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OOC: All words by mebeme101 & BrownSugar. Graphics by BrownSugar  UPLOADSHusband TagHUSBAND TAGDustyn and Blake sit together at their computer screen, with smiles on their faces as they are both excited to be recording the first video for their new official YouTube channel. They are on a rotating computer sit, with Blake sitting on the actual chair whilst little Dustyn sits on his husband's lap. Blake puts his arms around Dustyn's waist which causes the blonde haired singer to giggle a little. Dustyn is wearing a short sleeved stars and stripes t-shirt, with the main body of the top being the red and white stripes whilst the short sleeves the just cover his shoulders are dark blue with the white star on it. Blake has a loose fitting brown t-shirt on with a slogan on the t-shirt which is hard to make out. In the background, a children's TV programme can be heard which is presumably being watched by their 11 month old since, Shay. After adjust the camera for a few seconds, Dustyn speaks in his usual cheery voice. "Hello!!! It's Dustyn and Blakey here, we is doing the first video for our new YouTube channel. I is so excited, it's going to so much fun. So before we start I just wants to say a little bit about this channel. Me and Blakey will be uploading videos as much as possible. We is hoping to make it a weekly thing but we is very busy at times and that might throw us off schedule but we'll try our bestest. This channel is random because we will do basically any types of videos like question and answers, challenges, we might just be giving you little updates, behind the scenes footage of stuffs, might even tell you guys some random stories if we is bored and..eh...maybe even a few cover songs now and again. Also, it might just be me that uploads a video or it might just be Blake at times. Another thing is that we'll try our bestest to reply to some of your comments below. We love to interact with our fans and this channel is another way of doing that. You guys can also request things you want to see us do in videos as long as it's within reason so you can leave suggestions in the comments below. OK so now that I has getted that out of the way, let's start. This is 'husband tag', sort of like boyfriend tag but with a ring on it. Blake has got a series of questions about himself and he's going to ask them to me and I need to try to get them right to show how much I know my own husband. Then he'll answer the same questions for me. If we pass that means we is good husbands if not then I guess....divorce...OK so let's get started!"Dustyn turns to Blake, looking nervous. Blake lifts up a sheet of paper with the questions on it and starts to read the first one in his American accent. I'm sitting in front of the tv what is on the screen?"Hardcore gay porn! I don't know....you like Diary Of An Escort....you watched Echo when I was in it too...you also watch MTV a lot even though it sucks balls. Mind you, so does gay porn.""Hey I don't watch porn I'm an angel!". Blake laughs a little. "But other than that you got it right". He smiles before kissing him. "And you usually watch...well I'm pretty sure you like that one show um...Pretty Little Liars I think it's called right?""YES! I love PLL but I keep missing it because of work in the band so I has only just finished series 2."We're out to eat what kind of dressing do I get on my salad"I don't know. Blakey, I has never seen you eat a salad ever and don't say you have cos you haven't.""I don't always eat salad but when I do I get ranch as for you I can't say I've seen you eat salad before". He laughs a little. "I hates salads, they is as boring as watching paint dry with a depressed librarian."Whats one food I don't like?"Coconut. I still can't believe you don't like coconut! It's total sex. You said my hair always smells of coconut no matter what shampoo I use so that means you don't like my smell, Blakey. If you don't like the smell of your husband then you're rude. Goodbye.""I hate the taste the smell is actually pretty nice though". Blake smiles before kissing Dustyn on the cheek and playing with his hair a little. "I'm pretty sure you don't like apples if you want to count that""Correct. I hate apples. They is boring and cause so much trouble. I mean just look at what happened with Adam and Eve because of a stupid apple. If that apple wasn't there, Adam and Eve would still be very popular and they would probably have their own reality show on MTV by now."We go out to eat and have a drink what do I order?"Probably pizza or spaghetti and you'd have a beer too