ooc: holy tits!

Jeff and Tony rocking out, with Sam in the background.
the venues lights turn off, leaving the room in blackness, and the ominous opening to "Unearthed" begins to
play over the speakers. War drums, schizophrenic chanting, and the sound of nails scratching against wood
are amplified and echo throughout the Commodore. Finally, the pained cries and screeches of "Let me out!
Let me out!" begin, and are punctuated by inhuman crying and screeching. The sounds only get louder, and
the sound of a heartbeat grows until it pounds like a bass drum and the lights dimly come on, illuminating
Acts of Hate. "We are Acts of Hate..." Sam says into the mic, "And welcome! To our FUCKED - UP - WORLD!" he
screams, and the band launches into 'Mechanical Christ'. Sam's growls and grunts resonate in the room and
the crowd erupts into a frenzy. Tony and Rob play flawlessly, Jeff holds down the low end, and Neil is keeps
time with his drumming. The song has the entire room coming apart at its seams. As the song ends, Sam incites
the crowd further. "This is a new song, we want you to go fucking nuts! It's called...DISSECTED...GENITAL...
SPOILS!" and without warning they launch into the new song. Frantic chugging by Rob is complimented by a
frenzied, wah-drenched guitar solo from Tony, as Sam launches into the songs lyrics, grunting them like a
demonic pig possessed by satan.
i understand that i do not know
right from wrong, jesus told me so
so with scalpel in hand and all my might
i take to killing whores by night
yeah, you can run, but you can't hide
if you elude me, time i'll bide
i'll hold you down, soon you'll be spayed
as i violate you with my blade
squirm for me, i like a little fight
your skin grows red with welts and bites
split wide open, torn real good
i hunt dumb bitches from the hood
we're not done yet
i must collect my trophy
you wriggle under my grasp
you tear at my mask
but nothing will stop me
from fulfilling my fantasy
i make the incision as you cry in futility
a piece of you that i can take home with me
you lay in your filth and wonder why
i left you there to bleed out and die
in my hand, a genital trophy
as i live and breathe
she will never forget meafter the song comes to an end, the band continue to burn through their classics, delivering blisteringly
fierce renditions of "Catechization" "Godless Skies" "Deluge to Cleanse the Sinners" and "Knee Deep in the
Dead". The set takes on a different tone as the lighting goes down and the drums begin to pound to the slow,
groovy rhythm of "Cataclysm." Sam takes a drink of water and then throws his glass into the crowd. "You know
this one, Vancouver - I wanna see a circle pit!" he says, and the guitars launch into the lugging, dark
riffage of the intro. As all instruments but Rob's drop out for the one clean guitar part of the song,
Sam points to the crowd. "We may be canadian, but we're no FUCKING PUSSIES!" he screams, and starts
screaming his heart out - "THE EARTH SLOWLY ROTS INTO A MALIGNANT TUMOUR...!" and the crowd appreciatingly
sings along. The rest of the song only swells until its climax, where the instrumentation and Sam's screams
intertwine in a grotesquely beautiful display of noise. As the song ends, Sam wipes the sweat off his brow
with a towel. "Alright," he says, sitting on the edge of the stage, letting his feet dangle into the pit.
"Time to get a little personal - this is a song for my child." The crowd screams in approval; it's now
public knowledge that Sam's going to be a father, and the 20% of the crowd that's female look quite
dissapointed. Sam stands up. "And this song is for Nichole Shade - I fucking love you!" he says, and the
band launch into the low-end riffery of their new song, "A Message For The Unborn"
for those whose hearts beat with my blood
i will be your shield
for those whose hearts beat with my blood
i will be your shield
the protection of this sacred being, my only cause
i risk life and limb to shield it from harm
within its heart, my blood pumps,
flowing strong and steadily
for those whose hearts beat with my blood
i will be your shield
for those whose hearts beat with my blood
i will be your shield
so raise your shield
raise your shield
in defence of the descendants
we answer this call to arms
we answer this call to arms
the protection of my offspring
my primary objective
i will mutilate, torture and kill
all who seek to inflict
pain on the innocent
for those whose hearts beat with my blood
i will be your shieldthe song ends with a crash, the reverb from the guitars squealing and echoing madly off the walls, and Sam
grins at the crowd.

"Last song! Last fucking song - this is another new one. It's called "A Serial Sing-Along"
and we want you to fuck this place up!"
The song's riff starts, a groovy, catchy pit-pleaser that whips the crowd into a frenzy of moshing. Sam's
vocals sound beastly over the rock-solid foundation that the rest of the band is laying down, and the
band put all their energy into the final song of the evening.
my name is john wayne gacy
and i sure do like boys
i like to get them soused
and treat them like sex toys
the first one was a mistake
i thought that he'd kill me
thats when i learned that killing
is what could set me free
hey there, i'm albert fish
i like to eat the dead
i like to boil their innards
and empty out their heads
i beat them nice and tender
slice them up thin and nice
their bowels in my bowels
all served up seared with rice
welcome to the pickton farm
i think you'll find it fine
those whores thought they could escape
now they're forever mine
i chopped them into bits
on them my pigs did dine
thats what a whore is good for
a food source for my swine
how many whores did i kill?
why are you asking me?
i got such immense pleasure
from my little killing spree
i slice them ear to ear
and re-arrange their guts
they thought i was a doctor
who loved to murder sluts
she was so goddamn pretty
my dahlia divine
but she put up such resistence
and i had to make her mine
nobody knows who i am
they'll never see my face
but i defiled her corpse
to make sure they sensed her disgrace
and now the sing-along is over
our family together now
we all indulged in pleasures
most would consider foul
and now our time is over
we return to the dead
no more thoughts are racing
through our rotting headsas the song ends, it degenerates into a wall of noise as Rob, Tony and Jeff basically beat the hell out of
their guitars. Neil gets up from his kit and begins throwing sticks into the audience, Sam throws the
mic stand into the pit and then follows it in, embracing the fans like old friends. Jeff raises his bass
and throws it against the back wall. Tony grabs a cymbal and throws it like a frisbee into the crowd.
Rob drops his guitar on his foot. The security guards can only shake their heads and stay out of the way
as the crowd goes crazy. Eventually, Sam wriggles his way back on stage, and the band bows.
1. Unearthed (Intro)
2. Mechanical Christ
3. Dissected Cenital Spoils
4. Catechization
5. Godless Skies
6. Deluge to Cleanse the Sinners
7. Knee Deep In The Dead
8. Cataclysm
9. A Message for the Unborn
10. A Serial Sing-Along