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#21 Posted : 13 March 2013 08:43:55(UTC)
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Patrick walks down the hallway swiftly and approaches the door. He adjusts his shirt and looks into the mirror before taking a deep breath and plastering on a smile. Patrick opens the door and is presented with a rather unattractive, middle aged man. The gentleman has swept back grey hair, a chubby figure and terrible dress sense. His coat looks like it belongs in the seventies and his dark green jogging trousers have multiple holes in them. There's a brief moment when the audience can see a look of shock run across Patrick's face.

Patrick: "Hello, I'm Valentine. Please come on in."

He moves out of the way to let Alan in. Patrick shuts the door before turning around to shake Alan's hand must to his displeasure.

Man: "I'm Alan. Nice to meet you."

Patrick: "Hello, Alan. Will your wife be joining us soon?"

Alan: "No. Unfortunately she had to cancel but I'm here so we can have a little fun instead."

Patrick: "That's not a problem. I'm just going to go and call the agency to tell them that you're here. You make yourself comfortable and leave the money on the table. I'll be back in just a few minutes."

Patrick turns to head into his bedroom before stopping in his tracks as he hears Alan talk to him.

Alan: "Why do you have to go?"

Patrick: "I have to make the phone call. It's just procedure, everyone does it."

Alan: "The last girl didn't call. She just let me have her."

Patrick moves back a little as he is starting to get unnerved by his client's presence and his manner.

Patrick "W-well, she wasn't doing her job very well. It's nothing to worry about, I'll be back in literally two minutes."

Alan: "I'd prefer for you not to phone."

Patrick: "If I don't call them then they'll call me."

Alan: "I just want to get started now."

Patrick: "I really don't know what your problem is. Just go into the bedroom and-...."

Alan: "Listen, I paid for you so you get over now and get down on your fucking knees! You're the dirty escort, you don't get to tell me what to do, you do as I say. Get over here!"

As Alan raises his voice, Patrick looks very unsettled. He wants to remain firm and show who's in control of the situation but with the whole murder situation, Patrick finds it hard to stay calm. He tells Alan to go but can't give him any eye contact, constantly looking at the ground instead.

Patrick: "I'd prefer if you left actually. Take your money and go."

Alan: "Get over here!"

Patrick: "Get out of my fucking flat!!"

Patrick continues to move back however, his heals hit the door which leaves him with nowhere else to go. He doesn't want to turn to open the door as he does not want to take the risk of turning his back on this crazed man for half a second. Sweat starts to run down Patrick's forehead as the man approaches. He has now realised that he has let the murderer or a possible suspect into his own home. Alan reaches into his coat pocket and produces a rather long, sharp kitchen knife. A slash of silver through the air makes Patrick duck as Alan swings the knife frantically. Alan then grabs Patrick's face with his left hand and applies pressure to his cheeks whilst using his right hand to place the knife against his throat. Alan leans right into Patrick's face as he yells.

Alan: "Listen here, 'pretty boy', I'm not leaving until you let me fuck you. I don't know what your little problem is because that's your job, you're used to bending over and taking it up the arse just like a little bitch so I have no idea why you're creating such a big fuss. I swear, I'll cut you up and make you scream one way or another. It's your choice."

Patrick uses his knee to hit Alan in the crotch before punching him right on the nose. The attacker falls down to the ground as Patrick walks towards him. The camera shows Alan's point of view, looking up at Patrick/Valentine. The escort's height and stature are highlighted and are very prominent from this camera angle. Alan knows he doesn't stand a chance against him and quickly scrambles back up onto his feet. Patrick reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He starts to dial '999' before sighing and putting it back in his pocket. Viewers may be wondering why he's not calling the police but Patrick's glance at the card on the table on his hallway which reads 'Cherry Popping Escort Agency' sums it all up. He knew that if he called the police, he would also be arrested for being part of the prostitution business. Patrick kneels down next to Alan and smack him hard in the face.

Patrick: "Fuck off!"

Alan scurries out of the apartment whilst Patrick quickly locks the door behind him. He slides down the door and exhales. Patrick no looks worried as he realises he just let a criminal go free.


Ms. Cherry is sitting at her desk whilst she eats a cream filled doughnut. She quickly swallows as the phone rings. As soon as the receiver is picked up, even before she has the chance to say 'hello', Patrick can be heard yelling down the phone.

Patrick: "Thanks for palming me off with the fucking psycho! I could've died!"

Ms. Cherry: "He was at your flat? What was his name?"

Patrick: "He says he was called Alan, why?"

Ms. Cherry: "Well everyone called Alan is now banned from using our service."

It then cuts to Patrick in his apartment. He is pacing around his living room whilst talking to his boss on his mobile phone. He is now shirtless and his hair is all scruffy. The escort seems to be taking his aggression out on Ms. Cherry when he really should have taken it all out on Alan.

