SYNCO PopStopTV interview
"Here's what's popping in the world of young Hollywood" after the little intro plays random little shots of the interviewer from PopStop TV is seen in multiple spots around the city as music plays until she is finally seen in a small coffee shop with the five girls of SYNCO and an apple ipad in her lap
"I'm here with the five lovely young ladies from SYNCO and this is so exciting so how are you girls feeling right now" The girls all smile and wave towards the camera as they're introduced the interviewer then moves the microphone towards Nicole who then speaks
Nicole: "We're all doing great thanks for inviting us over" she says with her usual adorable smile across her face
"Of course it isn't a problem so what have you girls been up to?" she moves the microphone over to Alex this time
Alex: "Recording, performing and other stuff"
Layla: "And of course wedding planning!"
The girls all look over at Layla and laugh
Alex: "Oh yeah stupid me how could I forget about that"
They all laugh again the interviewer looks a little confused
"What wedding?" Layla then speaks again
Layla: "Oh Alex and I are getting married"
Alex: "It's an inside joke with the fans"
The interviewer laughs a little and nods before speaking again
"So you've all been super busy lately with writing, recording, performing and whatever else you do can you tell us what it's like to go from five total strangers to doing all of this together?" she holds the microphone to Nicole
Nicole: "Well it's really awesome and kind of crazy but we love it so much it's flipping amazing everything that's been going on for us we're so thankful and we're all just so blessed and we love everyone who's supporting us thanks y'all!"
She smiles cutely towards the camera then the interviewer speaks once again
"That's really amazing so you guys were a huge part of this past Chaos Awards with performing, being nominated and even having Layla co-host what was all of that like?" Layla speaks first
Layla: "It was so incredibly amazing Izzy was really great and really fun I was all like "No I'm gonna die I'm going to vomit on stage or say something really stupid" and Izzy was just like "Relax you'll do fine" honestly it was amazing getting to do that with her she's just so talented and sweet and rad and I love you Izzy!"
Alex: "You know like you just said we went from five complete strangers to all of that and we're all really happy and blessed and just well lucky it was so amazing getting to perform at the awards I know we've all watched the previous ones on our televisions and it's always been a dream of mine to just attend the awards once but getting nominated and performing like it was just indescribable"
"Well that's so amazing after the awards though there were a few people saying that Aubrey didn't deserve to be up for best newcomer which was the award you guys was nominated for how do you feel about that? Did she deserve it?" Alex looks down and laughs a little before looking up and shaking her head
Alex: "No I don't feel she deserved it not one bit sorry not sorry"
Alex shrugs Naomi speaks next
Naomi: "I think she deserved an award I love her but she did not deserve that one though she's been in the industry for awhile now and I'm pretty sure she was up for that not saying we should've won but someone that was actually new should have won"
"So who do you feel should have won it then if not her?"Alex: "I think Pixie should've won she deserved it"
The other girls nodded in agreement the interviewer then spoke again
"Okay so moving on from the awards recently one of your bosses or I guess ex bosses now have left their group of course I'm talking about Oscar Ward and Weekend what were your reactions to that and who's side are you on?"Layla: I swear on my life I legit cried for two whole days it just sucked so so so much I love Oscar and I love Weekend so it was actually really hard on me and I felt terrible and like I was going to have to side with someone which I didn't want to do since I love them both so incredibly much and like they are important since they've been like sort of family so I just like decided I'm not taking sides and I'll support both no matter what forever I love them"
Jamie: "I think we all cried a lot actually even Alex and at the end of the day we can't pick sides because all five of the guys have helped us get together and helped us in our careers so we will support every single one of the guys no matter what"
"Okay so now I'm going to move on Naomi this one is for you so recently there have been some rumors about you cheating on your boyfriend with some new guy can you tell us about this?"Naomi: "So first off I haven't cheated Jason and I broke up second Romeo and I are only friends people always jump to dating a girl and a guy can just be friends"
