StaringJulia Volkova as
CarlyJames Urie as
MarcioZachary Quinto as
JosephThe video is about Carly’s story. How she turned a vampire by a sexy and pretentious male vampire who thought he would lead Carly’s mind to do all his needs, he was wrong, but you’ll find out what happened. Also the video works as a story so basically nobody is lip-syncing the song, it is only used as a soundtrack for the images of the story.---
Carly is a sweet 22 years old girl, still a virgin she hides behind a heavy makeup an innocent and pure mind, she never thought that a man would look at her and feel something for her, well there’s her neighbor Joseph, but he is just a good friend for Carly and despite all his efforts in conquering Carly for himself she refuses to think of him as a boyfriend. But then there’s this outsider who just arrived in town, he saw Carly yesterday in the supermarket, he’s so charming, he looked at Carly with a sultry look paralyzing Carly and thinking about that short moment is what Carly is doing right now, 3 in the morning looking in the mirror. She never felt anything like that before, it feels like a fire has emerged from within her heart and she just can’t stand even the clothes she’s wearing, she wants to get naked and get dirty, but her mind keeps saying that she must refuses those nasty thought, she’s pure, innocent, but in fact she just want those eyes.

Suddenly she realizes that someone is watching her from the window, she goes to see who’s the intruder and when she gets near the window it opens us alone, but nobody’s there, she stops for a moment and that fire starts to burn her skin again, she feels the heat and starts to undress, she comes back to sit in front of the mirror now only wearing lingerie, when someone touches her neck softly, there’s someone behind her, but she just can’t see the person reflection, when she turns, its him, the guys she saw at the supermarket, she gets surprised and a bit scare, but his touch is just so smooth and his eyes and his dirty smile at her, he keeps his hands softly over Carly’s neck, she can’t hold it anymore, she wants to surrender and so his eyes turn to red two big canines grown in his mouth and he bites Carly, the same time blood starts to drop from Carly’s neck till her chest, she can see her eyes in the mirror change its color and her reflection goes vanishing just like if she was becoming a ghost.

The heat is not there anymore, but she feels something different, a cold breeze in her belly, and her heart stops beating, the vampire leaves her there with blood all over her body lied on the ground, he turns to a bat quickly and leaves flying from that bedroom.
The other day, Carly wakes up by smell of skin burning, she recovers her sense then realizes that there’s a beam of sunlight coming from her windows, she can’t feel the pain but she knows that she’s no human anymore and that cold inside of her, she closes her curtains and goes to the mirror to see her, but now she can’t, yes she’s a vampire. Her thoughts are all confused , there’s a image of a big manor where she knows she must go, she can’t explain why that manor is in her head but she have a feeling that maybe there’s something to do with that vampire who bite her last night, she can’t understand why all that is happening, she used to be a sweet girl, and what Joseph would think of her? She waits till the sun is gone so she can go to this manor which keeps flashing in her mind.

While she goes walking in the streets as a girl without a soul, she’s being followed by Joseph who hides behind her following her, he knew something was wrong with her, because he’s used to see her every morning in her garden taking care of her flowers and now she’s waling like a crazy animal in the streets, he must follow her to discover what happened.

Carly arrives at the manor she had imagined about, she goes with all her fury inside that manor and right in the front hall she visualizes the vampire whose name is Macio, he’s there with several other female vampires, they’re in some sort of a party, having sex and biting each other, it’s very surreal, there’s blood, and nasty things going on everywhere.
To everywhere Carly looked, there was two female vampires kissing each other, and they were all around her, for some time she felt tempted to join them in that surreal sexy party, but soon she noticed that she was cursed by Marcio and that forever she would have to walk at night, she’ll never feel love again and she’ll never feel heat again, she won’t feel anything in fact. She looked at Macio’s sultry eyes and with so much anger and hate on her cold heart she goes till him walking slowly facing him, he thinks that she’s coming to join him, but he’s wrong, she gets near him and with so much furry she takes his head out of his body, all other female vampire’s stops looking to what she did, they don’t dare to defy Carly at this point. Carly throws Marcio’s head for them and leaves the place.
Right after she left the mano she meet Joseph, he was terrified by what Carly did, at first he hesitates to touch her, but he love sher so much and despite everything that happened he wanted to touch her, he touches Carly’s cold skin, he feels that Carly isn’t that beautiful and pretty girl anymore and noticing that he takes his hand off Carly’s face. Carly smiles and turns into a bat so she flies away leaving Joseph alone.