back to erich.

it was early as fuck when i pulled into the studio's parking lot.i wanted to go over some previous recording i had done with acts of hate. i hate critiquing people's work in front of them. who the fuck am i to suggest anybody do anything different? personally,i am petrified i am going to fail at this. if i fuck my own shit up,who cares? but if i fuck up someone else's album? i'm an asshole of major proportions,like steve jobs level asshole. people on the internet will make up jokes like they did with chuck norris,but instead of bad assery,the jokes will center on incompetence. well,better incompetence than impotence i always say.
i put the caddy into park and look up at the sky.if it rains,i will be a sad camper. not only does the car's top not sorta fell off around medicine hat.oh well,time to start the day. a few bumps off the car key and i am ready to go.a few more and i can outproduce martin scorsese...or at least feel like i can. fuck it,i got time,lets make a couple of lines.i look around the car for any sort of portable flat surface..nothing.damn me for keeping such a clean car.i dump a bit on the dash and scarface it's good shit,so the rush is near instant.when i look up from the dash,i notice a young and pretty girl watching me intently.
she's a cop,i just know it. not only did i just snort the shit in front of her....i got a brick in the glove box.i do the only thing i can..turn on that old hess charm and wave at her. she winks and waves back...this does not settle my all....did she wink because the narco squad are on their way? she's going to testify and i will be locked away in a canadian prison to do slave labor in the maple syrup mines.i gather up my notes and walk calmly to the door of the studio.i can step inside,lock the door behind me and take ted as a hostage..people like ted,i may be able to use that as leverage for a plane trip to wherever the fuck country roman polanski stays.i go over the finer points of my criminal plan as i pass by the girl and enter the studio.
ted is nowhere to be seen,but some nasty sounds and smells are coming out of the bathroom. i give the bathroom door a good pounding and yell, "hey ted! it's me erich!". ted just sorta groans a response.i silently wait a few seconds until i can hear him pooing again.i now kick the door a few times,i do it hard enough to threaten to cave the door in. "ok ted,i am going to studio f,ok?" i yell at the door.
"just go you fucker! you keep making my butthole clinch! i will never get this thing out if you keep banging on the door!" ted's voice slithers out of the space between the door and the floor. ted loves me. satisfied,i whistle my way down the hall to studio f. with the distinct feeling,i am being followed. sure enough,the girl from outside is now inside and walking behind i am really freaking out.i think i finally cracked. she hasnt said a word,yet she follows me...but i'll be damned if i am going to let the onset of skitzophrenia ruin my fun.i pick up the studio's garbage can.a small olive drab looking thing and chuck it over hand ala donkey kong at the bathroom door.before ted can start yelling,i pull the girl inside the studio and shut the door.
when bringing her into the studio,i touched her,so she must be real. then again,if i had a dime for each time i felt,saw or heard something that wasnt real..i'd be a millionaire.well,more of a millionaire."are you really erich hess?" she finally asks.she says it with the same sort of surprise you'd ask a person you'd suspect of being michael jackson.
i laugh,"did the snorting coke off the dashboard give me away?" rummaging around in my pockets until i find the little bag,i toss it to her. "feel free,little lady." she takes several bumps of her own.
"damn,that is some good stuff" she says as she wipes the unsnorted grains off her nose.
i flop down in a horribly dated office chair from the 1970's...damn things were ugly in the 70's. even the cadillac i have parked outside is least compared to it's 1950's cousins.i spin around in the' feels like i am going 1000 miles an hour.finally i ask her. "so you havent busted me yet,so i guess you arent a cop. what do they call you,kitten?" and i extend my hand to her.
"sydney" she says,taking my hand. her hand is very's like holding a buttery bunny or something."i am a huge fan of yours."
"why?!" i ask. it always surprises me when people say this.not that i have some sort of "oh you love little old me" thing going on. it's there are so many other,better bands out there.the war bride entertains,but i wouldnt go much further than that.
she takes the engaging of conversation to mean she can stay. she leans against the mixing board,which makes several expensive sounding cracks. "oops!" she yelps and jumps off the board. "sorry!" she then just stands there. clearly afraid to touch anything else in the room.i dont blame her,i'm scared to touch most of the stuff in here. this place as the feel of being built by amish virgins channeling the spirit of ethan allen.
i put some elvis on the studio soundsystem. i cant work with the acts of hate tracks with her around. it'd violate the producer/artist vow of's not that i dont want her around,it's just....i dont want her around. "so,miss sydney...what brings you out to this tiny studio at such an early hour?" i ask.i also take this time to take a few whiffs of a freshly splashed ether rag. i figured i'd do it first before offering it to her. these days you hand a girl a rag and ask them to inhale,they assume you are trying to kidnap them or something.i'm sure she answered but i was too busy enjoying the ether.
her voice fades back in " i got this tattoo." she then drops her skirt and pulls down the front of her underwear,revealing clockwork elvis! not only is it the first atomic war bride tattoo i have ever seen,it's really well done. i'd go as far as saying it looks better than the one on our album cover. it's so well done,i forget where it's placed on her body and go in for a closer look.
"you son of a bitch,you nearly-" ted says as he walks in the door."...oh,i'll come back when you are less busy!" ted turns about 45 shades of red and quickly leaves the just laughs at ted and whisks her skirt back on.shit,anyone that remains calm when being caught naked from the waist down and with someone's head basically in the their crotch,deserves some of my time.
"wow.clockwork elvis. that is some old school shit.i didnt think anyone remembered..or bought that album."i say in amazement. clockwork elvis has long been out of print,i think only about 4,000 copies were ever made and they were only available through bee knee's industries mail order. i'm talking the early days of bobby cairo still running that label.
"are you kidding? i fucking lost my virginity to that album!it is just so.....mmmm good to fuck to." she says,becoming very animated.
"some people get all the luck,i lost my virignity to tom jones...well,physically to erica hess,but tom jones was playing in the background." i freshen the ether rag,and it hand it to her.
she takes a few deep breaths of it,before finally asking",you wanna get out of here and have some fun?"
wow.the direct approach.personally,i was having fun just enjoying my ether and chatting with this fine lady. ah,the groupie. that unsung hero of the rocknroll world. i know some people dislike the whole groupie concept.some artists even go out of their way to mistreat them...just because someone is willing to do THAT thing. you know the thing,you saw it on the internetz on that site with everything in turkish that supposedly offered custom made snuff films....that doesnt mean you should take advantage of them. at the core of the matter,groupies are fans. fans that want to have sex with you,but fans all the same. you owe them the respect of treating them right.i've heard some right fucked up stories about things people have done to groupies.i dont have that sort of evil streak in me.