MattY stepped away to the kitchen as Celeste sat down on the sofa. MattY pulled out another beer from the fridge and looked over to Celeste raising it she nodded and smiled as he got another out for her and took them over to the sofa passing her one bottle as he sat in the chair opposite.
A silence fell in the room as MattY and Celeste just stared at each other, feeling uncomfortable Celeste looked towards the piano "You been creating genius pieces" She said as she smiled and took a drink out the bottle, she got up and walked towards the piano and picked up the paper with notes written all over it "Ermm just a few feelings" MattY replied as he walked over to her "Play it for me" Celeste said as she sat on the big piano stool and looked at MattY "I I dont think I can" he replied stuttering over his words, truth is he hasn't played anything in front of anyone he has known for over a year and didnt feel the cocky confidant genius he once was. Celeste looked up and noticed him looking round the room trying to find something to change the subject with "Please for Cherise" she spoke softly as he turned to look at her eye to eye "Nowt like a bit of blackmail eh" he replied as he sighed and slumped down on the stool next to Celeste.
MattY cracked his fingers as he flexed them ready to play the song he had been working on that was only ever going to be for his ears, he took a deep breath and begin to play the keys as Celeste sat next to him watching him play with such raw emotion, she placed her bottle down and started to hum along to the tune. MattY looked over at her as he felt his heart warm, he had forgotten what it was like to be in the company of a friend, of anyone. As he continued to play Celeste started to sing some of the lyrics he had written down her voice was so pure, so strong and powerful, MattY had heard Celeste sing before but never like this her voice was different she was vocally a lot better, Cherise had always been the more vocal empowered one of them "You've improved" MattY said as he looked at her. Celeste suddenly stopped singing picked up her bottle of beer and departed from the piano heading back to the sofa "Hey what did I say, C'mon Celeste you know how good you sounded" MattY said as he followed her back to the lounge area "Sorry" Celeste said softly as she sat back down "Nice place you got here" She said as MattY sat opposite her "Yeah boy not done bad" MattY joked as he reached for his smokes and lit up.
As he took the final drag of his smoke he looked over as Celeste reached for something out of her bag "MattY I came here to give you a few things" She spoke as MattY felt his stomach go back to the churning sensation he had earlier "I was sorting through some things and found these I thought you might like them" She said as she passed him a big brown envelope. MattY placed the envelope on the table and shot up out of his chair "Ermm another drink food anything" he said as he fumbled his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Celeste watched him seeing he was still hurt and how raw this felt for him "I cant stay MattY, I just came to give you this then I really have to go" she said as MattY clattered around in the kitchen "MattY please" she said as he looked up at her over the counter "Please" he spoke softly she could see in his eyes how lonely he felt and how sad her flying visit had made him "OK" she said "Got a good chinese round here" she continued as MattY at last broke a small smile.
An hour and half had past, MattY and Celeste had ordered, eaten and polished off a bottle of wine and another 2 beers each as they sat next to each other on the sofa laughing with each other at each other, MattY felt good for the first time in months, he felt warm, alive able to breathe. The brown envelope still on the table Celeste knew she was going to have to spoil his good mood before she could leave. She got up and collected the plates taking them into the kitchen, she took a deep breath on her return as MattY just stared at her, she sat down next to him and pulled the brown envelope over towards them "MattY" she said in a whisper as she turned to look at him face to face, as she did MattY put his finger on her lips "Celeste please dont" he said as he lowered his finger from her lips and leaned forward as he did Celeste felt herself moving towards him as their lips touched MattY closed his eyes as they kissed long and deep he felt something he hadn't felt for a long time.. love. As MattY went to put his hand on her leg Celeste pushed him off "Shit shit shit" she said as she got up "MattY no" she protested as he got up and walked over to her grabbing her by the waist and kissing her once again, this time Celeste stayed with him.
"NO!" Celeste screamed as she pulled back and slapped MattY across his face "I cant do this" she said as she grabbed her bag off the sofa "Celeste wait I'm sorry Its just you remind me of her, of Cherise so much, your voice, your mannerisms even your kiss and taste" he said as she headed to the door way as she felt her eyes welling up with tears "MattY please stay away" she called back as she heard him approaching her. Trying to hold back the tears the best she could MattY grabbed her and turned her round as she was about to leave out the door "Look at me" he said as she kept her head down "Look at Me" he demanded in a powerful voice as Celeste looked up , MattY stared deep into her eyes and felt his heart stop, she knew right at that moment that he knew she pushed him back and pulled back the loft door and started to run down the stairs. Her heart pounding as she heard MattY's footsteps coming behind her as she reached the building exit "Wait" MattY shouted from behind as she flung open the door the rain lashing down and thunder rumbling "Taxi!" she shouted as the traffic flew past hoping to hail a cab before MattY got to her.
As a taxi stopped Celeste opened the door and was climbing in as MattY appeared behind her putting his hand on the door stopping her from closing it, the rain soaking him through. She looked up at him with tears running down her eyes her heart pounding she looked him in the eyes, "Please" she said half out of breathe "You've got to let me go" MattY could hear the pleading in her voice as he just stared at her taking her all in knowing this will be the last time he sees her. He let go of the door as he took a step back the thunder rumbling loudly above them "Thank you" she spoke as she went to pull the door shut "Cherise" MattY stumbled out as she looked directly at him, his eyes looked lost as she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered in his ear "We'll always have Angel" she got into the taxi and closed the door and the taxi began to drive off. As the taxi stopped in the traffic in front she finally turned back to look MattY was still stood there, watching, staring at the taxi she took a long look back and gave him a smile and nod as the taxi drove off into the New York traffic. |
My Acts Tragic R'N'B Diva R.I.P Original Best Baddest Bitch Around |
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