Terrence: Our next guest is an international pop superstar! She's sold close to 200 million records worldwide. She's a three time birdie winner, and a three time chaos award winner. She's been here before, it is an HONOR to welcome STEPHANIE FIERCE!
(Steph steps out smiling and waving at the audience) Come on out here baby girl!
(Quickly the audience goes insane trying to touch he as she heads out towards Terrance and Rocsi)Stephanie Fierce: Hey!
(kisses Terrance and Rocsi in the cheek and then looks around into the audience amazed by her screaming fans) Terrence: Wow!
(looks at Steph) Stephanie Fierce: I can just say that every time I come to 106 & Park, it is this insane. I am so spoiled
(laughs) Rocsi: Well you deserve it girl. You work very hard! First of all, not only are you like one of the biggest starts in the world, but you humbly always find time to come back here to do something for us, despite you even being in the middle of a world tour. So with that being said, we here at 106 & Park want to show our appreciation by awarding you with the official, THE OFFICIAL (trying to make it sound very important) Queen of 106 & Park title!
Terrence: Bring the plaque out here! (a show girl comes out smiling hard with the plaque and bring it to Steph)
Stephanie Fierce: WOW! You guys got me a plaque and everything! (acting some what surprise by the award) Oh you guys shouldn't have! This is....this is....going right in my living room!
Terrence: That's nice! So as we mentioned, you always find time to do things for us, were are you actually headed after this?
Stephanie Fierce: Right after this I actually have to catch a flight back to Colombia to do a show for the History Revealed World Tour, so I'm kind of in a crazy schedule right now. But it's all fun. I don't mind doing a little bit of traveling in between my tours.
Rocsi: How does your daughter feel about all the traveling?
Stephanie Fierce: She actually loves it! More than I do, that's for sure
(laughs) She goes
"Mommy,that's a pretty big pool", while she's on the window seat of the plane. It's amazing how clearly she speaks to me now. But I try to keep her company and warm.
Rocsi: That's adorable! She's actually back stage and she's the cutest thing ever!
Stephanie Fierce: Yeah I try to keep her away from any sort of camera or the Hollywood scene as much as possible. I don't want to force my daughter into this life. I feel like it's really important to make that decision herself. That way when she's old enough to start making some decisions on her own, she was never forced into anything.
Rocsi: Much respect to you for that!
Terrence: Most definitely! Now we here at 106 & Park love to dance. We're always catching up with the latest dance crazes and since you're now the Queen of 106 & Park. We want to see you do a little something for us! I'm not sure if you even know this song, but there is this dance called "The Ricky Bobby"
Stephanie Fierce: Oh oh!
(laughs)Terrance: It's been out since like 2008/2009 and we think you should give it a try!
Stephanie Fierce: The Ricky Bobby?
(stares into the audience and they being to laugh) Can someone out here come teach me?
Rocsi: I know girl, it's kind of ratchet
(laughs) but we just want to see you do it. (someone from the audience finally volunteers to teach Steph and heads toward the stage)
Stephanie Fierce: Oh oh, I think Imma have to bring out Stephy Fierce for this one.
(audience cheers her on)Terrance: You ready? (Steph nods) Start the music...
Rocsi: She's amazing yall! We're gonna cut into commercial break and when we return we're gonna talk about Stepanie's new film and fragrance! Stay tuned and make sure you keep it posted here on 106 yall!
(The camera cuts back from commercial and this time, Fierce and the host are sitting on the couch to continue their interview)Rocsi: Welcome back to 106 & Park! We have Stephanie Fierce coming to you all the way from South America from her History Revealed World tour! Now, on the flip side from juggling all those duties of being a mother, you're always in good form when it comes to being a business woman. You have a new fragrance that's out right now, and it is called....
Stephanie Fierce: Curse!
(smiles as audience cheers) I'm actually very excited about this new fragrance, because it is so different from my first one. This one is a little bit more for the bedroom. (
Steph smiles and winks)
Terrance: Things are getting a little spicy her!
Rocsi: Well speaking of spicy, everyone in this audience will be receiving a new fragrance of "Curse" and before leaving Stephanie Fierce will also be signing each individual bottle for you all.
(audience goes insane, and they all being to jump in joy) What a great day to be here at 106 & Park let's just say that!
