
As "Girlfight" by Brooke Valentine plays over the PA system, the camera's pan around the venue. The crowd is clapping when Queen Alexis skips out with a big smile on her face. The crowd starts cheering more. As she walks out she stops and looks around, flips her hair on a smile on her face and takes a seat on the cheer in the studio where the show is being taped. Queen Alexis flips her hair once more as the music fades away. The crowd then quiets down and Queen Alexis opens up both of her arms and laughs evilly
Queen Alexis: I'm WINNING!!!!
As she laughs evilly the crowd starts cheering
Queen Alexis: YES! It's the second mother freaking season OF MY SHOW.....
The crowd starts cheering once more and Queen Alexis opens her mouth up in shock
Queen Alex: Yall are really the best!
She grins
Queen Alexis: I knew one day it would stick. One day.
Queen Alexis then looks dead into the crowd
Queen Alexis: Now it's time to get down to buisness...
She pauses for a second
Queen Alexis: Now I've been gone for a while. Relaxing and I'm making way back to where I've stayed and that is on top of all these bitches. We are now on the second season! Each week a new star will be pitted against I...and we will go on to have my type of fun. If you don't know me I've been the Queen Of Gossip for a while now... Cassie who? Layla who? I started the Shuffle With Queen Alexis where I totally ripped artists like Hayden, Katie Coyle especially, and a ton of artists to shreds and kicked some ass on Big Brother. And also made this very show here that went on to have one of the biggest season premiere ratings in Fox History. So why is it that these bitties don't respect me huh???
On the tv screen behind where Queen Alexis is sitting, a picture pops up.

Queen Alexis laughs hysterically and so does the crowd
Queen Alexis: Hahahah! I totally crack myself up. These other ratchet girls have yet to get on my level but have the balls to try and diss me. Now you got balls in your mouth Lay lay!
Queen Alexis smiles
Queen Alexis: Sooo moving on.... tonight, on this veeery special night on MY show.. The Queen Alexis Show, we also have a very special and sexy guest. YES, she's sassy, a bit classy and is the head bitch in charge lately and quite frankly a chick I've grown to like, everyone... Please welcome

[Tisha Jackson walks onto the stage as “History” plays in the background. As she walks she waves centrically at her fans and smiles. She stops and then makes a couple of funny faces at them, still smiling very playfully. Tisha makes the sign of a heart with her fingers and she walks towards Queen Alexis smiling.]
[Tisha walking to her energetically begins to yell, “FINALLY” “Oh my gosh, finally”. Tisha then walks onto the stage and gives Queen Alexis a hug and says, “It’s about damn time. I brought my sneakers and Vaseline just in case”. Tisha says jokingly. She then waves at the crowd cheering for her one more time before taking her seat.]
Queen Alexis looks at her smiling, giving her a hug before sitting down in her the chair opposite of Tisha. The crowd is still cheering. Queen Alexis has this cocky grin on her face before waiting for the audience to settle down
Queen Alexis: Sooo guuuurl how's it going?
Tisha: Finally. It’s about time we finally meet. I’m good! I’m here at the Queen Alexis Show! *Tisha laughs*. No but everything is well.
Queen Alexis: You been surely runnin this game lately. That's why I call you the second head bitch in charge... I mean, second to me...
Queen Alexis laughs at her own joke, looking at Tisha
[Tisha curls her lip down and looks at Queen Alexis then turns to the audience. The audience laughs at Tisha’s sarcastic face. “Check her out”, Tisha says sarcastically but jokingly.]
Queen Alexis: I joke, I joke gurl! *laughs*. I'm actually glad that you're here, and that's a rare occurrence. There is certainly a lot to talk about too ... First I want to start with Dominic Angel...
Queen Alexis makes a funny face as the crowd goes "OoOooo"
Queen Alexis: Yes, I'm going there.

