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#1 Posted : 24 January 2013 07:54:22(UTC)
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That was 'Rock The Night' by SYNCO we just played for you, another amazing track from the girls and definitely an act to look out for this year. If you've just tuned in, I'm James Barr and you came just in time because I am here today with one of the loveliest ladies in music. With two multi-platinum albums, a multitude of consecutive top 5 hits singles, a Weekend member as a boyfriend and a seat on the judging panel of Star Factory all under her belt and at just eighteen, I'm joined by the wonderful and super talented, Michelle Green


"Hello, James"

You seemed to be cringing the whole way through that introduction. Do you not like people saying nice things? Should I just be nasty to you this entire interview? Not that I would be able to since it's basically illegal to even say a bad word ab=gainst Michelle Green
(Laughs) "No, no I mean nice things are obviously good but I would feel like....really arrogant if after you said that I responded with something like; 'Yep that's me, I'm amazing!', you know? I don't really know how to respond to something like that so I just thought I'd play it cool and reply with a simple 'hello'."

See, you're being all modest and sweet again and that's just going to make me say lovely things again. Stop being so nice, Michelle.
"Aw, I'm sorry. OK, I'll try my best not to be nice. I'll be a diva

Really? Cos that would be like the best show ever. I could already imagine afterwards, people on YouTube searching 'Michelle Green turns diva, hits DJ in the face.
"That would be something. It would get like 10 million views in a day with all these people desperately wanting to see me go all stroppy. Unfortunately for them I'm not like that and unfortunately for you too because I know how much you want me to hit you in the face. Is that something you like? Getting hit?...I...No, I won't ever go there." (giggles)

I'd only like it if it was from you....or Jennifer Armstrong. Anyway, let's get a few questions going, shall we? After all it is my job to ask you stuff. First question, how have been? It's been ages since we last met. I think last time we spoke you were just about to release the 'Exiled' album.
"I know, it's so so long I'm sorry for neglecting you, James.."

..You should be.
"Aww, I'll make it up to you later. I'll hit you in the face and we'll call it even. Anyway, yeah I've been really good these past few months. I feel energised again, I've got lots of new projects this year and I feel a lot healthier and brighter. I'm just really positive this year. Star Factory got off to a great start, Team Green are looking strong this year and that makes things even better."

Yeah, there are some really talented acts this season and I think it could be better than last year.
"Really? I think so too. I'm not saying last year wasn't great because it was brilliant. We had so many big personalities like Aubrey and ELMNT, I am so lucky to have had them on my team by the way, also there was The Devil You Know, Keli O'Day, Casey, Lashes...just so many great people. Last series was really one of the highlights of my year because as you know I haven't really been the picture of health for certain reasons and I just felt down quite a lot which was why there was no album or performances all last year but that's all behind me now and this series looks like it could be really special."

Who do you like this series?
"Um, I like all of them and they all bring something different to the show. Obviously, I adore my two acts that's why I bid for them and I hope they go really far. Since I'm not wanting to be biased I'm not going to say any of my team are my favourite....even though they are, um....I really like Crazy Hearted Fools. The whole acoustic thing they have going on is really my style and I think that they are ones to watch. But hey, all the acts are amazing and I really can't tell who's going far or not because although they are all extremely different and will appeal to different parts of the public they are all very very talented and you can't say one isn't as good as the other because they are all amazing at what they do."

In series one, you were the winning mentor. How did that feel? Also, Aubrey is pretty big now. You must feel proud.
"I'm a proud momma! Aubrey is amazing and when I first heard her voice and the soul and passion in it I just knew that even if she didn't win she would be signed in a matter of seconds and become a star. Now, here we are and she's off doing her thing and doing a pretty good job too. She's got a few number ones to her name and her debut album is brilliant. I'm so happy I got to be a part of her rise to stardom plus I bet Scott R.H which I still can't get over. He wins at everything and is like I big brother to me so I'm the annoying little sister singing 'ha, ha you lost'. I'm sad that he's not on the panel anymore."

