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#21 Posted : 03 May 2012 07:10:49(UTC)
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- Hey guys! Check this out, it's an interview Ryan done with Pitchfork. Decent little insight into what to expect on the record. Very happy with the write up they gave us too!

MLC xo

MLC frontman Ryan Williams gives us the low-down on 'Secrets'

'An empty apartment, a bottle of whiskey and a guitar wrote this record'


When we think of the pre-production process of a new album, our heads usually sway to an image of an artist in a studio with producers and extras, practicing and writing new tracks. As a matter of fact, that happens often. Misery Loves Company done the same thing for debut album Two Sides To The Story which was a major commercial success and gave teenagers everywhere a sore head from head banging, and their parents a migraine from listening to the bands infectious, upbeat pop-punk tunes. So, one might ask, why do anything different the next time around? Stick to what your comfortable with and what actually is going to make you a very, very rich man.
However Misery Loves Company wanted to drift away from the pop-punk scene gracefully, unfortunately due to their large following they were always going to have questions to answer when album number two came around the block. The band will be the first to tell you that they were not happy with their last album, although rarely an artist will admit they loved their album, Misery Loves Company truly believed the album shouldn't have been so much of a success. When we caught up with drummer Josh Heyler before the recording of the new album 3-4 months ago, he told us that the band were "fighting" against their management and label for full control on the upcoming record. The past album had many producers, mixers and even several co-writers something Misery Loves Company weren't entirely happy with.
Luckily, their wish was granted. The band were permitted to do the new album in there own terms; no external input without their permission. Immediately after hearing this the band entered the studio - a farmhouse in Phoenix, Arizona - alongside producer and fried Colby Wilson were they recorded sophomore album, Secrets. The recording process involved them cutting themselves off from the outside world for 16 hours a day as they battled to make an album which best depicted their sound. For most fans, this would be the worst thing to ever happen to Misery Loves Company. To others, including ourselves here at Culture Uncut, it would prove to be the making of Misery Loves Company.
What the band have created in Secrets is 11 beautifully heart-wrenching tracks which pull all the right strings (pun intended). Written largely with an acoustic guitar, each track sounds warm yet full of soul and emotion. When we received an early copy of the album we fell in love with it instantly, it took some serious will power to stop hitting the repeat button as each song passed.
We caught up with Ryan Williams, the lead singer and rhythm guitarist of the band who wrote ALL of the songs himself. We quizzed him on what the album was essentially about, the writing/recording process and what is the next steps in what promises to be a long career for the band.

Ryan first of all, can you give us a concrete release date for 'Secrets' yet?

Ryan: Yes! Secrets will be release May 24th. It's been a bit of a struggle settling on a release date, but we've got there!

Good stuff! The album is titled 'Secrets', what is the meaning behind that?

Ryan: Well for the past year or so instead of being honest with myself and others, ive bottled up all of my feelings and kept them tight. I was so worried that people people would find out, or if they did find out how they would react to it all. So for the writing process I told myself I would be as honest and open as I could, just vent out on paper. As a result we wrote maybe 15-25 songs which all had a place close to my heart.

How did you become honest with yourself for the writing process? What was the key?

Ryan: Everyones different from everyone else, but I have a real difficulty of opening up or, telling someone how I feel or doing what I feel is right. It's not fear of judgment or because im scared, im way passed caring about those. But it's rather a question of 'what does this mean?'. If I do this, then what will it do to this, or this, or that. I really over think things. So around December/January time, I found myself with no plans and stuck in my cold apartment during the Winter. So I cracked out my guitar and a bottle of whiskey and got really emotional for about a week. I started feeling sorry for myself and even brought myself to tears whilst writing the record!

So we can expect some personal songs on the record?

Ryan: Yeah definitely. I mean, to others they may not grab you or pull you in like they do to me or to and Josh. But what your getting is 11 brutally honest tracks out there for you. You guys already covered one of the tracks which I got a little emotional over playing live, that is really touching song and one which I will probably never perform live again! It contains a lot of songs written in a 3rd person narrative, I took myself out of my own body and rather watched myself through a window.

And then recording. How was it recording in a farmhouse with limited equipment?

