Rage Against the "Machine"Blogging From New York,NY - 04.03.13
Good evening all, and welcome again. Let me apologise first and foremost for missing my Sunday morning appointment with my blog.
I'm coming to you guys this week from a different location to normal. I normally like to write my blog from the comfort of my home. Relaxation seems to bring out the best in me as a writer, and sitting in my own lounge with a cup of black tea often brings out the most vibrant and imaginative ideas from me. This blog is going to take me out of my comfort zone though, both in terms of style and in terms of the tone. You all know me, of course. I'm the sort of quiet and happy guy who tells you of my feelings and likes to give you an insight into my life and stuff. I can honestly say that I've never ranted about anything at any time in my 24 years of living and breathing. I want to say that isn't going to change today, and I'm going to try to be as non-ranting as I can be, but the subject matter is something very upsetting and saddening, and something that really struck a chord with me personally, and with my best friend. By anyone else's standard, I'd imagine that what you are about to read would be very very mild in the ranting ranks, but for me, it will be quite angry, and I hope that shows how much it hurt, how upset we both were at what happened a few days back while we were working. Anyway, I'm sorry, it feels like I'm ranting away already and I haven't even started yet. How are you all? Hope you all have a warm drink and a warmer heart. I'm currently sat with my laptop open in front of me and a cup of black tea. Anyway, probably best that I take the chance to explain what I'm talking about, right?
You're probably wondering why I used a Starbucks logo as the headline image for this week's blog. That's where I'm sat right now as I type this. These types of mass-produced coffee factories with a key ingredient of fake smiles and false love are one of the only things in the world I can say I dislike. The notion that by writing "Mark :)" on the side of my cup of tea makes me feel more valued is flawed on a number of different levels. Anyway, I'm not here for the tea, or the service. Both the header image of my blog, and the fact I'm in Starbucks is an imagery for the subject, the idea of "the machine", the very epitome of corporate planet earth. I could have used any number of companies....McDonald's - although sitting there and blogging might have looked weird, or even Apple - actually that might have been a better imagery. However, I'm in Starbucks to try to soak up the sort of notion of a corporate behemoth because this week Scott RH and I were accused of essentially being the musical equivalent of Starbucks, a corporate money machine simply churning out what the masses want to hear/taste in order to maximise our income. Yes, you read right. We've been accused of caring about nothing but making sure that paycheck is signed at the end of each month and swelling our own bank accounts, forgetting anyone and everyone else who mattered along the way. I'm sorry, but what?
Hold on, hold on. I'm getting ahead of myself here. It's time to explain a little more. It all started on Monday afternoon of last week while Scott and I were sat in his office to discuss PR and advertising for the new Blood of Wecz album when it comes out. An email popped into Scott's personal email inbox, which was weird in itself given how protective he is of such details, and it was from a fan, ranting on about the changes that we have made to our style in music, as everyone saw with our performance at the Chaos Awards. I mean, we're used to this, and Scott is used to it, but this was something special. To give you a sort of insight into the music world again; if you're in a band that has a sort of passionate fan base, every time you bring out some new music, there will be someone who thinks you've changed style or gotten too generic, or whatever. Everyone in the industry will have experienced this, it's part and parcel of the game we're all playing, and you just have to hope that for every message bemoaning your new style, there will be another raft of people who love it. Fans come in waves like that. It's easy to always try to please everyone with everything you do, but it's a losing battle. You will lose fans and bring in new support each and every time you bring out new music. Swings and roundabouts, as the old analogy goes. However, while this is just a part of deal as a musician, what no one could ever expect was a 15,000 word rant about how their change in style was wrong, unjust, and sickening.
That's exactly what we had to deal with last week. Email number one was followed by a separate new load of vitriol on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That's a full 75,000 words of pure anger. That takes some doing. And what was our crime? Nothing more than bring as brash as to alter our style of music. This is where the Starbucks analogy comes in to things here. The common theme throughout all five of these emails from the same person was that we are, in his eyes at least, some sort of corporate machine. The accusation was that Scott and I have forgotten everything that we set up Blood of Wecz to be (that in itself was flawed considering I joined five years after it was formed), and that the only thing on our mind was to maximise the income we could make from the band by playing music that appeals to the masses rather than remembering who our fans are and what they loved to hear from us. You guys have no idea how upsetting it was for Scott and I to read that. It's easy to say shrug it off, that it's just the opinion of one person and that we should try to not let it bother us, but when you see such a blatant attack on something that you love, damn it it hurts. Blood of Wecz is like our child. It's something that we have nurtured over the years, something that we have been proud to see go from strength to strength and become a success story. To see our efforts brought down to some accusation that all we cared about is the money was heartbreaking. We both sat in silence for a good while after reading the first one, just shocked at the level of anger. I think the length of it, and the time invested was part of our shock. For someone to have written so much, they must have really meant it.