That leads me right to my next topic, the judging panel. In series one it was the contestants mouthing off and attracting all the press but now it seems to be the judges in this series. You've obviously been joined by Tisha and Johnny and as we all know there has been a lot of drama going on. How do you feel about all that?
"You know what, I've just stayed quiet and kept low because it's not really anything to do with me. I like Tisha and I like Brittany and people know that there is some hostility going on between them but I personally don't have a problem with the girls, I love and respect them. I think it would be best if they put things behind them and focused on making this show a great one bu hey, I can only suggest things and I can't force them to make up so I don't really see why I should get involved."

What do you think of your new judges?
"Johnny is a really lovely guy. He's very laid back, super super talented and a legend. It's an honour to work with him and I still get starstruck. Tisha is sweet too, I know there is a lot of bad press and things have been said but I'm not going to go into it and my personal opinion on Tisha, from how she's been with me, is that she is a lovely girl. The returning judges are great as well. Brit is so friendly and classy, I absolutely adore her to bits and she is a great judge. Hayden is brilliant too. He gets straight to the point and I like that about him, he says things that I want to say but I'm just too scared. I think many acts fear what he's going to say about their performances but it's really just constructive criticism, there's nothing malicious or hateful in anything he says."

I see you as the nice judge. If I were to participate on the show and get through I think I'd want to be on your team
"Thank you, that's so sweet. I think that I don't say as many negative things about the performances as other judges would because I just don't want to hurt people's feelings and make them feel like all their hard work went to waste. You guys here and the listeners out there only see the live and pre-recorded and edited shows but when you're actually a part of the whole show, you get to see how much time, effort and hard work each act puts into their performance. Also, if I do have to criticise something I tend to double the amount of positive things I say to make them feel better. I like being the so called 'nice judge', it's not something I play up to, I'm just naturally like that."

Do you miss the other judges? I was gutted when they left.
"Yeah I do, I really do. I was devastated when I found out that I wouldn't be sharing the panel with Scott. You all know he's a brother to me, he's also my boss and has been very supportive through a lot of tough times. He was a terrific judge and a great mentor, I will miss him but I still remain in contact with Scott so it's cool. Alicia and I didn't really speak as much. Actually out of all the judges I think I spoke to her the least and didn't really get to know her as well as the others. She was still a great judge and when we did speak she couldn't have been any nicer so I will still miss seeing her about."


On to something even more important now. New music! You're officially back on the music scene
"Oh it's great to be back, honestly I felt like it was never going to happen. I kept pushing back release dates and rescheduling things but now it's finally here, it's happening and I can't wait to do all the performing and signings again. Not to mention making music videos once again."

Your new track, 'Break The Dawn' is out now. What inspired you to write about it?
"Wild nights out (laughs). Nah, I'm not that kind of girl, not really into parties...."

You could've fooled us. Here's a line from the song; 'Celebrating just like it's my b'day. Gonna rock out tonight, own this party'. What's all that about, Mrs?
(laughs) "OK, maybe it's a little wild but the actual inspiration behind the track was just the idea of being young and having fun, living life to the full. I've always wanted to do a fun track like this, nothing serious about it at all. Just a great beat, catchy hook and something to lift your mood. Now was the right time to do this song since I've been away from music for a while, this song really packs a punch and it's a great way to come back. I absolutely hate saying this but I think it applies here, you only life once."

Not a fan of 'YOLO' then?
"Aahh, don't say that. It's so overused and I was cringing when I said it. Really, the song is about youth and you're only young once so it's more YOYO......I shouldn't have said that either that just sounds bad. Sorry, hope I haven't started another saying. That would be a nightmare."

One thing I noticed is that whilst some people adored the track and the new direction, some weren't so keen. Was that something you were worrying about?
"No, not at all. I knew it wasn't going to appeal to everyone, it was inevitable really so I didn't worry at all. My previous work has been Indie-pop and rock-pop so to do a heavy dance track all of a sudden was bound to throw people off and make them unsure about it. It wasn't my mission or aim to lose some fans, it's all about experimenting and that's what I did. I think overall it has paid off."

