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It was January of 2013. It was a very frigid, wet day in New York City. Everyone was dressed in casual attire, FOR GOD SAKE, IT WAS RAINING! But not Miss Jackson. She enters Pandora Studio dressed in a Versace button up top, beige cargo’s from the new Tom Ford collection, and Gucci Rain boots. To top it off she walks in with a Black Gama mink coat with a matching hat. Heads turned as she walked into the building greeting the crew members smiling and shaking hands. She was so strikingly beautiful. It was hard to comprehend that someone of her stature was so down to Earth, and actually communicating with crew members and laughing with them. These were people she didn’t even know. She showed up with two bodyguards and no huge entourage. Before we even began to interview her, I mentioned to her how comfortable she made everyone. Playing coy she smiled and thanked me.
The Tisha Jackson I saw that day and talked with, was not what the media portrayed her to be. I didn’t talk to a girl who wore a badge saying she has sold over 100 million records and whose last tour grossed over 100 million dollars. She was very real, very raw, very honest. It was obvious that she is educated and that’s why she is so vocal about things whether their politics of the music industry or actual politics. I hope from this interview you as the audience become enlightened and experience what it is to be twenty-three year old woman, way ahead of her time.

Q: How are you taking in being everywhere at once? You are filming a new movie, recording your seventh studio album, your first single off the album [Firecracker] went No.1 , you’re going on a world tour in June, and we can watch you every Sunday on Star Factory. How are you taking this all in? Are you overwhelmed?
Tisha: No! I am not overwhelmed [Tisha says with confidence and assurance]. I feel like I am becoming a woman. I am coming into my own. And that’s what a woman does, she works hard, she gets the job done. That’s what we do. That’s what I plan on doing. When we began working on the album last year, and creating this ‘era’ that we are just beginning, I knew the itinerary would be hectic. But it is something that I am greatly prepared for and excited for. I’m loving it. And most of all I am loving the music. I love what I do and I love my fans. I can’t complain. I’m blessed.
Q: Can you tell us about your new film?
Tisha: Yes! [Tisha smiles excitingly] Well the film is already titled, beut we can’t announce the title just yet because it is based off of a song from the new album. And I don’t want any leaks right now. It’s way too soon for that. But we started filming the second week of the new year. I’m just excited for people to see it. We finish filming next week, and it will be out in September.
Q: Can you confirm that you wrote the script and you’re producing it?
Tisha: I can confirm that. I began work on the script early last year during my last tour. I just wanted to do something different that could separate me from other actresses. Especially singers who eventually dive into acting. I don’t want to be classified as “the singer who occasionally acts”. I don’t want people to think I am not passionate about acting. I am growing to love it just as much as my music. But I wrote it last year and I was kind of scared to pitch it because I didn’t think anyone would be interested. I was just going to leave it on the shelf and let it collect dust. But eventually MTV films and Paramount got a hold of it, and they said to me, “You have to do this”. So I am producing the film alongside with MTV films and Paramount Pictures. I just stated my own production company, Hit Factory Productions, so this will be our first major release as a company. I am excited about that.
Q: How important do you think it is for women to become business women?
Tisha: Vital. I think it’s vital for women to be business women and control their own affairs, especially women of color. You just think about how women as whole were discriminated against, underestimated, and mistreated for centuries, and we are still fighting. But when you’re a black women it’s like you have to be quicker, more eloquent, more creative, and more invested because it’s enough being considered a minority by white America, but us women, and I am referring to all women, still have a lot to prove. It’s just the way society is. I think all women can show the world how powerful we are. I will say, just make sure that you are invested in your business and affairs. Don’t be stuck doing something that at the end of the day doesn’t make you happy or fulfilled, because then your work serves no purpose because you’re out doing ordinary things when you could be extraordinary.
Q: Will your music reflect everything that has gone on in your life in the past year?
Tisha: Most definitely! There is nothing more satisfying or healing to me than writing. I’ve been writing songs since I was twelve. I’ve always been very vocal, even as a girl. So of course it’s transcended into my adult hood and I am very vocal about my life, where I was, where I am now, where I hope to be on the album. The album deals with EVERYTHING, I’ve been through. I left no subject untouched. I have nothing to hide. I own everything.
Q: Late last year, you checked into a rehabilitation center? How was that?
Tisha: Rehab was rehab. It wasn’t something that I needed. I felt forced and pressured to go. There was a lot going on. I had a lot of pressure under me. My family was being manipulated into believing I had a problem. I had a problem with alcohol but it was something I feel could’ve been dealt without going to rehab. My mother was being fed lies about me and drinking a lot that weren’t completely true. I never got to tell my side. It was just all judgmental, like “you’re an alcoholic, go to rehab.

Q: Who do you believe he manipulated your family into believing that?
Tisha: I don’t want to completely throw him under the bus. But it was Dominic. [Jackson’s boyfriend at the time]. I feel like he was just so un genuine and didn’t have my best interest at heart. He basically tried to convince everyone in my circle of family and friends that I was this raging alcoholic and I wasn’t. I feel that he pressured me into going to rehab so I could go off and do his own thing. While I was gone I left him my house. I’m in a place I don’t want to be, I’d much rather had been in the studio and channel my energy there. Meanwhile he is in my house, sleeping with other women, and spending my money on them. He used me. I felt used. If I was unhappy about anything it was that. He defamed my character and I feel like my family and the media fell for it. But there’s the truth. You just heard it.
Q: So you and Dominic are no longer an item?