[Tisha laughs loudly. The audience laughs. She says’ “Oh we can go there Queen. Ain’t no shame in my game”. The audience laughs at Tisha]
Queen Alexis: So are you sexing him up or are yall just playin at PG? Come on Tisha!
Tisha Jackson: You know I am going to be completely honest. Dominic and I are taking things very slow. I’ll say that. I don’t want to rush into anything and he doesn’t either. And that’s where I feel happy and connected with him at because we are at similar places in our lives, and we want the same things, and we don’t want each other to deprive each other of doing something. *Tisha jokes* We’re about at a PG-13 phase. But I’ll let you know when we get to Rated-R. We’re enjoying ourselves and having fun!
Queen Alexis: Aw! That boy can move his hips and surely can thrust. I'm SO surprised you're not sittin up here in a wheelchair girl!
Queen Alexis breaks into a laugh and so does the audience
[Tisha leans back into the chair and burst into laughter with the audience]
Tisha: Bitch. You. Are. Crazy! I can’t believe you just said that. Haha *Tisha continues laughing* No but Dominic can work it, yeah I will give him that. He moves well, he’s talented.
*The audience yells, “OooooohOooooh” Tisha with a surprised look on her face, looks at the audience, and says. “Oh my God, you guys are so nasty, get your minds out the gutter!” She laughs jokingly*
Queen Alexis: Heheheh. Aside from him.. This thing has been going on for ENTIRELY too long, and that's this annoying ass Stephanie Fierce versus you rivalry.
Queen Alexis looks annoyed adjusting herself into her seat
Queen Alexis: Yall egos are both as big as this weave I got in my head so I aint surprised.. Where did the bullshit start?
Tisha: You know Queen, I could agree with you on that. It is annoying. I’m over it. I’m over her. I think our nation [pauses] and the world is over her. Umm, I’m not dealing with it anymore [Tisha flips hair]. But I would have to disagree with you and say my ego isn’t big, I just think if you wanna be or act like a bad bitch, live a bad bitch mentality. Be about the life. I’m not saying I am, but if you gonna be about something be about it. Don’t be a wuss or a sore loser. And I think that’s what she is. I am not afraid to talk about her or when people bring her up cause what she says has no real input on my life. And it’s all a JOKE to me. At the end of the day, I make my money doing what I love, I don’t make money off of her. I write music, I produce records, that’s how I fulfill myself, that’s how enjoy my life, that’s how I make my living. So this thing with her is all entertainment for me and my fans. It’s nothing else [pauses] On my part.
Queen Alexis: Sooo... It was her who started the whole thing?
Tisha: This thing has been going on for so long, I can’t even remember. But I don’t start anything I can’t finish.
Queen Alexis: The twitter beef is so annoying now. Like you're what... 25? And she's 30.. Or 40? Like yall are too old to be acting out like that. Why you even care about her of all people? She's obviously going through a midlife crisis and you well, you're young, dumb and full of cum! And I think that's where she wants to be...STEPHANIE FIERCE get over it...you'll never be young dumb and full of cum again. But instead she reminds me of an OLD, RUSTY and DUSTY car in need an oil change. Get over it.
Tisha: [Tisha laughs] I can’t believe you just said that. Well for starters, I am 23! Let’s get that straight [Tisha laughs]. You know Queen, I do feel bad at times for taking digs at her on twitter. And it is me sometimes just having fun. But you know if it’s too much for her to handle she could block me. I don’t do it to be immature, I do it to just be real. Im sure when you’re 45, it is difficult to get attention when people consider most you do a joke. But that isn’t my problem. And I have been done with the situation. But you know it’s a free country, I can say whatever I want, and I don’t have to mention specific names.
Queen Alexis laughs
Queen Alexis: Some say you're nothing but a failed carbon copy of Stephanie, constantly stealing her ideas and having your songs closely resembling releases she has done in the past...Is it true that you're a swagger jagger?
Tisha: That’s the most stupid shit I’ve ever heard. And to the people who say that, that’s their opinion and that’s for them to have. But I’ll settle it in the most simple but thought provoking way to silence the haters. [Tisha whispers] I’ve been in the business longer.
Queen Alexis: What about the song, Fiercest One In Town, were you haven a dig at Stephanie?.
Tisha: I was taking dabs at whoever I felt were hating on me and had no reason to hate. Because the quality of my music backs it up. So to answer your question, yes. Her and whoever else were negative. “Fiercest One In Town” was and is a movement.
Queen Alexis laughs adjusting herself in the seat again.
Queen Alexis: You're very grounded and seem quite intelligent..but not from the reports I hear about you being an alcoholic, drug whore! Tisha! Tell me this isn't true?!
Tisha: [Tisha laughs then smiles] Ha! Umm, I will admit I have had issues with alcohol in the past. Or when things have gotten tough yes. But it isn’t something I take lightly. And it is something I have been planning and have recently taken the further steps into being a healthier, more sober me.
Queen Alexis: There were some pictures of you chuggin down that beer like you do it for a living boo, I just wanted to clear that up.. *winks*. Do you sniff coke or abuse prescription drugs????
Tisha: Drugs is something that I don’t take lightly because I have family members who have been in recovery for over 20 years. And I have family members who are still using. So, to answer your question, No, I’ve never done any drugs.
Queen Alexis: So your new album...well can't say its new, but instead the re-release of Reveal has been a big success girly, I like the new tracks..what do you have to say to your constant haters about you being lazy to re-release a year old album?
Tisha: Thank you so much! Umm, I don’t consider them hater. Even though I am in the business, WE as people ALL have critics. So I wouldn’t call them haters. I did not get mad with them for calling it lazy because I wasn’t being lazy. It was just the best decision or thing I could, rather, to give my fans new material with continuing the “Reveal Era”. Because honestly I wasn’t ready to record or write new material because I was tired. I didn’t want to throw away something so special and dear to my heart, and to my fans hearts. So that’s why I re-released the record.
Queen Alexis: EIGHT million copies sold right? I think you make it clear every time you reach a certain amount of sales...
Queen Alexis looks at Tisha deeply, reminding herself of a tweet she sent out..
Queen Alexis: I'm not gonna lie you were on my burn list because every time you sell a few records you publicize it like you've never been successful before and it gets annoying.. Because to be honest no one cares...but at the same time I see you are thoroughly happy with your accomplishments so I can't knock that. At least you have accomplishments unlike Serenity Scott who goes around parading fake numbers... She's a psycho bitch...
Queen Alexis facepalms as she looks up at the PA screen