Patrick: "Linda, are you thick? You think he uses his real name? He's a lunatic who obviously gets a kick out of this stuff, he's not going to use his real name because he'll be reported."

Ms. Cherry: "Real name or not, you wouldn't report him because you have sense. You didn't report him, did you Patrick?"

Patrick: "No....I didn't. A fucking piece of scum came into my house and I let him get away. I feel like shit now. He might be off to do it again!"

Patrick sits down on his couch looking flustered. He runs his hands through his hair and his eyes fill up with tears as he begins to think about what Alan may be doing to someone else right now.

Ms. Cherry: "You did the right thing though. We can't afford the police getting involved with the agency because that just opens up another can of worms. I'll have Jack look into the situation and have him deal with it. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Patrick. Don't worry about a thing."

Patrick: "It's hard not to."

Ms. Cherry: "Just do what other guys do and have a wank."

Patrick shakes his head in disgust and hangs up his phone. It then cuts to Ms. Cherry who shrugs, hangs up her phone and bites deep into her doughnut again.


Ironically, Emma is seen pleasuring Patrick in the way that Ms. Cherry suggested in the last scene. Emma is kneeling on the bed wearing just a silk bra and underpants. Patrick is sitting on the edge of the bed, with his feet on the floor. He doesn't seem to be wearing any trousers or socks and his black boxer shorts are down at his ankles. He is also wearing a long white t-shirt which covers up his modesty. Emma's arm is under the shirt and it's clear from the rapid movement of her hand under the shirt and the heavy breathing from Patrick that she is giving him a little treat.

Patrick: "Uh....Uh....I'm gonna....UH..UH!!.."

Emma moves her hand away and grabs a tissue for her hand. Patrick catches his breath.

Emma: "You enjoy that?"

Patrick: "Yeah....loved it."

Emma: "You know, I'm so lucky to have a guy like you. You're smart, sexy and always put other's needs before your own. You're amazing. I don't tell you that very often but I want you to know that you're everything to me. I can't believe you even managed to get Denny's for my birthday. I would have been happy with just a Chinese meal here with you in the flat."

Patrick: "You deserve the best though...."

Patrick smiles at Emma then turns to the camera and mouths the word 'fuck' as he realises that all the trouble he went to to organise this party could have been saved and a Chinese meal would have been an easier and hassle free alternative.

Patrick: "I have something to say though. There was a mix up at Denny's and it turns out someone else had already booked it. However, I managed to book this new bar for us. It's called 'Dirty Angels' and I think you'll love it. They play great music, it's got a huge dance floor and the staff are very friendly."

Emma: "Dirty Angels? That sounds a bit seedy."

Patrick: "Don't worry, it's a great place. I know you wanted something else but I've tried my best."

Emma: "It's alright, Patrick. As long as I get to spend my birthday with you then I'm happy."

Patrick: "You're amazing...lay down!"

The pair giggle as Patrick playfully pushes her down onto the bed and crawls over to get on top of her, revealing some of his backside to the audience.


Linda/Ms. Cherry is standing in her office again and has both hands on her hips. She draws the outline of a circle on the floor with her foot and she lets out a huge sigh before looking up at Jack. It's clear she has just received some bad news.

Ms. Cherry: "OK...thanks for that, Jack. I need to make a few phone calls."

Ms. Cherry heads over to her desk and sits down in her chair. She picks up the phone receiver and places it between her left ear and shoulder as she begins to dial. It then switches back to Patrick's apartment. Emma is now laying down on the bed wearing nothing but a bra. Her legs are spread and Patrick's head is down in her intimate area. The kissing sounds from Patrick and the groaning coming from Emma make it quite clear what he's doing to his girlfriend. His mobile starts to ring. Patrick continues doing this to Emma whilst reaching his hand out, feeling around the bed trying to find his mobile phone. He eventually grabs his trousers, which are all scrunched up on the bed, and pulls out his phone from the pocket. He answers whilst still pleasuring Emma. As the conversation takes place it switches shots, showing who is saying what. When Ms. Cherry speaks, she is shown at the desk and when Patrick is talking the viewers see him (well the top of his head) between Emma's legs.

Patrick: "Hello."

Ms. Cherry: "Patrick, it's Linda. I've got something to tell you."

Patrick seems uninterested and keeps continuing to please his girlfriend, causing a lot of pauses in his sentences.

Patrick: "Sure....on...you....go."

Ms. Cherry: "This a bad time?"

Patrick: "Well I.....was in the middle of....eating"

Ms. Cherry: "What you having?"

Patrick: "Taco."

Ms. Cherry: "Patrick.....stop eating your girlfriend out and listen to me."

Patrick laughs a little, sits up and wipes his mouth. He is now more focused on what his boss has to say.

Ms. Cherry: "I've just been told that Charlotte has been found with her throat slit just two streets away. She wasn't booked during the time so we aren't sure if it was a client, more importantly, we don't know if it was the one that paid you a visit. It could be connected, it might just be coincidence. Unfortunately, we'll have to close down for a week or two. I don't like losing money, just like you but if things get worse and we're forced to close down forever, that's a whole lot worse. Until everything calms down, we're closing our doors. A huge inconvenience, I know."

