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#1 Posted : 12 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: The content in this RP aims at mature themes and is not intended to be smutty or dirty. If you might be offended, then please don't read. :)

[PART 1 OF 2]


Multiple shots of a busy London at midday are shown swiftly moving one after the other; a sharply dressed woman hopping off a bus, builders whistling at a young mum who has her child in a pushchair, a news vendor trying to make a profit, cars whizzing by, flashing traffic lights and a female charity worker approaching an elderly women are all shown in a matter of seconds. Suddenly, a posh English accent belonging to a male is heard. A tall, young, brown haired male [Riley Hamilton] walks down the busy street completely oblivious to all the hustle and bustle around him whilst talking to the camera, breaking the fourth wall with the viewers. He is wearing a white shirt with a grey waistcoat and grey trousers completed with pristine, polished black leather shoes. The man seems to look very pleasant, with a nice warm and friendly smile on his face. He seems to stand out as he seems to be the only person in the street that has put any effort into his appearance.

Patrick: "I'm Patrick Lewis and welcome to my hectic life. I must warn you before we begin that this is not going to be an average, run of the mill, nice bedtime story-like journey, no no. I live a very chaotic life, a double one in fact. I'm a master of disguise, expert in playing with people....in more ways than one and I'm also very good at getting what I want and that's money. One thing you must know about me is that I'm a male escort. Yuck, I know, but say whatever you like about it. I'm providing a service to the public, making people happier and sometimes I even change people's lives. What do you do? Sit around all day eating pot noodles and having a guilt-riddled wank over Jeremy Kyle? At least I'm making a difference. We live in a world filled with terror and poverty. A world where people sell kids to sick freaks, where 65 year old women eye up schoolboys, where people get abducted and tortured and more importantly, a world where Taylor Swift is considered 'good'. So is a little fun with a complete stranger in exchange for some money really that bad? No, not at all. If I were ruler of the world, I'd provide more life changing services for everyone and really make a difference to the world."

The young charity worker shown earlier approaches Patrick whilst holding a clipboard

Charity Worker: "Excuse me sir, could you please find it in you...."

Patrick: (Whilst walking right past the girl) "Piss off."



Patrick is now seen in a very expensive penthouse wearing a loose grey top, black jogging bottoms and a dark pair of socks. His smart outfit he wore earlier on can be seen hanging over a chair in the dining room. Patrick is stood in the cosy kitchen whilst he makes a cup of tea. He seems relaxed and even more approachable than earlier. Whilst pouring the hot water into the cup he starts to speak again.

Patrick: "People don't usually see me like this, nonchalant and at feeling all at home. Actually this is one of three homes. This place in particular is actually where I work. I bring my clients round here and best of all my agency pays for it. I don't have to even pay a single bill. My other home is with my girlfriend.....what!? What she doesn't know won't kill her and plus I buy her things with the money I earn. I'm one of the best boyfriends ever."

Patrick then takes his tea and walks over to the living room which joins on from the kitchen. It has an orange/red/terracotta theme to it and seems very modern and spacious. A large LCD television can be seen to the left as well as a view of the busy city. Patrick sits down on the couch, directly facing the camera.

Patrick: "Nobody else knows about this place though so keep it quiet. My last home...well I wouldn't say home, hellhole is probably the correct term to use and that is with my loving parents. My loving, obsessive, common as a cold parents. They try their best but their home isn't exactly a Hilton hotel or a Travelodge come to think of it. I have really high standards and expensive taste so when my mum and dad give me macaroni from a tin at dinner like I'm some obese child or when they expect me to sleep on a bed that wouldn't seem out of place in a concentration camp, it really grinds my gears. I just have to grin and bare it I suppose. I could help my family out, buy them lots of new stuff and pay their debts but then they'll get suspicion because they'll be wondering where the money comes from."

Patrick leans forward a little and speaks a little quieter as if telling the audience a secret

Patrick: "You see, as far as they know, I work in a hotel which is partly true. I work in a hotel but that's only part time however they think I spend almost every second of every day there but really I'm in an out in a few hours then I'm back here banging some weirdo with a leather fetish. For stuff like that, in fact for anything really, I charge a lot and I really mean a lot. The lowest I've ever been paid is £350 and it could go up to anything. It's amazing how much lonely women or sometimes men will pay just to have some fun."

He takes a sip of his tea. It then cuts to Patrick in the bathroom, standing at the sink with a toothbrush in his hand. The bathroom has a black and red theme to it and is absolutely spotless, the tiles literally shine.

Patrick: "The reason I do this job is because I'm lazy. I admit it, if I could sit down in front of the TV all day I would do it but unfortunately my love for money just won't die. White collar, 9 to 5 jobs just don't interest me at all and although I have great qualifications, the idea of waking up in the morning to head out to a mundane job just terrifies me if I'm being honest. I do however, like sex and I'm very good at it plus if it involves cash up front it's even better. Becoming an escort was just a win win situation. I'm not self employed nor do I hang around in bars waiting to be picked up. Like I said earlier, my agency takes care of me and all the other escorts and prostitutes. It's run by a lovely woman called Linda Vaughn, known professionally as Ms. Cherry. She's an angel."


An attractive middle aged woman [Ms Cherry] is seen sitting behind her desk in her office. The room is very cramped, filled with files upon files and pornographic pictures on the walls. She is smoking a cigarette whilst on the phone, mid conversation. Ms Cherry is wearing a white two piece suit and has clearly had her hair professionally styled. Her classiness clashes greatly with the trashiness of the office. She takes a drag of her cigarette and continues speaking to the person on the other end of the phone.

Ms. Cherry: "NO! I already told you before hand that Louisa isn't into whips and chains and she also made that quite clear herself, Mr McDonald. You will no longer be her client anymore nor are you longer able to use this agency again since you think it's OK to abuse the service, you worthless piece of shit! I always knew there was something not quite right about you, maybe it was the bent eyes and missing teeth. Look Mr McDonald, there is nothing wrong with having preferences in the bedroom but you do not force one of my girls into doing something they don't like......unless it involves someone famous. Good day, you fucking pervert!"

She slams the phone down and takes another drag of her cigarette. The phone rings again. She sighs, rolls her eyes then clears her throat before answering. This time, she puts on a very polite, 'telephone voice'.

Ms Cherry: Cherry Popping Escort Agency, how may I help you?


Patrick: See, like I said, an angel.

He applies toothpaste to the toothbrush and looks at the camera again.

Patrick: "In certain jobs, people have certain priorities. Whether it be making sure that you close a deal just in time or that the passenger pays the right fair. For me, my body is my work. It has to be in the best shape possible and I take very good care of my appearance because if that were to be ruined in anyway, people wouldn't want to hire me anymore and I'll be out of a job. I know, it's so fickle and you could say 'it doesn't matter what you look like, it's what's on the inside that counts' or 'it doesn't matter as long as you're good at the job but think about it, would you pay for a one armed prostitute or an escort with terrible acne? Didn't think so."

Patrick looks into his mirror above the sink (where the camera is placed) and he starts to brush his teeth. It quickly cuts to a mobile phone which is lit up and vibrating on top of the table in a dark room. Patrick is seen in the background, coming out of the bathroom and over towards the phone. He puts on a lamp, which reveals a beautifully decorated bedroom. The walls are a deep violet-red with expensive paintings proudly hung on them. A vast super king side bed can also be seen. Its black and magenta cover is neatly tucked and crease free whilst the plump dark pillows rest gently against the head board. Patrick picks up the phone and starts to read out the text he received. After scrolling through it for a few seconds he turns to the camera.

Patrick: "That was Ms Cherry, I've got a client tomorrow who goes by the name of Rose Charlesworth. She's been a bit sketchy with the details but from the information I've been given she's been single for quite some time, not had any action in 5 years! Due to the fact she hasn't told me her age, I'm going to take a wild guess and say this will be a more 'mature' client but still a job's a job, money is money and if you're lucky, really lucky, you might get to see me at work."

Patrick sends a text back then places the phone back down.

Patrick: "Now, I've got a very busy day tomorrow. First of all, I've to pop into the hotel and do the morning shift, then I'm meeting some friends for lunch, back to my little 'pad' here for some time with my client then back home to see my girlfriend and be the best boyfriend ever. She thinks I'm working at the hotel all night tonight so that's why I'm spending the night here and not going out to get wrecked like I normally would, got to lay low which is something I'm very good at doing."

He climbs into bed and reaches over to the lamp.

Patrick: "Goodnight."

Patrick blows a kiss and switches the light out.


A young, attractive woman is sitting in a poorly lit waiting area which resembles that of a doctor's surgery. She is on her own and looks anxious, constantly moving around in her chair whilst drumming her fingers on the sheet of paper she has in her hands. The woman looks no older than 25, mixed race with her hair cut really short. She is wearing a long green top which looks like a dress, black leggings and wedged shoes. Casual but fashionable. Ms Cherry suddenly comes out of her office, looking aggravated, making the girl jump. The owner of the agency folds her arms and stares at the girl for a few seconds then points behind her to her office, like giving a dog a command.

Ms. Cherry: "In."

The young women sheepishly walks in and stands in the middle of the office. She takes a deep breath and looks down at the piece of paper in her hand. Ms Cherry closes the door behind her and walks over to her desk, leaning against the front of it whilst looking up at the woman.

Ms. Cherry: "So, Leanne I think we both know why you're here. Now, before we start I'm going to warn you that I'm very straight to the point so don't take it the wrong way if I say something that might seem out of turn, I'm only keeping the agency's best interest at heart.....Is your boyfriend hitting you?"

Leanne sighs with relief and laughs a little.

Leanne: "Oh, God no. You think I'd let him do something like that? Everything's fine. What makes you ask anyway?"

Ms. Cherry: "Well that's what all your clients will say when the see this."

She suddenly punches Leanne in the eye, causing her to fall to the ground. Leanne looks shocked and holds her eye whilst tears fall from the other one. She tries her best to get back up on her feet.

Leanne: "What....wh....ow....what the fuck was that for!?"

Her boss quickly walks over to her and kneels down with a stern look on her face, showing no remorse whatsoever for what she just did. Ms. Cherry grabs the sheet of paper from Leanne and holds it up to her face.

Ms. Cherry: "You see what I see? Here is a list of all your clients from January and the money made. I'm supposed to get 20% of what you make where is it!?"

Leanne: "I...it's...it's.."

Ms. Cherry: "It's been squandered on new shoes and pretty little dresses! I know you Leanne. I can read you like a book, you're into all the material things, I'm more interested in making a profit to keep this firm up and running which keeps you in a job. I want what I'm due and if I don't get it then unfortunately for you it will be 'bye bye' to your career. You have until Friday."

Leanne: "Friday?? But it's Tuesday already....how can I get the money? What client is going to pay for a girl with a black eye? I...I...won't be able to make much."

Ms. Cherry: "Oh dear, my heart bleeds. Door's over there, see yourself out."

Leanne: "But I.."

Ms. Cherry: "Out."

Leanne finally gets back up onto her feet and takes the sheet of paper. She runs out of the room, crying. Ms. Cherry walks around to the other side of her desk and sits down in her chair. Reaching into her jacket pocket, she brings out a cigarette and a lighter. The sharp tongued woman lights it up and takes a drag, putting her head back and moving ninety degrees in her spinning chair whilst exhaling. She then reaches over to her phone and starts to dial. As soon as she hears an answer, he polite telephone voice returns.

Ms. Cherry: Sebastian? How are you, dear?

During the conversation, she produces a baseball bat from underneath her desk and plays around with it, contemplating how she'll use it later on.

Ms. Cherry: Yes.....yeah......oh that's good.....wonderful, anyway the reason I called is because I want you to swing by the office tonight. I know it's late but there's thing we need to discuss and sort out.

An aerial shot of the city at night is then shown. Flashing lights and breathtaking views can be seen. Surprisingly from above, London looks like it could be New York with all of its tall buildings and busy, non stop life. The shot is sped up, like in an extreme fast forward mode, until it reaches morning. People speed by, vehicles go even faster and lights flicker on and off all over the buildings. It then cuts to inside Patrick's bedroom. The once tidy quilt is now all over the place and the sunlight is beaming into the room, making everything seem vibrant and alive. A moan in heard then Patrick is seen sitting up in the huge bed, still half asleep with the mattress shape imprinted on his face. He rubs his eyes and looks at his alarm clock. It reads '9:47'. Patrick's eyes suddenly widen.

