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#1 Posted : 05 September 2012 20:40:04(UTC)
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-By Billy Mercury (Music Talk author)


For those that grew up in the 90's like me, grew up on the major grunge scene that seemed to have swept the nation right off their feet. Before that, all we knew was the rock ballads of the 80's with a pint of the hip hop scene. Music was changing, forever, and we were witnessing it all. One of these bands that quickly blew up and did great things with-in the decade was Electric Roses. With songs like "Charity for a Junky", "Who's the Killer", and "Tears of the Fallen" are just a few of the many songs that this iconic band released that helped mold today's world of rock. Things have changed since then, for me, for you, and for Electric Roses. Larry is still going through girlfriends quicker than he changes underwear, Jake is teaching social studies at a high school in his hometown, while Flander and Tess are residing in Los Angeles with their two children, Hiram and Eli. Actually, their oldest son [Hiram] is who this article is about. Known in the hip hop world as "Slim" these days, Hiram is starting to do great things to still be so young.

With both of your parents being rockstars, what made you want to go with hip hop?

Well, while I listen to rock and appreciate it for what it is - hip hop is where my heart is, at least right now. When I was younger, I was still learning to play the guitar and drums, but that was before I discovered the turn tables and man, after that I didn't ever look back. Sure, I can sing, y'know? I got that scratchy voice like my old man, with the vocal power of my ma's - at least that's what I've always been told. But I dunno' man, singing isn't what I want to be doing right now. I do have visions of some day doing something different, but for now, hip hop is my home.

If you do decide to do something different later on, what do you think it will be?

Ah, another tough question! I've always loved the grunge sound, and the deep sound, but at the same time the country sound has always appealed to me as well. Metal is another solid choice too, though, it's headbanging, but it can be deep too y'know? Uhh', while I can't say what I want to be doing next - I can say that whatever it is, I want it to be just as deep and from the heart as my hip hop work is.


I see where you are coming from, but while we are on the subject of your music ; what happened with the release of Dope Music? Why was it pushed back?

Well, originally I had planned for it to come out on the first and then go on tour after, but with all the shit that's been going on lately I don't think that this is the best time for a release, or to go on tour. As much as I hate it for the fans, I just gotta' do me in the end y'know? Arianna and I have been on the rocks lately, I'm not really talking to my parents right now and.. It's just a lot o' chaos goin' on that adds stress at the end of the day - going on tour would just make it that much difficult. But hell, for every dark night, there's a brighter day, so who knows? Today I'm facin' more bullshit, tomorrow I'm accepting a Noble Peace Prize or some shit.

Interesting. What is going on with you and your parents, as well as you and Arianna? Go ahead and tell us - I'm sure no one would mind hearing it.

Honestly, I think that's a bit too personal for this interview, but since my album is being pushed back and fans are probably already pissed off at me ; I think I should give y'all a reason o' something. When it comes to my relationship with Arianna, I'd have to say that I'm definitely the problem. I messed up and said some dumb shit on Twitter to someone that's not important, and she wasn't too happy about it. We got in a bad argument and things just haven't been right between us since. As for my parents, well, they can go fuck themselves for all I care. They think because my label [Dough House] is a label under KillthePoison that they can tell me what to do with my music, and the other artists that are signed to Dough House. Y'know me though, I won't stand for that little bit - so the past few days we've been going at it. All respect goes to them for helping me get my start in the beginning, but how can I be my own man, when they try to control everything around me?

That makes sense. I respect you for that, too. Speaking of Dough House, how is it going for you?

It's going great, actually. We just signed Beretta, who's currently starting work on his next album. Tracy has been doing a lot of scouting in the South right now - we got this vision right now, of getting the South on the charts. It's kinda' like Biggie and the East, but we doin' this shit for the South. Now that Grey Ghost is with kTp we got a lot of our artists going in an' out the studio daily. In a few months, Dough House gonna' be all over the radio, no doubt.


In just the past week alone, you've been "dissed" by Youtube user JayFloyd, scolded by Aubrey Mikkel, and also been involved briefly in all that Twitter beef over Serenity Scott. How do you feel about all of this, and everything else on this topic?

Honestly, that whole Youtube shit with Jay Floyd is getting old to me already. I mean, I met the kid outside of my concert at Club Opera the other night. He was wonderin' if I would sign him or at least get him some studio time at the Grey Ghost. I simply told him that I'd have to discuss it at another time, and I guess he took it as disrespect on my part. I ain't got nothin' against 'im, hell I don't even know him or have I ever heard any of his shit - except for his diss against me. While I did get a little pissed over some of the shit he said during the video, I gotta' give it to 'im - the motherfucker can rap, real talk. I liked his flow, and I respect him for speaking up and telling the world how he feels - but he's got it twisted if he thinks I got some shit against him. I ain't want no beef with him over it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let it slide - I'll respond to all of that bullshit later though. As for the Twitter bullshit over Serenity, all I can say is I don't really understand it. All I know is, some girl said something to Serenity a while back and since then my guess is there's been some drama over it. All I know is, I ain't never been one to go with the heard or to bully someone, 'specially a girl as pretty as Serenity. So my stand on the whole thing was just to let people know that they needa' quit fuckin' wit' her y'know? People talk shit like they know the girl, I bet they've never even truly met her. All I'm sayin' is, Serenity is a beautiful girl, she's definitely got talent, I respect her music, and she's got my support na'mean? As for that shit said by "rory_sexyLAD" or whoever, saying that shit about how I got respect to hold for my name and that I had just ruined my parent's name by becoming "BFF's" with Serenity.. Man, all I can do is laugh at that. That guy has to be a joke, first off - I am not a sixth grade girl, I don't have "BFF's", second my parent's name has took greater blows. I know that there may be things I say or do, that may make fans of my parents unhappy - but those people know damn well that the sex scandals, murder and drug charges and all that other shit my parents have had in the past is for more worse than any bullshit on Twitter. Honestly, if I'm going to take anyone that's on Twitter seriously they are going to have to come at me on the streets and say it to my face before I care. I think I speak for everyone, or at least most people, when I say "fuck some Twitter shit".

