Last year, a group of 5 teenagers took to a cabin in the woods one weekend to escape the stress of school and their busy lives. What was expected to be a fun filled and stress free weekend turned into a horrific bloodbath. A masked stranger (wearing a disturbing mask which resembled the face of a baby doll with a half burnt face) terrorised the teens and brutally murdered three of them. Sisters JoJo and Claire survived the attack due to police arriving on the scene however, Claire had lost the use of her legs due to several nerves and muscles being severed. The girls unwillingly became local celebrities but fame is not what they wanted. All they want is the killer to be found and brought to justice.
A year passes and no other attacks have happened in the area. JoJo is now in her last year of High School and despite all of the trauma her and her sister endured last summer, she is now enjoying her life. With good grades, a boyfriend, a great group of friends and a loving mother and step father, JoJo is ready to move onto the next chapter of her life but an unwanted visitor returns to cause even more havoc than before. The killer preys upon the small town of Willow, murdering anyone and anything that is close to the surviving sisters. The killer has their eyes set on the sisters and nothing is going to get in his/her way. With a town full of people and a lousy police department, it's a murderer's paradise. The question is; which resident is enjoying it a little too much?
[Mandy Williams]
Joanne 'JoJo' Tomlinson is 18 years old and is the main character of the movie. She lives with her sister Claire, her mother Sherri, her step-dad Richard and her step brother Jamie. JoJo attends Willow High School alongside her best friends and boyfriend, Matthew King. She receives good grades and enjoys creative subjects like Art and Drama and tries to avoid Maths at all costs. Despite going through hell and back, JoJo is still an upbeat, friendly person. She is quite a tom boy and holds a strong dislike to the stereotypical bitchy cheerleaders who attend her school. Although she is friendly, JoJo can stand up for herself and is far from a pushover.
Matthew King
[Rory Delaney]
Matthew King is 18 years old and is the boyfriend of JoJo. He attends Willow High and is best friends with Kaelen Milad. Although he would always defend JoJo and would never lay a finger on her, Matthew is a lousy boyfriend. He forgets to call, forgets JoJo's birthday and almost always shows up late for their dates. He's been criticised by friends for 'only being a boyfriend when JoJo threatens to leave him', showing that he is lazy in a relationship and doesn't try unless forced to. He enjoys football and regular drinking with Kaeden. He would never set out to hurt anyone but many people dislike him.
Fiona Knight
[Radio Vine] Fiona Knight
is 29 years old and is a journalist for the local paper. Becoming a local celebrity for reporting the events of the original murders and for accusing the Tomlinson sisters of setting it all up, everyone has an opinion of her and the sisters hold a strong dislike towards her as you would expect. She will do anything to get a story, literally ANYTHING. She is sharp tongued and cut-throat but is a very determined and ambitious person. When the murders start up again, she arrives at the scene of the crime in a flash.
Sabrina Hilton
[Preferably an African American female] Sabrina Hilton is 18 years old and is a student at Willow High. She is one of JoJo's best friends (and one of her oldest). Her and JoJo have been best friends since they were 4 years old and have been ever since. Sabrina is outspoken and doesn't shy away when it comes to pointing out Matthew's flaws. She is also full of life and enjoys bursting out into song and loves to laugh. With a great sense of humour and love for performing, she is a very sociable person and confident is too small a word to call her. She provides many comedic moments with her sharp tongue and witty one liners.
Patti Evans
[Katie Coyle] Patti Evans is 17 years old and is the youngest out of the group of friends. A tomboy like JoJo, she plays in the school's hockey team and has a love for sport. Patti is more sensitive than her friends though and tends to hide away when any conflict breaks out. She admits that she doesn't want to date as she is scared of heartbreak and despite being pretty, she has never had a boyfriend. Patti isn't into her looks and often dresses in really casual clothes. She is attractive but doesn't know it. Patti is also a movie enthusiast and is wrapped up in pop culture. She is lovable and kind of 'kooky' at some points too.
Kaelen Milad
[Billy Khan]
Kaelen Milad is 18 years old, attends Willow High and is one of the main group of friends. He may look like the stereotypical jock; tall, fit, stylish and rich (which he is) however, he is very intelligent and artistic but prefers to keep that to himself. Kaelen is Matthew's best friend and constantly has to remind him about scheduled dates and plans with JoJo. Kaelen and Matthew are regularly at parties together and enjoy heavy drinking and recreational drugs. The pair share a brotherly bond. He sometimes appears as a 'brute' and has a fiery temper but beneath that is a soft, kind guy and is often a shoulder to cry on for JoJo whenever things go wrong between her and Matthew. It's suspected that he is crushing on JoJo.