Patrick: "Shit!"

He immediately hops out of bed and heads towards the bathroom. Numerous shots of Patrick grabbing objects all follow on from each other rapidly. His hand is seen turning on the shower then grabbing a towel and soap. It then shows a close up of him using a hairdryer, brushing his teeth, tying his laces on his leather shoes and taking a sip of tea. After all the fast paced shots are over, Patrick walks out of his bedroom fastening a button on his waistcoat. He is dressed similar to when we first seen him however instead of a grey waistcoat and trousers, they are black. Patrick then fixes the collar of his shirt whilst talking to directly to the audience.

Patrick: "I'm already a half hour late for my shift at the hotel. I don't actually care much about my job there, after all it's just a bit on the side but what I do care about is being kept behind by the boss who likes to give you a lecture on why it's important to turn up on time, I can't be late for lunch so I have no time to listen to him talking at me like I'm some naughty schoolchild."

He puts on his jacket and quickly heads out to the door.


The inside of a hotel is now shown. It seems very grand, old and extremely well kept. Even by the look of the foyer you could tell that it would cost a few months wages just to stay one night there. Smartly dressed people and staff walk around not looking too busy, just going from one place to another. Patrick is then seen battling with the revolving doors at the entrance of the hotel. He finally gets in and quickly walks over to the reception, taking off his coat and hanging it up as he walks over to his seat. A woman around her mid-twenties with shoulder length black hair and a fringe is sitting next to him drinking coffee whilst sorting her work area. She is quite broad but not fat in any way. Her name badge reads 'Shauna'. She turns to Patrick and points to her watch. The woman speaks with a Scottish accent.

Shauna: "Tut tut, Patrick, fifty minutes late. The boss is going to kill you."

Patrick: "I'd like to see him try. That guy couldn't even fight sleep, what is he? 80 something? He can barely lift up a cup with those knitting needle arms let alone kill me."

Shauna: "He can talk to you and bore you to death though."

Patrick: (Chuckling) "Ah you're right there, Shauna. I just hope he doesn't catch up with me because I need to be out of here as soon as it hits one o'clock, got lunch with some friends and I don't want to be late."

Shauna yawns and stretches her arms. Two other members of staff come behind reception and start to put things away in drawers before sitting down at their desks. One is a small, slender woman in her early forties. Short cropped black her, meek and mousy looking. The other is a male about the same age as Patrick. He has sallow skin, extremely dark hair and has a certain foreign look about him as if from Spain. Shauna turns to the young guy.

Shauna: "Leon, where did you disappear to? I've been behind this desk on my own for the last half hour."

Leon: "I take cigarette. The place is not busy, no?"

Shauna: "That's not the point, there's breaks for that sort of stuff. You can't just leave when you feel like it."

Leon: "So....I can't take cigarette?"

Shauna: "No, no cigarette."

The older, petite woman who also works in reception walks over to Shauna and stand in between her in Patrick. She has a cup of tea in her hands and looks very tired, skittish and stressed. Her name badge says 'Elaine'. She speaks very softly whilst sniffling as if she had been crying.

Elaine: "Sorry for leaving you petal, it's just that John called and he asked if I would take him back and you know how much we've been through. I wouldn't leave you all alone behind the desk if it wasn't something important. Anyway, I was thinking about it but then remembered how much he hurt me and although deep down I still love him, I know he'll hurt me again so I said to him; 'No, no! You threw our marriage out of the window when you called up one of those dirty girls from that dirty place to do your dirty business. I'm a strong women and I deserve to be treated like one, we're over and that's that. You just have to deal with it, John, DEAL WITH IT!'....."

She suddenly bursts into tears and many customers at the hotel all look round to see the commotion. Shauna stands up to comfort her, putting an arm around her and giving her a tissue and her coat.

Shauna: "Aw it's OK Elaine. Look, you go home and have a rest, you clearly aren't in a state to be working. I'll tell Mr. Warrington that you felt ill or something, just leave it all with me, don't worry and go get some sleep or something."

Elaine nods and walks out of the hotel, still crying. Patrick sighs and Shauna sits back down in her chair.

Shauna: "That poor woman, she's been through so much."

Patrick: "Yeah, so much.....when was the last time you think she had a good dicking?"

Shauna: (Chuckling) "Lovely phrase, Patrick, very subtle. I honestly wouldn't know. Her husband, well ex-husband had been getting off a nasty little prostitute for the best part of a year. I honestly have no idea who is worse, a guy who spends all of his wages, child's money and even his wife's wages just to have sex with a another woman or the dirty little bitch who sells her body just for £50."

Patrick: "Well, I'm not sure they're as cheap as that. Plus, she's only providing a service."

Patrick looks down, regretting his suddenness to defend the prostitute

Shauna: "You're a bit quick off the mark to defend her.....you haven't paid for one have you?"

Patrick: "No, no. Never"

Shauna: "Yeah, you look like you're still a virgin. You've got that cute and innocent look about you."

Patrick: "Oh you know me so well, Shauna."


The sound of ticking is heard as the camera shows the face of a rather old clock. It reads as '5 minutes past 11'. It suddenly jumps to 'quarter to 12' then to '20 minutes past 12' as the ticking gets louder and louder. Finally, the clock hits one o'clock and Patrick almost leaps out of his seat and pushes his chair in behind him. He grabs his coat and takes a bite out of an apple that is on his desk whilst walking out from behind the reception desk.

Patrick: "Shauna, Leon, I'll see you guys same time tomorrow"

Shauna: "Actually, you were late today so I expect you to be in earlier tomorrow"

They both chuckle then he turns to the camera

Patrick: "I'm only in here for a few hours each day and I already want to kill myself with all this small talk. People coming in with personal problems, some not understanding English and those God awful work jokes, I just don't know how people can do this 9 to 5. I guess they are just used to having boring little lives and being a dull shell of a person but as for me, I like the excitement and danger in life. You have no idea how great it feels to leave this place behind."

Patrick is about to work forward when a small, well groomed elderly man approaches him. He is wearing a tweed jacket and thick glasses. This is his boss, Mr Warrington. Just like he was described earlier, his arms are extremely thin, his age certainly shows and he looks like he would fit right in at The Antiques Roadshow either as a seller or an actual 'antique'. He clears his throat and looks up at Patrick who is over 6 feet tall, dwarfing the already small elderly man.

Mr Warrington: "Mr Lewis, late again?"

Patrick: "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Mr Warrington: "You said that the last time and that time before that and even the time before that."

Patrick: "Honestly, I'm really sorry and I'll make sure that I'm not late for work again. Look, you can even reduce my wages for being late."

Mr Warrington: "I'm not going to do that, Patrick. You should know that back in my day, if I were to turn up late.......

The voice of the old man becomes muffled as the camera shows the clock again, it is now 5 minutes past one. Patrick can be heard whispering 'come on, come on' as the elderly gentleman continues talking. Patrick seems to have blocked everything out, only focusing on the clock and the amount of time he is losing. He suddenly snaps out of this daze just as Mr Warrington finishes his story.

Mr Warrington: "...bent over backwards."

Patrick: "Yes sir, I totally agree. I have to bend over more. Look, I really need to go, sorry."

He turns and jogs towards the revolving doors, struggling with them again. He runs down the steps leading up to the hotel and onto the pavement. Patrick looks around and spots a taxi. He suddenly yells out.

Patrick: TAXI!!!!

Edited by user 12 years ago  | Reason: Not specified





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#2 Posted : 12 years ago
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Patrick hops out of the taxi and pays the driver through the window. He checks his watch, 20 minutes late. Patrick walks over to the restaurant and peers through the window. After seeing that his friends are still there, he sighs with relief and enters 'Balfour'. Inside, the restaurant looks very lively and a lot of natural light comes in through the windows. It's a pleasant little place for a nice meal with friends but not the place for a romantic candlelit dinner. Patrick waves over to his two friends. One of them is a tall, muscly, shaven haired African man and the other is a small, stunning woman who has short blonde hair and a beautiful face. They wave over at him and smile, not seeming to mind his late arrival. Patrick turns to the camera.

Patrick: "That guy over there is Kevin, professionally known as Angel. He's 32, divorced, bisexual and is one of the top escorts in the city, anything you want to do, he'll do it. Up for absolutely everything. The small woman is Vanessa, better known as Lacey. She has been in this game for a while. She started out at 18 and is now 29. Don't let the adorable little face and stature fool you, she's a wild one and I've experienced it. She's also very creative, coming up with new positions and fantasies everyday. Out of everyone at the agency, I only really speak to these two because they aren't totally up themselves or big headed."

He smiles and walks over to the table, sitting down at the neatly laid table.

Patrick: "Guys, I'm so sorry for being late."

Lacey: "It's fine, it's fine. So, how have you been?"

Patrick: "Busy. Very busy. Extremely busy actually. A double life can really take it out of you."

Lacey: "I know, that's why I just came out and told everyone I was a whore."

The group chuckle at Lacey's comment. She suddenly goes red faced and looks away when she realises a mother with her child at the table opposite heard her.

Patrick: "What have you been up to today? I know it's bound to be more exciting than my shift at the hotel."

Lacey: "Well, this has been a brilliant day for me. I just got paid £1000 for shagging a lonely fifty year old guy who couldn't last more than 2 minutes. So yeah, today has been rather good I must say. Plus, I've got another client tonight who is paying me £550 for a little rough and tumble too."

Patrick: "Good to hear. What about you, Angel?"

Angel: "Not good, not good at all. I've got a threesome at nine o'clock tonight. Absolutely dreading it."

Patrick: "Threesomes aren't that bad, Angel. I mean it might get confusing as to who does what but that's about the worst of it. I thought you've had threesomes before?"

Angel: "The couple are in their seventies....at least. Ms Cherry sent me a text saying they are '75 plus'. People at that age should just be sitting down whilst knitting, not being fucked senseless.

The woman with the child at the next table stands up all of a sudden with a look of disgust on her face. She grabs her bag and takes her child by the hand, looking at the three up and down. She turns her nose up at them and walks off, out of the restaurant, muttering something under her breath as she leaves.

Patrick: "75 PLUS!? That's nasty. Well as an escort it's our job to fulfill the needs of all our clients. We're supposed to make them feel special, make their wildest dreams and longtime fantasies come true no matter how...."

Angel: "Fucked up and twisted they are?"

Patrick: "Exactly! We shouldn't complain about it, it's our job. It's people like them that keep us in work. I know it might seem revolting but grin and bare it, it will be over before you know it."

Lacey: "Patrick's right. We just have to put on a smile no matter how much you want to run for the hills. I mean one guy got a little frisky with my ear. I thought it was weird, definitely felt wrong but did I complain? No. I just lay there and took it."

Patrick: "We've all had our share of weird and horrible experiences but it comes with the job. I've certainly been with many clients who are a little 'out there', especially the woman with the stapler....ouch...anyway what are you guys having?"

The three of them look at their menus

Angel: "I won't have much. I'll just have a little salad or something. I know I'll feel sick later on when that couple arrive and I don't want to throw up on them, do I? Imagine that.

Patrick: "That's very wise of you and I'd rather not imagine that thank you very much."

Lacey: "Um...wow, I have no idea what I want. There is just so much to choose from. I'm spoiled for choice, I just love an Italian."

Patrick: "So I've heard."

Lacey: "Oh ha ha! We've got a joker over here. I'll have the carbonara, that will fill me right up. I might be a small girl but if it's one thing I love to do, it's eat."

Patrick: "Again, so I've heard...."

A waiter is seen approaching their table with a bottle of wine as the scene soon fades out. A quick aerial view of the city at night is shown is shown against.


It is now nighttime and Patrick is rushing around his apartment, tidying for his client's arrival. He is wearing a black shirt with the top button undone, tight black trousers and a smart pair of shoes. Patrick quickly makes his bed after leaving it a mess this morning. Despite going to use it tonight, he makes sure it is crease free and immaculate. He swiftly makes his way to the kitchen and pours himself a small glass of whisky before checking his watch. Patrick takes a deep breath as she'll soon be knocking at the door. He drinks the beverage in one before leaning against the counter.