It definitely has, the track debuted at No.2 in its first week
"I know, that's amazing. I'm so grateful and I thank all my fans for being so patient in order for me to rest, figure out what I wanted to do and then work on the album, I really hope it was worth the wait for everyone. I really do feel like all the time and effort put into this record has paid off and I hope when the album drops, people appreciate my work and will be open minded and willing to accept my new music directions. A lot of new fans have sprung up in places and with the dance genre, it appeals to a wider audience. That's what most young people like and that's what's dominating the charts whereas my indie-pop material only really appealed to a certain group of people."


Some people haven't been so nice though
"Yeah but some people are never happy unless they're picking on someone else or criticising. I don't mind really if someone says 'I don't like the song' or 'I don't like your look or voice'. That's fine, that's their own opinion but when people are just nasty for the sake of it then it can be....not very nice at all really. For me personally, I find it hard to take when people make rude and vile comments because I'm really sensitive but I do try to ignore it, just sometimes it gets a bit too much."

Someone sent in this message; 'I don't like the way Michelle's changed, she looks like a Suzie wannabe, went to the dark side of the industry and has completely sold out. I like her hair though'
"(Laughing hysterically) Just that bit about the hair...gosh, that was so random. Um...yeah, I wouldn't say that I've became a sellout, I'm just trying something different. The new album isn't a dance oriented one at all, it's very experimental and creative and instead of using my skills to write the type of songs I used to I'm now using them to create a whole new style for myself. I'm not taking it easy and letting other people write the songs and waiting for others to approach me with tracks. I'm still working on this album the exact same way I worked on 'The Voice Of Me' and 'Exiled'. The Suzie comment I actually quite like, she's a very pretty girl with a killer figure so being compared to her is quite flattering. Well to me anyway."

Let's talk about the new record. Your third album 'Live To Tell' will be out in spring. Tell us a bit about the album
"Well it's not like my first to in terms of sound. I would say though that it is experimental like 'Exiled' but this time I'm going all out. It's not an album with one specific genre and people may not take to it because it doesn't all flow and gel together but that's the purpose. I want people to be thrown off, I want people to be taken aback when they first here it. 'Live To Tell' is very eclectic and it can't really be compared to any other album at the moment. Some feedback I got when I played it exclusively to friends and fellow musicians was very mixed. Some people said it was like I was struggling to find my sound but I think that's the best response yet. I don't want a 'normal' album. There's dance, hip-hop, straight up pop, some of my indie roots come through on a track or two, there's big orchestral ballads, slow jams and even a rock inspired song. It's very abstract.

You've been very busy lately. You just wrapped up two video shoots. One for 'Break The Dawn' which is premiering really soon and one for the second single which you confirmed will be out in late March to early April. Can you give us an exclusive as to what the song is?
"I can't say the name of the track yet, sorry James. However, I can tell you that it is an urban sounding track. It's very dark, clunky and grungy. The video for it is probably the most risque out of all of the video I have ever filmed. It's a very full on, getting down, showing off what your mama gave you type track. The director kept on saying 'look lustfully into the camera' and I'd just be totally blank faced and turning to the back up dancers and be like 'Eh, what's lustfully?' I'm too innocent to know these words. During the dance sequence as well, actually in both videos since he directed the two, he would be like; 'Yeah, Michelle that's it. Work it, work it' and I would just burst out laughing. I just can't take it seriously. One reason is because I just can't pull of 'sexy' and don't really try to be like ever. The second reason I found it so uncomfortable was due to the fact that I had a man with the squeakiest voice ever telling me too 'look sassy'. I just looked more confused to be honest." (laughs)


Will you be touring anytime soon?
"Not exactly sure of the dates and nothing is totally sure yet but I am planning on touring some point in the year. I'll need to wait until Star Factory finishes and all the videos for the singles are shot so I can focus solely on performing. It will probably be a small tour though, not a huge world tour because I still have to rest as much as I can and I get tired out really easily. I feel a lot more healthier than I did before but I just want to gradually get back into the way of things. I don't think throwing myself into one big giant tour would do me any good."

