ACTS OF HATE - THE UNHOLY CREATION SHAMELESS PROMOTION VIDEOthe screen is filled with static, but quickly flickers to reveal the band, standing in an alley and trying to look hardcore.

Sam: Hello world! We - ACTS OF HATE - have come to brainwash the masses with our OUTRAGEOUS DEATH METALITY!
Tony: METALL!!! ...Hi chloe! *waves at camera*
Rob holds up a blank cd.
Rob: It may not look like much, but on this CD lies the most brutal record to ever be recorded! get out of the way Pig Destroyer, because we're ACTS of FUCKIN' HATE!
Neil: We know how to headbang!
the screen flickers once more and cuts to Sam, sitting on a couch.

Sam: Hello there, peasants. I have a message for you from the kings of brutality, Acts of Hate...of which I am a part. Anyways, we feel it is important to tell you - WE LOVE PICKLES! THE PICKLIER THE BETTER!
the screen flickers and changes to footage of the band playing live

before returning to the footage of them in the alley.
Jeff: What was the point of this video?
Sam: We're telling people about the record - and, uh, we're gonna go on tour after, so...keep your eyes open!
Tony: Bring your pick!
Rob: And bring your shovel!
Sam: We will NOT be undersold!
the band flash the devil horns at the screen and it cuts to black.