Aimery Achai: LIVE!
Looking out at the audience backstage, Aimery is a little nervous but excited. He has never performed in front on a crowd so large. "But there's always a first time for everything" Aimery says to himself. Taking in a deep breath, he breezes over the setlist. Which is filled with songs from his upcoming album "Rise", and a two covers of his favorite songs. Setlist:
C'est La Vie
Cool Kids
There She Goes (The La's Cover)
Must Be Love
War (Come Together)
I Wish They Knew
1979 (Smashing Pumpkins Cover)
After looking at them, his heart skips a beat. Knowing he is the first to perform he's gotta do the best he can to get the crowd pumped. Just 30 seconds before the show, Aimery takes a deep breath, shakes off his nerves and runs on stage to a roaring applause."What's up everyone! How are you guys doing right now?! Oh come on, you need to be louder than that! How are you guys doing tonight?! Alright, alright, alright that's what I wanna hear. This is dream come true, I never performed in front of this many people before. So to kick this thing off, I want everyone to sing this with me. Guess what it it."C'est Las Vie
The band begins to play the instrumental in a hand-stomp beat. Aimery and the crowd joins in stomping and clapping to the beat. Aimery points the microphone to the crowd and they sing the opening lines to the song.
C'est La Vie
C'est La Vie
"That's it guys! You're doing great"
C'est La Vie, That is life
Living the way that I please,
Doing things, having fun
You only get one life to live
I'm young today, I'm may die tomorrow
Lets have fun and forget our troubles
And kiss them away
Aimery walks to various audience members and shakes their hand and having them sing along to the chorus.
"You guys need to loosen up a little, jump around have fun, come on!"
C'est La Vie
C'est La Vi
Why be sad,
when life is the best thing you ever had
Hold my hand, I'll guide you through
this world, and unfurl the mysteries that we call life
Our troubles are here today, gone tomorrow
But I'll be with you forever
"Now stop!"
The band stops playing and Aimery smiles at the crowd as they cheer.
"This is where it get serious. I need you guys to stomp and clap as hard as you hand and sing and shout till you can't anymore. You guys an amazing audience, keep it up!"
C'est La Vie
C'est La Vi
"Oh man you guys are effing amazing! Seriously the best crowd I've ever had. I hope when you guys go home you will live a little more on the wild side. Now, I got another song for you guys. Its from my upcoming album and its called "Cool Kids". Its a song I wrote not to long ago about conformity, we all conform no doubt about that. But some of use conform to the point we lose who we truly are. I want everyone here to be who you are, be yourself at cliche as its sounds its what we all need to be. We don't need a world filled with copycats. Let me stop the lecturing and sing". Cool Kids
Sounds Like
The guitar player strums his guitar, which is followed by the keyboardists, drummer and then bass. Adding a lush layer of music reminiscent of 80s new wave. Aimery puts on some black shades, takes a sip of water and begins to sing.
Coolest kids on the block,
everyone trembles when they walk,
they're bad news,
but they make everything seem so good
Look at them the wrong way,
you better hope you end up okay
All they do is drink,
and get high all day
Party every week,
and sex all night
Only way to be them,
is to sell your soul away
Aimery points to the audience and says "don't you wanna be a cool kid?"
Don't you wanna be a cool kid?
Be apart of something you never were before
Be a cool kid and get to rule the world
Don't we all wanna be a cool kid?
(Oh) one of the cool kids (cool kids)
Be a prick and get away with it,
get the hottest chicks
and do bad just for kicks
Their the cool kids,
people work their whole life to be one of them
But is it worth it in the end?
Don't you wanna be a cool kid?
Be apart of something you never were before
Be a cool kid and get to rule the world
Don't we all wanna be a cool kid?
(Oh) one of the cool kids (cool kids)
Don't you wanna be a cool kid?
Be apart of something you never were before
Be a cool kid and get to rule the world
Don't we all wanna be a cool kid?
(Oh) one of the cool kids (cool kids)
"Now its time to introduce the band. Here's Brad with the guitar, make it cry Brad!" Brad shreds his guitar and does a solo, literally making his guitar weep.
