Quote:DISCLAIMER: The content in this RP aims at mature themes and is not intended to be smutty or dirty. If you might be offended, then please don't read. :)
[PART 1 OF 2]
A close up of a digital alarm clock, reading '07:59' is shown. A few seconds later the red digits change to 08:00 and an irritating and rather loud buzzing emanates from the clock. Suddenly a male hand comes into view and feels around for the clock. The hand finally finds it and fumbles around, looking for a way to stop the irritating buzz before giving up and smacking the alarm clock onto the ground. It does the job as the noise can no longer be heard. The camera then follows the along the hand and shows Patrick [Riley Hamilton] laying on the couch with tired looking eyes. It's clear that the episode directly follows on from the events of the last one when his girlfriend told him to sleep on the couch after arriving home in the early hours of the morning. He sits up against the headrest of the couch and keeps the covers over his waist. He is shirtless and his usually well styled hair is all scruffy. Just as he is used to the peace and quiet, the buzzing of a phone can be heard. Patrick sighs and holds his head in his hands. The camera then cuts to a small pile of clothes on the floor between Patrick's bare feet. His hand can be seen reaching down from the couch and feeling around. He then pulls his phone out of his pocket. We then see him looking at his phone and noticing one new message from Ms Cherry. Patrick opens the text message up but we don't see the actual message. Instead we can see him quickly scanning the message before pressing a key on his mobile and throwing it to the side. For the first time in this episode he looks at the viewers.Patrick: "You know, even though I've only been an escort for just over a year I have seen many different, unique, zany, horny and messed up clients with an array of preferences and fetishes. Some like role play, some like leather and bondage. Other clients may prefer dirty talk, feet play or threesomes but very few of my clients and when I say 'few' I mean only one of them, likes to just hold hands and have a companion. That is what us male escorts were originally employed for. To take lonely women or men out to some event just to look good on their arms or even to pretend to others that you were an item. We'd also make sure they had a great night and listened to what they had to say, make them feel wanted, appreciated. Well that was the plan until we entered a highly sexed generation so now I bend the rules and bend the client over too. However, I can do classy as well as trashy too you know. For this appointment today I simply have to have lunch with the client, go back to their house, have a chat about life, tell a few jokes, cuddle on the sofa whilst watching TV, the plebeian stuff. The most contact I'll have today is a hug and maybe a kiss on the cheek which I am totally fine by. I'm being paid eight hundred pounds for this, eight hundred! They clearly have more money than sense. Oh by the way did I tell you that it was a guy? I'm totally comfortable with my sexuality. I'm straight, not attracted to guys whatsoever. What does attract me though is the cash. I will always go gay for pay."
Patrick is sitting on the couch in the same position. He yawns and stretches his arms whilst raising them above his head. A female figure can be seen at the door of the living room however she seems blurred out. The woman walks into the room and comes into focus. It is Emma, Patrick's girlfriend. She is wearing a long shirt which obviously belonged to a male. Her beautiful long blonde hair is draping over her right shoulder and even without make up she is still a very attractive woman. Emma gives Patrick a little smile, clearly in a better mood than she was last time we all saw her. Her boyfriend moves over a little, allowing her to sit down. She turns to Patrick and gently runs her hands through his hair.Emma: "Babes, I'm so sorry for last night. I was being a total bitch and you didn't need to hear it. I know you work hard and what you don't want is to come home to a nagging girlfriend. I'm sorry."
Patrick: "Yeah...don't worry about it."
Whilst Emma speaks, Patrick picks up his phone again and starts to look at it intently and not really taking in what his girlfriend is saying. It's unclear what he is doing on the phone, maybe sending a message back to Ms. Cherry or arranging a meeting with another client. Whatever he is doing he finds it far more interesting than his girlfriend and we get the feeling that he just wants her to shut up and let him get on with his busy day.Emma: "Seriously, though. I was out of order and I'll promise to make it up to you tonight."
Patrick: "You don't have to, it's really OK."
Emma moves closer to him as she finishes her sentence, trying to be romantic and seductive. Patrick turns his phone away a little as she moves closer. It's obvious that there is something on it he doesn't want her to see. Emma leans her head against his shoulder, getting long blonde hair in his way. Patrick makes a face as if to say 'get out of my way' but doesn't say anything. Instead, he continues to text. His short and totally emotionless sounding reply shows that he has no time for this and is eager to get to work.Emma: "Oh....well...OK then..."