but you'll want the beer in the bottle and not in a glass.""Yeah that's pretty true I don't know what your favorite drink is really but you like spicy foods so I'm guessing you'd order something spicy""Yeah, I'd order anything spicy but hot chicken wings is my favourite! My favourite drink is Dr Pepper. You should know that Blakey. I always steal yours."What size shoe do I wear?"Well you say you is a size nine but because you is in the UK now, it's considered about a size ten.""Well I heard you say you were a size four before I think""Yep, I is a size four. Small feets...." He then turns to the camera and moves right up to it, wagging his finger. "But don'ts believe the thing about shoe size and pee-pee size cos it's not true. Blakey can back me up." Dustyn chuckles and sits back on Blake's lap.If I was collecting anything what would it be?"Little dolls of me!""No I would most certainly not! I'd collect guitar picks because....why not?" Blake laughs "And you would collect um...probably albums or posters I think""Who needs dolls when you has the real thing? Yeah you is right, I collect both."What is my favorite type of sandwich?"Peanut butter and jelly. But I say peanut butter and jam cos that's what it's called here. 'Jelly' mean 'jello' here too and we don'ts say 'jello' at all and...and...and...I forget.""Yup I've loved them ever since I was a kid and I think yours is just a cheese sandwich right?""Yeah just cheese. I like strong cheese. I love cheese that you can actually cut and grate. I also love spreadable cheese but I hate those synthetic cheese slices that you see on burgers. YUCK! I hate burgers anyway..."What would I eat everyday if I could?"I was going to say something dirty there but I won't. Babies and lesbians might be watching. I don't know. Something Italian probably." "I'd eat spaghetti". Blake smiles and tightens his grip around Dustyn then rests his chin on Dustyn's shoulder. "Hmm this is probably the hardest question ever" Blake says jokingly "Blueberry muffins you could eat those for years""I'd have sex with them if it wasn't illegal!"What is my favorite cereal?"Lucky Charms because of me! I is your little leprechaun.""Nah, my favorite cereal is anything chocolatey but you are definitely my little leprechaun" Blake smiles then kisses Dustyn "Your favorite is Lucky Charms I think""Well I do love them but my favourite has to be either Rice Krispies or Frosties with lots of sugar and warm milk."What's my fav music?"Taylor Swift. Just kidding, I know you has good taste in music. I don'ts know any artists you like best but I know you listen to pop and rock/pop a lot.""Oh yes I always jam to Taylor she's awesome" Blake laughs a little "I like a lot of different kind of artists and bands I like Kings of Leon, Isabel, Jennifer Armstrong, Riot! In The Boulevard and that's about it I hate Weekend" Blake laughs again before kissing Dustyn. "Kidding of course they're my favorite I love the cute Irish one". He winks. "And I know you love The Stat Nerds, The Wanted...Kidding! um I guess you like a lot of pop right and R&B right?""Don'ts joke about that or else...! and, yeah you is correct! I love pop, pop/rock and R&B and I mean good old R&B like En Vogue, MKS, Brandy and early Ne-Yo stuff."What's my fav sports team?"That stupid basketball team I forget their name. I hate basketball, the bouncing annoys me, I just won't to walk onto the court and burst the ball. That way they would learn to be quieter and more respectful to my ears.""Yes and Heat are my favorite team" He laughs a little "I don't think I've seen you watch sports really""Well I support a football...well 'soccer' team, Ireland, but that's just cause my family does. I don'ts really bother with sports."Whats my eye color?"It's a nice chocolatey brown colour that I just want to eat up. I want though cos then you'll do dying and a dead husband is no good.""Your eyes are blue but have like this goldish sort of color in them if that makes sense your eyes are beautiful". Blake smiles at Dustyn."Aw thank you Blakey. You still isn't getting the last blueberry muffin though."Who's my best friend?"Um...Chris?""Correct and yours is Billy I think". He looks at him."Yes, Mr Khan is my bestest friend. I need to call him actually, he's been quite distant."What is something you do that I wish you wouldn't?"Sometimes I don't let you have some foods cos they taste of yumminess and I want them all to myself and another thing is....making smells in bed.""I love everything you do but you could share your food a little more". He laughs a little. "Um you hate when I watch basketball I don't really know a