We met up with Mykaylah in a suprisingly quiet restaurant in the west end of London. When we arrived we were hurried through by minders to a special table in the back where Mykaylah was already seated, you could sense an air of secrecy was surrounding us all at that point, as we approached her she stood looking radiant and stunning as she always had done, her smile beamed as she shook mine and my photographers hand and motioned for us to sit.. As I had interviewed Mykaylah once before I could tell something was different, she seemed warmer, friendlier, grown up and at ease with herself (when I originally interviewed her she seemed bratty and ill at ease with everything and her surroundings).
Mykaylah: Before we start I don't want or need any photographs taken I have got two here for you to use, you are the only interview I am giving so this is a big exclusive for you, the first is a recent from a photoshoot I did a few weeks back, the second is a colour pic off the relaunch site, there is only this copy and the original
I was slightly taken aback when she spoke but both myself and my photographer nodded, he was shown over to a different table where food and drink was awaiting while I was motioned over to a different table with champagne and canipes laid on.
Mykaylah: Sorry if that seemed abrupt, you may include all that in the interview, which I am sure you will anyways in some sort of form
She gave me a wry smile as she picked up a glass of champagne and sat down awaiting for me to follow, comparing to the first interview I had done I was now the one feeling uneasy and uncomfortable with myself, I was being over powered and that is not something I had felt in an interview before, but she was correct she knew my style I include everything in my interviews (which is probably why I dont get many big stars)
Mykaylah: So shall we begin?
I suddenly felt like the one being interviewed and had to snap out of it quickly
Mykaylah: I will answer everything and anything you ask as honestly and openly as I can so feel free, when you're ready to start
There was still a dark bitchy side to Mykaylah, she had matured over the last year or so since our last meeting but she was still as sharp with her tongue.
ME: Ok so where shall we begin, big time star, peak of career, movie roles, 2 massive albums, publicly loved then you disappear with no word or trace...
Mykaylah: Well thats a lot of ass kissing praise for the opening line, I wouldn't say I was at the peak of my career as that would suggest I was then going to slowly go down and fizzle out, which hopefully wont happen for a while yet, I'd like to think of peak when maybe I hit 40 or 50 that seams like a nice longevity in a career, As for movie roles I only had one in Secrets in Suburbia, I wouldn't class it as a glitzy Hollywood career, Would You?
ME: So your aiming for Hollywood eventually then?
Mykaylah: Well darling (Laughs) No its not my world, I like what I know and what I know is music
ME: Well your first two albums proved that, 8 million sales is a good indicator
Mykaylah: Yeah that was an amazing time in the start of my career
ME: Are you hoping to replicate that with your comeback?
Mykaylah: Well to be honest no, and I wouldn't really call this a comeback just an extended vacation. When you work solidly for a year and half no let up and bust your ass, you gotta know when to rest and so that is what I did, rest
ME: So where did you rest?
Mykaylah: (Laughing) Week here week there, I visited family back in Australia, built some bridges with my sisters, then spent a few weeks on a remote island, which was lovely and peaceful, just me myself and I, read a few books, flew a few friends out, just me time.
ME: Which friends?
Mykaylah: Are you trying to see if a man was involved (laughs) Well there was a man but not in that way. I met up with MattY, he rang me a few months back out of the blue, we hadn't spoke since Cherise died and I went to see him.
ME: Where is he?
Mykaylah: He's over in America, he's settled there, he's happy in himself, settled a few demons and escaped you paparazzi guys so life is good for him.
ME: Was Cherise a factor in you disappearing for 6 months?
Mykaylah: She was one of the many, I had a tough time and didn't stop and let my feelings escape or my emotions, I needed to let that happen so a break would of happened either way, it just happened to be a longer break then I had intended but I am fine now I have settled things in my mind and emotions and I still think of her every day but she is in a better place.
ME: That is good to hear, So after your 'Vacation' what are your plans for the future?
Mykaylah: Well as you know I have relaunched myself back with a new site and stated release date is 16th September, this time it is a bit different for me, there's no album, well not a full on album its an E.P of a story from start to finish, I suppose some would call is an audio book to music.
ME: So will there be a single or are you just releasing the EP and leaving it at that?
Mykaylah: I will be releasing one track to radio and singles charts, it was hard to choose as it is a story and each track is a continuation from the previous but one track stood out as part of a story and also a solo hit so that will be getting sent to radio to promote.
ME: What other promotion will there be?
Mykaylah: None really, this is just me easing myself back into the world of music, no tour, no tv, no performances just this interview, it is all going to be low key really
ME: Are you worried about it failing to reach standards of your previous success?
Mykaylah: Not at all, this is for me, sales dont always equal success only in the eyes of those that view it that way but success to me personally is being happy with what you make and produce and as long as you are happy with yourself and your product at the end of the day then who is to question it
ME: So what is in your future?
Mykaylah: I'm not totally sure right now. I've spent quite a lot of time on the EP, writing and producing it all myself took a lot of time and effort, if I do decide to make a new album then that is what I will do but there will probably be another quiet period from me before anything takes shape or emerges.
ME: So this could be the last we hear of Mykaylah then?
Mykaylah: I suppose so if you want to look at it like that, it could be the last you heard from any artist when they release a single or album or tour, no one knows what is around the corner.
ME: Are your fans going to like your new EP as much as previous singles and albums?
Mykaylah: I don't know to be honest, its got the same Mykaylah bitchy edgy stamp to it but it is still very different to my original stuff.
ME: Can you tell us anymore about it?
Mykaylah: Well I said this an exclusive interview and I was just awaiting the right question. The EP is just 4 tracks long it has a beginning a middle and an end and kind of comes full circle, it was kind of inspired by the 50 shades book, one that I read on my vacation but also sticks to some of the edgy bitch I already had in my style.
As I was about to ask more details Mykaylahs mobile rang at this point and unfortunately had to cut the interview short due to an emergency but she did politely promise me an exclusive taster of the EP of which I could publish select lyrics from:
Track 1:
You walk over to me
place your lips on my neck
start to kiss
my body begins to shake
Track 2:
do you like my toys
my whips and chains
gonna treat you rough boy
gonna drive you insane
Track 3:
Make my way back, cant hide no more
I wanna punish you, make you sore
Track 4:
I lean down over you
look into your eyes
you stare back at me
i run my finger over my thighs
Mykaylahs new EP is out to buy 16th September 2012