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#1 Posted : 12 years ago
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ooc: Sorry for not coming up with an actual show for them to be interviewed on couldn't think of one so just made this up lol hope you enjoy and thanks for reading :)


Jamie Nicole Naomi)

Thank you for joining us today on today's show we're going to go deep inside the minds of the young new and fresh girl group on the scene SYNCO we're going to be talking to them about Weekend, what it's like being a new group, family and much more at first glance these five young girls look like regular girls you'd go to school with which they were before auditioning for the group SYNCO consists of Nicole Wright (19) Jamie Jackson (17) Layla Sanchez (16) Naomi White (18) and Alexis Grey (17) these five girls were complete and total strangers before auditioning for Weekend: The Big Search one of them (Jamie) even lived in a total different country from the other four each girl comes with a different voice, a different style, a different personality and a different story Nicole the eldest of the group is considered the sort of mother of the group but could also be very immature at times she is the one that is always there when one of the girls are going through a problem or need help with something she is also a very strong Christian, then there's Layla the youngest and silliest you'll hardly ever see her serious she is said to be the biggest "Weekender" of the group having her room full of posters of the boy band every cd they've come out with so far she's really sweet and funny but get's a bit more serious when it comes to her friends and family then there's Jamie she's the shy quiet girl with an extremely powerful voice she you would never think that she's the shy one of the group if you heard how big and powerful her vocals were however the girls say "once you get to know her there's no shutting her up" then you have Naomi she can be very funny and witty she's a different sort of funny compared to Layla she's usually very sarcastic and can be loud the complete opposite of Jamie and last but not least you have Alex she is considered the lead vocalist of the group by many with that more mature and husky sort of voice she usually get's the most solos she's known as the tough one in the group she'd be the first one of all the girls to be in a fight she has a very quick temper especially when someone is messing with her friends or family or just anyone close to her the five girls each have different voices as well Layla has the most unique voice of the girls her voice is something really different and she's amazing at her riffs and runs some people call her the vocal acrobat of the group then you have Jamie the powerhouse of the group this girl's been compared to the likes of Beyoncé, Leona Lewis and most recently Mariah Carey after hitting that amazing whistle note in their new single "Rock The Night" then you have Nicole who also has a unique sort of theatrical voice which sounds good but compared to Alex, Jamie and Layla isn't amazing then you have Naomi her voice has this sort of bluesy yet laid back R&B style to it she's proved that her vocals can be powerful but not quite as powerful as Jamie's then you have the lead vocalist Alex her voice is powerful yet smooth she's got this mature feel to her voice that people tend to fall head over heels for now to the girls' stories Jamie and Layla both auditioned trying to support their families Jamie lived with a lot of people in one house and they were about to be evicted Layla lived with her mom and three siblings and they were going through some financial problems as well so they both thought it'd be a good idea to audition and try to help their families out neither of them thought they would make it past the auditions but they did then you have Naomi and Nicole who had both been singing for an extremely long time they had both tried to make careers out of it Naomi were in other girl groups that failed and Nicole had tried solo and failed they both auditioned hoping their dream would come true which it did then there's Alex she wasn't even going to try out for the group as she only seen music as a hobby for her but her friends forced her to audition after she made it she realized that this is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life now I bet you're wondering what sets these girls apart from any other girl group in the music business today well I'll tell you there aren't many girl groups in the music industry today other than the 4U Girls but these girls are very young they're fun to be around and they were put together by the biggest boy band in the music industry at the moment Weekend not a lot of groups can say that these girls are considered to be the female version of Weekend but can they live up to the things that Weekend have done so far I guess we'll just have to wait and see but for now enjoy this interview with the five young girls

The five girls are all seen on a sort of small leather sofa they're all smiling each of the girls look very excited to be here as this was their first actual interview Alex and Layla were sat on top of the couch while the others were sat on the couch Jamie being on the left Nicole in the middle and Naomi on the right

"So girls how are you all doing today?"

Nicole: "Amazing we all feel so blessed to be here right now"

She said with a big smile on her face Jamie, Layla and Alex nodded then Naomi spoke

Naomi: "Terrible I'm doing terrible can we hurry this thing up I've got places to be and people to see"

she said with a serious face she held the face for a few seconds before finally braking and laughing the other girls laughed with her

Naomi: "Sorry I'm just kidding I'm doing great"

there was her first sarcastic joke in the interview why don't we try to count how many of those she makes?

"So you girls are very new to the music scene and to each other can you tell us what it's like working with each other?"