Ryan: Well I wouldn't say we had limited equipment. We had everything we needed and required to complete the record the way we wanted to, so resources were not a problem. But recording in there was really fun! it was really intimate and we actually had a power cut a few times, so we lit candles up and just performed in the dark which was incredible! We also brought in our good friend Colby Wilson from Alaskan Sunrise - who we'll also be on tour with next month - and he was awesome. He had the same vision as us and was prepared to listen and really just, help create our record.

Finally, what is in store for the future of MLC? We know your contract with current label Studio60 is up soon, will you be renewing it?

Ryan: That's a touchy subject! Nahh, im kidding. We don't know, genuinely. We haven't had much contact from Studio60 regarding this whole situation and to be honest, we haven't really been thinking about it either. The idea of doing everything ourselves from now on is tempting and sounds like a route we'd like to go, but we're ruling nothing out. For now we're just happy to get this album out and to hear the reaction!


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GirlSpice on 03/05/2012(UTC), PANIC! on 03/05/2012(UTC), erich hess on 03/05/2012(UTC)
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#22 Posted : 03 May 2012 07:21:30(UTC)
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Nadia: MLC never fail to make me fall in love with their music, so I'm expecting big things from this new album... no pressure! Either way, Secrets has to be one of my most anticipated albums of the year so far, May 24th cannot come soon enough. I wish you guys the best of luck with everything, but I doubt you'll all need it because from the sounds of it, this upcoming album is gonna be incredible.

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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#23 Posted : 03 May 2012 07:23:33(UTC)
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Ryan: Well if/when your contract with Studio60 comes to a close, I will personally give you guys a call. We all know Liberation/Nomad Records is where it's at. *whistles innocently* Also, you guys are lucky that your new album is coming a few days before mine, I'm a fan, but I would have crushed you guys if it came out the same day.
Offline genocidal king  
#24 Posted : 03 May 2012 07:35:43(UTC)
genocidal king
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Cassie: An apartment wrote a record? Oh...I see what.you did there. You guys know how much of a superfan I am of your work. 24th May is in my diary. I KNOW it will be awesome.
Offline Mckenzie-  
#25 Posted : 05 May 2012 03:02:57(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Nadia: MLC never fail to make me fall in love with their music, so I'm expecting big things from this new album... no pressure! Either way, Secrets has to be one of my most anticipated albums of the year so far, May 24th cannot come soon enough. I wish you guys the best of luck with everything, but I doubt you'll all need it because from the sounds of it, this upcoming album is gonna be incredible.

Ryan: Thank you so much, Nadia! It's people like you that keep us making music and doing what we love. Just knowing that even 1 person likes it, that could keep us going forever! We're really stoked to get it out, we were landed with a few tags like a "teen band" after our first record. So hopefully this will change some minds and people will love it!

Originally Posted by: PANIC! Go to Quoted Post
Ryan: Well if/when your contract with Studio60 comes to a close, I will personally give you guys a call. We all know Liberation/Nomad Records is where it's at. *whistles innocently* Also, you guys are lucky that your new album is coming a few days before mine, I'm a fan, but I would have crushed you guys if it came out the same day.

Nate: I think we tried to plan around that. We didn't really want to compete with you... I mean, can anyone? We will also look into your offer when we find our situation fully! Thanks again, Ryan.

Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Cassie: An apartment wrote a record? Oh...I see what.you did there. You guys know how much of a superfan I am of your work. 24th May is in my diary. I KNOW it will be awesome.

Josh: Thank you Cassie! Yeah, a little word play was used.. we hope everyone noticed. But yeah, thanks again, we love having your continued support and I must admit, having a superfan is fucking badass!
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Offline Princess_Valentine  
#26 Posted : 05 May 2012 09:34:26(UTC)
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Harmony: I hopes you guys stay with stuido60 cause my grandma wants to meets you guys. If you leave, she'll chase me again. :(

Jen: I'm beyond excited about this album. I hope all goes well. :)

Offline Mckenzie-  
#27 Posted : 05 May 2012 23:41:12(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Princess_Valentine Go to Quoted Post
Harmony: I hopes you guys stay with stuido60 cause my grandma wants to meets you guys. If you leave, she'll chase me again. :(

Jen: I'm beyond excited about this album. I hope all goes well. :)

Nate: We'll do what we can, Harmony! Like I said, it's not fully in our hands.