"Now let's hear it for Sasha our drummer". Sasha gives a heart thumping beat and throws her drumsticks in the air a couple of times.
"Here's J.T. with the keyboard". J.T. does a synthetic keyboard solo, and throws in a little "Jump" from Van Halen .
"And last but not least, Jay on the bass". Jay walks up and does his bass solo in a funky cool way.
"Let's here it with the band, who I will call the Cool Kids cause it sounds cool" Aimery chuckles. "Let's finish this!"
Say what you want,
they're the cool kids,
and you're not
You don't wanna be them
Be yourself
Life will catch up in the end
"I love that song, one of my favorites on the album. Now I got for you guys another song I wrote a few years ago, its called "Rise". Now don't get me wrong, I'm no anarchist, I just believe in doing what's right and the idiots in power clearly are not. I think we as a people need to be more proactive in our beliefs and in politics. It will affect us directly or indirectly, so stand up for what you believe in"
Aimery sits on a stool and gets his acoustic guitar, with a serious face he hums and gently plays the guitar,and slowly builds its intensity.
We are all living in a fucked up world,
idiots in power and people with no morals
What are we to do but live along with it
Change only makes things worse
and every blessing seems like a curse
Stand up and you'll get shot (bang bang)
Sit down and you'll lose everything you got
What are we to do?
What's going on?
Are these idiots coming up with a New World Order?
Get ready for it, cause' Big Brother will always be watching
A world with no freedom will cause us all to lose faith
Ask yourself this,
What are you living for?
To be controlled and manipulated?
To be fed lies like everything is gonna be alright?
Aimery quickly plays his guitar and begins to ad lib, he then gets up and kicks his stool back and sings the chorus.
"I need you guys to do me a favor, when I point my guitar at you say rise. Got that okay say it."
Rise, so everything can be alright
Rise, so you can have rights
Rise, so our youth may have a chance
Rise, so you won't be told lies
We're people not numbers,
we have souls and a mind
Use them to think not hate
Government is there to protect us
but all they're doing is killing us
Propaganda and words of hate
Is like evil spreading though our veins,
a never ending plague that will corrupt us all
And suck us in like a black hole
Rise, so everything can be alright
Rise, so you can have rights
Rise, so our youth may have a chance
Rise, so you won't be told lies
I'm singing this song to open your minds,
to tell you whats going on
We together as a people are far stronger,
than anything a government can concoct
We must stand together and rise
And say with me this
Rise, so everything can be alright
Rise, so you can have rights
Rise, so our youth may have a chance
Rise, so you won't be told lies
"Now everyone shout rise!" The crowd shouts rise and claps along, the Sasha on the drums pumps up the crowd.
Rise, rise, rise, rise!
"Great job as usual! Now I got a favorite song of mines, its called "There She Goes" by The La's. Its so simple and refreshing to hear, which is why its one of my favorite songs ever. So without the wait lets go".There She Goes - The La's Cover
The covered song
Brad begins to play the opening riff which is followed by Sasha, Aimery then plays his guitar and begins to sing the song. The crowd begins to cheer and sing along, and Aimery smiles in delight seeing everyone join in.
There she goes
There she goes again
Racing through' my brain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she blows
There she blows again
Pulsing through' my vein
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she goes, there she goes again
She calls my name, pulls my train
No-one else could heal my pain
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
There she goes
There she goes again
Chasing down my lane
And I just can't contain
This feelin' that remains
"Every time I hear that song, or play it I get this awesome feeling inside. Has to be one of the best songs every, don't you all agree. Now I got another little love song called "Must Be Love", it has that summer-ey island flavor to it. Speaking of summer, who's pumped for it? I know I am, I love summer. This one goes out to all the lovers out there, you know who you are. J.T. smack those keyboards!" Must Be Love
Sounds a little like this.