Patrick: "Now that I am officially on duty, I go by the name of 'Valentine'. I get a lot of work in February due to 'Valentine's Day' and on that actual day my demands are through the roof. I have no idea why, I'm not actually the real St. Valentine as you've already figured out, I guess people just think it will be romantic. I'm not complaining, I make bucket loads of money on that day it's just that there's only so many times in one day I can actually see it all the way though if you catch my drift. I'm a man, I need time before I'm able to 'finish' again. However, I have over a week to prepare myself for that and in the meantime a client or two a day will do just fine."

There is suddenly a knock at the door. Patrick quickly rinses out his glass, dries his hands before making his way to the door. He looks through the peephole in the door. The camera shows that a young woman with dark blonde hair is waiting on the other side, holding her jacket in her hands whilst biting her bottom lips with nerves. Patrick moves away and talks to the audience again before opening the door

Patrick: "I was expecting someone a lot older but this....this has turned out quiet nicely in fact."

He opens the door and greets the woman with a smile. She looks unsure at first but Patrick's warm smile puts her at ease a little.

Patrick: "You must be Rose."

Rose: (laughing nervously) "Yeah....that's me."

Patrick: "Hello there, I'm Valentine. Please, come in."

He allows Rose to enter the apartment and closes the door behind him. Rose walks into the living room and looks around. She holds her coat close to her as if using it as a comfort blanket. It is clear that this is her first time using a service like this and she was possibly having second thoughts. Patrick walks over to her and takes her coat.

Patrick: "I'll hang this up for you, please take a seat."

Rose: (Whilst sitting down) "It's a lovely place you have here, very....spacious."

Patrick: "Thank you, it is pretty impressive. I got this place through the agency. Can I get you a drink? Some champagne?"

Rose: "Water would be fine."

He nods and walks off into the kitchen like a servant. Outside of work, he is his own person and can be extremely selfish and snobbish at times however, when being 'Valentine' the client always comes first and he will do whatever it takes to make sure they are happy and content. Not to mention the fact that he is scared they'll report him to Ms. Cherry. After a few moments, he returns to the living room with the glass of water. Rose is sitting right on the edge of the sofa.

Patrick: "Here you go."

Rose: "Oh, thank you."

Patrick: "So what is that brought you here, Rose? What is it you're wanting out of tonight? My boss was a little bit sketchy on the details."

Rose rocks back and forth slowly whilst speaking. Her eyes look anywhere apart from at Patrick. She plays with a ringlet of her curly fair hair.

Rose: "Um, basically.....I split up with my husband five years ago. He ditched me for someone with bigger tits and less brain cells....I married young, gave everything to him and when he left me I just couldn't move on. I haven't even been on a date....I just want one night...to...to...to show that I can move on and have fun with other people."

Patrick: "Well, Rose I'm happy to be of service and if you don't want to go through with it then I'll understand, it's been quite some time."

Rose: "When are we going to...you know...?"

Patrick: "We can start off right now if you want."

Rose: "Sure, let's power through."

She takes a sip of her water and stands up. Patrick walks over to her and holds Rose's hands. She looks up at him and breathes heavily. Nerves are starting to take over her again as the time has actually come.

Rose: "I'm a little nervous."

Patrick: "It's OK, nerves are good. It gets the adrenaline going. Believe me, nervous clients have the best time. Over confident, arrogant ones just come and go....in more ways than one. The bedroom is the first on the left so you go in there, get yourself comfortable and I'll go phone the agency to say you've arrived. I'll come join you in a few seconds."

Rose heads into the bedroom. Patrick then looks at the camera with a smirk on his face.

Patrick: "The typical lonely girl, not had it in ages so she'll probably be quick, a huge burst of passion will overtake her and we'll be finished before you know it. Now, I'm going to warn you that you're about to see me at work and I can't be blamed for anything you see or hear. It will be nothing too shocking, we all have bodies, we've seen people naked before so there is really nothing to get all excited about....well, I do have an amazing body though."

It quickly cuts to Rose sitting on the edge of Patrick's bed. She is only wearing her underwear, revealing a curvy womanly figure. She plays with a ringlet of her hair again and jumps a little when Patrick opens the door. He closes it over behind him and walks over to her slowly. Patrick slowly starts to unbutton his shirt in front of her, he reveals a very ripped body which is rather surprising [for both the character and actor] as the clothes Patrick wears doesn't highlight his true muscly build. He throws the shirt on the floor and steps out of his shoes.

Patrick: "Lay down and I'll get the protection."

Rose lays back on the bed and takes off her bra. The camera only focuses on her face so nothing is shown at that moment in time. Patrick crawls onto the bed and gently kisses her. It was clear that Rose had relaxed as she pulled him closer and ran her fingers through his hair. Patrick moves away, taking off his socks and trousers, throwing them across the room. The camera then focuses on his hands taking down Rose's underwear but it cuts away before anything too explicit is shown. He gets on top again and starts to make out with her whilst she runs her hands up and down his back. Rose then pulls down Patrick's boxers, showing his backside off to the camera. He starts to gently thrust and it was quite clear due to the moaning noise what was going on. Rose grips onto the bed sheets then flips Patrick over so that she was on top. The pair continue going for some time before he puts his hands on her waist and gets off the bed and walks over to the wall whilst she wraps her legs around his waist. He puts her against the wall and kisses her neck. The camera then focuses on Patrick's bottom as his hips thrust. The moaning and groaning continues, getting louder and louder until Rose screams out and everything comes to a stop. The pair catch their breath.

Patrick: "How was that?"

Rose: "Amazing....the best....ever!"

Patrick: "Glad I could help you out"

Rose smiles and starts to get dressed. She reaches into her bag and takes out an envelope, it to Patrick.

Rose: "Here you go, £500 exactly."

Patrick: "Thanks, I enjoyed our little session. Too bad you didn't last that long though"

Rose: "Well you certainly know what you're doing....I'll see you around"

It quickly cuts to Rose fully dressed and leaving the apartment. Patrick is also back into his uniform he wears at the hotel, also ready to head out.

Patrick: "Now that 'Valentine' has had his fun. it's time Patrick got back to his girlfriend who will be very pissed off at him for not coming home when expected."

Outside a brightly lit block of apartments, a taxi pulls up whilst it ancient engine rattles. It's around 2 AM and the streets around this well presented area seem deadly quiet with only the constant rattling of the old taxi showing any sign of life. A young, pretty faced female with long blonde hair is seen looking out of her window, down at the noisy vehicle. It then cuts to inside her apartment. The camera appears as if it is peering over her shoulder, looking down at the ground. From here we can see Patrick getting out of the taxi, dressed in his uniform he wears when working at the hotel. The girl sighs, closes her curtains and walks away.

[Cut to: Patrick entering his girlfriend's apartment]

He closes the door behind him and switches the light on. Once lit up, we can see that the apartment has a very modern design and looks like a rather costly place. Suddenly, the blonde haired girl comes out of the bedroom wearing just a long shirt which obviously belongs to a male. She throws a giant teddy bear at Patrick. This girl is in fact his girlfriend. Patrick moves to avoid the flying teddy.

Patrick: "Hey, hey, what's the matter?"

He speaks softly and moves closer to his girlfriend. Patrick puts his hands on her waist

Emma: "You said you'd be back at half past eight tonight. It's 2 am, Patrick! Two in the fucking morning! It's not only that. Where was the phone call? Text? Tweet even!? I'm not here just to sit around looking pretty whilst you go off with your mates. I'm your girlfriend, I'd like to see my boyfriend once in a while."

Patrick: "I'm sorry. I went out for a few drinks with the lads then went back to Jason's for a bit. I just lost track of time, babe"

Emma: "You lost track of five and a half hours!? I feel like your work and your mates are more important than I am"

Patrick: (Moving his hands up and down her side) "Babe I..."

Emma suddenly pushes his hands away from her and turns to walk into the bedroom

Emma: "Don't you 'babe' me"

She storms into the bedroom and quickly comes back out with a blanket and a pillow. Emma throws them at Patrick, hitting him in the face before landing in his arms.

Emma: "You're sleeping on the couch tonight"

We then see Patrick close his eyes as the loud slamming of the bedroom door is heard. He takes a deep breath and his exhaling turns into more of a sigh. Patrick then looks at the camera and starts to speak directly to the audience

Patrick: "You know, I've been with a lot of girls and out of all of them none can compare to Emma. She's the hottest, funniest girl and one of the most intelligent people I know. She also drives me wild in bed which is always a bonus too. It's funny though, out of all the women I've shared a bed with, the only one I truly like just happens to be a total bitch."

Patrick throws the cover and pillow onto the couch and sits down on the centre of the couch, looking directly ahead.

Patrick: "You know, today has been extremely eventful and I don't care that I need to sleep on the couch, I'd sleep in the bath if I had to, I am so fucking tired you cannot even begin to imagine. If you think my life is chaotic based on today then wait till you see what else I have in store. We've only just got started."





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RoseJapanFan on 06/02/2013(UTC), erich hess on 06/02/2013(UTC), mebeme101 on 07/02/2013(UTC), snap_itshannah on 07/02/2013(UTC), Princess_Valentine on 07/02/2013(UTC), GirlSpice on 07/02/2013(UTC), DistortedAudio on 21/02/2013(UTC)
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OOC: Great job on all of this!
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Ooc: all i can say is WOW.that was great.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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Layla: I seriously cannot function right now this is just wow

Alex: You know you're the last person I'd ever think of to do a show like this but wow you're actually a really great actor and...yeah I should probably just leave it at that lol

ooc: Amazing job on all of this Carmel this was so great that I think you should go out to an Italian restaurant to celebrate idk maybe even get yourself a rose :P yeah that's probably not as funny as it use to be oh well :( lol but seriously amazing job here Carmel :)

Edited by user 12 years ago  | Reason: Not specified

My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Great job on all of this!

OOC: Thank you so much :) Took A LOT of time to get this done lol

Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: all i can say is WOW.that was great.

OOC: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)





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#7 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Layla: I seriously cannot function right now this is just wow

Alex: You know you're the last person I'd ever think of to do a show like this but wow you're actually a really great actor and...yeah I should probably just leave it at that lol

ooc: Amazing job on all of this Carmel this was so great that I think you should go out to an Italian restaurant to celebrate idk maybe even get yourself a rose :P yeah that's probably not as funny as it use to be oh well :( lol but seriously amazing job here Carmel :)

Riley: I'm guessing that you like it, Layla? :P

@Alex Well thank you Alex, appreciate the comment a lot :)

OOC: Thank you John, put a lot of time into this and I'm glad it paid off :)




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OOC: Great great great great job!
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BrownSugar on 07/02/2013(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: snap_itshannah Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Great great great great job!

Ooc: Thank you very much :D




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#10 Posted : 12 years ago
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Ooc: I told you this when you PMd it to me last night lol but I genuinely think this is one of the best single RPs I've read in 8 years of playing this game. Fantastic, and its easy to tell you spent a lot of time on it and didn't rush it. Can't wait to see more :)
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BrownSugar on 07/02/2013(UTC)
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#11 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
Ooc: I told you this when you PMd it to me last night lol but I genuinely think this is one of the best single RPs I've read in 8 years of playing this game. Fantastic, and its easy to tell you spent a lot of time on it and didn't rush it. Can't wait to see more :)

OOC: So happy you like it, got plenty more to come. I think this is the longest RP I have ever written :P




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Sophia: OMG! Babes! I watched this thinking it'd be all cute and I ended up watching, like... porn or something! Soooooo upsetting! But it's weird babes cause I totally liked it and everything! Go Riley babes! OMG! Love love LOVE it!

OOC: Echoing what everyone else has said, this is so well written and one of the best RP's I've read in a long, long time, amazing!

Vanity x Nadia Berry
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BrownSugar on 07/02/2013(UTC)
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#13 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: GirlSpice Go to Quoted Post
Sophia: OMG! Babes! I watched this thinking it'd be all cute and I ended up watching, like... porn or something! Soooooo upsetting! But it's weird babes cause I totally liked it and everything! Go Riley babes! OMG! Love love LOVE it!

OOC: Echoing what everyone else has said, this is so well written and one of the best RP's I've read in a long, long time, amazing!

Riley: Wow, wasn't expecting a reaction like that :P Thanks for watching and I'm so glad you love the show.

