Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Also, 21 - BLAND?!
The girl put so much emotion into that album[keep in mind she's 21], recounting true events of heartbreak and betrayal using a piano and other instruments, and it gets universal acclaim...since when has that happened? Its not bland at all, maybe some people don't understand it, or her.. That not every type of music has to have a pounding baseline or synths...that of course, is for those who are used to that music and may find the type of music Adele makes, boring or bland. I bet she would be more respected if she wasn't labeled as "pop musics savior"
Thats exactly the problem. One song after another, its a ballad. Now I am partial for ballads, but not an album full of them! I agree that its bland, if you don't like one or two songs on the album, 9/10 times, you wont like the album. Also, its still top of the charts? Surely the whole world and his cousin has got that album by now!
It had been over-hyped too, I mean, jesus christ, its not that fucking good! I know plenty of artists who don't use synths, auto-tune, baselines etc and they get 0 recognition. On the instrument front, Adele plays none of them. She also only co-writes her music, getting about 30 external people in to help write it as well as a host of different producers, not really "her" album.
I don't know, maybe im just fed up with the constant hype surrounding Adele, heard Someone Like You played a few times too many or just have a bone to pick with pop music in general.
Edited by user 27 January 2012 07:59:00(UTC)
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