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As the arena goes dark for about 30 seconds, a quick and upbeat instrumental comes over the PA system with lights fluttering around the arena. And after those 30 seconds you see the lights cut back on and that instrumental fade away, this time is something totally new. Orange like strobe lights go around the arena and we finally see the boys appear on the stage, looking as if they had a totally new wardrobe, having changed in such a quick time. In there serious manner, they stand there looking serious for the first few seconds of this never before heard song. This new track, entitled, "Want Ur Love" has a quick opening beat with a catchy whistling sounds mixed with synths and other generated instruments. The boys then throw a smile on their face as they bring the mic up to their face and say "WE WANT YOUR LOVE". They wait a few seconds as they have a big smile on their face, the crowd start cheering once more as three of the boys put the microphone from their face as they start moving to the beat. Dennis is the first to pick up the mic and began singing the opening lines of this fun track. Oh, she's dangerous, but danger's never looked so beautiful One glance of you, and girl, you've got me feeling delusional I must have lost my mind, cause I'm playing with fire She said she hates the chase, but she's a liar Cause she's got every guy trapped in the palm of her hand Snaps her fingers and they're all at her demandDennis is the first to sing as he sings about a certain female who seems like a beautiful seductress, that everyone wants. After his part, all the boys smile looking around as if they are looking for someone. As this is said, the boys start walking from the stairs on the stage onto center stage looking for this someone. Out of nowhere, you see a blonde female sporting out onto the stage. It's Sophia Stellar of Girlspice, the roar of the crowd is almost unbelievable as she struts out onto the stage with a mic piece on her face, hair flowing, with a while dress and heels. Jerry smiles yelling "There she is!' The song still has this quick paced manner but changes in style as Sophia starts singing. She approaches the boy, running her hand past there chest, and finding her own space to sing her part that puts her in the seductress in the song's position. She sings looking at the boys who are all obviously smiling and begin blushing in a playful manner. You want my love? You want to make me smile? The way you look at me, I can tell you love more than my style I see you're staring at what I'm wearing, I see you sweating And I know you're anticipating, heart racing, and I'm betting That you wanna walk on up to me... I can tell you want something from me...Sophia then moves to the middle of the boys, as they are spaced from left to right: Chris, Dennis, Sophia who is in the middle, followed by Brian and Jerry. She grabs the shoulders of Dennis and Brian's Sophia then grinds forward in a promiscuous manner , and the boys do the same and the boys roll their bodies as well. This causes the girls in the crowd to go completely wild. The beat speeds up as Dennis looks at Sophia singing his part as the song is about this female who seems to be all everyone's wanted list. After Dennis and Sophia lock eyes, she sings her next part, playing hard to get. Following that, Brian looks at her saying his lines explaining that he can't help but want her love Sophia looks at him, and then turns her head, looking at the crowd challenging the boys to step up their mark. After Sophia says her lines, the boys bring up their mics and sing in unison "I Want Ur Love", "I Want Ur Love" and Sophia questions them, "You Want My Love? You Want My Love?". The beat is extremely infectious and bouncy for the chorus, as it bursts into a dance floor jam that includes infectious synths, and fast paced bassline mixed with generated guitar riffs. As the chorus ends all the boys spin and surround Sophia. She smiles, pushing the boys away and walking past them with this aggressive, proclaiming stomp. You look like the kinda girl that I wanna get to know Cause you shine like a star who's running the show So if you wanna get to know me, better know the right lines Cause I'm fast with catching out all the white lies The night is young, and I know there's no rush But I just can't help but to want your love Well if you want my love, better step up to the mark Prove it to me, and we could be more than strangers in the dark I want your love, I want your love You want my love? You want my love? I want your love, I want your loveAs the chorus fades away and returns to it's regular beat, the relentless backing beat popping onto the track. Chris walks from the boys, who also start walking to different parts of the stage, Chris catches up to Sophia taking her hand and twirling her...she locks eyes with him as he starts singing his part, looking at her... he walks more closely to her and goes on grabbing her hand, Sophia smiles at him, enjoying every moment of it as she pulls away by the time he ends his line with "She's got a deadly weapon to make every guy stare" He stares as her as she walks away from him, he shakes his head in an upset manner, but adds on a witty smile to it. The other boys adlib behind Chris, doing background vocals as he does his part, when he ends. Jerry looks at Sophia walking away from Chris, he sees her walking toward his way.. he walks toward her as well, initiating his time with Sophia as his part comes up. The synths become harder for Jerry's part.She commands the room with ease, everyone loves her Don't care what's in my glass, I know what I prefer And she's a tease, but I know she likes the attention And girl, I'm thinking of ways we could kill the tension Long legs on show with her beach blonde hair She's got a deadly weapon to make every guy stareHe brings the microphone to his mouth, ending off where Chris ended. When he gets to Sophia he walks behind her as they start dancing. Sophia is in front of Jerry as they move side to side. When he says "All eyes on her like she's walking down a runway" Sophia throws her hands on her hips and stops directly away from Jerry as if she was on a runway. He behind her again, and twirls her round. Just by the end of his part, after he turns her around, he picks up her leg and dips her. Sophia rolls back with her knee arched in Jerry's arms, she falls back with him fully supporting her. She picks herself back up and steps up, he puts his arms around her. She's the life and soul of the party, knows how to make a scene On the floor, she starts this place up just like a machine And what I'd give to steal her heart away All eyes on her like she's walking down a runway Oh, we could know more than just each others first