OOC: Thank you so much. I hope you like what's still to come :)




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DISCLAIMER: The content in this RP aims at mature themes and is not intended to be smutty or dirty. If you might be offended, then please don't read. :)

[PART 1 OF 2]


A close up of a digital alarm clock, reading '07:59' is shown. A few seconds later the red digits change to 08:00 and an irritating and rather loud buzzing emanates from the clock. Suddenly a male hand comes into view and feels around for the clock. The hand finally finds it and fumbles around, looking for a way to stop the irritating buzz before giving up and smacking the alarm clock onto the ground. It does the job as the noise can no longer be heard. The camera then follows the along the hand and shows Patrick [Riley Hamilton] laying on the couch with tired looking eyes. It's clear that the episode directly follows on from the events of the last one when his girlfriend told him to sleep on the couch after arriving home in the early hours of the morning. He sits up against the headrest of the couch and keeps the covers over his waist. He is shirtless and his usually well styled hair is all scruffy. Just as he is used to the peace and quiet, the buzzing of a phone can be heard. Patrick sighs and holds his head in his hands. The camera then cuts to a small pile of clothes on the floor between Patrick's bare feet. His hand can be seen reaching down from the couch and feeling around. He then pulls his phone out of his pocket. We then see him looking at his phone and noticing one new message from Ms Cherry. Patrick opens the text message up but we don't see the actual message. Instead we can see him quickly scanning the message before pressing a key on his mobile and throwing it to the side. For the first time in this episode he looks at the viewers.

Patrick: "You know, even though I've only been an escort for just over a year I have seen many different, unique, zany, horny and messed up clients with an array of preferences and fetishes. Some like role play, some like leather and bondage. Other clients may prefer dirty talk, feet play or threesomes but very few of my clients and when I say 'few' I mean only one of them, likes to just hold hands and have a companion. That is what us male escorts were originally employed for. To take lonely women or men out to some event just to look good on their arms or even to pretend to others that you were an item. We'd also make sure they had a great night and listened to what they had to say, make them feel wanted, appreciated. Well that was the plan until we entered a highly sexed generation so now I bend the rules and bend the client over too. However, I can do classy as well as trashy too you know. For this appointment today I simply have to have lunch with the client, go back to their house, have a chat about life, tell a few jokes, cuddle on the sofa whilst watching TV, the plebeian stuff. The most contact I'll have today is a hug and maybe a kiss on the cheek which I am totally fine by. I'm being paid eight hundred pounds for this, eight hundred! They clearly have more money than sense. Oh by the way did I tell you that it was a guy? I'm totally comfortable with my sexuality. I'm straight, not attracted to guys whatsoever. What does attract me though is the cash. I will always go gay for pay."



Patrick is sitting on the couch in the same position. He yawns and stretches his arms whilst raising them above his head. A female figure can be seen at the door of the living room however she seems blurred out. The woman walks into the room and comes into focus. It is Emma, Patrick's girlfriend. She is wearing a long shirt which obviously belonged to a male. Her beautiful long blonde hair is draping over her right shoulder and even without make up she is still a very attractive woman. Emma gives Patrick a little smile, clearly in a better mood than she was last time we all saw her. Her boyfriend moves over a little, allowing her to sit down. She turns to Patrick and gently runs her hands through his hair.

Emma: "Babes, I'm so sorry for last night. I was being a total bitch and you didn't need to hear it. I know you work hard and what you don't want is to come home to a nagging girlfriend. I'm sorry."

Patrick: "Yeah...don't worry about it."

Whilst Emma speaks, Patrick picks up his phone again and starts to look at it intently and not really taking in what his girlfriend is saying. It's unclear what he is doing on the phone, maybe sending a message back to Ms. Cherry or arranging a meeting with another client. Whatever he is doing he finds it far more interesting than his girlfriend and we get the feeling that he just wants her to shut up and let him get on with his busy day.

Emma: "Seriously, though. I was out of order and I'll promise to make it up to you tonight."

Patrick: "You don't have to, it's really OK."

Emma moves closer to him as she finishes her sentence, trying to be romantic and seductive. Patrick turns his phone away a little as she moves closer. It's obvious that there is something on it he doesn't want her to see. Emma leans her head against his shoulder, getting long blonde hair in his way. Patrick makes a face as if to say 'get out of my way' but doesn't say anything. Instead, he continues to text. His short and totally emotionless sounding reply shows that he has no time for this and is eager to get to work.

Emma: "Oh....well...OK then..."

Patrick: "Look Emma, sorry but I have to love you and leave you, got an early start at the hotel today."

Emma: "I thought you weren't working today?"

Patrick: "One of the guys are off sick, just got a text from the boss there."

Emma: "Oh OK. Will you be back in time for dinner? I'm thinking of cooking us a nice romantic meal tonight, maybe crack open a lovely bottle of wine."

Patrick puts down his phone and smiles at his beautiful girlfriend. He feels guilty for being so blunt with her and realiseds that he is lucky to have someone like her. Although Patrick might be very money and work oriented he would never want to make Emma feel unwanted or unappreciated. He gently kisses her on the forehead and closes his eyes.

Patrick: "Yeah, babe I'd love that. I'm going to go for a shower "

The camera focuses on Emma as Patrick stands up and walks away, appearing blurred to the camera. Emma keeps looking down at the ground, biting her fingernail as if thinking deeply about how she'd make tonight special and romantic for her boyfriend that she adored so much. Emma suddenly snaps out of her trance like state and turns to the door where Patrick is.

Emma: "Oh, Patrick..."

Patrick: "Yeah?"

Emma: "...Nice arse."

We see Patrick wink and walk off with his back turned to the camera. He is reveal to be naked and cheekily smacks his backside. Emma is seen giggling on the sofa before curling up under the covers that her lover had slept in last night. Emma switches on the TV and changes the channel until she finds The Jeremy Kyle Show. She smiles and cuddles into the blanket.


Inside the bathroom, we see a bathtub with a shower curtain around it. The splashing of water is heard and steam can be seen rising from above the shower curtain rail and disappearing into thin air. The bathroom was clearly dominated by Emma as it looks like a very girly zone. Pink fluffy towels, bottles upon bottles of creams and beauty products, bags of make up and bottles of perfume can be seen dotted around the room. The shower curtain is decorated with red and dark pink love hearts. Patrick is heard singing in the shower. He has a rather beautiful singing voice which may be a surprise for some. The only manly thing about the bathroom is Patrick's voice but as he is singing 'Baby' by Justin Bieber it actually makes the environment feel a lot more feminine. He pulls back the shower curtain a little and pops his head out from behind it. His hair has shampoo all lathered up in it and water is dripping from his arm and hair onto the floor.

Patrick: "You know, I have to be really careful with how I act towards Emma. She's an amazing girl and means the world to me. I don't want to put work before her because I want her to feel loved and appreciated. I was a little short back there but I promise to make it up to her tonight in as many ways possible. Emma is one of a kind to me, completely irreplaceable and if I were to lose her just because I enjoyed my job a little too much then I'd kick myself forever. There are hundreds of guys out there who would kill to be with her and if I pay more attention to money than her then one day she might take off and leave with some other guy who will worship her 24/7. I don't usually open up about true feelings like this because that's just showing weakness but I genuinely feel bad and that's a first. Maybe I sleep with other women for some cash and lead a double life but who's the girl I come home to every night? Who's the girl I spend most of my earnings on so I can see her smile? Emma. She's also the only person that can make me laugh when I feel like shit and that's a tough thing to do. She also gives the best blow jobs too."

There is suddenly a knocking at the bathroom door. Patrick turns down the pressure of the shower so that he could hear.

Patrick: "What is it?"

Emma: "How long are you going to be? I need to wash my hair."

Patrick: "I won't be long, babe. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be done."

Emma: "OK. Just remember not to use any of the new towels. Those are for when guests come over."

Patrick: "Don't worry, I won't."

After Emma is heard walking away from the door he looks back at the camera.

Patrick: "We don't have any guests here. Ever. I don't know what it is with women, always making a fuss over the tiniest little thing. They're just towels. She's even put them in order from biggest to smallest. I mean, who does that? I don't arrange my sex toys in that order and they're far more important than some towels. I guess that's just a girl thing though. I'm so glad to be a guy.

He closes the shower curtain over and continues to sing the rest of 'Baby'.


Inside a diner is shown. It is very crowded and a lot of chatter can be heard around the place. A group of construction workers chuckle in the corner at one of their friends' dirty jokes. A waitress walks around in an extremely short dress, taking orders as the construction workers all point at her, checking her out and giving their opinion of her to their mates. Two mothers, both with a baby each, sit at the window whilst drinking tea and socialising. One of the babies start to cry adding to the commotion in the diner. In the centre, a familiar face sits with a group of young girls and one guy. It is Ms Cherry. She is wearing a lime green dress with a matching green clutch-bag next to her on the table and she also dons a huge pearl necklace. The woman definitely stands out. At her table is a young Chinese girl with a very tall and gaunt figure, wearing a leopard print top. There is also; a chubby girl with peroxide blonde hair and tons of make up, Leanne who was seen in the first episode who still has a black eye and on the end is a young, cute, blonde haired man in his early twenties at most. They seem to be having a meeting. Ms Cherry has a booklet in her hands, flicking through the pages. She looks at the Chinese girl in the middle.

Ms Cherry: "Yasmin, I'm looking through a list of your clients over the past month and I must say that you can handle anything so tonight I have a job for you which I'm sure you can handle. Marcus Kelly, age 45. He wants someone to tie up and play captive. I'll tell him he can have you at half eight tonight."

Yasmin looks as if she's about to protest but a stern look from her boss makes her cower away into her seat. Ms Cherry then looks at the larger girl.

Ms Cherry: "Chantelle, I have someone for you too. He only wants hand action and isn't paying much. Considering he's not really into looks I gave him to you. 9:15 OK for you?"

Chantelle: "Eh, I don't want him. I'm high class like, you know? I ain't gonna be jerking some guy off for like twenty quid or somethin'. Can't you just give him to someone else, like? I need the money cos I got sacked from the hairdressers last week. Can't I just 'ave someone that wants a bit more action and ain't tight with 'is money?"

Ms Cherry: "Chantelle, look at me. I have my own business, have two cars, a lovely house. I've also been in this business for years, I have all these folders, files, data and lord knows what else. No look at you, with your cellulite and patchy tan. You don't have a say, love. You're with that guy, end of. Plus someone like you would be lucky to get a job at all."

Ms Cherry then looks at Leanne who appears to be almost shaking. She holds a brown envelope in her hands.

Ms Cherry: "Leanne, you still owe me. You have got a few days left to cough it up."

Leanne hands the envelope to her boss. Ms Cherry raises an eyebrow before opening it and counting the notes. Leanne speaks whilst she does this.

Leanne: "It's all there. I had to take it out of my personal savings but it's all there."

Ms Cherry: "Good girl. I knew you'd see sense and give me what I deserve. Just remember that if it happens again then I won't be so lenient with you and I'll replace you faster then you can say 'whore'."

Leanne: "Yeah, I get it."

Ms Cherry: "Finally, we come to you Jay. I've been listening to some feedback from some of the girls you've been with and apparently you aren't up to size if you know what I mean. Now I know they say if it's more than a mouthful it's a waste but an appetiser doesn't really satisfy your hunger now does it? I'm going to suggest surgery to enhance..."

Jay: "Woah, woah, woah, stop right there. Surgery? I'm not having an operation on my...that is just...that is...w-what if something goes wrong?"

Ms Cherry: "Honey, if anything happens it will be a major improvement especially after reading some of these comments. Get surgery or get the fuck out of my agency."

Jay sighs and slouches back into his seat. It was clear he was scared of the thought of surgery however he feared his boss even more. Ms Cherry lights up a cigarette and the waitress comes rushing over.

Waitress: "Oh, excuse me miss, you can't smoke in here."

Ms Cherry: "Why not? It's a free country?"

Waitress: "It's against the law, I'm afraid. If you could just slip outside and...."

Ms Cherry: "You know, why don't you slip into something more comfortable...like a coma. Go on, fuck off back to cleaning tables."

She takes a drag out of her cigarette. The waitress walks away and the four escorts at the table all look at her in disbelief.


Patrick is standing outside a sushi bar, waiting to go inside. He is wearing a plain white shirt, tight black trousers and smart shoes. As people walk past, they look at him up and down as if he is an alien of some sort. His tall stature and smart looking attire made him stand out among the rest of the people. The sound of congested traffic can be heard as well as the whole the whole hustle and bustle of city life. Patrick leans against the outside window of the sushi bar whilst looking at the camera.