Terrance: So tell us more about this fragrance. What made you want to call it "Curse"? That is such a strong word
(laughs)Stephanie Fierce: Well it's a really strong fragrance. I'm actually really proud of it because it's strong and it lasts very long but it smells sweeter as time passes. I'm telling you, you can have one of those long nights, if you know what I mean
(winks) and you'd still wake up smelling it, unless you take a hot shower of course
(laughs) But I call it "Curse", because it is strong and sensual smell and it sort of captures you in but the smell evolves into this sweet and tamed version. And....I was suppose to come up with some fancy name
(audience laughs) Rocsi: Now obviously, this fragrance is for women, but if you're a male interested in a fragrance by Fierce, her first line of perfumes includes a masculine fragrance for men, so all of my fellas aren't walking empty handed today, because you'll be receiving one of those as well.
(Steph smiles as everyone cheers on) Terrace: Last but not least, you have a new film coming out, it's called "The Diary of a Pop Sinner". That's pretty major Steph, tell us a little more about the film.
Stephanie Fierce: I'm actually really excited because they are gonna start airing the trailers on television tonight! I've never had a movie, never really been in one, so this is kind of like a whole new experience for me. The film is out February 15th, so a lot of great promo stuff is coming!
Terrance: How would you describe the whole experience as a whole?
Stephanie Fierce: Making this film for me was kind of like a therapy session in a sense. I think when you seek any form of counseling you kind of have to sort of start from the very beginning for people to understand you and where you're coming from. Have some sort of background on you. So this film serves as that purpose for me, because there are things I've kept to myself during my career and there are many things that people never got to see. I was living such a fast paced life especially during one of the pinnacles of my career so there are thing in this film that are gonna shock people. Aside from that, getting to work so closely with all these people for about two years was a great experience and that thought me and everyone else a lot a long the way. It was probably one of the best experiences in my life to be honest
Rocsi: Which scenes would you say where the hardest to shoot?
Stephanie Fierce: The ones with my mother. I had to take on my mother's role for the film, because I feel like nobody really new her like I did. Um, everyone who played a character received mentoring from the real people, so that was a the unique collaboration about this film. But me however, I had to remember and relive some of the experiences I had with my mother and even the bad ones, which was very hard to do. Every scene that involved me portraying her felt like someone was stabbing me in the heart. I get kind of emotional just even talking about it, because I miss her so much. But in the same vein, if felt kind of great to relive some of those experiences I had with her and I think in the end, I pulled it through and It gave me a chance to kind of embrace her and honor her.
Terrance: That must of been very emotional! Now, you've done minimal acting in the past as you've been more of music artist. Do you see more acting in the near future?
Stephanie Fierce: Doing film has always been one of my own personal interests! Even in many of my music video's I've had to take on to acting to make sure things came out right, but I'm actually starting to get a little more serious about it now. It's kind of hard to separate yourself from the music world and do something else but I think I want to venture out into a lot of things I never got to experience before. I want to do it all before I hit 30 (laughs) But in the meant time, in case you didn't know I'm doing something for a new TV show called "Sweet Unknown" very soon. So that's exciting!
Rocsi: Now is this movie more of a documentary of a fantasy film?
Stephanie Fierce: It's actually a little bit of both. You will able to tell what's real and what's fantasy because the fantasy is based on the culture of the album and the storyline is based on my life. So it's kind of an unique film and I think that's why I'm very proud of it, because it's gonna show my life, but it's not your typical documentary film.
Rocsi: Do you plan on doing more reality TV shows, kind of like what you did last year with Star Factory?
Stephanie Fierce: Aside from documentaries and stuff, I've decided that I'm not doing reality television anymore.
Rocsi: How do you feel about Johnny Johnson doing Star Factory?
Stephanie Fierce: Johnny is a very musical person, so I think he's the perfect fit for the show. I think it's something different for him to experience as well, he's never really done anything for television before, aside from concerts and movies, so I'm really proud of him.
Terrance: There's a lot of controversy surrounding the show because of money. How do you feel about that?
Stephanie Fierce: I don't want to be dragged into it, but what I will say is that I'm here to support my boyfriend Johnny Johnson and any judge that is actually there for the talent. In the end however, the show is a great outlet for talented people who want to make it in the music business, so if anything I'm just excited to watch the show and see the talent.
Terrance: Well said! Well thank you for stopping by! It's such an honor to have you here!
Stephanie Fierce: Thank you for having me here!
Rocsi: Fierce will be staying for a bit backstage to sign fragrances but don't go anywhere just yet because when we come back we'll be jumping back into the countdown!