Ladies and gentlemen....please welcome your hosts for the evening......Eilidh Greene and Dustyn Blue!When the announcer calls her name, the stage doors at one side of the stage slide open to show a little pod where Eilidh Greene is stood behind some glass. She makes over-exaggerated motions as if she's stuck behind the glass, and then laughs and waves to the cheering crowd. When the glass slides to the side, Eilidh comes out and skips a little onto the stage. With her red hair worn down and long, and her pink dress, the presenter looks wonderful as she stops, clasping her microphone in front of her and waving to the audience who cheer her name. Having been a veteran of the Chaos Awards, this was one of the only places in the world where Eilidh felt both confident in herself and safe. She blows kisses into the crowd and then jumps up and down pretending to catch kisses coming back her way. She laughs and brings her hand to her mouth before she stands on her mark finally and looks to the side where she expects to see her co-host arrive just after she has.

After Eilidh takes to the stage and stands on the mark, the announcer calls the name of the second host Dustyn Blue. Just like Eilidh's entrance, the stage doors open at one side to reveal another pod. Dustyn stands there, looking rather excited as always. He waves at the crowd and catches his co-host's eye, giving her a smile as there eyes briefly meet. The glass slides to the side letting Dustyn step out and walk onto the stage whilst still waving at the cheering audience. When he finally reached Eilidh, he gives her a little hug and the audience can be heard expressing their endearment at the cuteness of their hug and also Dustyn's small stature, even smaller than Eilidh, with a big 'aww'. The pop star wore a neat little tuxedo and smart looking tie, however his hair looked a little scruffy the white Converse shoes with the suit is only something someone as cute and carefree as Dustyn can pull off.

Eilidh smiles when the stage doors slide to show Dustyn stood at the back of the stage. She feigns surprise and waves to Dustyn while he is still within his little pod. When the door opens and Dustyn walks out, Eilidh hugs him and then stands back. She fixes Dustyn's bow tie, causing an awww to come from the audience again, before she turns and curtseys to them. She smiles at Dustyn and then takes his hand in hers and they walk to the front, Eilidh skipping a little as usual to keep up with Dustyn, who walks faster than her despite being a little shorter. When they reach the front, Eilidh smiles and takes a deep breath before she lifts her mic to her face.
"Hi everyone! My name is Eilidh and I am going to be giving some people some prizes on the second half of this show tonight! It's nice to be here and I put on my best dress to show you all." She twirls on the spot and then giggles as she tries not to fall, having made herself dizzy.
"Woops! This is my BFF Dusty. He's the best in the world and he's gonna be here beside me all night giving people prizes too yay!"
Dustyn looks out into the audience and smiles as he sees a few familiar faces in the massive crowd. He stays close to Eilidh and raises his mic to his mouth. Looking at Dustyn, you'd expect a cute little voice and that's exactly what comes out of his mouth. He speaks in a very cheery and thick Irish accent mixed with a childlike tone.
"Hi, I is Dustyn and I is so happy to be here tonight. I can'ts believe I gets to take part in this show, it's an honour. I don'ts know if I will be as good a host a my band..."
Dustyn suddenly goes red and some of the audience laugh, knowing the reasons being Dustyn's sudden awkwardness.
"Um sorry, EX-band mate Oscar..."
Dustyn points over to Oscar whilst looking at the ground, feeling even more awkward by the second.
"...Who is sitting right there in front of me....anyway, I'll try my bestest to make this a good show tonight and I can'ts wait to give some amazing artists awards. If it was up to me, I'd give all of you awards cos you is all amazing."
Eilidh applauds when Dustyn speaks, and then she smiles when he gets embarrassed. She puts her hand on his back reassuringly and smiles at him, whispering something into his ear and then turning back to the front. She waits for her turn, swaying gently from side to side as she looks at the celebrities in the front row.
When Dustyn points at Oscar, Eilidh sees where he is sitting for the first time and she grins widely. She waves to him, forgetting where she is, and she shouts.
"Hi Oscar!" She shouts so loudly that everyone hears her, even without the assistance of the microphone. She goes a little red and then giggles when everyone in the audience laughs at her and then she looks down at Oscar again, blowing him a little kiss. She smiles and turns back to the autocue at the back.
" do they make those words fly up there in the sky?" She asks. She then shakes her head a little, obviously getting a prompt in her ear, so she takes a deep breath.
"We have a trophy thing for the person who everyone said was the.....I don't like to say that word," she shakes her head. "The....the most best looking girl in music!" She claps her hands. "The nomi....noni....nominees were....
Isabel Merjos...and Nadia Berry and Arianna Harley and Julia Vol....kova, and Mercedes Payne and Suzie!"The camera focuses on Oscar, showing him on the big screen in the theatre. He is seen laughing and turning to the person next to him and whispers something.
Back on stage, Dustyn turns to Eilidh and suddenly freezes when he realises there is autocue. He couldn't really read that well and could only know what Tweets said due to a speaking app on his phone. Instead of freaking out, he just takes a deep breath and puts on a cute little smile. He moves his hips side to side a little and bites his lip as Eilidh reads out the nominations. Once she finishes, Dustyn raises his mic and decides to be honest.
"OK guys, I can'ts read the autocue well so I is gonna do it my way, the Dusty way which is much better. These nominees are all very pretty and this is coming from a gay guy. Anyway, the winner is...."
He reads the envelope and whispers the winner to Eilidh, looking for confirmation, making sure he doesn't make a mistake. Once he makes sure he is right he raises his mic again.
"...The wonderful Julia Volkova!!"