Please enjoy this all new interview from the up and coming recording artist, Xena Bennington! Enjoy....How do you feel about the buzz you have certainly generated since the launch of your website?It's really been an ace! yanno? I certainly wouldn't think I could move such so many people with my goals. So I think it's all very positive for someone like me who has been fighting to get noticed for such a long time seem to actually be getting somewhere. When you finally reach that point, it's just full of excitement. So I'm very appreciated for all the blokes and chick's who have been by lil ol' me's side since the beginning. They won't be disappointed.
Since you've got the internet speaking of you, what can you tell people about what their seeing, who you are as a person or an artist... Well my name is Xena, I'm Australian and I'm a cool freakin chick! Haha, I kid, I kid. Well aside from that, I'm a musician who's on a mission. I know I sound forceful but I want to make a change. I want to show people who are different, not only musically, to feel free to do what they gotta do and to not be afraid of being different, or sounding different. Not having the style of what "in at the moment" but something of your own, something that's unorthodoxed. I don't sound like the Nadia Berry's, Weekend's and Isabel's and although I respect them highly for what they have accomplished and even some of their songs....many up and coming artists who don't exactly sound anything like that, who sound completely opposite actually...stop short because their afraid that they won't get noticed because of what's "in", I've seen it happen. An artist comes out, and they don't sound like what's trending and in turn don't get noticed, they stop short. And when it comes to me, I won't just stop short. I'm gonna pull all the way through despite it may, or may not being "in". Quite frankly, I just want to make music that's enjoyable and remembered and not worry about whether or not it'll be successful, I'll never do that or else the music won't be good. I'll be too busy worrying about what sounds successful rather then what makes my fans inspired. I'm making music, I'm doing what I love. It'll be awesome, I ain't worrying about a damn thing, why stress it?
You were born in Australia, correct? How is life different there, from other countries like the United States and United Kingdom? Yes, that is correct. It's not that easy to just answer that question. I actually can't really answer it at all. Because wherever you go, the people who live their, the life style, the language, will be different. It's so much that I could sit here and explain to you about what's different from Australia to the United Kingdom, from the United Kingdom to the United States that it would just take hours. I can't specifically put my finger on one thing because there's just so much. Each lifestyle is just so interesting too. One thing that I can say, is that people often get this image in this mind about Australia being a big huge land full of grass and kangaroos, you would have to be a total drongo to believe that because its complete bullshit. It's a beautiful place, it really is.
You seem very proud of your Australian heritageYes, I am. I'm very proud to be an Aussie's. Many Australian people are patriotic and I think it's just an Aussie thing? *laughs*. I'm usually not afraid of showing my accent, hehe. I know I may sound really professional right now because I'm getting interviewed, but I'm such a slangster when I'm back at home. It's really funny actually.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a musician?When it was alil girl back in Australia when I was 14. I mean, who doesn't love music growing up, I was no different even before I turned fourteen...I knew I wanted to be a musician when my Ol' man [father] brought me a piano keyboard...from their it was all about creating my own music from there. I was always the oddball when it came to the type of music I was listening to from the age of 14, and on. When my mates would be listening to Kylie Minogue, Keith Urban and more...I was still listening to people like Frank Zappa, The Beatles, Pink Floyd ..and others. People used to always think I was off my rocker because I was still listening to that type of music but that's lengendary music that will never will be outdated and listening to them, I really learned more in this craft that we call music. Of course we love the Kylie's and what not, that's always good. But Frank Zappa is great for the brain.. *laughs*. I knew from that moment forward this was what I wanted to do ...and now I'm here, doin' it.
So 3 years ago, how was life for Xena Bennington? I was working my arse off! I've been trying to get to get to this bit since I was 14! I was back home recording small mixtapes and doing shows all over Australia and I picked up a small following. It was nothing too extreme because I was exactly taking it to the next level. I want to be global, just not country known. So although I've got some small accomplishments back home, I didn't want to stop their. I want to continue my quest. So life three years ago, was much more calm then how life is now. I'm hungrier now then I was before, I've got my sights set. 3 years ago, I was nervous ....now I'm just goin' in for the kill, nerves no longer bother me. I'm going to get what I want.
Ah, let me stop lying. I still get nervous from time to time, but don't we all?
