Thank you Aubrey for joining us today, it's certainly an honor for you to be hereYou're welcome.
How has life changed since winning Starfactory?I mean, I get the attention I deserve. I've been doing this for such a long time, doing my thing working so hard and never really got on the platform that I wanted to be on. After the show, I've been able to do everything that I said I would do during my grind and my struggle. I told everyone I was going to win Starfactory, I told everyone I was going to have #1 singles and album and I've been able to prove each and everyone of my haters who told me that it wouldn't happen, wrong. Now I got girls who have gone through the same shit I've gone through, look up to me and do what they gotta do because they know I didn't stop at any expense. I'm where I wanted to be years ago, and I think that already was a change. I knew it would have eventually come.
Is there anything other then winning that you won't forget while being on the show?Looking at everyone's faces after I won. Haha! Well the ones, who were hating on me the whole time.
Are you excited about the new season of Starfactory? Will you be watching?In a way I am. I want to see if any of these acts are even as close as talented as I am. I feel bad for them. They have alot to live up to, especially the winner. *Laughs*. In all seriousness though, of course I'll be keeping an eye out. Whoever wins better offer SOMETHING.
You've released a chain of singles post Starfactory including the #1 single "Fire's Burning" and eventually a #1 album in "Victorious", how do you feel about all the success?It was bound to happen. I definitely appreciate my fans and supporters who feel the same way I do. Its quality music, it's not that bullshit that we hear on the radio today. It actually has quality and meaning. So many trashy ass singers are getting the success so I feel like "yeah bitches, that R&B chick IS doing her thing right now". Uhm, I know I sound spiteful but at the same token, I'm a talented singer and songwriter. Its better when the success comes to a person who worked for it other than a girl who flashes her titties and vagina to a camera and moans on a song and she's getting all this shine. Get what I'm sayin? So I couldn't say I feel happy, I feel deserving of every piece of success that comes my way because I'm not only singing for myself but I'm singing for R&B music lovers who understand what real music is and understand trial and tribulation, and hunger.
Did you feel a lot of pressure recording the album, feeling alittle pressured to deliver something to live up to the hype surrounding you?I didn't at all. People ask me did I ever feel pressure when I was on Starfactory...I'll say this, I'm very, very confident and I'm a perfectionist. That's one of the reasons as to why it took a while for Victorious to be released. It needed to be on point, it needed to capture the essence so I needed to slay the album without a doubt. The pressure wasn't there, if I had let a hint of pressure get to me than the album would have come out shitty. I went in the studio with the confidence to deliver. And that will be how I am for each of my releases throughout the coarse of my career.
How was it working with Isaac Lovelock?I think he's a good lyricist. Personally, he's not my cup of tea. Needed him to send me a verse for Fire's Burning, had to be point. He delivered though, can't lie about that.
In the past you have been compared to Stephanie Fierce? What do you think about the comparison?I have? I really don't know why. Does every black female with her own state of mind and confidence get compared to Stephanie Fierce? *laughs* I slayed her song on Starfactory though, maybe that's why? . Anyway, as I've always said.. I don't respect many people but I do respect a hard worker and she's always on her grind so I guess I like that about her. Our music is in no way comparable but no one can take away her hard work, I ain't gonna even lie about that. But comparing me to her, there's really no comparison.
How do you feel about the current state of R&B music? Figures have been saying the genre has totally resurrected as of late with more R&B starlets debuting then ever.I think its alright. A lot of the R&B singers are still really stale and there's nothing too special about them. No one really stands out. Besides that though, more power to them. We need more chicks here grinding for R&B but there's like 1 or 2 that could stand next to me and represent. But other then that, not too impressed.
Do you feel like some of the credit goes to you for that?I think so. Wasn't nobody checking for R&B female singers other then Alicia Lena until I came out. But there's nothing wrong with me opening doors. I wanted to do that. Too many of these pop tarts running around in bra and panties or singers with production backing them but not a damn voice to save there life! People may or may not say I've done a damn thing but look how many R&B chicks we see on the rise. Uhmm....
Are there any R&B musicians that you enjoy listening to?I like O'Bryan Richmond and the things he's got going. Also that boy... What's his name? Kato, he's got alil soul in that body of his! At first I'm like.. Who's this white boy looking all cute. Music probably a piece of trash but I've been impressed. Other then that, I stick to my oldie R&B musicians Luther Vandros, Patti Labelle, Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Al Green.. the list goes on and on.