Queen Alexis laughs

[Tisha laughs uncontrollably at Queen Alexis.]
Tisha: Haha. You’re a mess. No. I don’t go around parading my numbers, in my opinion. And honestly with something’s it’s a business. But when you’re heart is invested in it, and you see it pays off. Why not celebrate?! Why not congratulate me?! Why not be happy?! And I saw the shade you threw at me on twitter to answer your question. [Tisha and the audience burst into laughter] But no, it is something I am VERY proud of, BUT… There is a major but… I don’t think you have to make anything and everything about numbers to make good music. So I don’t want people to think that of me because it’s not true. I love what I do, it thrills me, it excites me. And don’t get me started on that Serenity Scott bitch. She’s A FUCKING CREEP! She’s this years, Rebecca Black I would say. No one cares.
Queen Alexis: When we come back, we'll be playing ..
Who Would You Rather KILL!Queen Alexis laughs evilly
[Tisha smiles at the audience looking a tad nervous]
The camera's fade to black
The camera's come back in as the theme music of the Queen Alexis show is heard, the camera's pan to the interview area where both Alexis and Tisha are sitting
Queen Alexis: We are BACK at MY show.. The Queen Alexis show and we are here with the sexy Tisha Jackson! And we are playing, Who Would You Rather KILL!

Queen Alexis laughs evilly looking at Tisha
Queen Alexis: Girl you ready?
Tisha: Yes! I just hope none of my friends are in this. Don’t put me on the spot Queen! [Tisha laughs]
Queen Alexis: The rules are very easy, pictures of two singers will pop up on the PA screen and you will make a choice, who would you kill out of the two and why..you only got 20 seconds to choose by the way.. And no.. "I don't knows"...or "ill passes"..READY?!!
The crowd starts laughing and clapping as Queen Alexis points to the screen
Suzie and Serenity

[Tisha laughs loudly, HA!!!]
Queen Alexis: Now Tisha!
Tisha: Easy. Serenity.
Queen Alexis: Can't we just kill em both?!
Queen Alexis laughs
Queen Alexis: NEXTTTT
Isabel vs. Jennifer Armstrong

[Tisha frowns her face and looks sad. She puts her head in her lap because she doesn’t want to say her answer. The audience laughs]
Tisha: Jennifer would have to go. I’m sorry Izzy is my sister! That’s family.
Queen Alexis: Next one please! Its the battle of the two cunts!
Katie Coyle v. Andrea Mason

Tisha: I LOVE Katie Coyle. Andrea would have to go.
Queen Alexis: Two more to go!
Ryan Ross Hernandez vs Nadia Berry

Tisha: Oh my God. That’s easy, Ryan would be out. I can’t stand him.
Last one!
Brittany Knox v. Michelle Green

Tisha: Awww shit! Why you had to take it there. [Tisha looks at Queen with a serious face] I love them both, but Brittany would have to go. Michelle is a FIGHTER! She’s a solider.
They share a laugh as the PA system cuts off
Queen Alexis: Love that game! If only I was able to shoot down Andrea Mason and Katie Coyle, oh the delight! I would have....
Tisha Jackson: Oh my gosh! Stop Queen. [Tisha holds her hand laughing]
Queen Alexis: I'm serious though! One of them are most overrated fucking singer since Miss Vanity and the other one is...is...well I don't know. She's not anything that an industry SLUT who gets pregnant, gives her kids up for adoption and get engaged. That's the only press she gets...for being a trashy FUCK UP. Much like Cassie Summers... WHY are these bitches even here?!!!
The crowd laughs
[Tisha shakes her head. “You’re a mess and my lips are sealed” Tisha zips her lips with her hand and throws away the key]
Queen Alexis rolls her eyes
Queen Alexis: Anyway, It was nice having you here gurl, I like you even more now that we cleared up some thangsss... Thanks for coming by!
Tisha Jackson: I enjoyed myself! Glad we got to clear things up. I’m coming back!
Queen Alexis: Everyone give it up for Tisha and thanks for tuning in to the Season Premiere of MY show... THE QUEEN ALEXIS SHOW! See ya next week!
The crowd cheers loudly and Queen Alexis poses looking into the camera before giving Tisha a hug as the camera pan out and fade to black.