Ryan: Thank you Jen! We hope you like it as much as we do.
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#28 Posted : 29 May 2012 20:51:50(UTC)
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Bad news. As you probably know the album should of been up on iTunes and on our website this week. And as you are probably wondering, it isn't. We come baring bad news.

Our management thought it would be a good idea for us to release a vinyl of the record and 2 acoustic versions of songs. Believe me.. we had something huge planned for it, but it's out of our hands. Therefor the release has to be put back until June 16th. Seriously guys, you don't know how much this hurt us having to do this. We have been pumped for the last few weeks, ready to get this record out to you all but unfortunately we have to wait another while. No excuses, this is terrible and should never have been done last minute.

We promise we'll make it up to you. As of now, we have recorded 17 songs from our time in the studio.. the record has just 11. These other 6 will be made into an EP sometime over summer.. and it will be FREE! Once again, a huge sorry from all of us and believe me, nobody is more disappointed by this decision than the 3 of us. Luckily now we can get this out to you all in 17 days. But we will start by premiering a new song this week.

Sit tight & much love

(OOC: Honestly lost track of the release date. Been studying for exams for the past month and have had no time to write it all up.)
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RoseJapanFan on 29/05/2012(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#29 Posted : 29 May 2012 20:56:16(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: I had wondered about this. It happens at times when we lose track of RP and time escapes though :P You're still doing better than me though, I have yet to release an album due on April the 7th haha. Totally lost the creative streak for it.

Scott: This is a shame to hear. But I know when it lands, it will be spectacular. Having been in this industry for as long as I have, I know hold-ups happen. I'm sure no one will hold it against you.
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#30 Posted : 29 May 2012 23:28:42(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: I had wondered about this. It happens at times when we lose track of RP and time escapes though :P You're still doing better than me though, I have yet to release an album due on April the 7th haha. Totally lost the creative streak for it.

Scott: This is a shame to hear. But I know when it lands, it will be spectacular. Having been in this industry for as long as I have, I know hold-ups happen. I'm sure no one will hold it against you.

OOC: Yeah.. ive been lacking some serious creativity lately because ive been so bored with revision. But hopefully we will both get round to releasing them sooner rather than later haha :P

Josh: Thanks man. Yeah, we were gutted when we found out about the delay. Sometimes things just aint in your side of the court, which is ironic. Anyway, thanks for the support and we hope that it will be worth the wait!
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#31 Posted : 11 June 2012 23:46:47(UTC)
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new single 'half way home' to debut on the 14/06


"Why does love always have to end as a sad song?
Why does love never last that long?
Why does love always have to end as a sad, sad song?"

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C4AJoh on 12/06/2012(UTC)
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#32 Posted : 15 June 2012 01:53:23(UTC)
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misery loves company - half way home


Released: 17.06.12
Recorded: January 2012 (Arizona Farmhouse)
Genre: Alternative rock, Folk, Indie, Pop-rock
Length: 04:34
Label: Studio60
Writer: Ryan Williams
Producer: Colby Wilson

Song Review: What a refreshing site in music it is when a band finds a sound they are comfortable with. Flashback 2 years to the pop-punk that was coming from the garage of Misery Loves Company. What a change they have undergone, you sometimes forget this is the same band! Guitarist Nate Barker announced via twitter that this song was the most folky the band has ever created, stating that they have used multi-instruments on it. Opening with a solo acoustic guitar (which has become Misery Loves Company's trademark), although it is backed up with a mellow cello playing behind it. From the opening second you can tell that MLC have experimented here, as Williams comes in with short bursted verses, the Americana folk edge buzzes off him. The bass drum hurry's us up as we enter the hook where Williams cried out "Why does love always have end as a sad song?", before coming back down to a solo cello for the first chorus. The tempo picks up slightly during the second verse as Williams sings a little louder with the acoustic taking a more secure strumming patterning as the beautiful cello continues in the background. The song speed up with the bridge, as we hear almost gang vocals like singing on it, before slowing right down as he approaches the chorus. Drummer Josh Heyler remains consistent with his bass drum and a tambourine follows that. Williams sings the first 2 bars of the chorus with a single strummed guitar note before we reach silence for a few brief seconds. A beautiful key change is then incorporated as Williams begins shouting out "We're almost half way home", to a much higher tempo. As he finishes up, the song plays out with with a slow single strumming pattern and low cello notes.

