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Offline snap_itshannah  
#1 Posted : 05 January 2013 10:28:34(UTC)
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The scene opens on Castor, Nina, and Virginia in their living room of their Detroit apartment. The large living room is still covered with wrapping paper and boxes from the night before: Christmas. Castor and Nina are on a large couch that faces their TV, both in fleece Christmas PJs. Nina is laying on the couch, her feet up in Castor’s lap, as Castor smiles brightly at both his wife, and his daughter, who is currently playing Super Mario Bros. on the TV using her new Wii U. It’s a calm scene of a normal family evening when suddenly Castor shouts out, “Goomba!” and jumps, which scares Virginia and causes her to drop the Wii remote. There’s a sound of her dying on the game, and she turns to face her father, giving him a dirty look.

Nina giggles and shakes her head at the two of them. “Good going, love. That was Virginia’s last guy,” She says, and then shivers. “Do any of my little munchkins want hot chocolate?” She asks, reaching down to her feet and pulling the ends of her PJs over her feet and then heading towards the kitchen.

Virginia sighs and follows Nina towards the kitchen saying, “I guess so…” She flips her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she follows.

“With marshmallows, please!” Castor calls from the living room.

The camera follows Nina and Virginia into the kitchen where Nina calls back to Castor: “Lucky Charms in a cup it is!” and then turns to Virginia, “You don’t have to help, love… Or do you want something else?”

Castor: “Nina has been great with Virginia. From the very start, they’ve considered each other mother and daughter. Virginia has never really had a mother figure before, so…” He shrugs. “This is good for everybody.”

The scene switches back to the kitchen, where Nina and Virginia are.

“Nah… I’m just, you know… Bored,” Virginia replies back to Nina, kicking her left foot back and forth.

Nina touches Virginia’s head lightly as she starts shaving a bar of chocolate into a pot of cream. “Bored, love? You want to go out after hot cocoa?” She asks, and Virginia nods her head and starts jumping up and down, squealing:

“Let’s go see Aunt Karoliena!”

Nina starts jumping up and down as well, nearly dropping the bar of chocolate into the pot. “She would love that!” She squeals, calming down. “But let’s have cocoa first, love. Your father needs cocoa… Or else he’ll get fussy.”

The camera turns to Castor in the living room, who has picked for the Wii U controller, and is playing Super Mario Bros.

Nina prepares three cups of cocoa, with Castor’s cup overflowing with marshmallows.

Virginia grabs both her and her father’s cup and brings them into the living room. “Here, daddy,” She says, setting the cup down on the table in front of him and then sitting down next to him with her own cup. “We’re going to go see Aunt Karoliena after this!” She announces.

Castor pauses the game and smiles at his daughter. “Are we now?” He asks, picking up his own cup and chuckling at all the marshmallows in it before taking a drink.

Nina walks in and nods. “Yup. Virginia is bored and demands Aunt Karoliena,” she says, kissing Castor’s cheek, and then looks at the Game Over screen. “See? That’s why a tubby Italian plumber is the worst choice for a hero, love.”

Castor chuckles and nods. “Yep… So where is Karoliena now? Is she in Detroit?”

Nina lets out a small laugh as well. “She should be in town. She and Rob had the hotel for one more night. I’ll phone her.”

Nina: “My daughter loves her aunts. Erica and her girlfriend, Natalya Dobros, spent Christmas with us. They are lovely, but Virginia’s favorite is still Karoliena.

“Hooray!” Virginia cries out upon hearing that Karoliena is still in town.

“Well, you should go get dressed if we’re going to go anywhere, Gigi,” Castor tells his daughter, who quickly scurries off to her bedroom. He looks up at his wife and smiles. “I love you, darling.”

“I love you, too, Castor. You bloody wonderful man, you,” Nina says back with a wink. ”Oh, and be sure to dress Virginia warm! It’s colder than a witch’s ti--… It’s really cold out!”

Castor stands up from the couch and goes into he and Nina’s bedroom, where he changes into a dress shirt and slacks.

Virginia comes running out of her room, dressed in a red velvet Christmas dress.

