In a press release from electronic squid monkeys, the band have been sued for the release of "learning to fly", esm have not forwarded any money to floyd and released the following statement via front man "DOOMEY".
"So , we a sing a song that some guy sung a thousand years ago? So what man, this band? "
(Looks at hand where something is written in felt tip)
"Yeah this band Keith Floyd should be flattered that we are singing their song, but no, they want to take our beautiful money!"
DOOMEY looks irritated.
"It's stupid man, I mean, what is it all about, should we sue every time a fan sings one of our songs, due to whatever this thing copyright is ? It's crazy we altered all the samples we used before, sped them up, slowed them down, played them on a harmonica, but this once, where we just play the song on karaoke and hope for a huge hit so we can buy a kick ass boat, we get sued! SUED! Well, I tell you something Keith Flanders, when I find you I will punch your face off, how do you like them apples?"
DOOMEY storms out of the room.