Patrick: "I'm meeting up with my client in a few minutes. His name is Liam, 29 years old and is already the managing director of some company. I don't really pay much attention because his life is so fucking boring but after spending some time with me, he'll be a changed man. He calls me whenever life gets to much and just needs a shoulder to cry on and have someone to make him feel like his mundane little life is worth living. He's paying for the boyfriend experience minus the sex. Even though I can't bare hearing about chaos in the office or a mix up with some data, I put a smile on and pretend to give a fuck. Here I go. Wish me luck."

He takes a deep breath and fixes his shirt before entering the sushi bar. Once inside, he looks around and his eyes meet his client. Liam [Scott RH] is sitting in a booth right at the back of the restaurant. He is an extremely attractive man with a great build. Liam stirs his cup of coffee and looks up when he hears Patrick approach the table. His sparkling blue eyes light up when he notices Patrick's familiar face and warm smile. He stands up and goes to kiss the escort, however Patrick pulls away slightly.

Patrick: "I need..."

Liam: "Oh, right. Sure, of course."

Liam hands over a brown envelope. Patrick opens it up to check the cash before folding it and putting it in his pocket. He then allows Liam to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. They both smile and sit down close to one another like a real couple.

Patrick: "So how have you been?"

Liam: "Oh, not too bad. Finally got some time off to look after my dad. He had a fall recently and at his age, he has to be really careful, you know?"

Patrick: "So sorry to hear that. Wouldn't you rather be with him right now?"

Liam: "Nah, his nagging is doing my head in. I need to get a way from it all. My sister is looking after him today anyway. Plus I wanted to see your beautiful face."

Patrick: "Oh, shut up you."

Liam: (Laughing) "Well you are a very attractive guy and I enjoy your company. It's really nice to see you again."

Patrick: "You too. You're not so bad looking yourself. I think that we should maybe order right now. What are you having?"

Liam: "Umm...sushi.."

Patrick: "Yeah but what type?"

Liam: "(laughing) I have no fucking idea. I just came here to look all posh and impress you. I don't even know if I like Japanese food."

Patrick laughs and stands up, offering his hand out to Liam.

Patrick: "Want to go get a Chinese?"

Liam: "Sounds like a plan."

He smiles and takes Patrick's hand. The pair both chuckle and walk out of the restaurant hand in hand.

[Cut To: Hotel]

The now familiar reception area of the hotel which Patrick works part time at is now shown. It seems rather dead compared to last time and only an elderly couple are standing at the reception desk talking to the Scottish woman, Shauna. They seem to be complaining about something and judging by the look on Shauna's face she can't be bothered with then. She sighs as the elderly man continues going on and on.

Man: "There was no soap upon arrival to the room and don't get me started on how the curtains were. We paid good money for that room when we could've went somewhere a lot cheaper but we decided to spend a good chunk of our money on this place hoping for quality but did we get that? No. No we did not. My wife and I would like to see the manager of this place immediately."

Shauna: "Mr Warrington isn't here right now but I can give you a complaint form, just fill it out and I'll be sure to pass it on to him."

She hands the form and a pen over to the man who grabs them out of her hand. Shauna walks away, leaving them to fill out the form and approaches Elaine who is sitting at her desk staring at a computer screen. The woman, who had been having issues with her break up, was still in no fit state to work and judging by her trance like state, she found even the simplest of tasks like turning on a computer hard. Shauna turns to Leon, the European worker.

Shauna: "Leon could you make Elaine a cup of coffee?"

As Leon walks off, Shauna kneels down next to her looking worried for her co-worker. This was the type of thing Patrick hated to do, getting involved with personal issues. However, Shauna was a lot more caring and was a great listener. Elaine turns to face her, looking deeply saddened.

Shauna: "Why are you back at work, Elaine? I told you before, if you aren't feeling up to it then just stay at home. I can handle things here. I don't want you to add even more stress to you life right now."

Elaine: "I just need to take my mind off of John. I can't be sitting around the house all down feeling sorry for myself. I need to be working and earning. Working and earning is all I'm focusing on at the moment."

Shauna: "You clearly aren't focusing on anything at the moment, Elaine. You've been staring at that screen for the best part of an hour and you haven't said a work since you came in this morning."

Leon hands Elaine the cup of coffee. Shauna looks up at her troubled co-worker and smiles a little, trying to be a lot more motherly.

Shauna: "Look, why don't I come round to yours tonight. We can have a girly night and talk about whatever you like. Get things off of your chest and hopefully we can see a smile back on your face."

Elaine: "That sounds quite good actually."

Shauna: "Great. I'll bring over some DVD's too and we can drool over Johnny Depp."

She stands back up and smiles again, feeling good about her plans to help her friend. Shauna is taken by surprise when she sees a familiar face enter the hotel. It was Patrick's girlfriend, Emma. She wore a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Even without making much of an effort she still looked stunning. She is holding a box of chocolates with a rose on top of them. Emma grins when she notices Shauna behind the desk. It is clear that both girls know each other quite well but we are unsure how.

Emma: "Hey, Shauna. How's things here at the hotel"

Shauna: "Ugh, don't ask, don't even ask. Completely dead today and the very few people that pay us a visit are total arseholes."

The elderly couple look up from their form and glare at the receptionist. Shauna bites her lip and holds in a laugh, knowing that they overheard. Emma twirls a strand of her beautiful blonde hair which was all natural, no dye or extensions whatsoever.

Emma: "Isn't Patrick here to help you out? I came here to give him these chocolates and this rose, cheesy but romantic and I'm a huge romantic. Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow but I just couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him. Is he about?"

Shauna: "Oh, um....Patrick....isn't working today. Did he tell you he was? I can't think why though."

Emma: "Yes, he said one of the guys were sick and he had to come in today."

Shauna: "Sorry Em but we're all present and correct."

Emma: "So he lied to me!?"

Shauna: "Emma, Emma calm down. For all you know, something big might have came up or maybe he's planning something nice for Valentine's Day. You never know, just don't jump to conclusions just yet."

Emma: "I bet he's shagging some girl as we speak. God, mum was right. Never trust men."

Elaine peers from behind the computer screen.

Elaine: "Men just ruin everything. They take, take, take and then just leave you to die alone in a one bedroom council flat with a faulty heating system."

Elaine bursts into tears, as usual. Emma looks at her then back at Shauna. She leans in and whispers.

Emma: "What is the matter with her?"

Shauna: "Oh, personal stuff. Anyway, I know Patrick is a good guy and he'd never be shagging someone else behind your back."

Emma: "With the way he's been acting lately, I wouldn't be surprised."

Emma turns away from the desk and struts out of the hotel in a diva like manner. Shauna sighs and holds her head in her hands. She is taking everyone's problems on board and they keep on mounting up and up. A rustling of paper can be heard. Shauna turns to Elaine and fins her eating the chocolate's that Emma had left behind.

Elaine: "Well they were going to go to waste so why not?"

Across town, in Patrick's escort pad, Liam and Patrick are cuddling up on top of the couch. The lights are dimmed and the pair appear to be watching TV. Their closeness resembles that of a real couple. Liam is eating noodles with chopsticks. It is in a small carton that they got from when they ordered Chinese. Patrick appears to not have any food and instead steals the odd noodle from Liam. The escort has his arms around his client whilst resting his head against Liam's neck. Patrick gently kisses his neck before nuzzling into it. Liam turns round and feeds Patrick some noodles.

Liam: "I wish we could do this everyday. It's nice to get away from it all and be myself. Nobody knows that I'm gay. Well apart from you and my therapist."

Patrick: "Well, we could do this everyday if you want. That's if the money is right."

Liam: "Seriously? I really mean it. I would love to see you more. I've never felt happier then when I'm with you."

Patrick sits up and sighs. He has a feeling that Liam wants a lot more than just a professional relationship.

Patrick: "Liam, remember we can't have anything more than this. I could come round, we could talk about things, share food and cuddle up, even fuck if you like. Just remember it is only an escort/client thing and nothing more. I get the feeling that you want more though."

Liam: "Well....I do want more but I know it can't happen....maybe we could have a little fun tonight?"

Patrick: "I thought you weren't into that? Only kissing and cuddling, that's what you said, remember?"

Liam: "I know, I know but come on, who can resist you?"

Liam sits up and starts to kiss Patrick's neck.

Patrick: "OK well you go through to the bedroom and I'll be back in second."

Patrick walks off to the bathroom. As he walks, Liam bites his bottom lip, checking him out.




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#15 Posted : 12 years ago
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Patrick is in his bathroom, staring into the mirror but it is in actual fact the camera. He stares right out us before deeply inhaling and exhaling. This was the first time he has ever felt nervous and anxious about sleeping with someone. With the way he acts, Patrick seems like a true professional and absolutely nothing bothers him which is true to some extent. However, tonight was going to be very different for him. Instead of thinking about what might happen tonight, he shakes his head slightly as if literally shaking the fears off and he starts to spray some aftershave. Numerous shots of Patrick sporting different styles of hair in hope that one would impress Liam are shown. In the end up he resorts back to the original style he had before entering the bathroom. Patrick undoes the top two buttons on his crisp white shirt, revealing some of the really small amount of chest hair he actually has. He then reaches into a cupboard and brings out a packet of condoms. Patrick takes out a handful before stuffing them into his pocket.

Patrick: "Well we don't know who is going where and we have absolutely no idea how many times we'll be at it tonight so it's best to be prepared as they say. Liam is one of my favourites to work with because he's a genuinely nice guy and doesn't have any crazy demands or fetishes, that I know of yet. Even though I always want to look my best for all my clients, I want to be absolutely perfect or him because I know he really likes me which means if I rock his world and give him the puppy dog eyes, he's more likely to pay me a lot more. He's already stated that he wants to make this a regular thing so if I make our session tonight out of this world then he'll be willing to pay even more to experience it again on our next appointment. This is why I'm good at my job. I know how to take a client for a ride in more ways than one."

He walks towards the bathroom door and is about to turn the handle before pulling away and turning to the viewers once more.He grinds his teeth slightly and rubs the back of his neck. The fear has kicked in again.

Patrick: "OK, I admit it, I'm nervous. I've been with guys before, got into all sorts of positions and had some of my best orgasms with guys....something I won't bring up at my late night dinner with Emma tonight. Anyway, the thing that worries me is....I might get hurt tonight. It's been a while since I've let someone in the back door and during our last meeting, we showered together, eyes wonder of course and there it was. Inches upon inches of it. I've been complemented on my size before but Liam could wipe out nations with that thing so fingers crossed he wants me to do the work. If not then I guess I'll just have to take one big one for the team."

Patrick adjusts his collar before reaching for the door handle once more. He blesses himself with his other hand.

The bathroom door opens and Patrick steps out. He suddenly backs into the door, taken by surprise. The camera reveals that Liam is standing in the living room completely naked from head to toe. Everything is shown giving the actor [Scott RH] his first full frontal scene. It is quite clear that Patrick was telling the truth earlier as the camera focusing in on his 'area' before rising up to show Liam's face which has a nervous expression upon it. All is quiet. The only sound heard is the gentle tapping of the rain against the window. This awkward silence continues for a few more moments before Patrick clears his throat.

Patrick: "Um...wow....you certainly carry quite a package."

Liam: "Thanks. I-it's not too much right? The last guy I was with said I was too big for him. You can handle anything though....can't you?"

Patrick: "Y-yeah, I mean I've seen...even bigger...I can um...yeah sure I can handle it, no problem. I'm guessing you're m-more of a top?"

Liam: "Yes but I'm versatile. Although I would prefer to be top with you."

Patrick: "Great. That's....that's...yeah...can't wait."

Liam slowly walks over and starts to kiss Patrick's neck. He looks up at him whilst he starts to take off the escort's shirt before kissing his muscular chest.

Liam: "Is this OK? Am I allowed to....to do this?"

Patrick loosens up and puts all his worries behind him. He runs his hands through Liam's thick hair whilst closing his eyes, enjoying the sensation.

Patrick: "It's all OK. You've paid for me, you can do whatever you like."

Liam: "C-can we take this into the bedroom?"

Patrick: "Lead the way."

Liam takes him by the hand and scurries into the bedroom, excited for what is about to happen between them. Once in the luxurious bedroom, Patrick lays down on the bed, shirtless, and puts his hands behind his head.