Tisha: He and I broke up when I got out of rehab. I left him. He didn’t deserve me.
Q: Do you think what you just shed light on will change his public image?
Tisha: Dominic is no longer a part of everyday life. I don’t talk about him; I am glad what happened occurred because it taught me a valuable lesson. I don’t have any ill will towards him. I’m not saying that to be malicious or facetious. I don’t need to try and harm his image and lightened my own. That’s not my goal. But the truth is the truth. I had to tell my side of the story; you all got his innocent, angelic, savior version. But not I get to tell my side, and if it exposes him that’s his issue not mines. I’m moving on with my life. I hope he does the same and has a blessed life.
Q: Okay switching to a lighter subject. How is it on Star Facotry?
Tisha: I am enjoying it. I like that it is going by slowly because its something I want to enjoy while being in the moment. I love watching the contestants and seeing fresh talent. All the contestants are hungry, and I want to see who America ends up saying has what it takes to not only be a star, because it’s not all about that, but who has what it takes to be artist. I think season one’s winner has done a great job with doing that so I hope that season two’s winner will do the same.
Q: Aubrey Mikkel has become a rising star and credits herself for bringing R&B back. How do you feel about that?
Tisha [Makes screw face] Aubrey is a talented girl and there is no denying that. Things like that are undeniable. However I think she is a little in over her head. I’ve heard her comments on “bringing R&B back”, I think she credits herself and Alicia Lena and gives me somewhat credit, she called me a “Pop girl” whatever that means. But no I completely disagree with her. She has had a successful record, the R&B community loves that. However she isn’t solely responsible for bringing it back. She isn’t responsible for it at all. I am an entertainer, what I’ve done is taken R&B but it does appeal to a pop audience. I feel that she’s done the same thing. She’s crossed over. I just think she think she knows it all and has it all together in her head but she doesn’t in reality. She’s been in the business for like nine months. She’s a baby in this business, she has a long way to go. She’ll learn. I respect her though. I think she has a bright career ahead of her.
Q: You’ve sold over 100 million records in seven years, write and produce your music, and you just won your first Chaos Award. Do you think you get the credit you deserve? Are you underated?
Tisha: I feel very much underrated. I mean I am invested in music and being an entertainer. My fans get that. They know it’s real. My last album [Reveal] sold 10 million copies worldwide and is the best-selling R&B album since Usher’s ‘Confessions’. My fans get it. I just don’t think my peers do. I don’t get enough support from them and whenever I do something it doesn’t get rewarded usually. I am the underdog but it is a something I am not ashamed of. I thought it was interesting me accomplishing so much and just winning a Chaos award, but then I have eight grammy’s so It’s a double standard I think.
Q: Back to Star Factory. You and Brittany Knox have been going at it this season. Why don’t you guys get along?
Tisha: [Laughs mischievously] Honestly I don’t know. I’ve seen her before at events and she’s come up and talk to me, and talked about how she loved what I was doing in the industry. Then one day I showed up to work and she just disliked me. I don’t know why. She’s not someone I think about in my everyday life. I don’t know. But I don’t care. I’m there to do a job, not to make friends.
Q: Speaking of friends, what’s going on with you and your fellow judge, Hayden Merjos? We always knew you guys to be friendly and you considered him your brother and he your sister, and now you guys seem to bicker a lot on the panel.
Tisha: Another thing I am not sure about. I don’t know. Hayden and I relationship has changed. It could be for a lot of reasons. One was I think he believed I was getting special treatment on the show, and I tried to make it “The Tisha Jackson Show” but that’s not the case. Another could be because his girlfriend who I was cool with reportedly replaced me on the panel, but there was a mix-up with that because I didn’t show to the first day of auditions. I don’t know. He seems to dislike me now though. It’s like he has some kind of negative feelings towards me. I wish him well though.
Q: Why didn’t you show up for the first day of auditions? You never confirmed your reason being.
Tisha: I haven’t confirmed my reason being because I didn’t think it was anyone’s business but the producers. But I will confirm that the reason why I missed the first day was because of school actually. I am currently a student at The Actors Studio in New York City and that was my first day of classes. I couldn’t get out of it, and producers understood. It is a very prestigious place. People of the likes of Sidney Portier, Marilyn Monroe, Al Pachino, Beau Arthur studied there. I have to take it seriously. My acting is something to be taken seriously. And I hope all will see that. I am greatly humbled to be a student again.
Q: Wow, that’s something not anyone in the public eye knows.
Tisha: Yes [Laughs] Best kept secret.
Q: Now let’s discuss this new album. ‘The Highway To Redemption’. The title is so strong, tell us more about it.
Tisha: I knew since 2011 what the title of my seventh record would be. It is something that I kept inside of me for two years. So to finally release it, and see it come to life, and allow the world to see, what I consider my baby, It’s exciting. This is, what I believe is my best work yet. Sonically its not like anything I’ve ever done. No one is doing it yet. Lyrically I feel like I am in my prime. It’s very venerable, confident, moody, and, honest. My most honest record to date.
Q: You’ve written and composed the entire album by yourself right?
Tisha: Yes. With the exception of one song. X-Rocka and I wrote a song together. She’s the only producer I’ve worked with thus far. There is one more production that isn’t solely produced by me. It’s with Ramon Omari. He sent me a dope record. I should be recording it sometime this week.
Q: Are there any collaborations on the album?
Tisha: You have to wait and see. I am not giving you ALL the juicy details. [Tisha laughs]
Edited by user 04 March 2013 09:58:40(UTC)
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