Label: Unsigned
Genre: Metalcore, Hardcore, Post-Hardcore
Produced by: Jeremy Chance and Anthony Davis
Lyrics by: Anthony Davis and Kevin Maddox
Format: MP3 download, CD
The much awaited EP is finally here. Erin's Silence has successfully put together and self-produced their own, debut E.P. This E.P. includes songs that were on their original demo tracks that have just been fixed up and reproduced. dd
Tracklisting (for lyrics go to the official Erin's Silence website):
1. My Darkened Soul
2. Shadow Games
3. Our Last Dance
4. The Hollow
5. Tonight, You're Sleeping With The Fishes
6. Burn Away (Originally by Suzie)
Dave Johnson's Interview with Anthony Davis about the EP
Dave Johnson: So Anthony, Erin's Silence has officially recorded their first EP. How does it feel?
Anthony Davis: It feels great man. We finally have something to show for all of our hard work....It'll also be nice to actually make some money too.
DJ: Yeah, I bet. So let's talk about the EP. Obviously, the title comes from one of your more popular songs, which we've all been wondering about. What is the meaning of Our Last Dance?
AD: Well, the song Our Last Dance is about Kevin's ex-girlfriend who was also one of my good friends. We actually got our band name from this situation as well, but, about a year ago Kevin and me went over to her house just to check up on her. Kevin and her had an extremely rough breakup a couple months before and we had both noticed that she seemed to be drifting into depression after the fact. So, I constantly took the time to check on her and make sure everything was good because it was still kind of awkward between Kevin and her. When we found her it was actually the first time that Kevin had gone to see her since the breakup. We walked in the house and ended up finding her on the ground in her room. *tries to keep it together as he holds back tears* We found her dead, with a gun in her hand. She had left a note for Kevin and saying that it wasn't his fault but she just couldn't stand being alive anymore. Kevin lost it and I had to keep him from doing the same thing to himself. For the next few weeks we both had trouble sleeping and one night Kevin just let it all out on paper and that's how he began to come to terms with Erin being gone and that is how we got Our Last Dance. The song is extremely personal to us and to be perfectly honest we don't give a shit if people hate it or like it because it's our song, our way of coping with her death.
DJ: I'm sorry you two ever had to go through that situation.
AD: It's ok. We're both stronger people because of it.
DJ: Right, so let's talk about the dynamics of the band. We've seen some of your blogs on your site and it seems to me like the band might be a little dysfunctional.
AD: Oh, not at all. We've all actually been friends since we were kids so it's just a matter of us all having our own personalities. I'm definitely calmer and more level-headed then everyone except Jeremy who could remain calm through Armageddon. The kid just never worries about anything and he has one hell of a poker face. Derrick, tends to be our loud-mouth, don't give a shit attitude that gets us into trouble but always keeps things fun. Kevin is a lot like me. Since, we've been through a lot together this past year. John, on the other hand, is our resident idiot. He's just stupid as can be and we constantly pick on him and play pranks on him. He's just always asking for it. Come to think of it, we all kind of hate but love him.
DJ: Gotcha, so now as well as the EP being released you guys are also going to be playing on the Carnival of Sounds tour on the Guitar Legacy Stage. What are you most looking forward to about playing on that tour?
AD: Definitely playing with Reported Failure. They've been one of our biggest inspirations and we are pumped just for the chance to meet them, let alone play with them. We're also looking forward to touring with the Harlots because they're just insane and I can't wait to get in on some of the crazy shit that's gonna go down on tour.
DJ: Now, rumor has it that Erin's Silence is on the verge of being signed and is beginning to work on a full length album as well, is this true?
AD: Well, we are starting to write songs for a full-length album. We're actually trying to make it somewhat of a concept album about different women in the Bible. Yeah, I know, that might scare off some people but there are some really shady women in the Bible and we just felt like we could make a whole album based off their scandalous ways. As for being signed, we have received some offers but we are still in the process of figuring out which label will work best for us.
DJ; Alright, well thank you for your time and we can't wait to see you guys on the Carnival of Sounds tour and I love the cover art of the EP as well.
AD: Thanks Dave, it's been great.