Alex was the first to speak this time

Alex: "It's amazing working with these girls they're easy to work with and really fun to be around I doubt I would be able to work with anyone else as well as I work with these girls there's like a connection or something not sure how to explain it"

Layla nodded along with Alex's comment before speaking herself

Layla: "Yeah it's really amazing and surprising to see how easily we get along it was like almost an instant connection the first day we all met each other and that connection just like grows more and more each day I know we haven't known each other for like years but I can honestly say that these girls are like my sisters and they're all rad and I love them"

after Layla spoke each of the girls let out an "Aww" together and Alex went over to hug Layla it was amazing to see how close these five girls were and in such a short period of time however I was curious I wondered if it was always this way with these five girls

"That's amazing but it can't always be like that right? Have there been any bad moments?"

Alex nodded a little before being the first of the five girls to answer again

Alex: "Of course there are the bad moments yes we argue and fight but they don't last really long they like go on for a few hours then we just end up forgetting about it like we literally don't even remember we were arguing"

The other girls nodded along with Alex's answer and it seemed like she was telling the truth these girls really did seem like best friends either that or they were really good actors

"So you were discovered by Weekend right? What's that like?"

This time Layla was the first to speak she seemed to get really excited when I mentioned Weekend she was definitely a huge fan anyone could see that

Layla: "It's so amazing and it still makes me smile knowing that Weekend the five boys that are all over my bedroom wall back home think I'm good enough to be in a girl group that they put together it's like just I don't even know to describe that and I know I probably sound crazy right now but I mean they're Weekend and they think I'm talented it's just like indescribable"

Each girl laughed causing Layla to laugh as well the thing that was so funny is that she was being 100% serious just now in a way it was cute which she is known for being

"So you're a pretty big Weekender then huh? Can I ask what are the boys like? Are they as bad as the media make them out to be?"

Each girl shakes their head and Alex spoke first

Alex: "The media are full of dicks looking for anything and anyone to pick on the boys are actually very sweet and they may have made a few mistakes in the past but they are in no way as bad as people make them seem I mean they're young guys you can't expect them to be perfect all the time you can't expect anyone to be perfect actually and people who talk about them being bad parents are so wrong Dustyn may be young but he seems to be a great father to Shay and Oscar seems like a good dad and I'm sure Billy is as well people need to just back off of them a little"

Alex sounded as if she was getting sort of angry but stopped herself and took a deep breath before speaking again

Alex: "anyway can we move on to the next question?"

She asked and I nodded it was clear this one was bothering her I wasn't sure why maybe it was because it involved her friends but I couldn't be sure I asked my next question next anyway

"You recently released your second single "Rock The Night" can you tell us about that a little?"

Alex smiled after I asked this question she had this proud look on her face as she spoke about the new single

Alex: "Well I co-wrote it" (she says with a smirk) "I really the way this song came out and I like how it's like different from all of the other things we recorded cause most of the songs we've done so far are either about a break up or love or something like that this song is just about having fun to me it is a definite stand out from the ones we've recorded so far"

Alex looked smiled after finishing that she looked really proud about the song and the way it came out none of the other girls added to that so I decided to ask my next question

"When can we expect an album from you girls?"

The shy girl Jamie spoke this time it was actually the first time she had spoke through the whole interview so far and after hearing the other four girls speak it was a bit odd hearing her speak as the other four had American accents and she had a British accent

Jamie: "You can expect an album out from us a little later this year we aren't completely sure yet as to when it'll be out because we're still in the early stages of writing and recording but there will definitely be one out this year"

She smiled after she spoke it was still pretty surprising to finally hear her speak and with her accent compared to the other girls

"That's great then I can't wait to check that out so I need to ask this now are any of you dating?"

Layla, Jamie and Nicole each shook their heads Alex was the first to speak she giggled a little as she spoke

Alex: "Well I'm kinda involved with the lead singer from Andros and the Mouse he's a really cool guy and I really enjoy being around him"

Naomi was the next to speak she also had a smile on her face

Naomi: "Yes Layla and her big mouth confirmed this before I got to but yes I am dating someone his name is Jason and he's really cute and sweet"

The girls all laugh a little both Alex and Naomi seemed to be really genuinely happy speaking about these two guys

"So Layla, Jamie and Nicole what are you three looking for in a guy?"

Jamie was the first to speak she spoke rather quickly and she nearly yelled it out

Jamie: "Lewis Elon!"

