
"Please welcome to the tonight's show, BRITTANY KNOX!"
With that said, the crowd pops in cheer as an instrumentation of the signature "Jay Leno" guest apprentice theme is heard. Brittany walks out on the stage with a huge smile on her face, she waves at the fans as they continue cheering for her. Jay Leno stands up and hugs her, kissing her on the cheek before Knox plops down on the chair, Leno does the sameJay Leno: Why you look stunning! Thanks for coming by!
The crowd starts cheering, Brittany's smile becomes even wider
Brittany: Thanks Jay, yanno, I had to look great here for you at this appearance, who doesn't?
Jay Leno: You do... have a point *grins*. Your hair looks much shorter then usual, it looks really nice, but it's different for you.
She smiles
Brittany: It is. I wanted to try something different, I have no problem stating the fact that it's my natural hair and I love it, I actually just cut it the other day.
She smiles adjusting into her seat
Jay Leno: Now, it's certainly great to see you back and I feel like such a lucky man being the first to interview you since you've made your return to music!
*The crowd begins to cheer, and Knox nods, smiling*
Brittany: Certainly! Jay Leno! Your that lucky man! I mean, I've had a lot of interview requests prior to this and anyone that knows me, knows that I'm not really the person for press and what not. I'm certainly more closed in now then I was before but when I had to chance to come out to the Tonight's show, how could I say no? I wanted to wait for the right time to really jump back into things..you know... interviews and what not, but now I think tonight is the start....I mean, I have been gone for quite a while!

Jay laughs
Jay Leno: Most certainly! Haha! I got Brittany firsttttt....!
Jay laughs adding in a very child like voice looking into the camera as he playfully jokes around in his last lines
Jay Leno: So how does it feel to be back? I know it's been a while and you say you've been away from the camera, we've seen you on Starfactory, were you eventually planning on making your return after the show finishes?
Brittany: Yes...and no. Around the time that I was starting to get ready to get back to my music, Starfactory approached about doing the show and being a mentor, and I automatically became interested because I wanted to mold up and coming talents and be able to show them the different aspects of being a musician... If you were more of an entertainer, then I wanted to show them how to be more artistically inclined and more of a musician. Stuff like that takes time and needs most of a persons attention so I kind of had to push my plans for music back a few months and what not. So I wasn't exactly planning on it. But once the show was coming to a close I knew I shouldn't keep my fans waiting anymore...
Jay Leno: Ah. I get what your saying...before we move on to your new music, I want to talk more about Starfactory. While you were on the show alot of controversy came around you specifically... most notably the Stephanie Fierce drama.. what happened with that? Are you guys speaking now?
Brittany laughs
Brittany: Ughhh Jay *she smiles*. Of course. I mean, when your on a show like that, you want the best for your artists and I was kind of like a young, mother figure to the Lashes and when Stephanie actually gave her opinion I was really thrown off. But thinking back I can honestly say that I was wrong for lashing out at her like that. That isn't my character and everyone knows that but at that specific time, it was in the heat of my anger and we both apologized to each other about the ordeal. I respect her, I feel like if it wasn't for her, a lot of people wouldn't be hear... so although we had a difference, it didn't take away how much respect I have for her and her craft and her skill as a musician. And I said that, and without a problem either *laughs*.
Jay Leno: Do I smell a collaboration?!!
Brittany laughs
Brittany: Stephanie and I are very busy... that seems like a really cool idea down the line. You never know what could happen.
Jay Leno: So moving on into your Starfactory run, your two acts Lashes and Edward completely bailed out on you on a very important episode, what exactly happened? You looked very upset, people reported..
Brittany: Well of course if your acts bail on you, you would be upset! *laughs*. I mean, I didn't what it was about... they apparently couldn't do it anymore.. or had other endeavors... I don't know. I still respect them and I still speak to my Lashes girls and I can't exactly say what happened but things happen. I still wish the best for the both of them and there's never any hard feelings. I was just really excited for them and I felt like they sort of let me down, I was disappointed, not mad.
Jay Leno: Your very nice, and you always seemed like the lenient...but tell it like it is judge. Now that the very last show is on Sunday, what do you think about the finalist before we move on?
Brittany: Well, I knew these two would be at least in the top 5.. but the final two? Not really surprised either. I really wish the best for both Casey and Aubrey. Their amazing. So much talent in two people and I know the winner really deserved it because honestly, they both deserve it. Watching people grow and become something is really amazing to watch. These girls really had a transformation. They got stronger and stronger each week.
Jay Leno: We will all be watching! I think everyone wants to see who wins, even people who didn't tune in week in week out. Now onto you miss pop star! You just released your BRAND new single that you actually returned to the stage on Star factory and performed, that we will be playing for our audience and the people watching at home when you leave... it's called "Jane Doe" and it's in stores now, how did the inspiration for the song come along?
Brittany: Well, I always right about things that I find to be a problem, things that I have experienced, or things that I have seen and "Jane Doe" really conveys all three of the things I just said. A Jane Doe, for the people watching at home and don't know, is an unidentified female... in the track these females or Jane Doe's cannot identify with themselves. Girls go day by being my version of Jane Doe.. they drink, they do drugs, they act promiscuous just to give them a since of feeling, a sense of ones self. There's different type of Jane Doe's ... there's the girls who use drugs and alcoholism, girls who act ......you know..., and girls who beyond lengths, the more troubled Jane Doe's who get into things like prostitution and what not. So I really feel like my inspiration came from feeling like one of those girls.. I may have not had it so severely as some girls do but at one point in my life I didn't feel like I exactly knew who I was. I get back years later and see these cases and Jane Doe the song, just came together. Just like that. I'm actually happier with this song, then any other song I've released because its positive, it has meaning and it gets straight to the point. I'm not holding back. I've released three albums, there should be no reason why I'm holding back, or having second thoughts on what I should or shouldn't say.
Jay Leno: Why uh...uh... that's a deep meaning there, just your closing sentence scared me, it looked like you were about to pull a knife out of your dress and stab me!
The audience, Leno and Knox laugh
Brittany: Of course not! Why would you even think that? Where would I hide this knife?!
They both look at each-other oddly, Leno bursts out laughing, the crowd does as well, followed by Brittany
Brittany: Honestly, that came out the wrong way....
*Leno still laughs for a few seconds before grabbing himself together*
Jay Leno: Aw man! That really cracked me up.. so..., everyone's loving the single... it's gotten a huge critical acclaim with some of the most brightest acts in all of music calling it their favorite release of the year so far....others calling it your best release since ....with such a critical praise, where do you go next with the single?
Brittany: Well my main focus is the video right now. The video is important because I want to visually bring in my listeners so the video is going to be different from anything you've ever seen, it's going to be very captivating and very awakening and pray that people like it as much. It just great to be able to have people enjoying the new music. I appreciate it so much and I look forward to everything else I have planned..
Jay Leno: It's been over a year since you've released a new album, what could you tell us about your upcoming release?
Brittany: I don't want to tell you too much about it but I'm seriously hard at work. This will be the best work that I ever released because I've really put so much into it, I promise this. It's so awakening and just, amazing. I don't even know how to put it because it's such a positive recording process and I'm just enjoying it so much, and I'm just so proud to be back, I have to get back to where I was before, and go past those boundaries. I'm opening up about so many things and exploring new topics, new types of sounds. This record .....this record is special. It's going to be emotional, edgy, and a hint of fun. It's all really exciting.
Jay Leno: Well I'm pretty sure the Brittany Knox fans are excited for this iconic singer!
*The crowd pops in a loud cheer*
Brittany: Aw thank you guys!
Jay Leno: Before we play your track for the audience members who didn't hear it, and the fans watching at home... is there anything else you would like to say?
Brittany: Thanks for having me Leno and thank you to all my supporters who have been consistently behind me and my music. If it weren't for you, this quote un-quote "comeback" would never even be thought of to happen... and I appreciate that so much from the bottom of my heart. I'm excited for the rest of this year and what's in store for it!