"Okay so how many people would you say have been saying negative things towards you and how do you dal with them?"Naomi: "There are a lot of people who talk bad and the things that help are drugs and sex with random strangers"
Her and the girls all laugh together before she speaks again
Naomi: "No but seriously they do talk a lot but then there are those fans that I have that stick up for me and love me and will always be there for me then of course I have my girls"
The girls look at her and all say "aww" at the same time before going into a group hug then laughing
"Aww you girls are so adorable so recently you've released a new single titled "Never Really Mattered" Can you tell us about it?"Alex: "So like our last single Rock The Night I co-wrote this one we all had an amazing time recording it together basically it's sort of a story about a girl finding a guy cheating on her not wanting to believe it but then finally realize that well it never really mattered the single has been getting pretty good reviews well from what we seen anyway"
Layla: "I love the song and I love performing it it's just so rad and perf and I love it"

She smiles
"Okay so you guys up for doing some Twitter questions?" the girls all cheer and smile the interviewer smiles
"Okay so first one is from @Synconizer1443 and she or he asks 'Jamie how did things go with Lewis and are you still looking for him in a guy?'" the girls including the interviewer let out an "oooh" together and Jamie the shy girl of the group laughs at the question before finally answering
Jamie: "I haven't heard from him in awhile and yes of course I'm still looking for him in a guy so Lewis if you're watching"
She looks at the camera and winks then laughs along with the girls and interviewer
"Okay so next question is from @MaleSYNCOnizer4 and he asks 'Alex will you marry me?'" The girls laugh again and Alex shakes her head
Alex: "Layla and I are getting married sorry but if that doesn't work out then give me a call babe"
Alex makes her hand look like a phone and presses it against her ear then winks after she does this the girls all laugh together again
"Okay next question is from @LaylasBottom" Layla gasps "Oh my god I follow her!!" The girls all laugh together before the interviewer speaks again
"She asks 'How long until the album is released?'"Alex: "Very very soon just keep calm and wait for SYNCO to release an album buddy"
"Okay next question is from @TwerkMaster2000 and he or she asks 'Naomi will you twerk?'" the girls all laugh before Naomi stands up and begins dancing not twerking but dancing the girls all continue laughing as she does before she finally sits down
Alex: "Your ass is supposed to move when you twerk Naomi"
Layla reaches over and playfully hits Alex on the back of her head
Layla: "Why were you looking You're mine remember?"
Alex and the girls including the interviewer laugh again
Alex: "Sorry babe it was right in my face"
They laugh once again before the interviewer finally asks the next question
"Okay the next one is from @LalexFeelzz she asks can she come to the wedding?"Alex: "Of course baby you're all invited!"
Okay next one is from @AlexisGrey17 Alex rolls her eyes as she hears the name Alexis
"So she asks 'Who are your celebrity crushes? And you can't say your boyfriends'"Alex: "I've said it before to Andros so I'll say it now Dustyn Blue"
Jamie: "Lewis Elon and Stephanie Fierce and yes I'm straight but she is seriously breath takingly beautiful have you seen her?"
Naomi: "Dominic Brown just simply Dominic Brown that boy is just damn!"
She closes her eyes and shakes her head the girls laugh
Nicole: "I have a lot all of the members of Weekend, Kato and Brian from The Stat Nerds is cute too"
Layla: "Oscar Ward, Billy Khan, Dustyn Blue, Scott Wellington, Riley Hamilton, Kato, Dominic Brown, Hayden, Stephanie Fierce, Izzy Merjos, Jennifer Armstrong, Alex Grey, Jamie Jackson, Nicole Wright, Naomi White and of course the ever so adorable Erica Hess"
She makes a heart with her hands towards the camera and the girls laugh Alex looks at her
Alex: "You're such a slut babe"
Layla: "You know it babe"
They all laugh again before the interviewer speaks
"Okay last question and it comes from @Weekender4LIFE she or he asks 'Will there ever be a Weekend and SYNCO collaboration?'"Layla: "Hopefully in the future you never know it'd be a dream come true"
"Okay well thanks again for joining me girls it was amazing I had so much fun interviewing you girls and I can't wait for the album" the girls all smile
Nicole: "Thanks again for inviting us we had so much fun and we loved this interview God bless!"
Layla: "Thanks for the rad time!"
Jamie: "Thanks for having us bye"
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