She must have not meant to say that because as soon as she did she covered her mouth with both hands and looked shocked before her and the other girls started uncontrollably

Naomi: So you're looking for Lewis Elon to be in a guy?"

Naomi laughed then Jamie reached over Nicole and jokingly punched Naomi's arm and laughed with her

Jamie: "Shut up!"

The girls all continued laughing for a little while longer before finally stopping Nicole then spoke after she decided to tease Jamie about what she just said

Nicole: "I am also looking for Lewis Elon in a guy"

They laughed once again before Nicole spoke again being serious this time

Nicole: "I'm actually just looking for someone who's sweet and honest and kind looks don't really bother me too much"

She smiled then the youngest of the group Layla spoke up

Layla: "I want a guy who is hot like Billy Khan, sweet like Riley Hamilton, cute like Dustyn Blue, funny like Scott Wellington and has the curls of Oscar Ward oh my god that'd be so perfect"

Layla along with the other girls start to laugh again and Layla fans herself with her hand and looks up I let the girls stop laughing before I ask my next question

"So now I want to go on a more serious topic now four of you are living really far away from your family right now right? What is it like being so young and being so far away from your family? I mean you're in a whole different county from them"

The girls seemed to become more serious now they all stayed quiet for a little before the lead vocalist Alex spoke it was clear this question bothered some of them especially the youngest of the girls Layla

Alex: "I mean nobody said this career would be easy there are definitely good things that come with it but there are also bad being away from our families is one of the bad things I mean we all love our families with all of our hearts but this is out dream and career and this is where we have to be to make that happen you know?"

Layla was the next to speak she looked and sounded as if she was about to break down in tears as she spoke

Layla: "It's...it's really hard being so far from my family I love my family so much but in a way I'm actually doing this for them we talk a lot as much as we can on the phone and Skype and stuff but you know it's still...it's still kind of hard"

Layla laughed a little as she knew she was about to cry she finally did end up crying and she was also laughing at herself

Layla: "I'm so sorry right now I'm being so stupid"

Layla wiped away some of her tears with the sleeve of her shirt it was strange to see her cry she was usually the most upbeat and happy of the girls the girls heard her crying and looked up at her Nicole placed her hand on Layla's leg and Naomi placed her hand on her Layla's hand as if to comfort her then Alex stood up and pulled her in for a hug then kissed her on top of her head and whispered something into her ear it looked as if she said "It's ok" but I still couldn't be sure again I was so surprised at how close these girls were and in such a short amount of time I asked the next question as this one was obviously getting to Layla Alex went back to where she was before and sat back down Layla seemed to have calmed down a bit and Alex looked at her to be sure

"So you girls performed at the X Factor UK final what was that like?"

The eldest Nicole was the first to speak about this one

Nicole: "It was really amazing we all really had a great time performing on the show and we all felt and still feel so blessed to have gotten the chance to perform there"

"And were you girls happy with the winner?"

Alex nodded and spoke this time

Alex: "I was they were all rooting for Jahmene but I was rooting for James the whole time I'm glad he won but both guys are talented"

"I was rooting for James as well Alex so now I want to ask who would you girls want to work with most in the music industry?"

Layla seemed to be back to her normal happy self now she quickly spoke after she heard the question and looked kind of excited

Layla: "Weekend! I definitely want to do a song with them one day because they're just perfect also Jennifer Armstrong because I love her and she's like so talented and pretty and she's my girl crush"

The girls all laughed after Layla spoke it was funny to see her go from being so sad to so happy so fast Jamie spoke next

Jamie: "I'd actually really love to work with someone like Mercedes Payne or Tisha Jackson they seem like amazingly talented artists and seem really cool"

Naomi then shook her head looked at Jamie then spoke

Naomi: "No fair you stole one of mine! Anyway I would have said either Tisha or Aubrey Mikkel I honestly love them both so much it'd be really cool to get to work with them"

Nicole then spoke and smiled as she did

Nicole: "I'd love to get to work with someone like Katie Coyle she seems like a sweet girl and someone who would be easy to work with"

Nicole smiles Alex sighs then shrugs as she spoke

Alex: "Guess I'll be the odd one out then I'm going to go with a rock goddess Amy Meyer she's an amazing writer and vocalist and I'd be so honored to work with her"

"Those all seem like amazing people though I'm not quite sure how Amy would fit in a song with you girls anyway are you girls watching Star Factory? And if so who are you rooting for?"

