Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Andrea: Hey you're Gia's brother! Don't believe I spoke to you anyway hi there Nate I'm Andrea can't wait to check out some music from you :)
Nate: Yes, Yes I am :) It is such a honor to be recognized as one of the biggest names in the industry, sibling. I am glad to make your acquaintance and I do hope that you will listen to some of my music and also take the time to check out some of the charities and projects I am working on. It is for the betterment of the world and it is up to our generation to make the world a better place!
Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Billy: I think you and Riley were separated at birth, he's kind of weird too....
Nate: Separated at birth? Well no, as I recall Gia is the only sibling I have. Weird is such a vague word young Billy. I believe we are all unique and different in our own special way. You know, when I used to go to school, my classmates said the same thing you said to me. I find it quite wonderful that there is not a single person on this earth like another, is it not quite fascinating?
Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Riley: I really admire your love for the earth and animals, can't wait to hear your music. You seem like a great role model already :)
Nate: You know that brings such joy to my heart! I am glad to meet a fellow gentleman who also enjoys the earth and all it's wonderful miracles. I believe that we were put on this earth to nurture and care for it but with so much going on in the world, I do not think people are focusing on the important task at hand; we must all work together to save the earth and it's beautiful creatures! I hope to be a role model that inspires everyone to do their part.
Originally Posted by: genocidal king Scott: Hey little almost bro. Glad to see you're doing well.
Nate: Dearest brother-in-law, greetings! It is splendid to hear from you again. How are your offspring? I must come and visit to tell you about my dreams I've been having about your family. The auras have been speaking to me in a loud voice and I cannot ignore it anymore. I also notice that it is time for another spiritual cleansing of the home to give you all well wishes. It shall be a most splenderific time!