I've had some time to think about things though, and I wanted to have the opportunity to defend ourselves. Normally I would leave this to Scott, but I think the rant from this "fan" affected him far more than he would admit. That guy loves this band, and the last thing he would ever do is make a decision with anything other than music and pure art in his mind. To see him feeling like I know he did every day last week was something hard for me. I saw the pain in my best friend's eyes, and now it's up to me to defend us. You know me, guys, I'm not normally the sort to have a rant or to have a go at people, but I've been provoked. Pay attention, if you will, because this might be the only time that you see me getting a little mad. The fact of the matter is though, if you try to attack the young of any species, expect the mother or father to defend it with their life.
The first thing I want to ask our "fan" is this; have you ever been to a Blood of Wecz show, or even had a read of the liner notes in any of our albums? If you had, you would, of course, understand that contrary to your slanderous accusation that we "don't give a fuck about the people who have got you to where you are today", Blood of Wecz has always, and always will be, all about the fans. Do yourself a favour and read Scott's notes in the Heaven/Hell or Deeply Disturbed album sleeves, and you will see that the guy thanks the fans repeatedly for all they do for us. If you've ever been to a Blood of Wecz show in your life, you would notice that the stereotypical post-encore request from the crowd of "One more song" has NEVER been ignored. Even if we are out on our feet back there, tired from the exertion of a long touring schedule, we never reject the wishes of our fans. A few years back, we came to the fans to let them decide on the direction of our new album, and the heaviness in metal terms, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions ever. The fact is, the fans are the heart of Blood of Wecz. We have never done anything that we thought would compromise our fans. Yes, we know that this new direction is very different to the death metal you've heard from us in the past, but it doesn't mean we have sold out. It doesn't mean we are some sort of corporate conglomerate set up to make money money money. Please don't mistake this as me bragging here, I am merely trying to make a point, but we have already made more money than either of us will ever realistically need, so that has never and will never be our driving force behind doing this.
Have you ever wondered why it took Blood of Wecz such a long time to put out this 15th studio album, anonymous fan? Have you ever taken the time to notice that we have, on multiple occasions, announced a new album or a new era, only for that to fizzle out. Why do you think that is? It's because we didn't want to put something out that didn't feel right. We could have pumped out anything happy in the knowledge that it would sell millions of copies all over the world. But that isn't Blood of Wecz. It had to be perfect. It had to be the album we've wanted to create, and it had to be something that we were confident our fans would be proud of. I have lost count of the number of times in the last five years that I've recorded a song Scott wrote, and then sat back to listen to it only to see him delete it because it just wasn't right. It just wasn't Blood of Wecz. That guy eats, sleeps and breathes music, and he would never release something until it was 100% spot on in his mind. That's why it hurt him so much to read your bullcrap last week. Scott RH has never been a sell out, no matter how flashy and over the top he may seem. Scott RH will never be a corporate machine, no matter how his music and his style changes.
Sure, this album is not the death metal you might have hoped for, and I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but believe me, an album of this magnitude, a collection of songs with a purpose, with meaning behind them and with the emotion that pumps through us truly passing into it is worth far more than the generic death metal we might have pumped out to please the people who criticise our change. The fact is, times change, and we have grown to accept that we are not into metal anymore. We created a full metal album two years ago. It was packaged, it was ready to go and almost shipped. We scrapped it at the last minute, at massive financial loss to ourselves. Why? Because it wasn't right. Is that the work of a corporate money printing machine? No, it most certainly is not. We do this because we love to do this. We love music, we love our band and we love our fans. Oh and we sure as hell love each other. Scott RH is like a brother to me. No, scrap that, Scott RH IS my brother, blood link or not, and seeing my brother cut up the way he was about the abuse we received last week made me feel like I never had before. Don't get me wrong, we welcome all criticism that is constructive, and we even welcome negative opinions of our music, that's part and parcel of the game. Some people won't like us, and that's fine. What I won't stand for is seeing the effort and the love we pour into everything we do belittled. Blood of Wecz will never be a Starbucks. We just happen to be a little family owned establishment that got massive somewhere along the way.
At this point I want to take the chance to apologise to everyone. You all know that the above rant is not me at all normally. I just feel that someone had to respond to what this fan put us through last week. I promise that the gentle and happy Mark you all know and love will return next week. And I promise that this Blood of Wecz album will prove our love for music, and our love for all of you guys. Seriously, I love you all, and thank you for sticking by us for all of these years. Here's to many more successful years together.