TRACK SYNOPSIS (finally complete!)
10. Deluge to Cleanse the Sinners
The song begins with extremely fast tremolo picking, in a jarring, alternating picking pattern. After the first line or so, it slows to a chug, almost into a breakdown until it comes back double time for the rest of the song. The tremolo picking returns, and the song ambles along at midtempo, frequently the guitar changes into more complicated and fast picking patterns that accompany the slow double bass drumming. The vocal style on this song is slightly different from the rest of the album; Sam utilizes more screams instead of growls, and inhaled vocals (pig squeals) are heard frequently. This makes some of the lyrics sound like a demonic pig grunting along to the song. The song is indulgent, and makes frequent use of breakdowns, a technique the band had been trying to not utilize as much on this record. Frequent stops give the song an odd time signature feel, with one break even being a drum and bass section with jazzy drumming and a quasi-bass solo, until it brings back the breakdown with harsh, guttural pig squeals (think 'bree bree bree bree bree') And then back into an even heavier breakdown that utilizes the growl heard on most of the rest of the tracks, mixed with the inhales. The song ends on what sounds like the beginning of another breakdown, but the harsh vocals trail off after a few chuggs and the song slows to a halt.
Blood begins to spill from an open sea, dead bodies churn within the tide.
They drift against a now reddened sea.
These rising waters blush as their bodies decompose.
Dozens buried at sea, they swim in their graves.
They've proved themselves being too weak for this attachment,
the tide rises, the tide breaks.
Once again you've proven yourself too weak for this attachment.
The tide rises, the tide breaks
As these waters blush
Their bodies decompose,
Dozens of corpses buried at sea
I hope I have made my last point
Dozens of corpses buried at sea
The weak have fallen but now I stand alone
11. Deification
The album comes full circle on this track, the wall of sound from 'Unholy Creation' returns, with an ominous chanting in the background. In the background, the sound of guitar feedback can be heard, and the war drums return. Mournfully, a symphony plays notes that suggest the ascenscion of a fallen angel, and the entire song builds to a crescendo of noise, feedback and the ominous acceptance of the end...
12. Unearthed (Hidden Track)
This hidden track starts 6 minutes after the end of deification, and begins almost as a reprise as the ominous symphony and war drums start. Within a few seconds though, it is clear that this is no reprise, a demonic, distorted voice (Sam's) begins to wail, cry, and scream to be let out, as the sound of nails scratching against wood is heard...
Let me out...
Let me out...
Oh god...
Let me out...
Let me out...
Let me out!
13. Mechanical Christ (Hidden Track)
This second hidden track segues seamlessly from Unearthed, and is a recording of a fan favorite song written during the Carnival of Sounds. The song is blisteringly fast and explosive, almost sounding like a grindcore or noise song, with tremolo picking blaring over blast beats and thundering bass. The vocals are yet another return to the early sound, pig squeals being frequent along with gutturals. The raw, uncompromised energy on the song makes it clear why it is usually the last song on AoH's live setlists. The entire song ends just like it began, suddenly and violently, without warning, signalling the end of the album.
What stands before us is not a machine.
It breathes, it will bleed, and it dreams.
Its body is covered,
In hundreds of wires.
And the mouth it attempts to speak,
It attempts to lie.
Only murmurs,
Collapse from its jaws.
And a world, a world without,
A world without you,
But I rise. The dead will pride.
Brings it beyond this life
So sleep. Sleep among us,
And hesitate no more.
We kneel and we plead for no,
Mourning ahead of us.
With only delayed movements,
From its figure,
We all begin to strain.
Entombment of a machine.
What stands before us,
Is not a machine.
My legs weaken at the sight,
Of this damaged program.
This program kept you breathing.
It kept you alive.
These circuits diffuse once more.
But I saw it die.
We saw it die.
But I saw it die.
I watched it die.
Sam Fischer - Vocals, Lyrics, Blasphemy
Tony Sammartino - Guitars, Bible Defacement
Rob Heath - Guitars, Coffee Machine
Jeff Koenig - Bass, Christ Abortion
Neil Willamette - Drums, Salad Dressing, Sacrilegious Masturbation
Erich Hess - Production, Bad Influences, Drug Supply, Prostitute Detection Apparatus
Sam would like to thank: My mom, for giving birth to me. God forgive her.
Tony would like to thank: Chloe Pastis, for the sex.
Rob would like to thank: The fans.
Jeff would like to thank: Erich, for constantly providing the band with enough drugs and alcohol (fuck you sam) to record.
Neil would like to thank: The NAACP, Pugs everywhere.
Tony and Jeff use Jackson Guitars
Rob uses B.C. Rich Guitars
Neil and Sam use whatever is cheapest