You've been in the business for quite some time and it's amazing to think that you are only 18. You've been around since you were still in school, why do you think you've lasted so long? I mean during your career you've witness acts debut, peak and then fall but you've managed to keep on going. Why do you think that is?
"First of all, I think I have the best fans that anyone could ask for. Yes they are crazy sometimes but nothing too over the top. They know when to give me time alone and they really keep me grounded so they give. So yeah, my dedicated fans play a huge factor. I don't really know why I've managed to keep on going as far as demand is concerned. On a personal reason, I keep myself going because this is my dream and I'm a very determined person. I know I might be shy, quiet and meek but one thing I don't do is give up. In terms of demand though, I don't know what makes people keep wanting more but I'm glad that I'm doing something right."

Since you've witnessed the careers of many grow and flourish during your time in the industry and not to mention you're a judge on the biggest talent show on earth, you know what makes a star. Which new acts do you think could own 2013?
"Wow, there are so many great acts out there. I'd like to think that whoever wins SF will really shine this year and even some of this series' alumni. Kourtney seems really promising, her debut single is amazing and it's currently at the top of the charts so that says it all really. I think the although they came out a while ago, I think their albums will cause lots of hype and that's Katie Coyle's second album. She's so lovely and extremely talented, I've been waiting forever and a day for the album and I'm sure she'll deliver. Mercedes' debut album is another one I'm really excited for, I think she's very creative. Also, Pixie's record is one I can't wait to get my hands on. In terms of groups, I think that SYNCO will do well. They've had two top 10's so far and we've not had a big girl band in a while and these girls are slowly but surely gaining a lot of fans. They're super cute too."

What about The Stat Nerds? Careful now, you're dating a member of Weekend. Come on, Michelle, pressure's on
"Eh...I think they're great singers and certainly have the look but the press surrounding them may harm them. I don't want that to happen to them because they really do have potential and if the boys just focus on the music and stay out of arguments then yes I think they could be really really big. People would expect me not to like them because I'm dating a member of Weekend but just remember, I had ELMNT in Team Green that time their was a war going on with them and the boys so I don't judge others because someone I'm close to has issues with them. Anyway, Riley doesn't have a problem with The Stat Nerds anyway so it's all good."

Yeah, I was going to say Riley doesn't seem to have a problem with anyone. He's so passive and I've met him before, he's such a gentleman.
"Oh yeah, he is. Actually, in our relationship I'm the louder one so yeah that shows you what he's like. Riley wouldn't hurt a fly and is extremely kind. I feel so bad because he's a vegan and sometimes I'll be sitting next to him digging into a nice roast dinner and I just feel guilty with every bite, 'yes Riley, this is a dead animal on my plate and I'm cutting into it and devouring it in front of you'.....I don't actually say that by the way."

Thanks Michelle, that's really put me off meat now. At least Riley will be happy. Anyway, we've had an Oscar & Eilidh baby, a Billy & Andrea baby, a Dustyn &...well we'll just say 'Blake' baby. Will we be seeing one from Michelle & Riley soon? A Miley baby?
"Nooooo (laughs) I'm only 18, I can't be thinking of kids right now. I know Oscar and Dustyn became fathers whilst younger than me but I think they are able to cope whereas I think I've personally got more growing to do. I need to do things, travel places, have new experiences before I settle down and devote my time to look after a baby. I think Riley has a similar view too, he wants to live a little without any major responsibilities, you know? Maybe one day but definitely not in the near future."

What about a wedding?
"Never said no weddings...."

Oh my God, is there going to be a Miley wedding? Can I come!?
(chuckles) "I'm joking, I'm joking, James. Well we have been talking about it and we have decided that when the timing is right we will get married. So you could say I'm engaged, just have no engagement ring. We have busy schedules and still want to wait a little but we have both agreed that we will start saving up for the special day, whenever that may be. It could be a year from now, could be five, you never know. I like to plan things a lot so they are perfect, I'm such a perfectionist it is so bad. I'll wait until promotion for the album is finished as well as the touring, if that comes about, so I'll have clear mind. Then I can start planning for the day and God knows how long that will be since I think of the tiniest of details, honestly it's such a bad trait. Writing Christmas cards to people isn't an activity for me and Riley, it's a nightmare because I will write it and then I'll look at the cover and say something like; 'Oh, I don't think this picture of the Robin represents....Sarah's personality, I think I better write out another one'. Yeah, that's the honest truth so I think planning a wedding me take a century."