Virginia: “This is my new dress. Grandma Angie gave it to me for Christmas,” She beams at the camera, and then stands up and spins around, letting her long blonde hair and skirt fly around her.

Nina walks out, dressed in jeans and one of Castor’s jackets, and smiles towards her family and the camera. “You want to drive, Castor?” She asks, swinging the car keys to him.

“Surely, darling,” Castor says back as both he and Nina take one of Virginia’s hands as they walk out of the apartment and towards their car.

“Okay, love. Karoliena is staying at the Detroit Motor Lodge… Only the best, right?” Nina says as they reach the car.

Nina: “You know what? At first, this whole ‘mom’ thing scared me. I was petrified of screwing it up, or of Virginia hating me, or that I was going to let Castor down. But I think I got a pretty good handle on it.”

The scene cuts to Castor’s car pulling up outside the Detroit Motor Lodge. Castor gets out of the car and then walks around, opening the car doors for his wife and daughter as he looks up at the inn. “Jesus…” He whispers to himself at the shitty disrepair of the place.

Nina reaches out and grips Virginia’s hand as they look around. “Hm… Well, would you look at that? Only two chalk outlines in the parking lot!” She says with a giggle.

Karoliena comes out of her hotel room door and walks towards them. “Um, hi,” She says with a blush. “Everything else was booked, I swear. I’m not this much of a cheap ass.” She sees Virginia and bends down, giving her a long hug. “How are you today?”

Virginia smiles at her favorite aunt, and does a spin. “Do you like my dress, Miss. Karoliena? Grandma Angie sent it to me!”

Karoliena bends down and hugs Virginia again, so tight that their cheeks squish together. “It is beautiful, Miss. Virginia. Your grandma has great taste.” She laughs and looks up at Castor and Nina.

“So, how about lunch?” Castor suggests, looking at the group. “Do you all want to grab something to eat?”

Karoliena and Nina both start jumping up and down. “Yes! Lunch!” They both begin to screech. They calm down and Nina grabs Castor’s hand. “I’m in the mood for something tasty, yet dignified,” She says, squeezing Castor’s hand. It’s a subtle gesture, but it’s obvious that she’s asserting her possession over Castor, a clear warning towards Karoliena.
Castor notices this sign, and gives out a small sigh.

Castor: “When I first met Nina and Karoliena and the rest of that gang, I was obviously head-over-heels for Nina, but it turns out that both she and Karoliena had a… crush, I guess… on me. It’s never really been brought up again, but I’m sure Nina still feels a little threatened by her sometimes…”

Virginia is about to get into the car when she looks down the street and sees a small Italian bistro. She lets out a little gasp and points. “Let’s go there!” She says excitedly. “It looks like the restaurant from Lady and the Tramp!”

Castor chuckles. “Well… I believe where we are going has been chosen…” He says as he takes Virginia’s hand with his one free one and starts walking towards the restaurant.

Karoliena gasps. “I love that movie, Virginia!” She says happily. “Even if it totally reinforces the idea that girls need a man to be happy…”

Nina keeps her hand firmly in Castor’s. “We could reenact the spaghetti scene…” She says with a wink, and then thinks about it. “… Ew. On second thought, love, let’s keep our pasta and kissing separate…” She giggles.

Nina: “Okay, truth time: I’m pretty confident in my looks. I know I have Castor’s heart. I would trust him with Helen of Troy, love! But sometimes… like right now… Um, I’d give the nod to Karoliena.”

Castor walks into the bistro and up to the hostess. “Table for four, please.”

The hostess, a discontent looking teenager, looks up at the four of them. Her eyes grow wide, and she lets out a small squeal. “You… You’re Nina, Karoliena, and Castor, aren’t you? Oh my god. And you’re in my father’s restaurant…” She lets out another squeal. “Wait until the guys on Facebook hear about this!”

“Don’t forget about Virginia, love!” Nina says with a laugh, nodding towards her daughter.

Virginia beams at the hostess, who smiles back.

“How could I forget about Miss Virginia Drake? Please, come with me,” She says, and then starts leading them towards their table.

Karoliena leans over to Castor and whispers, “I bet we can totally score some free breadsticks off our fame.”

The hostess leads them to one of the best tables in the house, and lays down their menus. “If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to tell me.”

