Hi,lush rimjob here for a culture uncut special report. IF the rumor is correct,and as a conservative icon , i know rumors are ALWAYS correct....another Hollywood lesbo couple is looking to reproduce! Great,more damage to this once great nation's moral compass. This is just further fallout from the "anything goes" mentality of these liberals. They clearly don't get the point when a majority of the states and nations of the world don't recognize their "marriage". Now,now they are furthering their agenda by having children! Gay children none the less! Children learn what they see,there is no way these products of damaged genes will ever be normal like you and me. Oh no,they will think its correct for two men or two women to pretend to love each other.

Natalya Hess

Erica Hess
The "women" in question are a social services case waiting to happen. Both are constantly on drugs,surely bought with tax payer money! They constantly are nude and violating natures laws. The "Asian" one, You know what I really want to call her,but the liberal mainstream media would have my hide if I said it, Sings in some subversive rock group and was on some reality show. She took all comers on that show,male,female,it didnt matter. There is little she can do,promiscuity is in her genes. " GI,I love you long time." Right? Is this what you way in charge of a child? Poisoning its mind with pornography from day one?
The other one,Natalya Hess.. Clearly a KGB agent looking for an anchor baby to get citizenship to our great nation! Mitt warned us about the Russian menace. But the Obama administration bought everyone off with free phones,so nobody listened. This Natalya,like most of her communist ilk,looks like she never worked a day on her life. Look at her those eyes...those lips...what a waste. They'll never be locked onto a male,as the bible says! I can still say bible right? Those limp wristed liberals haven't taken that right way yet,have they?
I bet neither of these so called "women" have cooked or cleaned once. They are gong to pop this kid out,and expect us to foot the bill! Foot the bill for maids and nannies. How many of us can afford those luxuries? Well, I can. But I'm a job creator! I deserve my wealth and these two dykes want to take it away?! Are yo going to allow that to happen? If they take my wealth now,it'll be your daughters,your wife,your mother next! They will come for them in the dead of night,jackbooted with rainbow swaztika armbanded. They will round them up and take them to a FEMA re-education camp to be tuned into lesbians too! All because they want to have children . This is the greatest threat to OUR liberty since the Cold War! Get mad and go buy a gun. Real americans own guns,every dollar you spend in the firearm industry is funneled to good and decent causes. Lets show these Carpet munching freedom haters how we feel about their "lifestyle"!