Wow, glad I'm not Riley. Anyway, in this section of the interview we have some tweets from fans and we're going to ask you the best ones. Before we start, are there any type of questions you're uncomfortable answering?
"Um, not really. If the fans desperately want to know then they deserve an answer. I have a feeling though that the questions will be quite odd if you picked them." (laughs)

You know me so well, Miss Green. First question is from @LoggieLou who says; 'If you could take over the mind of a famous person for a day, who would it be and what would you make them do or say?'
"Oooh, very very good question. I would have to say......gosh, I can't think. Eh, I'd be Victoria Beckham and make her reform the Spice Girls permanently because they were my childhood and I adore them. No, actually I know who I'd be. I'd either be the lovely Ms. Knox or Ms. Jackson and make them make up with each other so everything can be nice and chilled. That's what I'm about, peace and love."

Nice answer. OK, second tweet is from @Colin_Mac93 who ask; 'Michelle, what is your favourite drink? I would like to know this so I can buy you one if we ever meet'
"Don't know if he's meaning alcohol because I don't drink it, so if you are I'm sorry but you can buy me a packet of crisps if you like....salt & vinegar is my favourite, just putting that out there. Oh and I hope you're wanting to buy me something just to be friendly, I am taken (giggles). My favourite drink is....OK, you're going to think I'm weird when I say this but when I was younger my gran used to melt chocolate buttons, you know those sweets? Everyone knows them, anyway I can't for the life of me remember what it was she added, I think it was warm milk and....something else. Anyway it was this amazing warm chocolate drink that was nice and creamy. It's to die for but I actually can't remember how she made it......I'm craving one now"

Next tweet is from @KCoyleFans, who actually has a picture of Cassie Summers as their profile pic....anywho they ask; "Will you be taking part in this years Ultimate Big Brother?'
"Didn't even know there was going to be one honestly. I haven't been approached to appear on the show and even if I was, as much as I loved my time there, I would have to decline. I'm just too busy but I will definitely be watching if it is actually going to air and it's not just a rumour. I might look that up later, that actually sounds really interesting. Is that like all the best contestants from different series all put together?"

I'd imagine so, sounds brilliant actually. I'd love to see the likes of Erica, Billy, Eilidh & Mykaylah all in one house. The last question is from @iStan4Khan and she asks; 'How do you feel about Ri stripping off for his new TV role? Will you be watching?'
"I don't have a problem, it's just a show and plus I've seen it all before. I'm actually really proud of him for accepting the role as he's always kept to himself and has lacked confidence and to then show a lot of....flesh and become the complete opposite of yourself whilst the world watched is really something. I know I'd never have the confidence to do it. Not sure if I'll have time to watch it but I'll definitely catch bits when I can. Don't think it's something I can cuddle up to him whilst watching though. I think that will just be a bit awkward."


Michelle, I must say that this has been one of my favourite interviews
"Aw, thank you. You're too kind."

Honestly, I think you're a pleasure to talk to, really down to earth and I think that you've really come out of your shell and have grown into a lovely young woman. You can come back here any time
"Stop making me blush, you. You know I feel awkward when people say things like that."

Sorry but it's true. Anyway, good luck with the new album and the future singles. I'm sure you'll do well in Star Factory again, I'm routing for Team Green all the way. I hope that we can meet up again soon and not wait two years like we had to before you came here today
"Thank you very much, James. I promise not to go M.I.A on you again and we'll keep in touch. I'm releasing again so I'm bound to pop round again for another chat, I'll bring some salt & vinegar crisps.....some melted chocolate buttons, we'll go crazy."

Sounds like a plan. I hate to say goodbye but all good things come to an end as they all say. Thank you for chatting with me, Michelle and everyone make sure you purchase the amazing new single; 'Break The Dawn' which is out now.




