amy of southfloridapsychos.com

Erich Hess
Interview takes place backstage somewhere.
Amy: today we are talking with the celebrated erich Hess.
Erich: *nods and glances around the room.*....and I'm with the lovely and celebrated Amy of south Florida psychos.
Amy:*blushes* that's me!
Erich:so it is. So it is.
Amy: "sightseeing on the last road to hell" was a....lets face it, a dismal failure. What do you think happened?
Erich: I'm going to assume they found better things to spend money on. You know how kids are today. If it isn't penny whistles,it's moonpies. A lowly ep by my lousy band just cannot compete. I don't blame them though. Penny whistles are a hoot. Moonpies suck though. I don't know how people eat the fucking things. So fuck you,moonpie eaters.
Amy: lately the war bride,the harlots,acts of hate,and vile hour, and the drummers started to cut a swath of chaos through Canada and then just stopped.where did everybody to?
Erich: it turns out we are Terrible for each other! We start out with the best intentions,and and actually doing shows....then it started getting more chaotic. Sex,drugs,marriage proposals,more sex got on the way and we just stopped driving to venues. We still drove around,drank and fucked though. We aren't complete lazy asses. We're looking to start back up again,we're down two members,so......
Amy: ooh,it sounds fun.
Erich: are you kidding? You ever pass out in another man's.....dribblings? It's awkward for all parties in involved,let me tell you. The other day we had an acid freak out and our couch smells of vinegar. And I am pretty sure everyone has seen at least someone other than their partner naked....except for me. I'm feeling pretty short changed right now.
Amy:well I can hel....moving on! *she turns red.* later later.... So erich,a little bird told me that the war bride is already working on a new album
Erich:what?! I want names god dammit. These little birds just swoop on and evesdrop on everything. Then,then the little bastards spread gossip! I would place no stock in ANYTHING a bird tells me.i don't give a rats ass if they used to be dinosaurs or not. Birds are fucking timid. If a bird tried telling me shit? I'd fuck him up. I'd put a dent in their beak. God damn little birds telling people's business! Fine,I admit it. There have been several times I haven't lasted more than a minute. It happens god damn it! Like everyone is at the top of their game all the time? These little fucking birds don't even have real wangs and they want to judge me? Fuck that.god damn little birds.
Amy:o.....k. On second thought,maybe I can't help you....that's it for now! Keep looking at southfloridapsychos for all your psychobilly news.
Erich : and another thing. These little birds steal shit out of my house. Evaporation? Evaporation my ass! Those little fuckers are drinking it. I know.i know! * video ends*