McCabe: So we have today QUITE the guest today here on this broadcast 97.1 KAMP-FM, its McCabe and JT! So....she has everyone buzzing about what happened yesterday at the chaos awards..
JT :And we definitely have some things to ask!
*They both begin laughing
McCabe: Everyone in the studio right now, its SUZIE STOCKHOLM!!
*A clapping instrumental is heard before Suzie starts speaking, she laughs a bit*
Suzie: Hehe, hi guys!
McCabe: First I must say, thank you for being here today, I mean, you've been very busy lately. Yesterday you performed at the Chaos Awards...that's huge. I want to congratulate on you on that...
Suzie: Yeah, I figured I'd come here. I'm hangin out in California before I fly back out to the U.K to put the final touches on the album..and thank you! I really had fun yesterday, definitely a memory that I'll keep in mind forever. I mean, performing at the Chaos Awards...never did I think I'd do such a thing, but I did...
McCabe: Well that's great, happy that were getting to interview you first. So, let's get straight to it
McCabe: How was kissing Katie Coyle? I mean, was this planned between you to? Or did it just happen? I know people were SHOCKED
JT: It was hot! I'm sorry, it really was. I just had to cover my sons eyes when we were watching. He's 15, so I guess its not that bad
*laughs, Suzie does as well*
Suzie: I mean, everyones going crazy... *laughs* I didn't think it would be that bad, it just happened... I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine... And fireworks shot up in the arena...
JT:Did they really??
Suzie: No of course not slow one! *laughs* You know the saying!
JT: Yes, of course. I was just so shocked by it...but Good goin' Suzie, if you could look Katie Coyle in the eyes and she engages in a makeout session with you that easily, you deserve some props! You know how many men a-
McCabe: And woman!
JT: Yeah! Women especially...who wanna kiss Katie Coyle???
McCabe: It was just so ...out of no where
JT: Why not? She's hot!
*Suzie laughs*
Suzie : So ... How do you feel about the heat that your getting following this whole.. Occurence...
JT: Yeah, there's people that are pissed, and people who actually liked me *laughs*
Suzie: I don't care *laughs*. I say this all the time... People still think I care about what they think...or there opinions... I just don't. I wish I did actually. People run around throwing insults but I have yet to feel insulated ...
Suzie: What about Cassie Summers... She said she was going to KILL YOU.
McCabe: Yeah, that's pretty over the edge, what do you think about that ?
Suzie: She does have the right to be mad and yeah, me and her don't get along or whatever and she did try to disrespect me countless amount of times... I still said she has the right to be mad BUT Its up to ME whether I choose to care or not. This whole "killing thing". Is it THAT serious? Your saying your going to KILL me over a girl? Whether or not their "in love" or whatever... That's what people say? I actually laughed about it... She's always psychotic or whatever...
McCabe: We got word that Cassie left Katie and their both heartbroken ...
JT: The more and more I hear about this, the more its reminding me of a crazy episode of Jerry Springer!
*All three of them join in laughter*
Suzie: I don't know if I'm suppose to laugh or not but that was funny! I don't know, it just happened... That's all I could really say. Katie and I are still talking...that's all I actually might care about...
McCabe: Are you two dating?
JT : Suzie, we never knew you were bi!!!
Suzie: I never said we were dating, and *laughs* no I'm not bi, just alil curious. I'm just saying that you know.. I care about her. Cassie, I could care less about...
McCabe: This is a crazy love triangle, its really interesting
Suzie: Eh... I don't know, its complicated.
McCabe: You also had some issues with pop star Nadia Berry and Ryan Ross Hernandez... What happened here??
Suzie laughs
Suzie: Ugh... Nadia and I never got along.. She's annoying. She always had something to say about me. You know when you just get tired of someone being jealous of you .. And they still keep talking? I had enough of her so I brought it to her attention. I get tired of people feeling like their untouchable and no one can say anything to them because their "successful and respected". So? *laugh*. I told her I wanted to slap her in the face! Then her boyfriend, lil ole Ryan wants to come in get in the mix. Like dude, your a guy...let your girlfriend fight her own battle. Don't think you can say whatever you want to me just because your Ryan Ross Hernandez, I'd slap him too if I could. Disrespecting a female. Calling me a whore and what not. Does he call his mother that? You came out of a vagina learn to respect the gender!