Castor pulls out a chair for Nina, which makes her giggle like a schoolgirl.

“Thank you, my love,” She says, her hand still holding his in a lingering grasp as she sits. “Karoliena, be a dear and get Castor’s chair,” She commands, never taking her eyes from Castor.

“What…? Yeah, that isn’t weird…” Karoliena snorts, and then pulls out a chair of Castor. “Here you go…” She says, and then sits down next to Virginia, grinning.

Castor seems a bit embarrassed by the fact that Karoliena pulled out his chair for him, but he sits anyway, nudged inbetween Virginia and Nina.

The waiter comes over and Castor orders a bottle of Merlot for the group.

“And a Sprite!” Virginia calls to the waiter, who grins and then walks away.

Karoliena yelps to the waiter, “Make that two Sprites, please!”

The camera vooms in to show that Nina and Castor are still holding hands under the table. “We should do this more often,” Nina says. “Maybe host dinner parties or something, love,” She says to her husband.

“So, is there still newly wed bliss in the House of Usher?” Karoliena asks Nina and Castor.

Castor laughs. "Yes... Yes, I would say there is," He says back to Karoliena with a smile. He looks towards Nina, who agrees.

“Yup, it’s still as lovely as ever. My Castor is just the best. It’s a shame nobody else’s man will ever compare. Sorry, love.”

Karoliena giggles and shakes her head. “You two are the couple that everybody hates,” She says, and then makes a disgusted face at Virginia, who laughs.

Castor shakes his head as well. “Don’t be jealous, Karoliena. I’m sure Rob is up to par somehow,” he says back jokingly.

Karoliena giggles at Castor. “Well, I’d really need to compare…” She says back flirtatiously, but still obviously joking. She turns to Virginia and starts looking over the menu with her.

Nina furrows her brow slightly, but doesn’t say anything. She turns to Castor and smiles sweetly. “So, what are you having, love?”

Virginia shrugs. “They don’t have, like, chicken or anything…” She says, staring at the menu.

Castor leans over. “Look, Gigi,” He says, pointing to the menu. “They have spaghetti. You like that.”

Virginia puts down the menu and shrugs again. “Yeah, I guess.”

Castor looks at Nina, confused by his daughter’s reaction.

Nina looks back at Castor, biting her lip in contemplation. “How about Eggplant Parmesan?” She says to Virginia, pointing to the menu. “It’s kind of like chicken, love. Chunky, vegetabley chicken.”

Karoliena chips in, hoping the “favorite aunt powers” trump being disappointed by menu selection. “We should share. I love eggplant… even if it does give terrible gas.” She giggles a bit, looking from Castor to Nina, and then back to Virginia.

“I…” Virginia looks over the menu, and then gets up from her chair and runs to the bathroom.

“Oh!” Castor jumps up and follows her.

The sound of Virginia vomiting comes from the woman’s bathroom.

Nina follows behind Castor, running to the bathroom to help. “I’m coming, Virginia, love!” She says, as she skids around the corner. “Castor, you can’t go in there!”

Karoliena, still sitting at the table, whispers to herself: “He could watch me any time…” She giggles, and then thinks about what she just said. “Oh, that’d be so gross.” She gets up and heads towards the bathroom, knocking on the door quietly. “You guys need any help?” She asks quietly.

Castor taps Karoliena’s back and motions for her to come away from the door. “Let Nina handle it…” He says quietly, looking towards the door.

Karoliena nods and leans back against the wall across from Castor. “Right… She’s a big girl, and she has this mom things down,” She says back, and smiles at Castor.

Virginia, in the bathroom, starts crying after she’s vomited. “That… that was gross…” She quivers out.

Nina wets a paper towel and wipes Virginia’s forehead, then wipes her mouth. “You feel better after that, love?” She asks as she giggles and wets a new towel. “If you didn’t want to share eggplant with Karoliena, you could’ve just said said,” She says jokingly, wiping Virginia’s face again.

The mention of food causes Virginia to turn around a vomit again.

Outside the bathroom, Castor winces when he hears Virginia vomit again. He looks towards the camera with a worried look on his face.

