1. Cataclysm
2. Knee Deep In The Dead (Drop C Remix)
3. Mechanical Christ
GENRE: Death Metal, Deathcore
LYRICS BY: Sam Fischer
FORMAT: Mp3 Download, CD, Vinyl
The video begins with a TV set to a dead channel, suddenly the static flickers and changes to a news report about the upcoming election, and showing Mitt Romney making a speech. The TV switches between the news, black and white images of war, and images of children in third world countries. The visions are unsettling, and it explicitly shows injured, dying soldiers and malnourished, emaciated children. The song begins to play, and the camera pans back, revealing an empty stage with TV screens surrounding it. The band begins to perform the song. The footage of the band playing is distorted, blurred, and appears as if it is shot on old film; there are stains visible on the footage and everything is shot in a dark tone.

As the song gets more intense, the images begin to flicker and alternate between the footage shown on the TV and the footage of the band performing; the images also get more graphic, including a dead body decomposing in fast motion, people being beaten by the police, and images taken from the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ"

as the song comes to an end, the image changes to an alternate picture of the album art from their upcoming album, UNHOLY CREATION, and the camera pans back, revealing that the entire music video was taking place on the television screen of an american family who bear a bored, uninterested expression on their faces.

LYRICS (by Sam Fischer (OOC: by Jonny Davy))
The earth slowly rots into a malignant tumor
breeding no life for the future of the world
in a wake of a nuclear war bodies rise from the fractured streets
and decomposing fields of abandonment
their bodies and faces mutated and disfigured
still breathing through their brimful lungs
they lump and crawl across the ruins they once claimed on a leisurely ongoing march
their flesh still burns, the skin blackens and embers into the demming air