Jay smiles
Jay Leno: Very nice thing to say. Thank you Brittany for coming by, hope to see you again!
*The audience breaks into a loud cheer once again as Brittany leaves the stage and the camera pans to just Jay*Jay Leno: Here is the official Jay Leno premiere of Brittany Knox's new single, Jane Doe, that is in stores now! SEE YA NEXT TIME! Boooyah! Goodnight everybody and enjoy!

Roll out of bed
She'll paint the town red
Never a bore, live like Jersey Shore
Hit the bottle, walk out the door.
Walking in her bare feet
Through this maze
Party on the dark streets
Mind's a haze
A race to the bottom
Of every last glass
She'll never preach what she taught 'em
Party to the bottom of the class
Feels like a Jane Doe, looking like a hoe
Stares into the bottle cos she's nowhere to go
Feeling like a Jane Doe, she puts on a show
No one knows how she suffers oh oh-oh-oh
Feels like a Jane Doe, looking like a hoe
Stares into the bottle cos she's nowhere to go
Feeling like a Jane Doe, she puts on a show
No one knows how she suffers oh oh-oh-ohRemembering a past time
When water was more necessary than wine
Look at how her eyes roll
Thrusting every little sense into a deep black hole
Feels like a Jane Doe, looking like a hoe
Stares into the bottle cos she's nowhere to go
Feeling like a Jane Doe, she puts on a show
No one knows how she suffers oh oh-oh-ohShe's forgotten where she came from
This dirty ticking timebomb
But no one in here, seems to care
She stumbles on slowly as they stare
A race to the bottom
Of every last glass
She'll never preach what she taught 'em
Party to the bottom of the class
Feels like a Jane Doe, looking like a hoe
Stares into the bottle cos she's nowhere to go
Feeling like a Jane Doe, she puts on a show
No one knows how she suffers oh oh-oh-oh
Feels like a Jane Doe, looking like a hoe
Stares into the bottle cos she's nowhere to go
Feeling like a Jane Doe, she puts on a show
No one knows how she suffers oh oh-oh-ohClean Version: Replaces "Feels like a Jane Doe,
looking like a hoe" with "Feels Like Jane Doe,
getting down low"
OOC: Big thanks to Scott for helping me out with these lyrics!