Castor: “Nina has never had to deal with Virginia sick before… Actually, I’ve never really had to deal with her sick before. I was on tour for so long… I haven’t really had a chance to be a good father to her for a while… But right now, I’m looking to change that. I’m going to be one of the best fathers ever. I missed her for so long, and now we’re going to be a family… And it’s going to be great.”


Edited by user 23 January 2013 06:28:21(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 4 users thanked snap_itshannah for this useful post.
Famouss7x7 on 05/01/2013(UTC), erich hess on 05/01/2013(UTC), BrownSugar on 05/01/2013(UTC), TishaJackson!!!! on 05/01/2013(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#2 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:02:21(UTC)
erich hess
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erica: this.turned.out. so. fucking. CUTE! i had serious reservations when nina told me about it,but actually seeing it air? i loved it...even if karoliena got a guest spot and i did not.

karoliena: hey,when you got it,you got it!

ooc:really great job pulling it all together.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 1 user thanked erich hess for this useful post.
snap_itshannah on 05/01/2013(UTC)
Offline Katrina Wild  
#3 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:03:41(UTC)
Katrina Wild
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Wild: I will tivo.Anxious
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snap_itshannah on 05/01/2013(UTC)
Offline snap_itshannah  
#4 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:06:20(UTC)
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erica: this.turned.out. so. fucking. CUTE! i had serious reservations when nina told me about it,but actually seeing it air? i loved it...even if karoliena got a guest spot and i did not.

karoliena: hey,when you got it,you got it!

ooc:really great job pulling it all together.

Castor: Erica, aren't you in, like, Yugoslavia or something like that? Come back to America. Then maybe we'll get you on the show. ;)

OOC: Thanks, sweetheart.

Wild: I will tivo.

Castor: Hahahaha, good, good... It's all going according to plan...
Offline genocidal king  
#5 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:08:31(UTC)
genocidal king
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OOC: I like it. Good job and great to read. Well played Miss :)
thanks 1 user thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
snap_itshannah on 05/01/2013(UTC)
Offline snap_itshannah  
#6 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:09:36(UTC)
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OOC: I like it. Good job and great to read. Well played Miss :)

OOC: *curtsie* *curtsie* Thank you so much, mister. :)
Offline erich hess  
#7 Posted : 05 January 2013 11:10:25(UTC)
erich hess
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erica:oooh! maybe is just a baby that needs to be loved until it says yes! i'm in russia with natycakes.. i'll totally let you know when i come back.i love you and nina together.

nina:back off,harpy! he's mine!


nina:oh,sorry,love. you know im protective of my castor.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#8 Posted : 23 January 2013 06:28:06(UTC)
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There’s complete silence as the episode starts. There’s a take of dirty dishes in the sink; laundry on the floor; trash piling up in the trash can; Nina sitting on the bed, covering herself with a blanket from head to toe, pieces of a smashed up laptop around her; and then finally Castor, sitting on the living room couch, his head in his hands. He looks up and sighs, a blank stare on his face.

“Are you okay?” Somebody behind the camera asks.

Castor continues to stare blankly. “I knew she had done porn before,” He starts, his voice calm, but seeming to be on the verge of a breakdown. “And I’m hoping that that is what this is… But…” He shakes his head. “I’ve watched the clips that I’ve found of it on the internet. The… the quality is so grainy and unproduced, and it doesn’t seem to be scripted. It just doesn’t look like a porn—“ Castor starts, his voice volume raising until he catches himself, and calms down. He sighs again. “I haven’t talked to her yet. We’ve basically just been sitting in silence, waiting for somebody else to broach the subject… Virginia’s at my mother’s, thank God…” He’s silent for a few moments, still blankly staring off into space. Then suddenly, he stands up, wipes his hands on his pants, and heads for the bedroom.

Nina, in the bedroom, starts sobbing instantly when she hears Castor approaching. She briefly looks around the room in a panic, as if to find something to put against the door. “Go away,” She says to the door. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She wraps the blanket tighter around her. Nina’s phone rings, the caller ID showing that it is Erica. She pushes the phone away.