You are currently on your first arena tour called the "Victorious Tour". How has touring been for you lately?An experience like no other! I've been putting in work for all my fans, giving back to them now. I'm having a lot of fun being the center of attention, feeding off of their cheering and energy. They influence so much each show and its a lot of hard work but I'm use to that, its been a really cool experience that I'm enjoying right now.
The tour also features O'Bryan Richmond and the 4U Girls opening the show, why did you choose to have them apart of the tour?I chose O'Bryan because he's exactly what the show could use. A nice looking, talented soulful singer. He's that. So I knew he would be a perfect opener and the 4U girls, I like them. They're very appreciative and sweet, and I don't really say that about anyone. I see their hard work. I see them doing what they gotta do, and I like that. I thought my fans would like it if they were there and they do. They be pumping the crowd up for me, they put in work on that stage. I respect, respectful hard workers and that's what they are. They're music may not be my preference but my fans seem to like it, that's alright with me then.
You are being honored at the Dick Clarks New Year's Rockin Eve 2013, how do you feel about that?IAM? Wow. That I do appreciate. Cause I would have been pissed off if they left me out of all people to be honored. I like that though, I didn't even know until now and that's some good news. Who ever recommended me to be honored obviously has a good taste in music and has seen me on my grind throughout this year. I'm definitely feeling myself right now after hearing that. I'll be there.
You've got a new single "My Pride" hitting stores this week. What made you choose this as the albums next single?I chose it because its a great followup after Fire's Burning. Its a soulful jam that everyone could here me get all lovey dovey in. And my girl Nevaeh Martinez did her thing on the production. It's that song where the tables have turned and the guy you would usually use all your tricks against have used those tricks against you, and you have fallen head over heels this time. Hehe, this is my song. But then again, all my songs are my jams. *laughs*
Genre: R&B, downtempo, neo soul
Release Date: 12/23/12
Label: North Hill Records
Producers: Nevaeh Martinez
From the start, you can tell this track has less of that menacing sound that Aubrey Mikkel gives off in her music, you can tell this track is much more neo-soul driven. The Nevaeh Martinez produced ballad, "My Pride" starts off with with a very soulful backing beat that sounds very catchy and flourishes throughout the beginning seconds of the song. Once Aubrey's voice finds way onto the track, it is obvious that the song is a lovely starry eyed ballad about love. I'm going to lose this game | He's got this poker face| I'm suppose to be the one with it, it, it| Aubrey has this softness on her voice that even a listener wouldn't think she could tackle as she sings about this guy who, for once, is acting the way she is and it's quite a surprise to her. She continues: He's turned tables cold| Traded places up this rode|I'm not prepared for this, this, this; There are these keyboards heard in the background when Aubrey starts singing that mixes very well with her emotional "yearning" sound in her voice. She sounds much more light and loveable then she has ever sounded as Aubrey starts falling deeply in love with the man of her dreams, and so is starting to lose all the pride that she holds, do to her falling in love with him. She continues: Might've played around and told him to go
But really I don't want him to leave me alone| I've never met a guy so bold| I can't control myself, my lips, lips, lips; Aubrey finishes those lines with this sensual manner in her voice as she coos out the chorus that has the uplifted vibe of love is shown in the song. SHe sings out: Oh It's going|It's going |My prides going off the deep end| This boys got me open
It's so unfair| Oh It's going| It's going| My prides going off the deep end| He sees right through my skin |And I think he knows| I think it shows; Mikkel sings throughout the chorus, making this song the perfect type of song that reminds you of those romantic nights out on a date where a girl finds a man who trades places with her as he doesn't show the love as another mad would. This song has a very warm feeling and stays at this pace throughout the entire track. For the rest of the song, Aubrey gushes about this man, as she asks herself and him, throughout the second verse how did he get her to feel the way she feels as she continues to question him and his ways. The song stays along this manner throughout the track, even for the bridge where she continues to murmer |It's Going, It's Going, It's Going, Going| Riiight Off of the deep end, off of the deep end| Speaking of her pride and singing over the catchy and soulful backing beat until it brings the listener back to the final chorus as Aubrey beautifully sings the chorus Oh It's going|It's going |My prides going off the deep end| This boys got me open |It's so unfair| Oh It's going| It's going| My prides going off the deep end| He sees right through my skin |And I think he knows| I think it shows|; as the song comes to an end