Patrick: "Look Emma, sorry but I have to love you and leave you, got an early start at the hotel today."
Emma: "I thought you weren't working today?"
Patrick: "One of the guys are off sick, just got a text from the boss there."
Emma: "Oh OK. Will you be back in time for dinner? I'm thinking of cooking us a nice romantic meal tonight, maybe crack open a lovely bottle of wine."
Patrick puts down his phone and smiles at his beautiful girlfriend. He feels guilty for being so blunt with her and realiseds that he is lucky to have someone like her. Although Patrick might be very money and work oriented he would never want to make Emma feel unwanted or unappreciated. He gently kisses her on the forehead and closes his eyes.Patrick: "Yeah, babe I'd love that. I'm going to go for a shower "
The camera focuses on Emma as Patrick stands up and walks away, appearing blurred to the camera. Emma keeps looking down at the ground, biting her fingernail as if thinking deeply about how she'd make tonight special and romantic for her boyfriend that she adored so much. Emma suddenly snaps out of her trance like state and turns to the door where Patrick is.Emma: "Oh, Patrick..."
Patrick: "Yeah?"
Emma: "...Nice arse."
We see Patrick wink and walk off with his back turned to the camera. He is reveal to be naked and cheekily smacks his backside. Emma is seen giggling on the sofa before curling up under the covers that her lover had slept in last night. Emma switches on the TV and changes the channel until she finds The Jeremy Kyle Show. She smiles and cuddles into the blanket.
Inside the bathroom, we see a bathtub with a shower curtain around it. The splashing of water is heard and steam can be seen rising from above the shower curtain rail and disappearing into thin air. The bathroom was clearly dominated by Emma as it looks like a very girly zone. Pink fluffy towels, bottles upon bottles of creams and beauty products, bags of make up and bottles of perfume can be seen dotted around the room. The shower curtain is decorated with red and dark pink love hearts. Patrick is heard singing in the shower. He has a rather beautiful singing voice which may be a surprise for some. The only manly thing about the bathroom is Patrick's voice but as he is singing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber it actually makes the environment feel a lot more feminine. He pulls back the shower curtain a little and pops his head out from behind it. His hair has shampoo all lathered up in it and water is dripping from his arm and hair onto the floor.Patrick: "You know, I have to be really careful with how I act towards Emma. She's an amazing girl and means the world to me. I don't want to put work before her because I want her to feel loved and appreciated. I was a little short back there but I promise to make it up to her tonight in as many ways possible. Emma is one of a kind to me, completely irreplaceable and if I were to lose her just because I enjoyed my job a little too much then I'd kick myself forever. There are hundreds of guys out there who would kill to be with her and if I pay more attention to money than her then one day she might take off and leave with some other guy who will worship her 24/7. I don't usually open up about true feelings like this because that's just showing weakness but I genuinely feel bad and that's a first. Maybe I sleep with other women for some cash and lead a double life but who's the girl I come home to every night? Who's the girl I spend most of my earnings on so I can see her smile? Emma. She's also the only person that can make me laugh when I feel like shit and that's a tough thing to do. She also gives the best blow jobs too."
There is suddenly a knocking at the bathroom door. Patrick turns down the pressure of the shower so that he could hear.Patrick: "What is it?"
Emma: "How long are you going to be? I need to wash my hair."
Patrick: "I won't be long, babe. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be done."
Emma: "OK. Just remember not to use any of the new towels. Those are for when guests come over."
Patrick: "Don't worry, I won't."
After Emma is heard walking away from the door he looks back at the camera.Patrick: "We don't have any guests here. Ever. I don't know what it is with women, always making a fuss over the tiniest little thing. They're just towels. She's even put them in order from biggest to smallest. I mean, who does that? I don't arrange my sex toys in that order and they're far more important than some towels. I guess that's just a girl thing though. I'm so glad to be a guy.
He closes the shower curtain over and continues to sing the rest of 'Baby'.