Patrick: "You want to undress me?"

An eager Liam nods straight away and jumps onto the bed. He pulls the escort's expensive trousers off viciously then scrunches them up before throwing them onto the floor like a piece of trash. Liam then takes off Patrick's socks whilst looking up at him. Grabbing Patrick's left foot, Liam slowly begins to kiss it still not breaking eye contact. The attractive man then moves up Patrick's leg, kissing every single inch of it whilst staring up at him as if he was snake charming, not daring to break eye contact. When he approaches his underwear, he wastes no time and pulls them down, however the camera moves and focuses on Patrick's face so nothing of his is shown. A birds eye view of the pair are shown. Liam has his head in a very intimate area of Patrick's and it is very obvious what he is doing. If not then the look on Patrick's face definitely shows us all exactly what is getting done to him. The two men then sit up and start to kiss passionately before Liam flips Patrick over, making him lay on his stomach. Liam's hand is seen on the back of Patrick's neck and the camera follows it as he traces his fingertips down his back until they reach the escort's bottom, where he smacks instead. Patrick giggles and is seen with a rather cute smile on his face which soon turns into fear however as he feels his legs being spread. There was no going back now so he held onto the covers tightly and braces himself. He closes his eyes as he hears the sound of Liam opening up the condom. The camera focuses solely on 'Valentine's' face and his reactions. Liam is just a blur in the background that appears to be moving extremely fast. The bed shakes violently and Patrick is left open mouthed, unable to even scream. He bites into the quilt and a tear falls from his left eye. Liam's face is now shown with a look of pleasure on his face.

Liam: "You like that!?"

Patrick lets out a muffled 'mhmmm' as he continues to bite down on the covers of the bed. It was obvious that he was not enjoying it at all but decided to let Liam have his fun. The bed continues to shake as does Patrick, his bicep muscle become very prominent as he tenses up whilst enduring the pain. After a lot of groaning heard from Liam, he eventually lets out one last groan before collapsing onto the bed. Patrick starts to breathe heavily then wipes a tear from his eye. He rolls over to lay side by side with his client. The camera again gives us a birds eye view of the men but only shows down to their belly buttons, protecting their modesty. Liam looks pleased whilst Patrick has a pained look on his face.

Liam: "Was I good? Be honest. I can take criticism."

Patrick: "Yeah....you certainly....you...got into places I didn't know I had..."

Patrick pats Liam on the chest as a sort of 'well done' gesture as he had no idea what else to say. Liam kisses him on the cheek.

Liam: "You want me to finish you off?"

Patrick: "Actually, I don't think that would be the best idea. Got a romantic night with the girlfriend and one thing might lead to another, you know? If I can't cum then she'll be wondering what I got up to today."

Liam: "I see....Valentine, when can I know your real name?"

Patrick: "Never. I you know my real name then you get involved with the real me, not my alter ego and that's not allowed in my line of work. I'm sorry but that's just the way it is."

Patrick gets off the bed and starts to pick up his clothes.

Liam: "Oh, Valentine..."

Patrick: "Yeah?"

Liam: "Nice arse by the way"

Patrick: (laughing) "Why does everyone keep on saying that?"

Liam: "Because it's so cute and fuckable."

Patrick smiles then leaves the room. Liam looks up into the camera and takes in deep breaths with a calm look on his face and a slight smile as if he's thinking about what he just experienced.

A brightly lit street is shown at around dusk. Beautiful Victorian style buildings can be seen as the camera pans around the street in 360 degrees. What is shown resembles that of a classic, old fashioned London street and could be considered very upscale and 'snobbish'. Expensive, vintage cars are parked alongside one another and well dressed couples enter and exit what appears to be a jazz club. This is obviously Patrick's kind of scene as everything was pretentious and screamed 'extortionate'. The front door of the building next to the jazz club opens. Patrick and Liam emerge from it laughing excessively. They walk down the stairs leading up to the door, hand in hand. Patrick is carrying a bag in his other hand. Although their time together is over for today, the two handsome men still seem to be rather close. Despite what they say, a connection between them is completely obvious. After they came down from the unheard anecdote, Liam smiles at the escort.

Liam: "Same time on Friday?"

Patrick: "Yeah that's fine with me. I might even show you my wild side then."

Liam: (chuckles) "How much wilder can things get?"

Patrick: "Oh, Li you have no idea. Let's just say that I've made grown men cry.....several times in one night."

Liam: "Well, in that case I look forward to it indeed. Oh and before I forget...."

Liam takes out his wallet and flicks through an endless amount of cards and notes before finally pulling out a small light blue card. He hands it to Patrick. The camera shows a close up of the card which reads 'Dirty Angels' with an address and phone number underneath.

Liam: "My mate owns this bar. You should pop by some time and if you mention my name to the bartender you're bound to get free drinks. It's plays pretty good music too so that's a plus."

Patrick: "Unless your idea of good music is an overly autotuned pop whore or a cheesy little boy band which haven't reached puberty yet."

Liam: "Nah, good quality music. Anyway you don't have to go if you don't want to but I really recommend it. It's a really good place to pick up guys."

Patrick: "Oh, tha-that's good to know....um I don't actually pick up people, I wait for them to come to me through the ageny. I have standards. Not that I'm saying you don't, I just....I just mean um.......you've got nice hair"

Liam: "Way to change the subject" (laughs) "Well I do have great hair. It's probably the only thing I'm proud of. I certainly don't have the muscles you do or your charisma."

Patrick: "Aw, don't compare yourself to me because nobody can compare to this."

He points at himself and chuckles. Just then one of the iconic black London taxis come into view. Patrick suddenly calls out 'TAXI!' to catch the driver's attention. Once the vehicle pulls up, he looks at Liam again.

Patrick: "I'll see you, Friday."

Liam suddenly grabs him and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Patrick stays rigid, keeping his arms straight down at his sides with his eyes wide opened as his client gets lost up in the locking of lips. A few seconds later, Patrick relaxes and gives into temptation, putting his hands on Liam's waist and starts to kiss him back. The deliberate throat clearing of the taxi driver makes them pull away.

Patrick: "See ya."

Liam: "I'll be thinking of you."

Patrick then enters the back of the taxi and gives the address of his girlfriend's place. The driver is a middle aged, silver haired, plump man with a pleasant face. He looks into the mirror above him whilst talking to his passenger.

Driver: "Is that your boyfriend?"

Patrick: "Client."

Driver: "Oh..you're a......oh well, whatever floats your boat."

The cab is fired into motion and the rattling engine makes Patrick wince and grind his teeth. As the taxi shudders down the roads, Patrick starts to undress in the back seat whilst addressing the audience. He starts with his white shirt, unbuttoning it quickly to reveal his ripped chest again.

Patrick: "OK, here's the deal, I need to make it appear to Emma that I've been at work all day and that I have not been fooling around with a client. My clothes absolutely stink of his aftershave and there's a few...stains in places so I need to change into an identical outfit that I've brought with me in the bag."

By the time he's finished speaking, he sits in the back of the taxi with only a pair of socks on and the clothes he just removed are all bundled up and placed on the seat, in between his legs so none of his intimate area is shown. As he reaches into his bad to take out his new shirt, he sighs and looks into the camera.

Patrick: "This is not by any means classy so please don't take note of this."

There is a shot of the taxi driving down an empty road. It is noticeably darker than it was before he embarked on his journey home. The scene fades out as the taxi disappears down the bottom of the road.


Inside the dining room, the lights are all dimmed and multiple lit candles are all that is really providing any major source of light. The table is set out beautifully, with the best China plates and crystal wine glasses laid out alongside a bottle of overpriced red wine and gleaming cutlery. Emma paces around the table, agitated and irked at the late arrival of her boyfriend. It is evident that the constant late arrivals are taking its toll on her. Emma has gone to a great length to make sure tonight is perfect. Her hair is straightened and she is donning a very flattering black strapless dress. Nobody can think why Patrick isn't satisfied with just a true beauty like her. After pacing up and down a few more times, the front door can be heard opening. She immediately puts on a smile as she turns to see her boyfriend enter the house. Patrick throws his keys down on the table and then wraps his arms around Emma, giving her a gentle kiss.

Patrick: "How was your day, babe?"

Emma: "Nothing exciting happened if that's what you're wanting to know. What about you? You have a stressful day at the hotel?"

Patrick: "Yeah it was pretty hectic but I survived."

Emma: (whispering in his ear) "Well, you lay down on the couch and I'll give you a little something to ease the tension. I know you like to relax after a long, hard day."

She kisses his neck and watches him as he lays on the couch. Emma sits on the edge and takes down Patrick's zip on his trousers. The camera moves away, only switching between Emma and Patrick's faces every so often so nothing explicit is shown. However, the movement of Emma's arm, the looks on Patrick's face and the little moans he is making all implicitly tell you exactly what's going on. Patrick bites his bottom lip as Emma goes faster.

Emma: "You like that?"

Patrick: "Mhmmmmmm"

Emma: "What about this?"

Patrick: "Oh fuck, yeah!"

Patrick continues to moan then jumps a little. 'OW' he says, as his girlfriend keeps on going. He relaxes back into it after getting hurt but a few seconds later he shouts out even louder; 'Ow, ow, ow!!!!'. He tries to pull away but Emma keeps on going.

Patrick: "Em...r-remember you're wanking me off, not wringing out a mop...."

Emma keeps on going. It is now apparent that her intentions were to hurt him all along. Although it is unseen, her grip gets tighter and she becomes more forceful. As Patrick yells out even louder. She stands up and Patrick zips back up his trousers, tucking his knees up to his chest as he lays on the couch in the fetal position. Emma stands with her hands on her hips, looking down at him.

Emma: "Where the fuck where you today!?"

Patrick: "At the hotel. What the hell is all this about, Emma?"

Emma: "Don't you dare lie to me. Don't you dare! I went down there today with Valentine's Day gifts for you but you were nowhere to be seen. You weren't supposed to be working today but you never said anything like that, instead I had to hear it from Shauna. So what's wrong with me? Why can't you just take one day off and spend it with me? Am I ugly?, a total bitch?, do you just not find me attractive anymore? You have to tell me because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I give and I give to you and you don't seem to appreciate anything I do. More importantly though, who is it you're seeing behind my back? Who is this spectacular piece of ass that you've been banging whilst I sit here waiting for you to come home!?"

Patrick: "Emma, please just let me explain it all. You'll understand just please don't jump to any conclusions."

Emma: "Go on. I'm all ears so say what you've got to say. What could be more important than me!?"

Patrick: "Calm the fuck down! You know why I was out? It's because I was out, pulling God knows how many strings to throw you a massive surprise birthday party at Denny's in three weeks but I guess that's all went down the drain now that you know about it. I had to ring an endless amount of people in order to try to book it because half of them couldn't speak English. I had to travel all the way down there to make the booking in person. I then had to wait for hours on end at the bakery in order to get the cake design just right because I know how you'd want it to look. I was thinking of you all that time and I know that it seemed suspicious when I wasn't at the hotel but you should have known that it would have been for an important reason. You actually think I'd cheat? That hurts, Emma. You have no idea how much it hurts to hear you say something like that. As a matter of fact, I do appreciate you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Emma: "I'm....I'm sorry, Patrick. I didn't...I didn't...2

Patrick: "It's OK...."

Patrick gets off the couch and walks over to Emma who then grabs him and hugs him tightly before bursting into tears. A tear falls down the side of Patrick's face as he knows that he made his girlfriend feel bad and on top of that, it was all lies. Emma was in the right to a certain extent but Patrick's lies twisted everything to make him seem like the saint and it left Emma feeling terrible about herself. However, he knew that if he let his secret out it would cause one hundred times more upset and damage than this little white lie did. He kisses her on the cheek and wipes her tears away.

Patrick: "You go to bed and I'll join you shortly, OK? We can cuddle up and watch a movie or something. I'll bring you in a cup of tea too. Just how you like it."

Emma nods and heads out of the room. As soon as she closes the door, Patrick sighs and looks down at the ground. He swiftly walks over to the kitchen, keeping his eyes focused on the floor. Everything had just been a mess today and now he was just creating even more trouble for himself by telling Emma even more lies. He fills up the kettle in order to make his girlfriend some tea, after all that is the least he can do for her. Patrick takes out a shot glass from his cupboard and heads out to the dining room with it. In the dining room, there is a small antique drinks cabinet. He takes out a bottle of blue label Vodka and pours it into the shot glass.