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Offline genocidal king  
#2 Posted : 24 January 2013 08:03:11(UTC)
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Scott: There's my little sis! I miss you on the panel as well, I have to say. It's been a busy time with getting the magazine out though, so there was no way I'd have had the time. Just bad timing I suppose. Oh, and while I'm here, you still have to visit those nieces of yours :P

Katie: Awwww she's so sweet. I hope you like my new album Michelle. You're too kind :)

OOC: Nice interview. I liked the layout with the tweet questions as well. Really well done
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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#3 Posted : 24 January 2013 08:05:48(UTC)
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Jennifer: I've never had someone say they want me to hit them, haha. Anywho, I don't know but I just love hearing your voice Michelle. It's creepy, I know but I do, it's a lovely voice :P

Pixie: I look forward to your music as well love!
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#4 Posted : 24 January 2013 08:40:39(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Scott: There's my little sis! I miss you on the panel as well, I have to say. It's been a busy time with getting the magazine out though, so there was no way I'd have had the time. Just bad timing I suppose. Oh, and while I'm here, you still have to visit those nieces of yours :P

Katie: Awwww she's so sweet. I hope you like my new album Michelle. You're too kind :)

OOC: Nice interview. I liked the layout with the tweet questions as well. Really well done

Michelle: Scott! Miss you on the panel but Chaos Magazine is amazing so I'm glad you're spending your time wisely :P I haven't forgotten about them, just trying to find the right time, send them my love :)

@Katie I'm sure I'll adore the album, Katie :)

OOC: Thank you, Scott :)

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Jennifer: I've never had someone say they want me to hit them, haha. Anywho, I don't know but I just love hearing your voice Michelle. It's creepy, I know but I do, it's a lovely voice :P

Pixie: I look forward to your music as well love!

Michelle: You like hearing my voice? Well that's so sweet :P

@Pixie Thank you very much Pixie, so excited to hear more of your music :)





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RoseJapanFan on 24/01/2013(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#5 Posted : 24 January 2013 08:43:25(UTC)
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Layla: Michelle Green just predicted us to be big in 2013 excuse me while I die ily Michelle you're so rad :)

Naomi: I feel if Miley ever had a baby he/she would come out with wings and a halo which might actually be kind of painful :P anyway good luck with everything and I expect an invite to this wedding whenever it happens

ooc: Great job again Carmel really liked the way all of this came out :)
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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
Offline Famouss7x7  
#6 Posted : 24 January 2013 08:48:45(UTC)
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Brittany: Yanno, I respect you so much. Not only for the things you have done musically but for being a true fighter and soldier and not letting anything hold you back. You have always stayed positive and I'm happy I've gotten the chance to meet you and know you on a personal level. I may have some issues with others on the panel but I'm glad you've chosen to stay neutral since we've got more important things to do like molding our artists. Thanks for the kind words too hun, I think you're a great person as well:). Anyway, great interview..cannot wait for the new album so you can slay like always!

Nicki: So glad you are our mentor. Couldn't have chosen anyone better! Cannot wait to meet up with ya!

OOC: Amazing interview! Loving everything you're doing with Michelle :)
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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
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#7 Posted : 24 January 2013 09:20:23(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 Go to Quoted Post
Brittany: Yanno, I respect you so much. Not only for the things you have done musically but for being a true fighter and soldier and not letting anything hold you back. You have always stayed positive and I'm happy I've gotten the chance to meet you and know you on a personal level. I may have some issues with others on the panel but I'm glad you've chosen to stay neutral since we've got more important things to do like molding our artists. Thanks for the kind words too hun, I think you're a great person as well:). Anyway, great interview..cannot wait for the new album so you can slay like always!

Nicki: So glad you are our mentor. Couldn't have chosen anyone better! Cannot wait to meet up with ya!