Inside a diner is shown. It is very crowded and a lot of chatter can be heard around the place. A group of construction workers chuckle in the corner at one of their friends' dirty jokes. A waitress walks around in an extremely short dress, taking orders as the construction workers all point at her, checking her out and giving their opinion of her to their mates. Two mothers, both with a baby each, sit at the window whilst drinking tea and socialising. One of the babies start to cry adding to the commotion in the diner. In the centre, a familiar face sits with a group of young girls and one guy. It is Ms Cherry. She is wearing a lime green dress with a matching green clutch-bag next to her on the table and she also dons a huge pearl necklace. The woman definitely stands out. At her table is a young Chinese girl with a very tall and gaunt figure, wearing a leopard print top. There is also; a chubby girl with peroxide blonde hair and tons of make up, Leanne who was seen in the first episode who still has a black eye and on the end is a young, cute, blonde haired man in his early twenties at most. They seem to be having a meeting. Ms Cherry has a booklet in her hands, flicking through the pages. She looks at the Chinese girl in the middle.Ms Cherry: "Yasmin, I'm looking through a list of your clients over the past month and I must say that you can handle anything so tonight I have a job for you which I'm sure you can handle. Marcus Kelly, age 45. He wants someone to tie up and play captive. I'll tell him he can have you at half eight tonight."
Yasmin looks as if she's about to protest but a stern look from her boss makes her cower away into her seat. Ms Cherry then looks at the larger girl.Ms Cherry: "Chantelle, I have someone for you too. He only wants hand action and isn't paying much. Considering he's not really into looks I gave him to you. 9:15 OK for you?"
Chantelle: "Eh, I don't want him. I'm high class like, you know? I ain't gonna be jerking some guy off for like twenty quid or somethin'. Can't you just give him to someone else, like? I need the money cos I got sacked from the hairdressers last week. Can't I just 'ave someone that wants a bit more action and ain't tight with 'is money?"
Ms Cherry: "Chantelle, look at me. I have my own business, have two cars, a lovely house. I've also been in this business for years, I have all these folders, files, data and lord knows what else. No look at you, with your cellulite and patchy tan. You don't have a say, love. You're with that guy, end of. Plus someone like you would be lucky to get a job at all."
Ms Cherry then looks at Leanne who appears to be almost shaking. She holds a brown envelope in her hands.Ms Cherry: "Leanne, you still owe me. You have got a few days left to cough it up."
Leanne hands the envelope to her boss. Ms Cherry raises an eyebrow before opening it and counting the notes. Leanne speaks whilst she does this.Leanne: "It's all there. I had to take it out of my personal savings but it's all there."
Ms Cherry: "Good girl. I knew you'd see sense and give me what I deserve. Just remember that if it happens again then I won't be so lenient with you and I'll replace you faster then you can say 'whore'."
Leanne: "Yeah, I get it."
Ms Cherry: "Finally, we come to you Jay. I've been listening to some feedback from some of the girls you've been with and apparently you aren't up to size if you know what I mean. Now I know they say if it's more than a mouthful it's a waste but an appetiser doesn't really satisfy your hunger now does it? I'm going to suggest surgery to enhance..."
Jay: "Woah, woah, woah, stop right there. Surgery? I'm not having an operation on my...that is just...that is...w-what if something goes wrong?"
Ms Cherry: "Honey, if anything happens it will be a major improvement especially after reading some of these comments. Get surgery or get the fuck out of my agency."
Jay sighs and slouches back into his seat. It was clear he was scared of the thought of surgery however he feared his boss even more. Ms Cherry lights up a cigarette and the waitress comes rushing over.Waitress: "Oh, excuse me miss, you can't smoke in here."
Ms Cherry: "Why not? It's a free country?"
Waitress: "It's against the law, I'm afraid. If you could just slip outside and...."
Ms Cherry: "You know, why don't you slip into something more comfortable...like a coma. Go on, fuck off back to cleaning tables."
She takes a drag out of her cigarette. The waitress walks away and the four escorts at the table all look at her in disbelief.
Patrick is standing outside a sushi bar, waiting to go inside. He is wearing a plain white shirt, tight black trousers and smart shoes. As people walk past, they look at him up and down as if he is an alien of some sort. His tall stature and smart looking attire made him stand out among the rest of the people. The sound of congested traffic can be heard as well as the whole the whole hustle and bustle of city life. Patrick leans against the outside window of the sushi bar whilst looking at the camera.