Patrick: "Charlotte....?"

Ms. Cherry: "Yes, yes, it's terrible, I know and it's shit like this that really throws a spanner into the works especially in the prostitution ring. This is something you in particular will have to get used to. I'm hoping one day that you will take over the agency when I'm gone. You have the same drive and love for money as I do as well as the cut throat attitude. No wonder why you're my favourite escort. You're just like me."

During the words 'you're just like me', the camera shows Patrick with a look of disgust on his face as Ms. Cherry's voice can be heard through the phone. He is about to object and he seems rather upset at being compared to her, so much so that his eyes fill up with tears however he quickly pulls himself together and just hangs up before airing his thoughts about the comparison. Emma sits up and wraps her arms around him.

Emma: "What's wrong?"

Patrick: "Nothing. You feel like going out for a walk?"

Emma: "Patrick, it's half past one in the morning."

Patrick: "Please? I need some air."

Emma nods and smiles


Emma and Patrick stand on a bridge, looking out onto the river at night. Emma holds on to the white rails of the bridge with both hands whilst Patrick has his left hand on the rails and his right arm wrapped around his girlfriend. It is clear to see that despite his double life, he treasures and loves Emma. Patrick is wearing a long, black coat which resembles that of a stereotypical detective. He also dons his trademark Italian leather shoes and black trousers. Emma has hair all swept over her left shoulder, resting upon her new, black leather jacket. Her dark blue skinny jeans tuck into her knee-high, brown, high heeled boots. She turns around, leaning against the rails of the bridge and Patrick does the same. She takes her iPhone out of her pocket and holds it up.

Emma: "Let me take a picture."

The camera shows a close up of the phone's screen, giving the audience a view of what the picture will look like. The pair both smile, showing off two sets of pearly white teeth. As the picture is captured, Emma looks at the phone and smiles when she sees the picture. The camera shows the picture again. They look extremely happy together.

Emma: "You look so cute."

Patrick: "I know. Being cute is my downfall."

As soon as Emma puts the phone into her pocket, it starts to ring. 'Long Overdue' by Jennifer Armstrong is her ringtone. It echoes loudly over the vast bridge. Patrick and Emma both look at each other with a confused expression, both wondering who could be calling at this time of night. Emma looks down at her phone.

Emma: "It's my sister."

Patrick: "What does she want at this time?"

Emma: "Beats me. I'll be back in two ticks."

Emma shrugs and answers the call. She walks halfway down the bridge as she begins to talk to her sister. Patrick turns and leans against the rails of the bridge again and looks out into the water which, in the dark, looks like a sea of tar calling people in to meet their unfortunate demise. His eyes shine in the small amount of light reflected from the river. Patrick folds his arms and rest them on the bridge. He turns his head sideways to speak to the camera. During his monologue, he looks at the camera then back at the river several times.

Patrick: "Those words, those four words that Ms. Cherry said; 'you're just like me' has really made me think. Am I really such a selfish, money driven, arrogant tosser? I like to have some money, who doesn't? It gets you by in life, gets you nice clothes, a house, a car, good food and it makes you happy to a certain degree. I used to think that money was everything but now....now, I don't know what to think. I was so worried about putting my job in jeopardy that I let this potentially murderous man walk out of my apartment and now another girl is dead. It might not be because of me but I'm 99.9% sure that if I called the police on the guy that threatened me, Charlotte would still be alive and the agency wouldn't have had to close for a few weeks. I-..."

Emma comes skipping over, covering the phone with her hand as she speaks to Patrick in a quiet voice.

Emma: "Mandy just split up with her boyfriend and needs a place to stay. Can she come over to ours?"

Patrick: "Sure, I don't see why not."

Emma: "Great, you're amazing."

Emma smiles and continues the conversation with her sister. Patrick then turns to the camera again to finish off what he was saying earlier.

Patrick: "I've been thinking a lot today and it seems like all the material things and the cash are more trouble than they're worth. What are they worth exactly? Are all these things more valuable than another person's life? Is this job really worth the risks? I really don't think it is....





thanks 6 users thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
RoseJapanFan on 13/03/2013(UTC), Walton on 13/03/2013(UTC), snap_itshannah on 13/03/2013(UTC), mebeme101 on 13/03/2013(UTC), erich hess on 13/03/2013(UTC), GirlSpice on 14/03/2013(UTC)
Offline mebeme101  
#22 Posted : 13 March 2013 09:50:41(UTC)
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ooc: Really great job again I think this one might actually be my favorite one so far loved it :)
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BrownSugar on 13/03/2013(UTC)
Offline BrownSugar  
#23 Posted : 13 March 2013 09:55:05(UTC)
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ooc: Thank you very much :) This episode was the hardest and longest to write lol




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