Elise Watkins
[Natalya Dobros] Elise Watkins is 18 years old and attends Willow High. The exact opposite of Patti; she is interested in parties and boys and loves to show off her amazing figure. She is attractive and knows it, and she especially knows how to use her looks to get what she wants. Elise's popularity took a dive last year after an 'incident' at a party which involved too much alcohol, a guy and a closet. After her popular friends turned on her and the whole school calling her a slut, she was 'reduced to' hanging out with JoJo and her friends. However, she admits that she now has true friendship and her bitchiness is quite handy when it comes to defending her friends and chasing off sneaky reporter, Fiona Knight.
Claire Tomlinson
[Clara Thompson] Claire Tomlinson is 20 years old and is JoJo's older sister who is now in a wheelchair. Claire is still traumatised from the events of last year unlike carefree JoJo. She hates being in a wheelchair as she was previously studying ballet, so had to give up on her dreams and she also detests the fact that she isn't as independent as she used to be. Claire's confidence took a big knock when her boyfriend left her because she became paralysed from the waist down. She rarely leaves the house. Despite hating her own situation, Claire shows a great interest in her sister's hopes and dreams and supports her on every decision she makes. She also adores her half brother, Jamie.
Jamie Ellis
[Preferably a 'cute', 'baby-faced' white teenage male] Jamie Ellis is 17 years old and attends Willow High. He is JoJo and Claire's half brother who they see as their 'full' brother as they were extremely young when he was born and don't remember much about their real dad, so they take him and his father as their real, 100% flesh and blood. Jamie is in the year below JoJo and her friends. He shares a similar interest to his sister, in drama and performing. Jamie is extremely shy and quiet off stage and has never had a girlfriend. He is more 'cute and cuddly' than 'hot and muscly'. People suspect he is gay but remain tight lipped about it.
Sheriff Tom Fielding
[Any person will do] Tom Fielding is around 45 years old and is the local Sheriff of Willow and worked on the murder investigation last year. He has come under harsh criticism from residents as he is described as 'lousy' and 'unprofessional'. Matthew also jokes that he 'has a thing for high school boys'.
Sherri Tomlinson
[Any person will do] Sherri Tomlinson is around 44 years old and is the mother of Claire, JoJo and Jamie. Her and Richard Ellis (Jamie's father and the girls' step-dad) have been dating since JoJo was only a few months old. They aren't married due to financial issues and are happy the way things are. She is unemployed and the classic housewife. Sherri is very friendly and loving but still treats Jamie, JoJo and Claire like children.
Richard Ellis
[Any person will do] Richard Ellis is around 45 years old and is the father of Jamie and the step father of Claire and JoJo. He works at the docks and tries hard to provide for his family. He sees the girls as his own. Richard gives them all more freedom than Sherri does.
Mrs. Anne Kay
[Any person will do] Anne Kay is the drama teacher at Willow High. She is in her mid-40's. Anne lets students call her by her first name and is a very gentle, motherly person who always looks out for her students.
Mona Ingles
[Preferably a skinny female who can pull off a geeky look] Mona Ingles is an over-achiever and isn't reserved about her academic achievements. Always gloating and running for every possible job and responsibility in the school, she gets on everyone's nerves.
Douglas Gilmore
[Preferably a long haired, 'scruffy' looking male] Douglas Gilmore is 18 years old and a student at Willow High. He is known for being stoned most of the time and constantly skipping class. He provides Matthew and Kaelen with 'supplies'
Lori Simmons
[Preferably a blonde haired female] Lori Simmons is 18 and shares the same History class as the main group of friends. Not much is known about her other than she comes from a wealthy family and lives with her boyfriend who is 7 years her senior.
Joanne 'JoJo' Tomlinson - Mandy Williams
Matthew King - Rory Delaney
Fiona Knight - Radio Vine
Sabrina Hilton - Mykaylah Landers
Patricia 'Patti' Evans - Katie Coyle
Kaelen Milad - Billy Khan
Elise Watkins - Natalya Dobros
Claire Tomlinson - Clara Thompson
Jamie Ellis - TBC
Sheriff Tom Fielding - TBC (Unsure if any RP characters fit this character's age)
Sherri Tomlinson - TBC (Unsure if any RP characters fit this character's age)
Richard Ellis - TBC (Unsure if any RP characters fit this character's age)
Mrs. Anne Kay - TBC (Unsure if any RP characters fit this character's age)
Mona Ingles - Anna Villiot
Douglas Gilmore - Jakob Ari Eiríkssón
Lori Simmons - TBC
OOC: Ditched this a while back as I just wasn't feeling it anymore but I've reworked it all and can't wait! Unlike last time, I will be the only one writing the script to save time :)
Edited by user 12 November 2012 02:45:52(UTC)
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