“I’m afraid you don’t get the luxury of not talking about it, Nina,” Castor says back, walking into the bedroom. “The moment this went on the internet, it became our business, not just yours. Now tell me what the hell is going on.” He stands over her.

Nina turns away so she doesn’t have to look at Castor. “It’s not what you think it is, love,” She says quietly. “Has… Virginia seen anything about it yet?” Her voice is muffled by the blankets.

Castor shakes his head and sits down on the end of the bed. “I don’t think so… She would have said something, I think…” He says back. “Nina, tell me what’s going on. I--… You--… Our marriage is at stake,” He finally gets out.

Nina lets out a small sigh of relief. “Thank fuck for some good news in all this,” She says softly, and then turns to face Castor. “It isn’t what you think. I’d never do that to you, love.” She puts her hand on Castor’s knee before she starts to cry again. “I don’t know where they got it, or who gave it to them. But I remember it. It was a cut scene from… What I used to do.” She frowns deeply and whispers, “I am so sorry, Castor.”

Castor nods, and holds Nina’s hand. “It’s… it’s okay. Don’t be sorry.” He still looks a little upset, but not as much as before. “I’m just relieved it isn’t what I thought it was…” He moves back on the bed so that he’s sitting next to Nina, wrapping his arm around her.

Nina takes Castor’s hand and uses it to wipe her tears. She leans in to kiss Castor, but then doesn’t. “I’m sorry, Castor. I don’t know how many times I can bloody say it. I never expected to… to, you know, be married. I didn’t think that this would come back…”

“It’s okay… But I think we’re going to have to tell Virginia. I’d hate for her to find out from somebody at school, or something like that…”

Nina starts sobbing even more at the mention of Virginia. “You can’t be serious, love! She will hate me, or lose respect for me… like I’m sure you have. No. I will take this to my fucking grave. She’ll never know if we don’t mention it,” Nina says back, grasping at unrealistic straws.

“Shh… Shh…” Castor whispers, pulling Nina closer to him and stroking her hair. “I love you so much, Nina. We’re okay. You haven’t lost any of my respect. And Virginia loves you, too. You’re her mother. She’s old enough to understand that people make mistakes. And young enough to not be able to understand exactly what is going on. I think we’re going to be okay…”

Nina hugs Castor, sobbing into his shoulder. “I’m so sorry,” she says over and over again. After a few moments, she pulls herself together enough to look up at Castor. “I love you, too, Castor. I hate myself for what you have to deal with, being with me.” She puts her head back on Castor’s shoulder, smiling a bit as her hair is moved by Castor. “How do you explain porn to a six year old?” She asks in a panic. “You know, I explained lesbians… This one is on you, love.” Nina laughs weakly, but quickly stops.

Castor shakes his head. “I don’t know… This is brand new territory for me,” He says back. “We don’t have to say ‘Mommy used to fuck people for a living.’ We can just explain that you used to do something… bad… and now you don’t.”

Nina nods, and then starts sniffling again when Castor puts her ex-career in such blunt terms. She shakes her head. “Virginia is too bright to accept such a general explanation…” Nina thinks for a bit, and sniffles once. “I should be the one to explain it to her. I’m the screw-up here, not you, love.” She takes a deep breath to maintain control.

Castor locks his fingers with Nina’s. “We can both explain it to her. This problem is both of ours.” He kisses her softly. “I’ll call my mom. Ask her to bring Virginia back over.”

Nina smiles at their hands together. She looks up and kisses Castor back. “Bloody hell. Why did I do to deserve a man like you?” She kisses him once more and nods. “Yes, call your mother… who hopefully is too disappointed in me.”


The scene switches to about an hour later. Virginia sits on the couch, facing her parents, who sit in chairs from the dining room in front of her. “Okay, Gigi… We have to talk about something that happened earlier today…” Castor starts, and then looks at Nina.

Nina starts tearing up instantly. She grabs Castor’s hand tightly. “I can’t do this, love,” She whispers.

Virginia immediately breaks down in tears. “You two are getting a divorce, aren’t you?!” She sobs loudly.

“Of course not, love. Your daddy and I are not getting a divorce, I promise. What makes you ask that, little one?” Nina asks as brightly as she can manage.