Nicole was first to answer with a smile still on her face it seemed like she was always happy

Nicole: "I'm the only one really watching and I'm rooting for Layla Rae Cash because I honestly love country music always have always will and I really think the industry could use a good country artist right now"

"Alright that's nice and I agree so there have been a lot of new artists recently yourself included can you girls try to predict who will be the next big thing?"

Layla raised her hand before she spoke and she yelled as she did


The girls laughed after she yelled that out Nicole then spoke

Nicole: "I think that Aimee Rose is going to be huge this year with her beautiful looks and talent she's definitely going to be huge god really blessed that girl so much she's amazingly talented it's actually kind of crazy how talented she is"

"Good choices I definitely agree with both so what do you guys do when you aren't singing or recording or working?"

Naomi was the first to speak she was obviously joking by the sound of her voice

Naomi: "Oh you know just start drama and get into catfights just all that good stuff"

The girls laugh then Naomi speaks again being more serious this time

Naomi: "But in all honestly I just like to shop, dance, sing sometimes write songs just that kind of stuff"

Nicole moves her glasses up a little then smiles and speaks next

Nicole: "I love baking and cooking that's really fun to me and it reminds me of home"

Jamie was the next girl to speak

Jamie: "I babysit, shop yeah that's about it really"

She laughs a little then Layla speaks next

Layla: "I basically just eat, go on tumblr and twitter then read Rilly fanfics all day yeah that's pretty much my life I know sad right?"

The girls all laugh together then Alex speaks next

Alex: "I act, dance, play my guitar, play softball and other stuff"

"That all sounds really fun anyway thank you girls for joining me it was amazing meeting all of you and I wish you all luck in your career"

Nicole: "Aww thank you it was amazing meeting you too god bless you"

Nicole smiles the rest of the girls say they're goodbyes and with that they leave so what do you think? Can SYNCO actually be the female version of Weekend? Will they have a successful career? Or will they just crack under the pressures of the celebrity lifestyle these girls are all a very sweet and cool bunch of girls I'm hoping that they have a long and successful career but I guess we'll just have to wait and see if things go that way

Edited by user 12 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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Walton on 16/01/2013(UTC), erich hess on 16/01/2013(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 16/01/2013(UTC), Andre Gandra on 16/01/2013(UTC), snap_itshannah on 16/01/2013(UTC), Famouss7x7 on 16/01/2013(UTC), BrownSugar on 17/01/2013(UTC), stephaniewazhere on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#2 Posted : 12 years ago
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Jennifer: I knew it! I knew you had a girl crush on me. I mean I can't blame you ;) Lol, juuust kidding. Great interview girls and it's always tough to be away from your family and friends but you know what? In the end, it's definitely all worth it.
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Isabel-Pixie-Nova-Jennifer Armstrong-Dylan Shaw-Eden Pryce-Taara Jay-Jupiter Jones-Imani
Kato-Eilidh-Nothing But Trouble-Hayden-Serenity Scott-Anaísz-Kimi Kubo

"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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mebeme101 on 16/01/2013(UTC)
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#3 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Jennifer: I knew it! I knew you had a girl crush on me. I mean I can't blame you ;) Lol, juuust kidding. Great interview girls and it's always tough to be away from your family and friends but you know what? In the end, it's definitely all worth it.

Layla: Shhh I'm pretty sure we all have a girl crush on you because you're just that rad :P thank you and yeah I know it's just been kinda tough I sorta miss hearing them like say my name around the house and having our meals and stuff but I got the girls now and they're family to me too and I love them lol
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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RoseJapanFan on 16/01/2013(UTC)
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#4 Posted : 12 years ago
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Lewis Elon: Funny, I'm looking for a girl like Jamie Jackson....

Dustyn: You girls is so cute!!

Riley: Layla, you think I'm sweet? Aw, thank you :)

OOC: Great work, I think it's one of your best RPs yet :)




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mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#5 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: BrownSugar Go to Quoted Post
Lewis Elon: Funny, I'm looking for a girl like Jamie Jackson....

Dustyn: You girls is so cute!!

Riley: Layla, you think I'm sweet? Aw, thank you :)

OOC: Great work, I think it's one of your best RPs yet :)

Jamie: Well maybe we can help each other out then... :P

Nicole: Aww thank you Dustyn you're adorable and we love you :)

Layla: Well of course Riley you'd have to be crazy not to you're like the sweetest guy ever! Lol

ooc: Thank you! :D
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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#6 Posted : 12 years ago
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Nichole: All of you are so adorable. I just all you all.