name Just one single chance, and I promise you'll feel the sameShe smiles as she picks her microphone up, getting ready to sing her part. She puts her finger onto Jerry's chest, before walking past him. She picks the mic up to her mouth singing her part of the collaboration. She walks onto one of the steps as she begins to sing. The boys all turn around and look at her and begin walking to her. She has an evil smile on her face. As the song changes in style, with the synths sinking away and just the backing beat riding throughout the track. Sophia has a playful but quite strong voice as she playfully says the lines to the song. She looks at each of the points and points out to the chorus. You want my love? You want to make me smile? The way you look at me, I can tell you love more than my style I see you're staring at what I'm wearing, I see you sweating And I know you're anticipating, heart racing, and I'm betting That you wanna walk on up to me... I can tell you want something from me...She throws her arm up as she's singing, and sexily flips her hair. The boys surround the staircase as Sophia on the steps, and they begin thrusting their chests in and out. Sophia does the same on her step a few feet away from them. They do this for six counts before the boys turn around throwing their arms up, walking to the edge of the stage and singing the chorus. First Dennis, followed by Sophia, who's still on the steps, Brian then takes over his part as they sing to the crowd. Sophia stands on the steps with her hand on her hips as one fifth of a very legendary girl group, GirlSpice stares confidently.You look like the kinda girl that I wanna get to know Cause you shine like a star who's running the show So if you wanna get to know me, better know the right lines Cause I'm fast with catching out all the white lies The night is young, and I know there's no rush But I just can't help but to want your love Well if you want my love, better step up to the mark Prove it to me, and we could be more than strangers in the dark I want your love, I want your love You want my love? You want my love? I want your love, I want your loveAs the chorus fades away once more, Sophia picks the microphone up one more time as she walks from the steps. She stomps down those steps like a diva as the next part of the track rumbles up. The boys all break into choreography some feet away from where Sophia is. She stomps around the stage and walks over the crowd throws her hands in the crowd to the fans who are still going wild. The boys then walk over to her surrounding her once more. As they form in front of the stage next to eachother from left to right (Brian, Chris, Dennis, Jerry), Sophia twirls around each of the boys and she's finishes her line singing "Yeah, I know you want my love" and just as soon as shes about to walk past Jerry. He grabs her hand. Come on up to me, baby, don't be shy I've seen you looking all night, so come give me a try I know you want me, I see the hunger in your eyes Just open your mouth and let all your words free Take the risk and break the ice, come roll the dice I heard I'm your favorite in GirlSpice Charm me until I'm floating on the clouds above Yeah, I know you want my love...Jerry smiles at her, and she smiles at him as they meet eyes as the bridge makes it's way to the song. The backing beat moves away so you could clearly hear all the boy's voices . Jerry grabs the mic and says his part holding Sophia's hand. She then picks up the mic singing "You Want My love, you want my love? Right away she does another twirl in front of Jerry to keep walking toward the left, but Dennis grabs her next, singing into the microphone. She smiles once more and grabs the mic up, repeating her words for the bridge and moves away from Dennis, next, she moves by Chris and he touches her shoulder and looks deeply into her eyes she smiles, and Brian chimes in saying he wants her love. At that moment, you hear the beat picking back up, building, to burst into the chorus as Sophia smiles running her hands to the back of her head and plopping her blonde locks up.I want your love, I want your loveYou want my love? You want my love?I want your love, I want your loveYou want my love? You want my love?I want your love, I want your loveAs the chorus rises once more and bursts into the dancefloor heavy bassline, with the rigid backing beat and generated guitar riffs, Sophia who is now placed directly in front of the boys start walking as so the other boys do as well. They walk quickly toward the other side of the stage. As they are walking, Dennis's part is coming up he sings his part as he spins Sophia around in a twirl, she looks at him and sings her part as she keeps walking. She walks up to Brian as he moves behind her as they act as if they are dancing with each other. She then approaches Chris and Jerry who stand each on one side of her, they act as if they are pulling her from side to side as they sing their part of the chorus. Sophia throws both her hands up as all the boys comes together, and with their backs faces to the crowd as they begin walking to the steps.You look like the kinda girl that I wanna get to know Cause you shine like a star who's running the show So if you wanna get to know me, better know the right lines Cause I'm fast with catching out all the white lies The night is young, and I know there's no rush But I just can't help but to want your love Well if you want my love, better step up to the mark Prove it to me, and we could be more than strangers in the dark I want your love, I want your love You want my love? You want my love? I want your love, I want your loveComes behind them with her back also turned toward the crowd as she holds two of the guys's shoulders. They walk to the middle of the steps as she turns around one more time saying her lines in the songYou want my love? You want my love? and the boys doing the same with their respective in unison part of the chorus: I want your love, I want your love. Right after that, they are back at the top of the steps as they all pose for the ending of the performance as the song comes to a halting stop, Sophia poses in the middle and the boys all spaced out behind her as they throw one finger in the air signalling the end of the performance. They stand there, as Sophia turns to them, blowing them a kiss as she walks off the stage. The crowd gives them a loud ovation as Chris is the first to speak "The beautiful, Sophia Stellar!" The crowd cheers once more as Dennis speaks " Thank you everyone, thank you so much!The boys give each other fives and a group hug before Brian and Jerry saying thank you as they walk to the back with a picture of their new single showing up on the PA system.
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