“B-B-Because Grandma Angie said that Miss. Nina did something bad…” Virginia blubbers out. “You’re not getting a divorce? You promise?”

“Yes, Gigi, we promise,” Castor says back, leaning forward. “Did Grandma Angie tell you what Miss. Nina did?”

Virginia shakes her head, still crying.

Nina smiles weakly at Castor and takes a deep breath. She looks back towards Virginia and nods. “Grandma Angie is right. I did do something very… bad. It was before I met your daddy and you. I…” Nina pauses for a moment, thinking how to say this. “I used to do… movies. Movies where I kissed people, love. Not a kiss on the cheek, like I give you. But… kisses like I give daddy.” Nina looks crushed as she says this, but holds it together for the sake of her daughter.

Virginia looks confused. “Did you love them like you love daddy…?” She asks, wiping away the last of her tears.

Nina shakes her head vigorously. “Not at all. I pretended I did, though.” Nina looks to Castor with a slight shrug of he shoulders, as if it ask, “Is this okay?” which Castor responded to with a nod with a small smile.

Virginia still looks a little confused. “But… why? Were you just acting? Like the way Will Farrell acts?”

Nina squeezes Castor’s hand, drawing the strength to continue. “Well, Miss. Virginia, I did it for the same reason Will Farrell does. It was my job,” Nina replies with a shrug. “Yes, I promise I was just acting,” She says quietly. “Like Grandma said, it was horrible and I never wanted to tell you.”

“Oh… Well, you’re not going to do it again, right?” Virginia asks, kicking her feet back and forth.

Nina shakes her head. “Ugh… Never again. I love you, I love your daddy, and I love me too much to even think that way again, love.” She starts wringing her hands together.

Virginia thinks for a moment, and then hops off the couch. “Okay,” is all she says, and then she goes into the kitchen to get a snack.

Castor chuckles a little. “Well… that went better than expected…”

Nina smiles as Virginia leaves, and then collapses, laying her head on Castor’s lap. “You must love the shit out of me, love. To put you and your daughter through that… I’ve never felt so filthy in all my life,” She says quietly.

Castor strokes Nina’s hair and chuckles again, shaking his head. “Of course I love you, Nina. I love everything about you, and your past means nothing to me.” He kisses the top of her head. “Everything is going to be fine. We’ll ride out the media, deal with all the additional rumors that are sure to pop up, and everybody will probably forget about this by next week.”

Nina sighs again as Castor’s fingers go through her hair. “Oh, how I love that. It feels heavenly, love. I think I could sleep for years,” She says quietly. “With you, I can handle it all, love.” She kisses his leg. “I don’t care about my past hurting me, but you and Virginia? I want the bastards who put this video up killed.” She claps her hands. “Make it so!” Nina giggles her first genuine laugh all day.

Castor shakes his head. “I think that’s one thing that bothered me the most about all of this. Culture Uncut said that the video came from a Detroit residence… It could be somebody that we know… And why would they send it now, of all times?”

Nina turns over on her back so that she can look up at Castor. “I know, love. But Culture Uncut isn’t the most truthful source. They tried passing it off as current.” She reaches up and plays with Castor’s hair. “I think it’s one of those bitches on the PTA. You know they hate me… or you have a secret admirer, wanting me out of the picture,” Nina says while thinking of all the people in Castor’s building.

Castor chuckles and shakes his head. “Those catty PTA bitches are pretty evil…” He says as he bends down and kisses Nina’s forehead. “I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

Nina smiles and cuddles closer to Castor. “Tarts are probably jealous I’m married to such a sex pot,” She says with a giggle.

There’s a crash from the kitchen and Virginia screams. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! I dropped a plate!” She squeals as she comes running out of the kitchen.

Castor sighs. “And on to the next dilemma…” He says as he moves Nina off his lap and goes towards the kitchen with Nina following behind him.


Edited by user 23 January 2013 06:29:09(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 2 users thanked snap_itshannah for this useful post.
erich hess on 23/01/2013(UTC), niggajones on 23/01/2013(UTC)
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#9 Posted : 23 January 2013 06:57:40(UTC)
erich hess
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Ooc: I may be biased,but I think we do good work.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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