Writers Comments: The whole album really revolves around well, 2 girls in particular. The songs I wrote were about them, or had something to do with them in some way, shape or form. So I wrote Half Way Home during the initial song writing process when I locked myself away in my empty apartment, I was living in Los Angeles and moving out the next day, so was packing my bags. I came across some pictures or memories rather of a certain someone and it just really took me back, and made me remember how much I actually missed this person. I got really nostalgic about the time I spent with this girl and it all flowed really. But yeah, afterwards when we hit the studio in Tempe I showed the boys it acoustically and our heads just kinda filled with ideas on where to take it or what to do with it. It's probably the folkiest song we've ever done, but when we we're making it, it all just felt so natural and comfortable so I can definitely see us trying more music of a similar sound in the future.


Let’s not pretend, that we both seen this coming
A few bucks and a bottle of Jack is all I’ve got to my name
And when I’m home all alone, I find myself waiting by the phone
She would always turn and say that she loved me
I couldn’t help but smile and repeat to her the same
There’s something about this man that drinks alone
Could drink himself to death and no-one would have known

Why does love always have to end as a sad song?
Why does love never last that long?

Alone once again like how I always used to be
Don’t roll the dice again son, this isn’t down to luck
Put on her favourite CD and bring back the memories
We’re almost half way home
It’s all too often that they come then go

It was approaching half past 8 and the sun had died down
She had already packed her bags, time for her to leave town
And in a great flash the room started to fill up with tears
After all of these years my only love would be a guitar
There she goes now, watch her step into her car
It is time for me to start the long journey back home
I never really like it here anyway
It is time for me to get away

Why does love always have to end as a sad song?
Why does love never last that long?

Alone once again like how I always used to be
Don’t roll the dice again son, this isn’t down to luck
Put on her favourite CD and bring back the memories
We’re almost half way home
It’s all too often that they come then go

Im no longer the same at night
There is one thing I can take off of my mind, that’s your sight
Who knew that my heart could beat faster just overnight?
Your friends think your too good for me,
Ill never be the man they want to see
This will be the death of me...

Alone once again like how I always used to be
Don’t roll the dice again son, this isn’t down to luck
Put on her favourite CD and bring back the memories
We’re almost half way home
It’s all too often that they come then go

Why does love always have to end as a sad song?
Why does love never last that long?
Why does love always have to end as a sad, sad song?

sounds like:
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RoseJapanFan on 15/06/2012(UTC), C4AJoh on 15/06/2012(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#33 Posted : 15 June 2012 01:57:06(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: Great stuff. I really like the lyrics in this.
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Mckenzie- on 15/06/2012(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#34 Posted : 15 June 2012 02:17:51(UTC)
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Isabel: Ahhh...this song makes me wanna chill for some reason, love the lyrics.
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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Mckenzie- on 15/06/2012(UTC)
Offline GirlSpice  
#35 Posted : 15 June 2012 04:19:52(UTC)
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Nadia: MLC never fail to make amazing music time and time again. I'm a huge fan of you guys, and one reason for that is because your material has always been of great quality, and you guys just keep getting better and better. This song has to be my favourite from you yet, I wish you the best of luck with it.

OOC: Love the lyrics! Really well done. :)

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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Mckenzie- on 15/06/2012(UTC)
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#36 Posted : 15 June 2012 07:17:11(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Great stuff. I really like the lyrics in this.

OOC: Thanks man, means alot!

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Isabel: Ahhh...this song makes me wanna chill for some reason, love the lyrics.

Josh: Thank you, Isabel! Well, aslong as it makes you feel something, right?

Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Nadia: MLC never fail to make amazing music time and time again. I'm a huge fan of you guys, and one reason for that is because your material has always been of great quality, and you guys just keep getting better and better. This song has to be my favourite from you yet, I wish you the best of luck with it.

OOC: Love the lyrics! Really well done. :)

Ryan: Thank you, Nadia! We love getting compliments of people we admire, we just kinda sit and face each other trying to hold in a cheesy smile! But im glad you think we're progressing, obviously it's much better than remaining stagnant or taking a step backwards. We appreciate all your comments!

OOC: Thank you very much :)!
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Offline AcrossTheOcean  
#37 Posted : 15 June 2012 07:19:20(UTC)
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Alex: You guys are seriously one of the best bands in the industry! I think im going to have to stay up till midnight tomorrow to buy the new album!