How would you explain the type of music you make?I really can't settle for one genre. It's very different. I like to experiment with the music I make and some of it might be alternative dance, elements of dub; you know, experimental music. I've also crossed over into this type of New Wave sound. I wish I had a clearer interpretation of what my music sounds like, but you would have to listen to it for yourself to get the idea. Because if someone tells you "ummm...I make Alternative Dance, Dub, and experimental music" alone, that opens up a HUGE door of all kinds of sounds and styles of each of the genre's or subgenre's that really won't give you a clear idea. That's why I'm excited to get new music out so people do get to know me musically. It's different, it's not like what you normally hear, and that's why I think it's so special.
Some four months ago, an article emerged of you and they author wrote that your motto is ..."And if your not f-ing awesome, then move out the f-way." What made you go with this as your motto? That's me motto! That's how I look at things. There are people stacked behind you who quite frankly might be better then you..your taking up space, your in the way, move out the way and let that next person move up. You don't deserve it if your not awesome. I go with this because I don't know, it's just how I look at things. *laughs*. I don't exactly have an explanation behind that, it's just my favorite quote, and motto. I love it.
What do you think of the current state of pop music? I think it's really changing, it's always changing. But the politics of it is really changing now. I certainly think it's the producer era now..in my opinion... way back when, pop music was Michael Jackson, Prince, The Police and the list goes on and on. Now I feel like, pop music is swaying more toward if it's written by this person, or that person who's writing all the hits, and it's produced by this person or that person, then it's a hit. No matter who it is, and it'll get automatic, heavy radio rotation. Instead of listening to the song, I feel like people easily just look at who made the record .."oh, if it by this person then we'll play it on the radio" you know? I've had people tell me that I need to sound like this or that ..or this person...in order for me to get a "hit" and I'm just like "eh, then I don't think I want a hit so easily" *laughs* because that's really boring. And I think that's what's ruining pop music. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the art and people may think I don't like pop music, but I do when it's good, and relatable and accessible and there's occasional amazing pop songs now that I love to listen to now, but overall I think it's been really watered down and is not good for music itself right now. But it's feeding the people who's making it, so more power to them. If you have food on the table for your family and your doing what you love to do, more power to you.
Are there any inspirations you have in music right now? Some have said one of your biggest inspirations is recording artist, Stephanie Fierce. Is this true? I absolutely love Stephanie Fierce. I feel like she's one of the main reasons why I'm here right now. She has opened so many doors for the oddballs of music because she brings pop music to new heights and makes some of her genre's brilliantly mainstream. I know people bring genr-...well at least try to bring genre's to the mainstream market and just completely ruins it, but she does it in a way that's brilliant. That actually gives me a breath of relief to give my music a shot. I up to her and I'm not ashamed to say that. I also feel like she's opened so many doors for so many people who disrespect her, she should be respected more, I would love to work with her, she's the greatest. She's accomplished a lot more than the average chick, or bloke. I also enjoy other pop acts like Vanity, who's always been really interesting and always pushing boundaries of sound and style...
What is next for you, Xena?I'm writing and recording music! I just finished recording a song the other day that I feel needs to be released so people could really get the feel of my music. I'm so proud to say that this Aussie is ready to start this quest. I'm pretty sure there is so much more to come from me because I won't stop at anything now, I'm right where I want to be and I'm ready to climb the ladder. I'm not that cookie cutter artist, I'm really neurotic and meticulous about the music I make and I think that always pays off in the in because it shows that I love the art. So what's next, too much.
What are your goals as a musician ?To introduce something new and fresh ...and to be respected for releasing good music. I want to be remembered for releasing songs that don't just take the easy way out of a marketable hit song because I don't care about that stuff. I want to make songs that are important to people and their actually connecting with the music and myself, as an artist continue to have real fans, and a growing fan base. That's kind of what my goal is. I can't sit here and say I don't want to be a flop, or I want to sell millions of records because I can't call that. The people do, and I won't let anyone dictate whether or not something I'm releasing will be a success or not because in the end, if I do let that happen, then the music itself won't be good. I don't want someone else to paralyze my dream or my musical style. I'm staying true to myself, because I know who I am and I'm going to make the music that I want, and hope that people like it. That's my goal.