Full Name: Ally Noelle Levesque
D.O.B: 25th September 1994 (Age 18)
Origin: Los Angeles, California
Label: Kiss My Pop
Genres: Pop, Rock Pop, R&B
Favorite Artists: Michelle Green, Jennifer Armstrong, Isaac Lovelock, James Urie, Foxxxy
Twitter: @AllyAllTheWay

Ally Noelle Levesque was born on 25th September 1994 to Sandra and Jason Levesque. Her mother worked as an interpreter whilst her father was a lawyer so her two elder brothers enjoyed their parents huge paychecks and had a very privileged childhood. Ally would travel the world with her mother, exploring different cultures and countries whilst her mother was hard at work. Receiving almost anything she wanted, you would think Ally was overjoyed with her family situation but the truth of the matter was that she was extremely unhappy.
Ally was always more of a 'tomboy' so all the latest must haves didn't phase her, she was happy with a soccer ball and that was it. She was never really into her looks either so all the newest, expensive clothes were just a waste of money. Although, all the unwanted material things weren't the main cause of her unhappiness. Her father was a very violent and aggressive man who would lash out and hit her mother and on several occasions, Ally and her brothers (Kyle & Sean) themselves. She never understood why her mother still loved her father and took it upon herself to cut him out of their lives at only age 10. Ally, who had quite a temper herself, took all of her father's clothes and tore them up. Every gift he bought her went into the trash and even called the police on her own father, telling them about the abuse he had given them. Despite being an unpopular move from her mother's point of view at the time, it strengthened the bond between them. With a healthy sum of money and a now 'normal' family, Ally enjoyed the remainder of her childhood.
The only musical member of her family was her mother, Sandra. She enjoyed a wide variety of music from Neo Soul to Rock & Roll and that seemed to have rubbed off on Ally. Her and her mother would regularly swap albums and shared the same passion for different types of music, probably from all the travelling and hearing music from different cultures. At the age of 13, Ally started to show more of an interest in music and joined the local performing arts school, ditching the sporting dream and moving onto one that involved entertainment. At the school, she would star in many productions, learn how to play the guitar and due to her A+ grades in English, write songs beyond her years that incorporated sophisticated and witty language. After 2 years there, the school closed down due to lack of funds and Ally had to resort to busking on streets as the only way of performing.

Bring on Music4Youth! When the academy opened in 2011, Ms. Levesque signed up straight away although it would involve her moving away from her mother for the first time, she tearfully said her goodbyes and packed her bags. At the academy, she returned to writing again and whilst there Ally discovered that her father and mother were back together which enraged her, however, it helped her to create a whole lot of emotional songs which Ally claims she is extremely proud of despite the situation the songs originated from. Also at the academy, she met the then aspiring rapper Isaac Lovelock whom she took a liking to. After a while, the two started dating and have remained together ever since.
In early 2012, a production company came to Music4Youth looking for young, fresh upcoming talent to star in a new sci-fi TV series, Echo. Originally hesitant about her acting ability, Ally declined the offer whilst boyfriend Isaac signed up. A few weeks later, Jasmine King (of pop group 'Storm') dropped out and Ally finally signed up. She played Polly, the villain of the show and joined a cast filled with huge stars such as Dustyn Blue and Mandy Williams. Echo was a ratings smash and received glowing reviews from critics however after only 2 shows, it was put on hold due to conflicting schedules with some of the actors.
Out of the limelight for a while, Ally signed to new label Kiss My Pop in August 2012 and is currently hard at work on her debut album. With a sharp tongue, outspokenness and beauty, Ally could go all the way.

*Ally is signed to Kiss My Pop.
*Website launched.
*Debut single will be released in November.

COMING SOONList Of Recorded SongsGood To Me
Paper Cut
Tame A Wild Heart
More Than This