You couldn't have said it any better, Slim. Although, I am upset now that I know you don't have BFF's, I was starting to think we were becoming something along them lines. *Laughs* What are your influences?

My influence in my regular life would probably be my dad, he's overcome a lot and accomplished great things y'know? But when it comes to the rap game, I'd have to say Tupac is my ultimate influence. My boy 16 Feva plays a big role in my music, too, he's always helping me with my beats and in the studio. Eminem has really proven himself in the rap industry, and I hope to one day be looked up to like many kids look up to him. Other rappers like Bone Thugs, DMX, Eazy E, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and of course Outkast are other influences of mine.

What kind of music are you into? What kind of artists or bands do you like to listen to?

I listen to everything, really. I love Dead Roses, got all their albums and I'm honored to have parents that are really good friends with them. I also love the fact that they got their start in kTp. I've always jammed out to bands like Atomic War Bride, The Harlots, The Infidels, The Black Gates, Moronic Changeling, Archaic couture, Attack the System, Casting Thin Shadows, Yumi, Fairway, fAthOm, Gillians, GirlSpice, Rebel Uprising, My Freaky Valentine, PANIC!, The Rockers, Super Highway Techno Buddha, VETO, We Observed Mercy, Thunderwolf, Culture Uncut and Stephanie Fierce are some that I can think of right now. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm a fan of Baron Johnson and the Silver Spirits too.


Is there anything else you'd like to add or discuss before we wrap this up?

Before this is over, I'd like to wish Ryan Ross Hernandez the best of hope in getting better. I'd also like to tell Stephanie Fierce congrats on the new single, it goes hard. Last but not least, I want to remind everyone that Total Annihilation 7 is the twelfth and I hope to see y'all there. It's going to be one hell of a show.

That's it, until next time!

OOC: Not as good as Waldon's, but I enjoyed writing it! :)
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erich hess on 05/09/2012(UTC), DistortedAudio on 05/09/2012(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 09/09/2012(UTC), Walton on 09/09/2012(UTC), FiveT on 09/09/2012(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#2 Posted : 05 September 2012 20:54:17(UTC)
genocidal king
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Scott: Are you trying to score favours by naming every band that came into your head. Black Gates, fAthOm and GirlSpice? Weird mix, but cool, whatever floats your proverbial I guess. Also, isn't Culture Uncut an online magazine? Anyway, I'm not here to criticise; you seem to talk a good game, so I look forward to seeing what you can do somewhere down the line.

OOC: Cool work, nicely done.
Offline _Python_  
#3 Posted : 05 September 2012 21:04:37(UTC)
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OOC: Lol I fail, I was just browsing some names to make it all the more interactive. Way to make me feel stupid, though ;) I find that hilarious, I'm such a noob!
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erich hess on 05/09/2012(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 05 September 2012 23:26:37(UTC)
erich hess
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erica:yes!!! someone finally mentioned us in an interview! mr slim,i love you.

nina: *sings "movin on up" and they both dance.*
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#5 Posted : 08 September 2012 07:30:34(UTC)
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"Culture Uncut is a magazine, that's my fuck up though. Blame it on the cocaine. I love you too, Erica!"
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erich hess on 08/09/2012(UTC)
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#6 Posted : 08 September 2012 08:23:08(UTC)
erich hess
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erica: its near impossble not to.

nina: rule one,slim...never,ever,ever feed erica's ego. better response would be."thanks,man. you want to go watch football and scratch our balls like guys do." at which point erica would say "uh,i am a girl." then you move in with "damn,bitch! you got some small tittys." cogratulations,you've not fed erica's ego...and possibly made her cry,love.

erica: yeah? well your mom loves my boobs.i got to pry her off with a fucking crow bar!
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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_Python_ on 08/09/2012(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 08 September 2012 16:34:57(UTC)
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"I just can't help but to wonder what kind of drugs y'all stay fucked up on."
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erich hess on 08/09/2012(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#8 Posted : 09 September 2012 00:28:26(UTC)
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Oh snap! Well yo home girl got mad respect for you, you feel me. Appreciate that boo ;), glad ya dig the single!

- Stephanie Fierce
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_Python_ on 09/09/2012(UTC)
User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#9 Posted : 09 September 2012 00:36:29(UTC)
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Serenity: Thank you Slim! I definitely respect you now!

OOC: This is really good :)

Edited by user 09 September 2012 00:38:02(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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_Python_ on 09/09/2012(UTC)
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#10 Posted : 10 September 2012 05:03:17(UTC)
erich hess
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Originally Posted by: _Python_ Go to Quoted Post
"I just can't help but to wonder what kind of drugs y'all stay fucked up on."

erica:ah, question best answered with another question.nina?

nina:whatcha got,mr slim?

erica:we draw the line at injection types and anything cooked up by a mulleted man in a camaro.we do have standards.

nina: low standards,love.but standards all the same.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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_Python_ on 12/09/2012(UTC)
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