Originally Posted by: forkboy 
Originally Posted by: Mt. Epic 
Originally Posted by: forkboy 
Originally Posted by: Mt. Epic 
I know it's too late, but if you wanted extra drama, you should've watched the campaigns for the Wisconsin recall governor election. None of the candidates really made any promises what they would do, rather they were throwing crap at the other candidate. It's so funny how people can be easily swayed when it comes to politics. Make a nice 30-second commercial and suddenly the public has a place in their heart for you. Your opponent does the same, you're the new Hitler.
I say, when it comes to politics, people are just downright stupid. Especially when middle-aged men start arguing about shit they have no idea about. I just sit in my little corner and sip my drink, minding my own business. I get frustrated and overwhelmed when I used to speak about politics. I choose to refrain, because hearing the views of some people makes me wonder how the hell we're a first world country.
To be fair, Scott Walker or whatever Wisconsin's governor is called is a fucking awful human being.
True dat. I live in Wisconsin, and I must tell. People are stupid during elections. Everybody hated him once he took away Collective Bargaining rights, which he did almost immediately when he took office. He didn't say he would do that when campaigning. He's a deceptive little cunt. Everybody had large hate for him...he won with a landslide. Within the last few weeks before the recall election, people were starting to say stuff like "you know, that Walker boy sure is a good guy. Finally we're not stupid! He's doing things right!" And they referenced Obama as another reason they didn't vote for his opponent Tom Barrett....
People are stupid when it comes to politics.
Anyone who tries to take away a workers right to unionise & all that comes with that is fucking scum, bottom of the barrell absolutely worst shit.
Exactly my point. The CBA rights were only taken away from government regulated jobs, and many big companies with more blue collar workers too like steel companies and such got to do that too. So, pretty much your average working class men and women were screwed over. And of course, people were outraged. But that whiny bitch Walker, through his clever tv ads (I admit, some of them were very well done. If I were more gullible, I would've thought he was for real), he pretty much convinced the public that all the teachers, policemen, and other public employees didn't need those rights because "they haven't been working THAT well to deserve them!"......what?
REALLY! I heard that shit being said by SO many people right before the election. Plus, Walker flew so much shit at Barrett, he probably turned black afterwards. Walker is such a fraud and it's ridiculous how rich politicians, particularly the Tea Party members, know how to manipulate a crowd. It's so funny yet horrifying that we are so foolish. We live in the 21st century. Democracy is something that this era is renown for. But this kind of manipulation techniques is why I believe true democracy is dying. Where are the morals for crying out loud?
I get that we need to do something help improve our state economy and butt-raped budget, but aren't we doing all of that for the betterment of the people? Right?... Is there really no other way to help the people cope with hard economics times other than taking away their voice as to what THEY, the people, want to happen? Not what Scott Walker thinks the people want to happen...At least, I hope he's thinking about the people. We get he's very pro-corporate. He's a Republican. He's a very rich Tea Party Republican.....
Yes, it's true. He hasn't done ALL bad. He did create new jobs. Yes, he did.....With near-minimum pay, almost no benefits, lack of many other commodities like many off-days and personal days.....Might I add that many of those new employees used to work for companies that probably laid them off because Walker didn't offer them some of the tax cuts and money that he did to some of the bigger companies.....Yeah, nice job Scotty.
Ya dun good, Scots. Ya dun good. Stand With Skywalker. He has the mighty wisdom of a green crippled mothball living in a swamp.