Time Bomb by “311” starts playing over the PA system as fire works start blasting throughout the main stage and arena. The audience members are cheering loudly while the music is playing throughout the arena. As a few seconds pass, and the stage is unoccupied, as seconds go on a man is finally sign at the top of the stage. A spotlight that is flurrying around the arena and stage finally finds the man, it’s Damion Holmes. The camera’s focus in on him as the audience gets louder. He has on a gray tuxedo, and a smile on his face not to mention to FCA microphone in his hand. After a few more seconds with a large smile on his face looking at the crowd he starts walking down to the main stage. At this point, the fireworks have stopped and only the theme song to this years event is playing.
When Holmes makes his way to center stage, and the music finally fades away all you can here is the crowd cheering. Damion stands in place with the microphone in his hand and a smile on his face. He then brings the mic up to his mouth for the first time.
“WELCOME TO THE FAN CHOICE AWARDS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!”The crowd starts cheering once more after Damion yells out to all the people in the arena…
“Man! I must say I’m so excited to be here tonight. I’ve been here from the start and to see how much the show has grown is really amazing I must tell you. I personally favor these awards not because I’m the host but because….
He waits for a few seconds
“It’s for all of you out there…..it’s a night to celebrate the fans!”
Once again, all the fans in the arena start to cheer
“The fact that there is an award show just for the fans to show their appreciation to all you mega expensive and mega talented musicians in the arena couldn’t be any better. These people spend their hard earned money on your albums, singles and especially most of you singer’s overly expensive event tickets just so they can get that much closer to you and to show their appreciation for what you have done. So tonight we just want to give back ….and tonight the fans voices will be heard like never before!! I mean, the fans have a lot of say so in this years event. All the way down to voting to choose the award winners and of course voting to choose our co host…..Cassie………Summers….”
Damion smiles once more as a chant starts going “Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie!!” is heard
“ Without further or due, or furthering the chances of Cassie beating me up after the show…please welcome our Fan Choice Award co-host…..
After Damion speaks, the lights dim on the stage and a spotlight flashes on at the back to see Cassie Summers stood there, posing in her flowing red dress. She smiles at the massive amount of cheers she is receiving from the fans and then waves. Before she starts to walk, Cassie turns slightly sideways and pouts into the camera before scowling down the lens as if to emphasize her bad bitch persona. Before she starts walking, Cassie bears her teeth to the camera and raises her free hand before she laughs and walks slowly to the front of the stage, waving all the time to the crowd who cheer and chant her name.
When Cassie ends up beside Damion, the stage lights come on again and she turns towards him, taking his hand and leaning into to give him a kiss on the cheek. She lifts a
microphone from the lectern and smiles out over the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's all hear it for Mr Damion fuckin' Holmes huh? What an intro that was from the only presenter I could ever work with." She smiles at him and applauds as the audience cheers him.
"Can I just say it is a major pleasure to be here right now tonight? It's been such a long time that I've been away from the stage, and
I have really missed the rush of being up here. It's good to be back."
"Looking out here tonight, as Damion says, we have a lot of people who deserve to be here. We have you guys, the fans, who spend so much on making these musicians rich and famous. Even those who can't sing and have to sell records on the strength of having a higher percentage of plastic than the average
Barbie factory."
"But no no," she smiles, shooting Suzie an evil look, "We have a lot of musicians out here tonight who have worked hard as hell to be here. We got people like Izzy Merjos...wooo! Giselle! Yeah! Let's hear it."
"And then we got...wait...who is that?" She puts her hand above her eyes like she's trying to see into the distance. "Who is that? Stephanie Fierce??" She deliberately
She starts to laugh, and then turns back to the fans. "Anyway, it is so amazing to be here, and I can't wait to hand out some of these awards, so, WELCOME TO THE FCA!!!!"
She waves as the music begins to play again.
Damion finds his way back to the stage with the mic in his hand, he’s laughing from what Cassie had said, he puts the mic up to his mouth
I mean what an opening from Cassie huh?
The crowd starts cheering and Damion claps himself nodding his head.
“But without further or due… this man right here is a personal favorite of mine. He has went on to become one of the most recognized rockers of our time and has hit legendary status. Whether he was the leading man in the rock band, Mind, or making waves as the very talented soloist that he is….everyone please put your hands together for our very first performer of tonight’s event,
JASON SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6:00 - Pre Show & Red Carpet! [6:50 Performance by Isaac Lovelock]
7:00- Intro
7:10- Jason Smith
7:25- Best New Artist
7:30- Favorite Video
7:35- Hey Lolita
7:50- Sexiest Male
7:55- Sexiest Couple
8:00- Giselle
8:15- Sexiest Female
8:20- Segment
8:25- Favorite Urban Act
8:30- Radio Vine
8:45- Best Pop Artist -
8:50- Favorite Rock/Indie Act
8:55- Aubrey Mikkel
9:15- Best Label
9:20- Brandon Caulfield
9:35- Best Single Collaboration
9:40- Best Producer
10:05- Segment [Mystery performer interview]
10:10- Best Band/Group
10:15- Best Event/Festival
10:20- Segment
10:30- Best Male Artist
10:35- Best Solo Single
10:40- Tisha Jackson
10:55- Best Female Artist
11:00- Best Album
11:05- Katie Coyle
11:20- Fan Favorite Award