What is this feeling coming over me,
I thought it could never be,
I feel weird when I'm next to you
Could it be love that I'm feeling
Or just some infatuation
Must be, must be, must be love
Love, love, love
Must be, must be, must be
love, love, love
With that dress you wear,
and your long brown hair,
you drive me crazy whenever you are near
You smile and my day goes great,
when you laugh my I know my fate,
and its to be with you
Forever and always
Must be, must be, must be love
Love, love, love
Must be, must be, must be
love, love, love
Blessed with the most beautiful eyes,
I know that you are mines
You have style and grace,
and I know you were made in heaven
Because no girl on earth could compare
I don't know how I can bare a world without you
And I must admit, I love you
J.T. does a solo on the keyboards along with Jay on the bass, Aimery ab libs and kids around on the mic. The crowd cheers and sings along to the final chorus.
Must be, must be, must be love
Love, love, love
Must be, must be, must be
love, love, love
"Now this song is really personal, I think we all this way. This feeling that we have to give up because things aren't going right, like you're losing your faith. I'm not too spiritual, but this song is how I felt some time ago. I didn't think my career was going anywhere, I couldn't write songs, I lose all inspiration for music, and the will to live. So I did some pretty shitty things to get by each day. Then it hit me ya' know. I was standing there like how stupid am I, so I brushed my shoulders and pushed myself. And here I am now, in front of you doing what I love to do." Sounds Like
We all lose ourselves in the beauty of sin,
time and time again I become someone I'm not
I can't blame the drink of evil,
or the sweet fruits of hell
But my own free will
I fell to temptation, and lost my faith
Like an angel fallen from heaven
I was changed and out of my element
I must keep my faith,
as I walk with satan
I must keep my head up high
and look to the sky
For I know this is just a storm
And paradise is at the end
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Just being strong,
and walk through this long journey called life
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith

Hate will keep me trapped in the bowels darkness,
only love and compassion may set me free
Keep my heart warm, and my thoughts kind
I will hold on to my hope, and bear my pain
When all the lights are on, but there is no one home
Who can I run to when I need a shoulder?
I have no choice but to hold on to my faith
because I know its the only thing that can never escape me
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Just being strong,
and walk through this long journey called life
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Brad amps up his guitar and strums it after every phrase, Aimery belts the final line of the verse and the music stops so its only his voice and Brads guitar as he belts it.
When life plays its cards, the wicked will fall
The good will triumph
But where will my fate end?
I just have to walk on this journey we call life,
and let the wind lead me to where I need to go
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Just being strong,
and walk through this long journey called life
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
Just keepin' the faith
keeping the faith
"I can't stop smiling, this is too surreal, pinch me someone I must be dreaming. This song right here is a folky track that was very inspired by the 60s and 70s. And if you know your stuff you will catch the many references to the past. I need you guys to get your lighters up, if you don't have one take your phone out and wave it. This one is just gonna be and my guitar. 1,2,3,4."War (Come Together)
They say they're gonna bomb us,
murder, and rape us
Make fear in our hearts,
and panic in our minds
Pillage our towns,
and cleanse our culture
They want war,
they want to make us no more
Ask yourself this,
Who am I living for?
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
War what is is good for?
Pain and suffering?
Or our leaders ego boost?
Peace and love may sound cliche
But we must come together for the sake of it
A great man once said
an eye for an eye will make us all blind
Don't fight for the sake of mankind
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
Put flowers in their guns,
and love in their hearts
Remember those weapons will kill your sons,
Our parents fought for freedom,
in that hot summer of love
They preached about making love not war
So put down your differences,
and acknowledge your similarities
You will see we are all the same,
in our special way
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
Our problems are like dust in the wind
they fly away and never return
Lets all sit down, and make solutions,
to a temporary problems
Hold your arms, and only use them for a sweet embrace
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
"I think that was my favorite songs I have ever written, I sampled the chorus from the Youngbloods, you guys should know. Its been said and sung so my times by so many people, and it still hasn't lost its meaning in the shuffle. I don't wanna bog you down with my political music, but its who I am, and that's what your here for right? I like to speak my mind, and I feel I do it best through my music. This is another acoustic song I will be doing for you guys now, its called "I Wish They Knew" and its about. . . well I'll let the song speak for itself."I Wish They Knew
Aimery sings and the crowd waves their lighters or phones in the air, the music is just Aimery and his guitar as he sings with strong emotion and anger. He plays his guitar harder when the lyrics questions the motives of politicians. In the last verse he belts and shouts the lyrics with strong aggression, as if he were protesting on stage.