Patrick: "I'm meeting up with my client in a few minutes. His name is Liam, 29 years old and is already the managing director of some company. I don't really pay much attention because his life is so fucking boring but after spending some time with me, he'll be a changed man. He calls me whenever life gets to much and just needs a shoulder to cry on and have someone to make him feel like his mundane little life is worth living. He's paying for the boyfriend experience minus the sex. Even though I can't bare hearing about chaos in the office or a mix up with some data, I put a smile on and pretend to give a fuck. Here I go. Wish me luck."
He takes a deep breath and fixes his shirt before entering the sushi bar. Once inside, he looks around and his eyes meet his client. Liam [Scott RH] is sitting in a booth right at the back of the restaurant. He is an extremely attractive man with a great build. Liam stirs his cup of coffee and looks up when he hears Patrick approach the table. His sparkling blue eyes light up when he notices Patrick's familiar face and warm smile. He stands up and goes to kiss the escort, however Patrick pulls away slightly.Patrick: "I need..."
Liam: "Oh, right. Sure, of course."
Liam hands over a brown envelope. Patrick opens it up to check the cash before folding it and putting it in his pocket. He then allows Liam to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. They both smile and sit down close to one another like a real couple.Patrick: "So how have you been?"
Liam: "Oh, not too bad. Finally got some time off to look after my dad. He had a fall recently and at his age, he has to be really careful, you know?"
Patrick: "So sorry to hear that. Wouldn't you rather be with him right now?"
Liam: "Nah, his nagging is doing my head in. I need to get a way from it all. My sister is looking after him today anyway. Plus I wanted to see your beautiful face."
Patrick: "Oh, shut up you."
Liam: (Laughing) "Well you are a very attractive guy and I enjoy your company. It's really nice to see you again."
Patrick: "You too. You're not so bad looking yourself. I think that we should maybe order right now. What are you having?"
Liam: "Umm...sushi.."
Patrick: "Yeah but what type?"
Liam: "(laughing) I have no fucking idea. I just came here to look all posh and impress you. I don't even know if I like Japanese food."
Patrick laughs and stands up, offering his hand out to Liam.Patrick: "Want to go get a Chinese?"
Liam: "Sounds like a plan."
He smiles and takes Patrick's hand. The pair both chuckle and walk out of the restaurant hand in hand.
[Cut To: Hotel]
The now familiar reception area of the hotel which Patrick works part time at is now shown. It seems rather dead compared to last time and only an elderly couple are standing at the reception desk talking to the Scottish woman, Shauna. They seem to be complaining about something and judging by the look on Shauna's face she can't be bothered with then. She sighs as the elderly man continues going on and on.Man: "There was no soap upon arrival to the room and don't get me started on how the curtains were. We paid good money for that room when we could've went somewhere a lot cheaper but we decided to spend a good chunk of our money on this place hoping for quality but did we get that? No. No we did not. My wife and I would like to see the manager of this place immediately."
Shauna: "Mr Warrington isn't here right now but I can give you a complaint form, just fill it out and I'll be sure to pass it on to him."
She hands the form and a pen over to the man who grabs them out of her hand. Shauna walks away, leaving them to fill out the form and approaches Elaine who is sitting at her desk staring at a computer screen. The woman, who had been having issues with her break up, was still in no fit state to work and judging by her trance like state, she found even the simplest of tasks like turning on a computer hard. Shauna turns to Leon, the European worker.Shauna: "Leon could you make Elaine a cup of coffee?"
As Leon walks off, Shauna kneels down next to her looking worried for her co-worker. This was the type of thing Patrick hated to do, getting involved with personal issues. However, Shauna was a lot more caring and was a great listener. Elaine turns to face her, looking deeply saddened.Shauna: "Why are you back at work, Elaine? I told you before, if you aren't feeling up to it then just stay at home. I can handle things here. I don't want you to add even more stress to you life right now."
Elaine: "I just need to take my mind off of John. I can't be sitting around the house all down feeling sorry for myself. I need to be working and earning. Working and earning is all I'm focusing on at the moment."
Shauna: "You clearly aren't focusing on anything at the moment, Elaine. You've been staring at that screen for the best part of an hour and you haven't said a work since you came in this morning."