Patrick: "OK, so now I feel like shit but if I told her what I was really doing it would've made things a whole lot worse. A little white lie can't do any harm, can it? I mean all I have to do is throw her a party and that's not rocket science. I'll think of something, I always do. The main problem though is that Denny's is always fully booked as am I for the next few weeks. A huge birthday party to plan and countless clients to meet with in the space of three weeks...

He downs his shot in one go and coughs due to the strong taste of the alcohol.

Patrick: "Fuck, both my lives...."





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snap_itshannah on 20/02/2013(UTC), erich hess on 20/02/2013(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 20/02/2013(UTC), mebeme101 on 20/02/2013(UTC), DistortedAudio on 20/02/2013(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#16 Posted : 12 years ago
genocidal king
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OOC: Wonderful again. Bravo :) great work and another fantastic read.

Scott RH: Yeah....well this was...awkward. Nah, I'm kidding, I had great fun filming this show and it was fantastic to be a part of it. To get to play someone so different to how I am in real life was a real challenge, but I had a good time making the show and I relished the chance to show I can act..... On top of alllll the other stuff you all already knew I was ace at ;)
Also working with Riley was great. We had a laugh, and the guy is a top actor.
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BrownSugar on 20/02/2013(UTC)
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#17 Posted : 12 years ago
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Layla: Well Alex covered my eyes on the good part bc annoying but from what I seen Scott is a great actor I imagine him being totally different from the character and I know Riley is totally different from Patrick already lol anyway this episode was rad and I still want to punch Patrick

ooc: Amazing job here really enjoyed reading it and I can't wait for the next one lol
My Acts

Layla Sanchez|AJ|Brandon Grey|PRÓXIMO|Carmen V|SZ|DREAM

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Jennifer: :O Riley Hamilton! I am shocked at what my little eyes just watched! You are such a good actor, not many guys can actually pull this kind of scene off without me questioning them :P Definitely cannot watch this show with Scott at all lol.

Isabel: I've been catching up on the show after recording them and watching them late at night and I'm in love with it already :) I can't wait for more.
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#19 Posted : 12 years ago
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Originally Posted by: genocidal king Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Wonderful again. Bravo :) great work and another fantastic read.

Scott RH: Yeah....well this was...awkward. Nah, I'm kidding, I had great fun filming this show and it was fantastic to be a part of it. To get to play someone so different to how I am in real life was a real challenge, but I had a good time making the show and I relished the chance to show I can act..... On top of alllll the other stuff you all already knew I was ace at ;)
Also working with Riley was great. We had a laugh, and the guy is a top actor.

Riley: It was a pleasure to work with you Mr Hilton and you really made this a great episode.

OOC: Thanks Scott, glad you like it :)

Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
Layla: Well Alex covered my eyes on the good part bc annoying but from what I seen Scott is a great actor I imagine him being totally different from the character and I know Riley is totally different from Patrick already lol anyway this episode was rad and I still want to punch Patrick

ooc: Amazing job here really enjoyed reading it and I can't wait for the next one lol

Riley: I think it was a good job she covered your eyes, LayLay. You're too young to watch :P

OOC: Thank you John :D Next one in two weeks.

Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan Go to Quoted Post
Jennifer: :O Riley Hamilton! I am shocked at what my little eyes just watched! You are such a good actor, not many guys can actually pull this kind of scene off without me questioning them :P Definitely cannot watch this show with Scott at all lol.

Isabel: I've been catching up on the show after recording them and watching them late at night and I'm in love with it already :) I can't wait for more.

Riley: Sorry for the shock :/ lol I'm really happy that you enjoy the show. Yeah, it's probably for the best that you don't watch it with him :P

@Isabel Thank you very much Isabel :) There will be six more episodes on the way :D




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#20 Posted : 12 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: The content in this RP aims at mature themes and is not intended to be smutty or dirty. If you might be offended, then please don't read. :)

[PART 1 OF 2]


A close up of underneath a bed is shown as soon as the show begins. There is mountains of clutter all stuffed under it such as shoes that aren't in pairs, an old hairbrush, DVD discs without cases, a condom wrapper and an empty bottle of water. The sound of bed springs bouncing violently can be heard alongside muffled screaming of a female but this seems to be drowned out by the blaring of 'Misery Business' by Paramore. As the camera slowly pans out, the mattress can be seen moving rapidly and the feet of a female kick out with force too. The camera continues moving back at a steady pace, revealing a man on top of her. We do not see his face, however one thing that is noticeable is that he is fully clothed, quickly erasing the idea that the pair are having sex. He is wearing a plain white shirt, black trousers and smart leather dress shoes, a similar outfit to Patrick's however viewers can easily identify that this is not Patrick/Valentine due to this male being broader and quite chubby. It quickly cuts to a close up of the woman's face. She is fairly young, mid twenties to very early thirties one would say. Her skin looks ghostly white and stands out even more compared to her long, lustrous, jet black hair. The man's hand seems to be covering her mouth with quite a lot of force as if pushing her right into the pillow. The hand has prominent veins protruding from it and is also covered with fine, grey hairs which show that this hand belongs to an older gentleman. The song continues to blast throughout the apartment, making the screams of the woman even more drowned out.

"Turn that fucking music down!!"

Suddenly, a banging on the wall is heard and the muffled yelling of a very irritated sounding man is heard. A few moments later, the hand on the woman's mouth slowly lifts away from her face but by this time, the woman's rich, chocolate like eyes are staring up at the ceiling blankly and she does not appear to be moving at all. All of a sudden a flow of deep red blood, thick and syrup like, makes its way out of her mouth, down her cheek and starts to make a small patch on the pillow. It then switches to the floor, showing the feet of the man as he stands up from off of the bed and turns on his heals. He whistles loudly and casually (even managing to be heard over the thrashing song) as he walks out of the apartment, the camera following his feet as he goes. It then quickly zooms in, making a 'whoosh' sound effect and shows the girl laying on the bed. Her whole torso is covered in blood, insides on the out and the bed sheets splattered with her blood. It then shows quick flashes of all around her bedroom, revealing a few violent crime scene; blood splattered walls, smashed pictures, torn clothes and a giant teddy bear with blood all over its cheerful face, clamping its fur together. The camera slowly zooms into a pink piece of laminated paper on her dresser. The card appears to have splashes of blood over it but the viewers can still make out the writing on the card; 'Cherry Popping Escort Agency'. The song continues to play as the card remains the main focus in the shot.


Ms. Cherry is emptying out the shredder in her office into a recycling bin. She appears to be on edge, stressed out. The smartly dressed woman is wearing a white two-piece suit with white high heels to match. A thick pearl necklace and matching earrings complete the outfit. Her hair is tied up in a bun rather than hanging loose like usual. A younger gentleman around the age of 30 maybe even less is also in the office, leaning against the filing cabinet. He is very attractive and has a great physique; his tight grey vest highlighting his muscle tone. The gentleman resembles Luke Striker in a number of ways. He watches Ms. Cherry as she lights up a cigarette.

Ms. Cherry: "What did you to with the body, Jack?"

Jack: "I chucked it in the Thames. I cleaned her entire apartment from top to bottom and got rid of anything that indicates she works here."

Ms. Cherry: "Good...good. I've destroyed her files so she never worked here at all. In fact, I've never laid eyes on the woman. For all I know, she's just another unfortunate."

Jack: "You do know that covering up a murder is illegal."

Ms. Cherry: "No! Next you'll be telling me that water is wet, of course I fucking know! My whole career is illegal, I know when and how to stay quiet, I've been doing it for twenty-odd years."

Jack: "How many murders have you covered up though?"

Ms. Cherry sighs and sits on the edge of her desk, placing her cigarette in the ashtray.

Ms. Cherry: "None.....none....but if they found out that one of our clients did it, they'll trace it back to us, we'll get shut down and then we're all fucked! Especially me. I don't want to go to prison and I'm sure you don't want to either."

Jack: "If the police find out that you covered it up, that's an even longer sentence. Maybe even life! Let's face it, Linda, you're no spring chicken and if you get a life sentence, you won't see the light of day again."

Ms. Cherry: "Watch it! I'm....mature. All the young lads like a mature woman. It didn't stop you from fucking me even when I was married to your dad."

Jack: "And it won't stop me now."

Jack leans in and starts to kiss her. Ms. Cherry pulls him and and runs her hands up and down Jack's back before lifting his vest off and throwing it across the other side of the room. Ms. Cherry kicks her shoes off and lays back on her table whilst Jack climbs on and starts to gently kiss her neck. They are soon interrupted by a knocking on her office door. The pair quickly get off the desk, trying to remain nonchalant. Jack quickly puts his vest back on and Ms. Cherry slides back into her shoes.

Ms. Cherry: "Shit...Come in!"

Leanne enters the room, her hair considerably longer than it was in her previous appearances as she has obviously put extensions in. She forces a smile but can't hide the look of worry on her face.

Leanne: "Ms. Cherry, I got a text from Charlotte.....Cassie's body was found laying at the banks of the river."

Ms. Cherry tries he best to look shocked. She sits back down on her desk, takes a deep breath and looks down.

Ms. Cherry: "Cassie's dead?.....Poor girl."

Leanne: "I know this may seem selfish cos I know I should be thinking of Cassie but....what do we do? We'll get shut down if word gets out she was working at the agency."

Ms. Cherry: "I hadn't even thought about that. Good point, Lee. Good point."

She hops off her desk and walks over to Leanne, putting a hand on the young girl's shoulder. She looks up into her eyes and speaks directly to her. Jack leans against the filing cabinet again, watching them in the background.

Ms. Cherry: "Look, don't you worry about a thing. We'll get this sorted. I'll delete her files and any trace that she ever worked here. Cassie worked part time in a bakery if I remember correctly and that's the only place she ever worked."

Leanne looks down at the ground, biting her lip whilst trying to hold back tears. The viewers are unsure whether she is feeling upset about Cassie's death or the possibility of the agency being closed down or maybe even both. Ms. Cherry takes her hand off of Leanne's shoulder and takes a step back, sounding more stern this time.

Ms. Cherry: "Leanne. Don't give any information to the police about her last whereabouts. You have to stay quiet as well as the other girls and guys here at the agency. I'm counting on you. Don't fuck up."

Jack: "Now where were we?"

Ms. Cherry: "I can't right now, Jack. I'm not in the mood anymore; I have to make sure that all traces of Cassie's time here have been erased."

Jack: "Oh...."

Ms. Cherry: "Fine but make it quick. No foreplay."


An ambulance and several police cars are lined up alongside the side of the river. The police cordon flaps violently in the strong wind as multiple officers stand guard, keeping pedestrians as far from the scene as possible. The coroner takes a few last photos of Cassie's body before a white sheet is put over her. A small crowd are now gathered on the opposite side of the cordon all on there tiptoes trying to see what's going on. Leanne is a noticeable face in the crowd. She stands near the back wearing a long, silver raincoat with a puffy 'bubble' effect to it. She also has a light pink scarf wrapped around her neck and a pink beanie hat on her head. The hair hanging from the sides of her hat blows freely in the wind. The audience can see Patrick walking past in the background for the first time in this episode. He is wearing just a plain white shirt with black trousers and leather shoes, his usual attire. Patrick seems unperturbed at the violent wind and would have not even noticed the crowd and the emergency vehicles if it weren't for Leanne shouting on him.

Leanne: "Patrick!"

Patrick looks up, following the direction of the voice. Once he sees Leanne, he then looks at the crime scene behind her and raises on eyebrow. Patrick jogs over to join Leanne.

Patrick: "Hey. What's going on here?"

Leanne: "It's Cassie. They found her body all cut up and washed up on the banks."

Patrick: "Shit. Does Linda know?"

Leanne: "I just came from there. We've all to stay quiet. We can't 'fuck up'. It's very possible that the last person she came into contact with and most likely to be the murderer is one of our clients."

Patrick: "Who was the client?"

Leanne: "Only Ms. Cherry and Jack know. She destroyed all of Cassie's files though so I hope she remembers who it was."

Patrick: "She's not going to close until the person's caught?"

Leanne: "She didn't mention it. I doubt she will though. You know Linda, she loves her money more than anything. Even more than that creepy step-son of hers. I still think that there is something going on between them. They're too close. Like too close."

