What's your favorite song of yours at the moment? SF: Slap My Bass.
Who’s your celebrity crush at the moment? SF: I don’t have one, the only person I have a crush on is my boyfriend Nicola Brown. He’s been an excellent lover lately.
What is one big fashion trend that throws you off? SF: Those freaking snapback hats with sport team logos people are wearing nowadays. I think they are cute if you were them once in a while. But some people wear it with everything. Just the other day I saw a man wearing one with a suit. I thought it was the most tacky thing ever. The 80’s and 90’s are long gone buddy.
Which movie do you consider your guilty pleasure? SF: It used to be porno movies, but lately my man has been slapping my bass pretty well, so no more porn movies for me. My boyfriend has made me feel sexier than ever and I'm happy (Steph blushes before bursting into a giggle)
Who could play you in a movie and why? SF: I would say someone like Mercedes Payne. She looks like me a lot and while she has a different style of music and it truly would be an honor.
What’s you dream job or career other than anything music related? SF: I always wanted to be a teacher or a social worker. However, music someway somehow would be involved.
Who in your family are you closest to?SF: I would say my daughter Helle and my sister Rakoon.
What’s your favorite social media site? SF: I would say that I love this crazy little site that no one knows about. It’s a secret society. It’s about people wanting to be rock stars and basically you role play like you were a celebrity or a famous musician. The irony of it all right (laughs). Most of the members on this site have the most creative minds I’ve seen.
What is your favorite food? SF: I love pizza. My fans know this, I’m always out eating a pizza. I can officially say that I’ve tried a pizza from every continent except Antarctica.
What is your favorite country to visit? SF: That’s hard to pick, other than my homeland, I always loved Japan. I love the culture there. I actually own a recording studio there and I spent a few months living there to record my third album.
What’s your worst habit?SF: Biting on straws. It grows to be very disgusting sometimes (laughs)
What was the last thing you bought? SF: A country. (laughs) Just kidding. I actually bought stain remover because I spilled fruit punch on one of my favorite shirts.
What did you dream about last night? SF: Um….sorry I was too busy having deep passionate sex with my boyfriend.
How much money is in your wallet? SF: Enough to buy you another question. (Steph sticks tongue out) . Actually I only have 30 physical dollars in my wallet, but in my bank account, that’s another story.
What's the longest time you've spent peeing on a toilet? SF: (Bursts out laughing) Are you kidding me right now. How am I suppose to know, er....maybe a whole 60 seconds, I don't know......
Has a fan ever stalked you to the point you were afraid? SF: I wouldn’t say stalk because I don’t see it as that, but I know this one boy who I’ve seen on about 15 of my concerts, this guy literally travels state to state to see my shows and I’ve seen him in public so many times I’ve lost count. Probably my biggest fan. After seeing him so many times, I’ve actually asked security to just let him in. . Every time I see him he always puts me in a good mood and he always respects my space. The only time he approaches me is to give me a compliment or ask me to sign something.
You don’t consider that stalking? Have you ever denied his wishes? SF: Maybe I’m just trying to be nice (laughs) . I never deny anyone, sometimes for safety my security wont allow anyone to approach me, but If I take notice of it, I always go back and give that person gratitude and appreciation if I can. I’m my own boss and sometimes I’ve literally went out my way to notice someone with the knowledge of me getting in trouble for it. Sometimes I don’t even have to time to tie my shoes while I’m on the run, I think my fans are mature to understand that. But no, I’ve never personally denied his “Wishes” (laughs).