OOC: Great job on this.
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mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: snap_itshannah Go to Quoted Post
Nichole: All of you are so adorable. I just all you all.

OOC: Great job on this.

Layla: Aww thank you Nichole you're super rad and we love you! :)

ooc: Thank you so much :)
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#8 Posted : 12 years ago
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Serenity: You girls are all so lovely and I love you girls! So glad to have you girls as label mates. Good luck with everything and hurry up with that album because a whole lot of people, including myself, are waiting for it. And I know it'll be 'rad', right Layla? :)

OOC: Jay-Jay put in work on this RP! Fantastico :)
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mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#9 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
Serenity: You girls are all so lovely and I love you girls! So glad to have you girls as label mates. Good luck with everything and hurry up with that album because a whole lot of people, including myself, are waiting for it. And I know it'll be 'rad', right Layla? :)

OOC: Jay-Jay put in work on this RP! Fantastico :)

Layla: Gracias Serenity 1432! And we're all really super glad to have you as a label mate too thank you again and we promise it'll happen soon and no it won't be rad...IT'S GONNA BE SUPER DUPER RAD!

ooc: Thank you Safari I'm glad you liked it
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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Walton on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#10 Posted : 12 years ago
erich hess
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Erica: I think one day,I'm going to abduct Layla. She and I will run away and rule over hello kitty land....with iron fists. And it will be RAD!

Nina: um....two things,love. She is waaay young. And what about Natalya?

Erica: so? Iron fisted rule has no age limits. Natalya would be there as my queen. Layla would be the princess,duh .

Nina:....you've put thought into this?

Erica: well,yeah. What do you do while you're on the potty?

Nina:I read the funnies like a normal person,love.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Walton on 17/01/2013(UTC), mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#11 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Erica: I think one day,I'm going to abduct Layla. She and I will run away and rule over hello kitty land....with iron fists. And it will be RAD!

Nina: um....two things,love. She is waaay young. And what about Natalya?

Erica: so? Iron fisted rule has no age limits. Natalya would be there as my queen. Layla would be the princess,duh .

Nina:....you've put thought into this?

Erica: well,yeah. What do you do while you're on the potty?

Nina:I read the funnies like a normal person,love.

Layla: Chica you wouldn't have to abduct me just ask and I'll be up for that it'd be totally super RAD and I'd definitely be up for that as long as I get one of the Weekend boys as a prince that is :P
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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erich hess on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#12 Posted : 12 years ago
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Erica: it's settled then,Layla. The only weekend boy I know is billy,so I'll see about convincing him to run away from all the money and fame,just to rule over hello kitty land with us.

Nina:hey...this is starting to sound fun,love. I wanna come too.

Erica: sure. You can be the archduke of chococat.

Nina: will I have actual power,or is this just ceremonial?

Erica: actual power. I don't want a impotent monarchy!

Nina and Erica giggle.: impotent.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#13 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Erica: it's settled then,Layla. The only weekend boy I know is billy,so I'll see about convincing him to run away from all the money and fame,just to rule over hello kitty land with us.

Nina:hey...this is starting to sound fun,love. I wanna come too.

Erica: sure. You can be the archduke of chococat.

Nina: will I have actual power,or is this just ceremonial?

Erica: actual power. I don't want a impotent monarchy!

Nina and Erica giggle.: impotent.

Layla: Well I was hoping for Oz but Billy is hot so yeah I'll take him :P when are we doing this by the way? I ask because Alex and I are planning on getting married in a few years
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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erich hess on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#14 Posted : 12 years ago
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Erica: pretty soon,i'd imagine. im not getting any younger. You could bring Alex too. The hello kitty kingdom has no stuffy rules about being married and having a billy. We may be able to sneak oz out of his house. We have cute faces. Nobody will suspect us.....until we pounce!
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 1 user thanked erich hess for this useful post.
mebeme101 on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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#15 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Erica: pretty soon,i'd imagine. im not getting any younger. You could bring Alex too. The hello kitty kingdom has no stuffy rules about being married and having a billy. We may be able to sneak oz out of his house. We have cute faces. Nobody will suspect us.....until we pounce!

Layla: Alright we'd have to get ten alpacas there too and awesome I'll be up for it whenever but we'd have to do it just a little later cause if people see this conversation then they might suspect us
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

thanks 1 user thanked mebeme101 for this useful post.
erich hess on 17/01/2013(UTC)
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