Getting To Know …SYNCO!!!
(Jamie, Naomi, Nicole, Alex, Layla)Recording or Performing Live?Layla: I haven't performed live yet but recording is rad
Alex: Also don't believe I've performed live just yet so recording
Nicole: Well unlike them I've performed live and recording I love both but performing live cause you get to connect with the audience and it's just really fun
Morning or Evening?Layla: Hmm I'm gonna go with evening it's when I get to relax home eat a bunch of junk foods and go on Tumblr or Twitter
Naomi: Agree with Lay-lay there evening we have to be in the studio in the morning so it's nice to just kick back and relax sometimes
Nicole: Second time as the odd one out I'm going with Mornin' love I am definitely a morning person unlike some people...
Alex: She's talking about me so what I don't like mornings
What is your worst habit?Jamie: I tend to bite my fingernails which is a very bad one especially after I get them done it's terrible but I can't help it
Layla: I have a lot...oh I eat when I'm bored so that's not good
Nicole: I like to bake out of boredom which is probably the cause of her eating thing sorry Layla
Alex: So I usually just get irritated easily over the smallest things sometimes I guess that;s mine does it even count?
Naomi: I usually end up chewing on things like pens and stuff sometimes my nails like Jamie but yeah I never notice it
What is your favourite song of the moment?Alex: I really like the debut single from Andros and the Mouse called Geek Girl it's really cool
Layla: Love, love, love Jennifer Armstrong's song It's Okay To Not Be Okay I literally cried the first time I heard it it's just so beautiful and I can really relate to the lyrics
Nicole: Only one? I love so many here's a few Turn Up The Volume by Weekend, Without You Boys by 4U Girls, Marilyn Monroe by Serenity Scott, For The Night by Kato and so many other ones
Jamie: My favourite right now has to be Thinking Of Me by Cassie Valentine she's so amazingly talented I love her
Naomi: Hmm Fire's Burning by Aubrey Mikkel I want to add that I love her personality no matter what others say she's herself and I respect that
What is your favourite song of all time?Alex: Tough one but I'm going with Come As You Are by Nirvana fun fact here I can play it on guitar
Layla: Ummm probably Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day
Nicole: On My Knees by Jaci Velasquez
Jamie: So hard but I'm going with Hero by Mariah Carey I love that song so much
Naomi: I Look To You by Whitney Houston is definitely one of many of them
What is your favourite musician/band?Layla: Weekend
Jamie: Mariah Carey
Alex: Gonna go with Nirvana
Nicole: Celine Dion her voice is so so so so beautiful
Naomi: Well obviously Whitney Houston
What is your favourite movie?Layla: UP!!! That movie is rad
Alex: Halloween maybe
Nicole: Not sure if anyone really remembers this one but it's called Sky high an old Disney movie
Jamie: Inception if you can understand it which I barely do it's really good
Naomi: Gone With The Wind is mine
What would be your perfect day?Layla: So first we go to a swimming pool then after come home to a table full of food and I mean like all kinds of amazing foods then after eating till I can't anymore just go on Tumblr and Twitter and tweet till my little heart gives out
Nicole: Mine would probably be being with the people I love the most my familia and my five chicas and go out somewhere with them all then come back home read the bible for awhile maybe bake a cake or something bake something else then just go to bed that'd have to be mine
Naomi: Well first I'd probably go shopping with Nicole come home relax for for a bit say I'm listening to Layla talk about how much she was fangirling on twitter but in reality I'd be ignoring her...just kidding I listen anyway have a nice bath then head to bed
Jamie: Just have myself a nice spa day get a massage, my nails done a few other things then come home relax in the jacuzzi for awhile then probably have Nicole bake me a cake hang out with the girls for a little then go to bed
Alex: Well then I guess I'd start it off by going out to the park by myself just me and my guitar stay there and try to write for a little come then home and watch a bunch of scary movies with Jamie cause she'e the only one that could handle them until I fall asleep on the couch
What is your best memory of your childhood?Nicole: My best memory from my childhood was Thanksgiving always making all different kinda pies with my dad pumpkin, pecan all those good kinds we still do that every Thanksgiving
Jamie: Probably my granddad learning me piano and making me join our church choir that was great
Naomi: I had entered a few beauty pageants in my day so probably doing those when I was younger
Layla: Well I remember when me and my sister use to be really close we'd tell each other everything that changed later though but it was really great before
Alex: Don't have many
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Alex: Well only very few people know this so far but yeah I'm a vegetarian that's about it
Nicole: I'm pretty much obsessed with sweets I don't even have to be eating them just making them and I'm happy though I'm very happy eating them too
Layla: Well I think a few people know this but I ad a Weekend fan account on twitter before I auditioned and made it through
Jamie: I'm pretty much an open book no secrets here
Naomi: I love country music
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Layla: Alex Grey of course! Okay okay just kidding Kato! He's probably one of the cutest guys of like ever seriously!
Nicole: To be honest Riley Hamilton cause he's probably the nicest guy I've ever met but he's taken by Michelle Green and just judging by what I seen she seems really sweet too they seem like the perfect little couple I love them together
Alex: Well Andros Angelakos seems cool so him I guess
Naomi: Gotta disagree with Layla Kato is very cute but Dominic Brown is the cutest guy ever so I'm goin' with him
Jamie: To be honest James Urie seems like a great guy but like Nicole's he's taken as well
What would be your 3 wishes?Nicole: World peace, world hunger to end and for everyone to just be happy
Layla: I'd wish to be able to eat all I want and not gain any weight, I'd wish that all the mean people on earth would be sent to the moon or something and to have the raddest party of all
Naomi: More wishes
Jamie: Nothing I'm quite happy with how things are right now
Alex: That there were more vegetarians, for us to go really far with our music and a mute button for people when I want them to shut up
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?Layla: True love of course I mean who doesn't want that?
Nicole: Yeah I'm going with true love here too
Jamie: True Love as well
Naomi: True love
Alex: Okay looks like it's my turn to be the odd one out I'd rather have worldwide success love no matter how true it is rarely lasts today
What do you think happens when we die?Nicole: So I'm pretty sure all of us agree here it's either heaven or hell