OOC: Amazing interview! Loving everything you're doing with Michelle :)

Michelle: Thank you for the kind words, Brittany :)

@Nicki Very proud to be your mentor :) Can't wait either! x

OOC: Thank you so much :D

Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Layla: Michelle Green just predicted us to be big in 2013 excuse me while I die ily Michelle you're so rad :)

Naomi: I feel if Miley ever had a baby he/she would come out with wings and a halo which might actually be kind of painful :P anyway good luck with everything and I expect an invite to this wedding whenever it happens

ooc: Great job again Carmel really liked the way all of this came out :)

Michelle: Love you too Layla but please don't die :(

@Naomi Don't even want to imagine that :P Thank you and of course you'll be invited x

OOC: Glad you like it, John :)




Offline snap_itshannah  
#8 Posted : 24 January 2013 09:25:36(UTC)
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Ada: I have always loved your music, but now I know that you are also a fantastic individual!

OOC: Great job.
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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
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#9 Posted : 24 January 2013 13:19:48(UTC)
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Tisha: I always thought you were lovely as well. I am so happy you haven't let anyone influcenced you and make you precieve me in the negative light they try to get others to precieve me in. So happy to be working with you. See you Sunday my love!


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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 16/05/4760 03:38:29(UTC) stephaniewazhere  
#10 Posted : 24 January 2013 13:30:43(UTC)
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Stephanie Fierce: A very classy and strong judge in the panel. Despite all your struggles which I could not bare myself, you still come out as humble and sweet. On the music side, you've always been a talent :) Loved "Break The Dawn", that sound took me by surprise!
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BrownSugar on 24/01/2013(UTC)
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#11 Posted : 25 January 2013 00:18:29(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Go to Quoted Post

Stephanie Fierce: A very classy and strong judge in the panel. Despite all your struggles which I could not bare myself, you still come out as humble and sweet. On the music side, you've always been a talent :) Loved "Break The Dawn", that sound took me by surprise!

Michelle: Glad that you love the song, happy to see the change is paying off. Thank you, Stephanie x

Originally Posted by: TishaJackson!!!! Go to Quoted Post
Tisha: I always thought you were lovely as well. I am so happy you haven't let anyone influcenced you and make you precieve me in the negative light they try to get others to precieve me in. So happy to be working with you. See you Sunday my love!

Michelle: Well you've been a total angel to me :) Can't wait for Sunday.

Originally Posted by: snap_itshannah Go to Quoted Post
Ada: I have always loved your music, but now I know that you are also a fantastic individual!

OOC: Great job.

Michelle: You're so sweet, Ada. Thank you :)

OOC: Thank you :)




Offline Mckenzie-  
#12 Posted : 25 January 2013 01:11:33(UTC)
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Alex: Michelle is a pop artist I can not hate. She's just too damn cute. That along with the fact that you also hate the term YOLO. I don't know who the knobhead is that created that ridiculous term but good grief, i'd love to give him a mouthful. Also if that hot chocolate is as good as you say it is, i'll quit booze. That's maybe a bit too far.

OOC: This was a really good RP. Light-hearted and actually reads like a proper interview.
retired x
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BrownSugar on 25/01/2013(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#13 Posted : 25 January 2013 01:15:21(UTC)
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Andros: A mouthful of what, Alex? ;) I agree though, the term YOLO is contradictory. I have long thought that if one is only given the ability to "live once", then surely it is preferable to preserve it rather than acting like an absolute cretin and risk losing it?
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BrownSugar on 25/01/2013(UTC), Mckenzie- on 25/01/2013(UTC)
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#14 Posted : 25 January 2013 01:17:23(UTC)
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Michelle: Thanks Alex, yeah that drink is amazing! Can't stand YOLO, it's just so tacky :P

OOC: Thank you so much :)




Offline Andre Gandra  
#15 Posted : 25 January 2013 02:03:12(UTC)
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Magie: Whoever ask to be punch in the face? whatever, this girl is a sweetheart and just to see her fine and healthy and Happy again it's very inspiring! keep on with the hard work Michele and good luck in your new SF season, I have a feeling this new season will be on fire!

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
thanks 1 user thanked Andre Gandra for this useful post.
BrownSugar on 25/01/2013(UTC)
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