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Mckenzie- on 15/06/2012(UTC)
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#38 Posted : 15 June 2012 20:52:23(UTC)
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Amy Meyer: I love this track, it's so simplistic which is exactly what I believe music should be, it's like a call-back to the traditional folk value's but with a modern spin, it's rare to find that these days and now I'm almost becoming desperate to get my grubby little hands on your new album, can't wait guys!

OOC: Brilliant job with the whole thing, loved the lyrics too! :)
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Mckenzie- on 16/06/2012(UTC)
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#39 Posted : 16 June 2012 04:04:48(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: AcrossTheOcean Go to Quoted Post
Alex: You guys are seriously one of the best bands in the industry! I think im going to have to stay up till midnight tomorrow to buy the new album!

Nate: Thank you bro. Glad you're interested in the album.

Originally Posted by: C4AJoh Go to Quoted Post
Amy Meyer: I love this track, it's so simplistic which is exactly what I believe music should be, it's like a call-back to the traditional folk value's but with a modern spin, it's rare to find that these days and now I'm almost becoming desperate to get my grubby little hands on your new album, can't wait guys!

OOC: Brilliant job with the whole thing, loved the lyrics too! :)

Ryan: Thank you very much, Amy! We actually got quite a bit of backlash from some fans, which is to be expected. The word sell out has been thrown around a little, but we reject every notion of it. But thank you for your support, and believe us, you guys will have a little copy in your mailbox come tomorrow!

OOC: Thank you so much!
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#40 Posted : 18 June 2012 05:00:24(UTC)
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Track 01 - Goodbye To Yesterday

(Ryan and Josh, shortly after arriving in Tempe to write record number 2)

the track

Goodbye To Yesterday starts off slow, with Ryan Williams vocals sounding very dark and cold over a slow melodic drone playing in the background. There is a constant snap of the cymbals as he continues singing through the first verse before the song breaks down to a solo piano and haunting vocals as he sings the brief chorus. The song then picks up slightly as the unorthodox album opener continues slowly, Williams pushes through the second verse quickly before once again it's stripped down to just a piano for the chorus. As Williams sings the brief 3 bared verse, the drums start building momentum before breaking into multi-instrument climax. Continuing with light drums which are accompanied by a clean lead guitar, acoustic guitar and upbeat piano beat. Williams screams out the final few bars of the song to the feel good instrumental section.


This was actually one of the first songs we began writing after the first album. We we're thinking, 'how can we show people how our music still has all the same ingredients, but is more suited to us as a band'. We realized how hard that was going to be, but on the road I began writing this song and then scrapped it completely because I didn't like the direction it was taking. So when we got back to the studio, Colby [producer] asked to hear some early demos. So I showed him Goodbye To Yesterday and he was like 'why don't you like this?'. So we started working on it again, and thought well, lets make this the one. Let's make this one resemble our sound most. But basically it's the same content lyrically that our previous music has had, folk should realize by now im a hopeless romantic! It starts really haunting and sad, but evolves into this beautiful feel good opener that sets the tone for the record.

For so long I struggled to make myself come alive
We would meet down by the lake with all our friends
Never thought about what will happen when it all ends
Smoking those cigarettes thinking we were cool
Like skipping class and never going to school
You were present at the first time we played a show
Sung along with us even though the attendance was low

Just say goodbye, say goodbye, goodbye

Standing outside in pissing rain
The tears begin to flow from your pretty face
Mascara begins to streak, you want out of this place
Realisation had now started to kick in
This is not where we should have been
Growing up you were an experience i’ll never forget
You where the biggest mistake that i’ll never regret

Just say goodbye, say goodbye, goodbye

The screams are echoing around the town
The goodbyes will bring you down
Stop those tears now, before you make your heart drown

And ill sing,
Just say goodbye, say goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye,
(Ill not stay another day)
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye,
(I think its time im on my way)
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye,
(Away we go, today)
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye,
(Away we go, today)
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye,

Here we go baby,
Oh, oh
(Just say goodbye to yesterday)
The end of something wonderful,
The start of something beautiful

Sounds Like:

Edited by user 18 June 2012 22:36:05(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

retired x
thanks 1 user thanked Mckenzie- for this useful post.
C4AJoh on 20/06/2012(UTC)
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