JT: Wow! What's going on with Stephanie Fierce??
Suzie: She's just the worst. You know, I really respected her in the beginning... I was coming out with my debut single and my daddy paid her to do the track since I was not really known back then. She pretended to be my friend or whatever and made "Love Feels Like Osama Bin Laden" with me, probably hoping it would flop and when it hit #1 in 8 countries and #2 on the Digital Charts.. She got afraid that I was coming after this imaginary "pop crown".. So outta no where she decides to start talking crap about me. Like every other kagna who does this, I'm obviously going to get at you also. So I mean.. Now I can't stand her..
JT: Suzie, what's a K...-a-nnga
Suzie: You mean "Kagna" it means you know.. I don't think I can say it on here.. You know..a female dog in Sweden
JT: Ohhhhhhh
Suzie: So yeah.. She threatens me also saying she's going to "murk my face.." And all this other crazy and weird things...
JT: Whoa... Murk your face...?
Suzie laughs
Suzie: Yes.. I think its funny
JT: I don't know, Steph looks tough
McCabe: Does anyone ever think aout suing...jail she thinking?
Suzie: Ah, whatever. I still have yet to care about what these people are saying... Murk my that even a real saying? Does she not know that she's pregnant? Does she not know that she's being a fool?
JT: Steph versus Suzie, that sounds too good
Suzie: Ew...I don't even think she's pretty...
McCabe: Before we finally move on, anyone else you hate?
Suzie: Ugggggh do you really want me to say this?
McCabe: I don't know, we are curious, we always want the scoop
Suzie: Ummmmmmm Hayden's really annoying, Wild Sugar if you know who those tramps are... You probably don't.. One of them said they don't know how my music is so successful because I'm so bad... At least I stayed active and had hits.. that whole quote they said just made them sound alittle upset at my success..I use to like Andrea Mason but she's kissing Cassie's ass and I don't like it.. Gia Rose, will always be jealous of me .. And the list goes on..
McCabe: Do you have any close people in the industry ?
Suzie: I trust no one. I have you know, associates.. But I really don't trust anyone accept the Suzie Nation of course! I also lovesss Natty D
McCabe: Your life seems really interesting...on top of all of this your also recording your album! How do you focused
Suzie: The album is finished! It's amazing! Its like way better than my first. I really had fun recording these tracks.. and it's pretty easy...just stay focused! I don't let small things mess up my concentration.
McCabe: Got any idea of when when is the album going to be released?
JT: Are there any collaborations that you could tell the listeners about?
Suzie: Well I shot my artwork 2 days ago .. And when that gets reviewed the cover and release date will come. As for collabos.. Of course!! Really good collabs too in the album. People were expecting my two singles to be collaborations but I wanted to show that I don't need other people to sell the song. I did these collaborations because the people I contacted, I know a sick track will come out of it.
JT: Can you at least gives us one name that you collaborated with for the new album?!
Suzie sighs
Suzie: Fine, I did a track with Dominic Brown that is like.. Realllllly, reallllly good.
McCabe: You heard it hear first! Expect a collaboration with Suzie and Dominic Brown on her new album!!
JT: Do you get along with him still??
Suzie: He's always really cool. He's not disrespectful or a jerk.. He's just laid back.. And really talented. And of course, cute.. Whether or not he likes me as a person, he came in looking to make a killer track and we did..
McCabe: What about these new guys, the Top Lad member, Rory, are you two dating or...?
Suzie: Rory's a sweetheart. My sweetheart.
McCabe: Does that mean you are dating?
Suzie: Never said that... He's my sweet heart ...
McCabe: I always wanted to ask, deep down does it hurt you that so many people judge you say so many hurtful things?
Suzie: Nope. I have my fans and I have Sweden, I have my daddy and I have money. Why care about these other chicks. I'm unstoppable right now. They wish I would Burn Away but I aint going no where... They could all eat crap on all fours for all I care! I'll always keep going.
McCabe: You released your music video for your hot single Burn Away, which got some great reviews..