Patrick: "Well I'll be having words with her. I'm not going to be inviting them into my flat if there's a high chance that they could be a murderer. I certainly don't want you or any other girls to do it too."

Leanne: "Patrick, we can't be sure that it was the client that did this to her. She could've went to buy some booze and bumped into some thugs. We can't be certain. I don't know what you're worried about anyway...."

Patrick: "What do you mean by that?"

Leanne takes Patrick by the arm and moves away from the crime scene. Even though they only move a few yards away, it was still far away enough from the police officers whom Leanne did not want to listen in on her conversation. The pair stand next to a black bench and a cyclist speeds by them as they continue to talk. Leanne is clearly feeling the cold despite being wrapped up. She ties her scarf even tighter around her neck as she begins to speak.

Leanne: "Come on, you're only worried now because you've seen what could possibly happen to you. Now the dangers of this job are becoming a reality and not just a story to you. Think about it; you've let God knows how many strangers into your apartment before this and any one of them could have been a fucking psycho. You weren't worried about this back then, it's only until this has happened. You have the same chance of running into a murderer as you did before this happened. You're just waking up and realising that this 'dream job' is not all it's cracked up to be."

Patrick: "I'm still refusing to go into work today. It's just not right."

Leanne: "Why? You're not going in until the murderer is caught? That might take days, weeks, months, years even! Even then, who's to say another one won't come along? You know yourself how many shady characters we have to fuck. If you really can't handle this then you might as well just quit."

Patrick: "I can handle anything, alright!?"

Leanne: "I'm just say-...."

Patrick: "Well don't 'just say'. I'm going to look out for myself, maybe you should do the same."

Leanne: "Oh so selling your body for sex is looking out for yourself? You're the top and most demanded escort in the agency, you fuck countless amounts of people and now because you might get hurt you suddenly have morals and start to tell others what to do? Others that are in the same position as you. You aren't better than us. We all sell ourselves so you either accept that and stop looking down your nose or just quit."

Patrick: "Finished?"

Patrick has a little smug look on his face as if to say that Leanne's rants are just a waste of time and that he truly knows best. He turns around and walks away, fighting against the strong wind which continues to blow his thick, chocolate coloured hair all over. Leanne sighs and moves her hair out of he face only for the wind to blow it right back at her. She turns and heads back to the crime scene, putting her hands in her jacket pocket as she goes.


Patrick knocks on the front door of a small house which appears to have a very untidy garden and is in the middle of an unwelcoming area. The sign next to the doorbell reads 'Sharon and William Lewis'. The sounds of dogs barking, children screaming and drug addicts yelling can all be heard in the street. This rough area was definitely one that the snobbish Patrick did not like. He knocks the door again. Eventually, a small, curvaceous woman in her mid to late 40's opens the door. She is wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe and slippers that match. Her hair was messily ties up in a ponytail and the grey was showing through her dyed, dark blonde hair. She still has a very attractive face for a woman her age and apart from the grey streaks in her hair, she can pass for being in her thirties. When she sees Patrick, her eyes widen and she opens up her arms. When she speaks, she clearly is not as 'posh' as her visitor.

Sharon: "BABES!!"

Patrick: "Hello mum."

Sharon throws her arms around him and squeezes him tightly rather than just giving him a normal hug. The area this woman lived in and her 'common' accent contrasted greatly from the way her son lives and acts. As she hugs him, Sharon closes her eyes and soaks up every second of seeing her son again. For Patrick however, it is nothing but discomfort and awkwardness.

Sharon: "Oh, darling I've missed ya so much! How you been?"

Patrick: "Um...surviving..."

Sharon: "Oh it's good to see ya. You comin' in for a bit?"

Patrick: "Might as well."

Obviously not wanting to go in, Patrick forces a smile and carefully steps inside as if he's worrying about what her home looks like. The house is tidy but has the bare necessities. No fancy art, no vibrant colours on the wall, no flat-screen TV's or huge leather sofas like Patrick has at both his apartment and escort pad. He is almost revolted at the basic design of the place.

Sharon: "What brings you 'round 'ere babes? Last I heard you had a job in a posh hotel. You must be rolling in dosh."

Patrick: "I need some help with Emma's birthday party and yeah, it pays quite well. It's nothing to boast about though; it's just a few hundred a week."

Sharon: "Well it's a few hundred more than what I earn down at the bakery."

Patrick: "Bakery? I thought you worked in a school office?"

Sharon: "I did until the end of last year. You know, after seven and a 'alf years working in that school it just dawned on me....I really hate kids."

Patrick: "So where is this bakery?"

Sharon: "Down on Miller Street. Why?"

Patrick's eyes widen as he hears the address. This is where Cassie used to work part-time.

Patrick: "N-nothing, just....wondering."

Sharon: "Have a seat, love."

Patrick: "Oh, right."

Patrick perches on the edge of the seat, afraid of relaxing into it. Sharon plots herself down next to him.

Sharon: "Anyway, you were talking about a party..."

Patrick: "Yeah so basically, I said I had planned a party for her at Denny's."

Sharon: "Denny's!? Oooh you posh git."

Patrick : "Let me finish though....I said that I had organised it but what I really meant to say to her was that it completely slipped my mind and that I'm a terrible boyfriend. I called Denny's several times but they're fully booked for the next three weeks. You have to help me either come up with a good excuse for not getting the reservation or help me throw an equally great party or both."

Sharon: "You're hopeless you are!"

Patrick: "I know but that's not really helping matters is it?"

Sharon: "Sorry. I don't know what I can do though, sweetheart. Why don't you just tell her that there was a cock-up at Denny's and they accidentally double booked the time slot? I'm sure she'll understand, after all Emma is an angel."

Patrick: "Angel?....Angel...."

Patrick feels around his pockets and pulls out the card that his male client, Liam, gave him last week. It is for the bar 'Dirty Angels'. The card had been through the washing machine and was looking a little tattered but the phone number was still able to be read. Patrick smiles as he thinks he's found a solution.

Sharon: "Everything alright?"

Patrick: "Oh, more than alright. Thanks mum, you're a star."

Sharon smiles and goes to hug Patrick however, he stands up and heads towards the door whilst looking down at the card. His mother looks up at him with a saddened expression on her face. She speaks quietly, with a little crack in her voice.

Sharon: "Patrick....promise you'll come visit me more often. I miss seeing you, babes."

Patrick: "I'll try but things are really busy right now. Plus you've got Dad and Greg to keep you company. Plus that hideous creature you call 'Pepe'."

Patrick stands at the front door and his mum approaches him, half laughing when she speaks. Standing next to her youngest son, she looks even smaller. The woman is only around 5ft tall and Patrick is 6'2.

Sharon: "Oi, leave the dog out of it. Look, you're my youngest, my baby. I know you want to be all grown up and independent but you'll always be my baby. Don't ever forget that."

Patrick: "OK, later."

Patrick clearly has no sympathy towards his lonely mother and bluntly ends their conversation and his visit. He closes the door behind him and faces the cold again. Sharon is shown standing in the hallway with a slight smile on her face and quietly saying the words 'bye, son'.


Patrick is at a bar drinking a bottle of beer, with a pained expression on his face as the loud, wild, dub-step track nearly deafens him. The club is filled with people around his age and some even look a lot younger, probably underage. In fact, definitely underage. A girl is even dancing in school uniform. It was only midday and this place was full. No places usually opened this early but judging by its extremely young, school skipping customers, it had to be open to meet its high demand. A young, close shaven, peroxide blonde man is working behind the bar. Patrick leans over the bar to talk to him, trying to be heard over the terrible music.

Patrick: "Excuse me, mate. You know if the manager is around?"

Man: "I'm the manager."

Patrick leans in and reads the badge on the man's shirt which reads as 'James'.

Patrick: "Great. OK, James, I'm organising a birthday party for my girlfriend and your friend, Liam, recommended this place to me. He also said that I could get things free, so..."

James: "That's not how things work here, bro. You know Liam? Prove it."

Patrick takes out his phone and searches his contacts. After finding Liam, he dials and hands it over to James.

Patrick: "Go on, take it."

James: "Hello..."

Patrick smirks as he sees James realise that he is right. Patrick takes a drink of his beer as a barely audible conversation between James and Liam on the phone takes place.

Patrick: "I think you'll find that you're talking to Liam and that I am indeed telling the truth."

James hands his phone back to him.

James: "Alright, so you know him, big deal. What are you going to do about it? It's my bar and I don't just throw free parties and especially when we're fully booked."

Patrick: "Well I could tell that lovely girl over there, the one you were flirting with, that you're married. I can see the indent on your ring finger. You're not fooling anyone, mate. I can also inform the authorities that the group of boys you just served are way underage. I'm willing to pay for this party so forget the freebie but one way or another, I will have this bar booked for this time next week and me, my girlfriend and all our mates will be putting lots of notes into your till because we all like a drink or ten. So, what's it going to be?"

James gives Patrick an evil glare, clearly irritated by this new customer of his. However, he has no choice but to be nice to him. He speaks through gritted teeth.

James: "9 O'clock, this time next week seem OK to you?"

Patrick: "Perfect."

Patrick gives a smug little smile to James. A familiar face sits down next to Patrick. Her cute feature and short blonde hair are unmistakable. This is Lacey who first appeared in episode one. She had lunch at the Italian restaurant with Patrick an another male escort, Angel. She has a slight tan now. Lacey taps Patrick on the shoulder and gives a warm smile.

Lacey: "Hello stranger."

Patrick: "Lacey, how you doing? How was Marbella?"

Lacey: "Lots of drink, sun and cock. My ideal holiday."

Patrick: "You weren't charging them were you?"

Lacey: "Nah, I was off duty. I was just being an unpaid, regular slut during my time there."

Patrick: "You hear about Cassie?"

Lacey: "No, what's up?"

Patrick: "She was found dead and washed up by the Thames."

Patrick drinks from his beer bottle again as Lacey is left open mouthed.

Lacey: "Fuck a duck!"

Patrick: "It's true. What's worse is that one of the clients were probably the last to see her alive and obviously we can't say anything otherwise we get shut down. I'm not going to work for a bit though, it's too dangerous."

Lacey: "Don't be such a pussy."

Patrick: "That seems to be the reaction I always get when I say that."

Lacey: "Well it's true. This job isn't all money and orgasms."

Patrick: "I suppose....I suppose you're right."

Lacey: "Just loosen up. You'll be fine plus you're a strong guy, I'm sure you could take whoever it is."

Patrick: "Mhmm..."

Patrick takes one last swig of his beer before placing it back down on the bar.


Surprisingly, Patrick is now in his 'Valentine' attire despite swearing to give the job up for a little while. He looks sharp and smart in his usual black shirt, trousers and shoes which is topped off by a small, neat quiff on his head. He looks into the mirror as he starts to speak. As he speaks he plays around with his hair in the mirror.

Patrick: "Don't judge me but I've been thinking about it and I've realised that I'm just over reacting. Leanne and Lacey are right; I'm just being a big pussy. You see, I can't live knowing that there's a loss of potential earnings. Time as being Valentine with a client means lots of lovely notes for me, the more hours, the more money. Time just being Patrick only gets me a few hundred pounds at the hotel. You do the maths, it's clear to see which job is far superior."

Patrick stands at the door of his bathroom, ready to head out but stops the address the audience again.

Patrick: "Ms. Cherry has arranged for me to have a threesome with a couple in their fifties. Apparently, they haven't had sex in a long time. A really long time. So, as it's my duty to please them in any way they want and give them orgasms they'll never forget, I've decided to step up to the challenge no matter how disgusting it may be. Sex with people in their fifties is not my idea of a great night. Far from it. My perfect night would involve me, my girlfriend, Rita Ora, Taylor Lautner and some rope..."

Patrick walks out of the en suite bathroom and into his bedroom. The room appears to be all tidy and set up for his client

Patrick: "Condoms? Check."

Patrick pulls out a handful of condoms from his pocket.

Patrick: "Lubrication? Check."

The camera pans into a tube of lubrication that is on his dresser on the far side of the room.

Patrick: "Vibrator? Check."

Two brightly vibrators are shown on the table next to his bed.

Patrick: "Erection?..."

Patrick looks down his trousers then shrugs.

Patrick: "Well, we can work on that."

Edited by user 11 years ago  | Reason: Not specified





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