Leon hands Elaine the cup of coffee. Shauna looks up at her troubled co-worker and smiles a little, trying to be a lot more motherly.Shauna: "Look, why don't I come round to yours tonight. We can have a girly night and talk about whatever you like. Get things off of your chest and hopefully we can see a smile back on your face."
Elaine: "That sounds quite good actually."
Shauna: "Great. I'll bring over some DVD's too and we can drool over Johnny Depp."
She stands back up and smiles again, feeling good about her plans to help her friend. Shauna is taken by surprise when she sees a familiar face enter the hotel. It was Patrick's girlfriend, Emma. She wore a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Even without making much of an effort she still looked stunning. She is holding a box of chocolates with a rose on top of them. Emma grins when she notices Shauna behind the desk. It is clear that both girls know each other quite well but we are unsure how.Emma: "Hey, Shauna. How's things here at the hotel"
Shauna: "Ugh, don't ask, don't even ask. Completely dead today and the very few people that pay us a visit are total arseholes."
The elderly couple look up from their form and glare at the receptionist. Shauna bites her lip and holds in a laugh, knowing that they overheard. Emma twirls a strand of her beautiful blonde hair which was all natural, no dye or extensions whatsoever.Emma: "Isn't Patrick here to help you out? I came here to give him these chocolates and this rose, cheesy but romantic and I'm a huge romantic. Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow but I just couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him. Is he about?"
Shauna: "Oh, um....Patrick....isn't working today. Did he tell you he was? I can't think why though."
Emma: "Yes, he said one of the guys were sick and he had to come in today."
Shauna: "Sorry Em but we're all present and correct."
Emma: "So he lied to me!?"
Shauna: "Emma, Emma calm down. For all you know, something big might have came up or maybe he's planning something nice for Valentine's Day. You never know, just don't jump to conclusions just yet."
Emma: "I bet he's shagging some girl as we speak. God, mum was right. Never trust men."
Elaine peers from behind the computer screen.Elaine: "Men just ruin everything. They take, take, take and then just leave you to die alone in a one bedroom council flat with a faulty heating system."
Elaine bursts into tears, as usual. Emma looks at her then back at Shauna. She leans in and whispers.Emma: "What is the matter with her?"
Shauna: "Oh, personal stuff. Anyway, I know Patrick is a good guy and he'd never be shagging someone else behind your back."
Emma: "With the way he's been acting lately, I wouldn't be surprised."
Emma turns away from the desk and struts out of the hotel in a diva like manner. Shauna sighs and holds her head in her hands. She is taking everyone's problems on board and they keep on mounting up and up. A rustling of paper can be heard. Shauna turns to Elaine and fins her eating the chocolate's that Emma had left behind.Elaine: "Well they were going to go to waste so why not?"
Across town, in Patrick's escort pad, Liam and Patrick are cuddling up on top of the couch. The lights are dimmed and the pair appear to be watching TV. Their closeness resembles that of a real couple. Liam is eating noodles with chopsticks. It is in a small carton that they got from when they ordered Chinese. Patrick appears to not have any food and instead steals the odd noodle from Liam. The escort has his arms around his client whilst resting his head against Liam's neck. Patrick gently kisses his neck before nuzzling into it. Liam turns round and feeds Patrick some noodles.Liam: "I wish we could do this everyday. It's nice to get away from it all and be myself. Nobody knows that I'm gay. Well apart from you and my therapist."
Patrick: "Well, we could do this everyday if you want. That's if the money is right."
Liam: "Seriously? I really mean it. I would love to see you more. I've never felt happier then when I'm with you."
Patrick sits up and sighs. He has a feeling that Liam wants a lot more than just a professional relationship.Patrick: "Liam, remember we can't have anything more than this. I could come round, we could talk about things, share food and cuddle up, even fuck if you like. Just remember it is only an escort/client thing and nothing more. I get the feeling that you want more though."
Liam: "Well....I do want more but I know it can't happen....maybe we could have a little fun tonight?"
Patrick: "I thought you weren't into that? Only kissing and cuddling, that's what you said, remember?"
Liam: "I know, I know but come on, who can resist you?"
Liam sits up and starts to kiss Patrick's neck. Patrick: "OK well you go through to the bedroom and I'll be back in second."
Patrick walks off to the bathroom. As he walks, Liam bites his bottom lip, checking him out.