Stephanie Fierce: Diary of a Pop Sinner is a 2013 documentary film centering on the life Stephanie Fierce portrays on her second studio album "Diary of a Pop Sinner". The film showcases a sense of reality and artistic fantasy to develop the story line. Production began March of 2011 and ended on July of 2012. It will released worldwide on February 15, 2013.
Theatrical Poster
Official Diary of a Pop Sinner Trailer The trailer opens up with a young looking Stephanie sitting in the piano
with her father in her old New York Apartment. Stephanie Rios: Dad……
Stephs father: What baby?
Stephanie Rios: You know.
(Stephanie waits before she continues to make sure her words come out as she pleases) There’s a possibility I might be insane.
Steph’s father: Insane?
(Father laughs in confusion) Why you say that baby girl?
(A moment of thinking follows) Stephanie Rios: Because I truly feel like I’m gonna make it.
Steph’s father: Make it?
Stephanie Rios: (almost interrupting) I’m gonna be a star!
Steph’s father: A star? Well baby girl, in my eyes you already are a star, you already could hit notes that Whitney Houston herself couldn’t probably hit herself
(her father exaggerates to comfort Stephanie). Well…….let’s get those grades up first, before your mother freaks out
(Father winks at Steph as they both laugh and the scene fades out)Steph's Mother: (Only thinking that it is the motherly thing to say) I don’t want our daughter to focus on this music shit you’re always talking about! Right now I just want us to be a normal family! Steph needs to go to college and I want our daughter to focus on school, be a normal teenage girl! Why can’t you get that through your damn head?
Steph's Father: We’re not in Puerto Rico, we’re in New York! This is her chance! Get the fucking Puerto Rican mentality out of your damn head! Our daughter wants THIS Ivonne! I don’t even think you really pay attention, do you! She WANTS this! Why can’t you just give the girl a damn chance? Just cause you didn’t make it…….
(Scene fades out)The next scene in the trailer shows the relationship Steph and her sister had. Stephanie Rios: Our Mom is...... and I didn’t even tell her that I went to the talent show and won…..
(tears are now seen coming out of her eyes) Jennifer: (tears also coming out of Jennifer’s eyes) I don’t think that it matters anymore Steph! Our mom is gone…….
Stephanie Rios: You don’t understand Jennifer. I never actually told her anything about it, and it makes me feel guilty…….like I was a bad daughter.
Jennifer: Don’t you think she already you knew you went to that talent show. The last thing mom said to me was that she was extremely proud of you and me and that we both have a talent that she honors. She knows your talent and she knew you went to that talent show Steph. She…..she mentioned it to me......
(The Scene Fades Out) The next thing scene showcases the criticism Stephanie Fierce received through various
media outlets. The purpose of this scene is to showcase how Stephanie Fierce immediately
broke out as a star.
Linda Fea: She calls herself “STEPHANIE FIERCE”. Yes ladies and gentlemen, as if her first name wasn’t already bad enough, a noun for a last name! She also claims to be the past, the present and the future of pop. Those are fighting words right there, if you ask me!
Channel 9 News: The immediate rise of a pop star is pretty predictable and common but the reaction to this particular star has received has been is immense. A fake or some sort parody article of the self acclaimed "Stephanie Fierce" was managed to be published by Hot Topic. Hot Topic claims that someone managed to include the article in the month's issue without permission. Fierce’s managent team is furious and planning to sue the publishing company. The article states things such as Stephanie fierce miming and not being a real singer, but more so interesting it also states that Stephanie is a proven to be part of the devil.
Rayn Seacrest (E NEWS!): Critics say in quotation “What a joke!” But she’s basically become the new internet sensation, and all kinds of critics are talking about her. Whether good or bad, she sure has people talking. There are even big celebrities are talking bad about the newcomer, they claim that she’s the biggest joke and embarrassment to music industry and the pop star hasn't even released her debut album.
(A collage of other video clips with critics are seen on screen, their voices are minimized while the following is heard)Insider: They say she's....she’s ……she’s……shes
(Scene is then comically interrupted) Johnny Johnson: The most beautiful and talented woman I’ve ever seen.
(Various other scenes are then shown that lead up to the climax)Raven Comatose: And the Birdie for “Best Album” goes to…….
(Dramatic music begins to play as each line a and scene changes fast!)Insider: She’s became the first pop artist to win that category.
Other Insider: The first artist to have a a very first debut single debut at number one .....
Other Insider: The highest selling act in a a very long time....Some say she’s the biggest thing since Madonna. Some even dare says he’ll be bigger than Madonna.
Other Insider: Three Birdies to her name
Other Insider: The pop star is now considered to be one of the wealthiest muscicians in the world
(The scene cuts to Stephanie Fierce running in a wedding dress on an open road.) Stephanie Fierce: It's almost like I'm being chased by all these people.
Johnny Johnson: Where do you get all these ideas from?
Stephanie Fierce: Unfortunately from my crazy artist's soul. But Im scared that one day I just might lose it you know. I don't feel normal. I don't think this even normal for a pop star. It's like a sickness, I want more but less of it at the same time.
(Scene cuts to Stephanie Fierce firing one of her assistant simply because they didn't bring her the right coffe) Manager: Fame is getting to your head Steph. I don’t even recognize you anymore. This whole world you made up is running you now I see. I'm gonna have to leave you on your own.
The scene the cuts to a much more intense scene. Steph is seen laying on the floor of her apartment.
The camera which is positioned from a bird eye's view captures the moment, where sanity leaves her mind Stephanie Fierce: I want to be free
(she whispers to the camera) (The Scene cuts away)Steph's Manager: Have you seen Steph, she was suppose to show up at the meeting and she didn't. Yest she's always whining about me being late. Where has she been?
Johnny Johnson: Steph’s been gone for quite a while know. I don't even know where she is. She was supose to be somewhere in Japan Right? I wanna make sure she’s okay but I can't even reach her.
(the scene cuts away)
Stephanie Fierce: (Steph is seen crying)The past few years have been the best years of my life
(Sniffs through her crying) Yeah....
(The following text appears:) The Diary of a Pop Sinner
Coming to theaters
(Then an Outro Comical scene is seen) Rob: Hey John you better talk to her quick, I don’t think someone like her could be single too long….Hey John………. Johnny are you ok?
Johnny Johnson: (Johnny mesmerized by Stephanie who’s talking to a director while looking their way) Shut up rob! I think she looked at me.
Rob: Maybe she looked at me
(Rob says to bother Johnny) Johnny Johnson: Shut up! So it is true……..she’s so…………
Rob: Fierce?
(They both laugh as Steph shyly waves smiling and the trailer comes to an end)