JT: Some people complained about that.. I don't now what to even call it.. That twirly bra that's not really a bra but idk.. You know what I mean!
Suzie: Clothing is so overrated! I wanted to wear it so I wore it! It wasn't like I was naked... Oh well... If parents don't want their kids to see it, well watch the clean version...or monitor what your kids watch, or just don't watch. That attire was hot! Definitely the coolest thing I've ever worn. It's really sexy and shows how great of a body I have.
JT: You do...
McCabe: Stop drooling man! Anyway, before you go, we wanted to talk about your new single, Steal Your Man is out now.. Which also people had a lot of opinions on ..can you tell us about the song
JT: I think it should have been called Steal Your Girl!
*Suzie laughs
Suzie: It's definately one of my faves! I love that song. Its so confident and true, and it's just... Great, its about being confident enough about yourself to steal someone's man! Everyone should check out it..
JT: Since its a tradition that we play an artists song when they come up to the station....
Suzie laughs
Suzie: Yay! I'm gonna head out now, it was good being here!
JT: Yes, Suzie, you definitely set the air and the telephone lines are going crazy
McCabe: Suzie thanks for coming !
Suzie: Not a problem! Thanks for having me..
McCabe: Any last words before ya go?
Suzie: Ummmm... Screw the haters, SuzieNation we stand! Bye guuuuys!
McCabe: Without further or do.. Of course, the clean version.. Here's Suzie"s Steal Your Man!
This unapologetic second single starts off quickly with a very unorthodoxed, underground feel to it that would automatically get you moving your body, the "flickering" backing beat is aided with deep burping like instrumentals that pulsate across the few seconds of the song. Synths are then added to the already pounding beat that is then enhanced with crackling cymbals taps, that screams excellent production. Suzie then bursts out in a confident and cocky tone, with less autotune then the usual Suzie song, although it's still strongly present. Suzie murmurs
"All these chicks be hatin on hatin on me, cause their not| But there men be droolin on droolin on me, cause I'm hot-|-And I Keep Wondering| How Would I Make You Feel |If I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man. When Suzie says "If I Stole Your Man" very clearly, behind the beat, out of no where the cymbals find's it way back to the pounding tune slapping rigorously that mixes very well with the pulsating backing beat which goes on for a few seconds before Suzie brings the repulsiveness back as she snares
I Got Hits|I Got Ass|I Got Money|Fuck CLASS| And if your man, is free| I Might Pick.Him.Up.For.Me. The lyrical content, very limited as the cymbals roars one more time this time sounding louder than before with the heavy dance beat soaring bigger once more this time adding in sirens. When it slows down, Suzie brings back the beginning lines of: Al
l these chicks be hatin on hatin on me, cause their not| But there men be droolin on droolin on me, cause I'm hot-|-And I Keep Wondering| How Would I Make You Feel |If I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man| I. Stole. Your. Man followed by the cymbals one more time, she then goes on to snare out
|S|U|Z|I|E|N|A|T|I|O|N|. Each letter one by one, when it slows down once more. After a chant of her "Suzie Nation" she continues with carelessly saying |
Scream It Loud| Cause We're The Best| ...|Say It Proud|F*Ck the rest| behind mixing beats and rising beats. The quite offensive track doesn't stop there however. After repeating the opening lines and second verse over, with the instruments still staying in place, Suzie yells out And If you Want Me To| You just gotta the clue...|
I'll Steal Your Man|Yeah I'll Steal Your Man|Yeah I'll Steal Your Man|Yeah I'll Steal Your Man|Yeah I'll Steal Your Man| numerous times with mixing beats, and cymbals, not to mention the pulsating backing beat blaring behind her voice with the very enjoyable, yet very different production. The extremely promiscuous track about being a homewrecker rails on with the Suzie repeating the lines with the arising electroclash atmosphere that might just have a listener bobbing their head to the very catchy tune and unpredictability of the lyrics. Or holding their face scrunched up very offended. The track rides out when Suzie finishes repeating "Steal Your Man" as the mixing beats rides out the entire track with one more set cymbal poundings heard one more time as the track finally comes to the end.