Living in a world full of corruption,
and politicians lying for our money
soon there will be a eruption of ideologies
I wish they they know, that money can't save their lives
when the people rise they'll cause a worldwide disruption
You got now where to hide, we know your lies
Boy I wish they knew
Oh boy I wish they knew
Boy I wish they knew
I want you to take a walk with me
So I wish you can see what I see
A boy who doesn't get enough to eat,
because his mom can't make ends meet
How do you sleep while the world suffers?
How can you hate someone because they are gay?
and why raise taxes so you can live the way you do?
Boy I wish I knew
Oh boy I wish I knew
Boy I wish I knew
Do you know about hard work?
living on less then minimum wage
and not having enough to eat
Do you know their are homeless people on the street?
Living on drugs to take the pain away
And what about a mother who sells her body
to keep the clothes on her back
No you don't know how they feel
But I wish you did
I really wish you did
Sounds like
"The show is almost coming to a close, so I want to leave you with two songs about youth. The first one is called "Youth" and its about teenage angst and society through the mind of someone caught in two worlds. I wrote this as a reflection of what my friends and I went through. I didn't want to be like what everyone was trying to make me be, so I ran away."
Looking to the sky,
and making wishes that will be never be
With every shooting star,
we dream of what we will grow up to be
Running in the wind and being free
Nothing can stop us now
until we find what life really means
Our minds are in this war,
screaming out loud
Is this life worth fighting for?!
Life seems like a dream,
what does it all mean?
Stuck in a crossroad
Don't know which way to turn
Follow the crowd or go my own way
We are the youth,
the lost souls of the damned
Lost in this world,
in a never ending journey
We are the youth
Society tells us lies,
but our heart tells us the truth
The song builds up and J.T. does a solo on the keyboards. The band sings the chorus in unison, while Aimery sings melismatically.
Should we do what they say,
or continue living the lies they want us to portray
If I rebel they'll call me the enemy,
If I do as they say,
It'll tear my soul away
We are the youth,
the lost souls of the damned
Lost in this world,
in a never ending journey
We are the youth
Society tells us lies,
but our heart tells us the truth
Caught in the middle,
What are we to do?
They make life like a riddle,
Be yourself and become an outcast,
Be like everyone else
and life will go well
We are the youth,
the lost souls of the damned
Lost in this world,
in a never ending journey
We are the youth
Society tells us lies,
but our heart tells us the truth
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins Cover
Covered song
"Another favorite of mines is 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins, its about teens who were born in 79' and grew up in the 90s. But it can be applied to all decades. It wouldn't be complete if you guys don't sing along with me. So I want you to sing the best you can, cause tonight we're young"
Shakedown 1979
Cool kids never have the time
On a live wire right up off the street
You and I should meet
Junebug skipping like a stone
With the headlights pointed at the dawn
We were sure we'd never see an end
To it all
And I don't even care
To shake these zipper blues
And we don't know
Just where our bones will rest to dust
I guess forgotten and absorbed
Into the earth below
Double cross the vacant and the bored
They're not sure just what we have in store
Morphine city slippin dues
Down to see
That we don't even care
As restless as we are
We feel the pull
In the land of a thousand guilts
And poured cement
Lamented and assured
To the lights and towns below
Faster than the speed of sound
Faster than we thought we'd go
Beneath the sound of hope
Justine never knew the rules
Hung down with the freaks and the ghouls
No apologies ever need be made
I know you better than you fake it
Aimery stops singing for awhile and lets the crowd finish some of the songs before completing it with them.
To see that we don't care
To shake these zipper blues
And we don't know
Just where our bones will rest to dust
I guess forgotten and absorbed
Into the earth below
The street heats the urgency of sound
As you can see there's no one around
The band does a little jam just going with the slow improvising. Aimery runs around shaking fans hands and screaming "thank you"
"I really don't want to cry, but this was amazing, and memory I will never forget. You guys were awesome, I feel complete. I was nervous at first, but I warmed up like butter when you guys received me so well. I hope to sing for you guys in the future. Much love, peace!"
Aimery and the band take a bow and run off the stage to the cheer of the crowd.