Originally Posted by: Roots 
I'm a christian and in the past, I have doubted the existence of "god". I grew up as a christian mainly because I was brought up that way.... I doubted god for the most common reason... Because no one can see him.
But it's like every time I read the bible, something just feels so true about it. Everything it says just seems so real. Especially 'Revelations'. One of the main reasons why I believe in god today are because of 'Revelations'.... Revelations scares the crap out of me because it talks about how during the end of times disaster, wars, poverty, disease, and stuff like that occurs.. It's a lot to explain but you'll have to read it yourself... But a lot of what it says in the bible, it's really happening now...
Also, do you think the world as we know it will come to an end this year? I'm nervous, yet not nervous at the same time.
First thing you need to understand is that disaster, wars, poverty disease, and all of the things you mention, have been happening to people for as long as there have been people. When the Black Death happened in the 14th century, I'm sure people thought that was the end of the world. World War 1 probably looked seemed the end of the world. I bet Hiroshima and Nagasaki seemed pretty apocalyptic to a lot of people. The Bay of Pigs as well... It has ALWAYS looked like the end of the world to some people.
If the Book of Revelation comes true, the faithful are supposed to be saved though so not to worry...
Seriously though, I think you should re-read the Book of Revelation.
As regards the Mayan thing, the Long Count Mayan calendar that supposedly places the end of time in December this year, is actually more like the rolling over of numbers on an odometer. The Mayans actually believed that they would change one of the numbers in their dating system. In fact, according to their calendar, this happened every 394 years. So you know, it could have been 1618, or it could be 2406 or maybe 12650.
That said, Davy Jones just died, maybe if Dolenz, Tork and Nesmith all buy the farm by Christmas it just might be the end of the world after all.