lot of things you hate that I do"."I hate it when you watch it all the time and I has to sit there nearly falling asleep during it but I don't hate that as much as I hate when you say you is a bad singer. You is a great singer Blakey and I is jealous of your voice." He gently kisses him on the lips.Whats my heritage/where am I from?"Your mum.""Well okay then". He rolls his eyes and chuckles at how quick and blunt Dustyn was when answering the question. "You're also from your mother". "Maybe. Maybe not."You bake me a cake for my birthday what kind of cake?"Me baking a cake!? It would be a burnt one then..." "Yeah that'd be kind of scary to be honest". He laughs. "I wouldn't even bake you a cake I'd just make you a giant blueberry muffin and put a few candles in"(Claps excitedly) "YES! I can'ts wait! Ugh, why did I have to be borned on Christmas? It's so far away!"Did I play any sports?"I is guessing that you played basketball since you like it so much but I don't know, you seem too small to play it. I know I is small but you isn't that tall either. Maybe someone lifted you up so you could put it in the net.""I did play basketball I'm not obsessed with it it's just a fun sport to play and I didn't need any help I was actually a really good shooter I don't think you play sports""I is hopeless at sports. At school, they made you play lots of sports in PE but I was rubbishness at them apart from gymnastics but outside of school, I never really did any in my free time and I still don'ts. I already getted enough exercise on our honeymoon..."What could I spend hours doing?"You could spend hours playing with my hair cause sometimes you do that at night. You could also spend hours singing with your sexy voice.""I could do anything for hours as long as it's with you". Blake smiles then thinks for a second. "That sounded kind of dirty but you get what I mean". He laughs a little. "Um you could...I don't know if I should say..." Blake bites his lip and makes a funny facial expression to the camera."Just say it, Blakey. There's only going to be a few million viewers.""I would but the video would be reported..."What is one unique talent I have?"You can do backflips really well.....and I can't...""Yeah, they aren't really that hard though I could also beatbox a little if you want to count that". He laughs a little. "And you can do just about every accent like around the world never heard anyone as good at those as you". Blake gently pulls Dustyn back and gives him a soft kiss on the cheek."Isn't really hard? Blakey, flipping your body round backwards in the air is hard! I try to do a backflip, I look like I'm having a fit. And yeah I suppose I can do accents well. I can impersonate Billy Connolly really well and it freaks people out."After all the questions are finished, Blake looks at the questions and thinks about how many Dustyn got right. Dustyn bites his nails nervously and rocks back and forth ever so slightly. "Did I pass? Did I do passing? Is I a good husband?" Dustyn suddenly grabs the paper away from Blake, not wanting to hear the true result. "I think I passed anyway, I only getted a couple wrong and Blakey, you definitely passed too." He smiles and cuddles into Blake. Blake moves the chair closer as it had started to roll back on its wheels during the video. Dustyn looks at the camera. "YAY! We both passed, that means we can stay married! OK, so thank you all for watching make sure you pass this video on, tweet about it, comment and like oh and don't forget to do the subscribing....I've always wanted to say that. Highlight of my entire career and life." He giggles. "Also, remember to leave suggestions in the comments section and me and Blakeykins will look through them and see which ones are the bestest. Stay safe out there, love you guys." Dustyn makes a little heart with his hands and smiles, he then turns to Blake and slaps his thigh, "Make a heart!", Blake then makes a heart too and Dustyn smiles again. "Bye, bye everyone." He blows a kiss and ends the video. TOP COMMENTS ON 'HUSBAND TAG'
"It's so great to see Dustyn all giggling and happy again. Not many people are able to pull themselves through such a rough, dark time of their lives but thankfully, Dustyn has. Him and Blake make such a great couple and I hope they remain this happy and entertaining for a long time to come! Weekend3r - 34 Likes
"I love them both but I wish Blake would speak more. It's like he's scared to even go against what Dustyn says. It's clear that Dustyn loves attention and some of the expressions on Blake's face in the background make me think he's a little tired of Dustyn's wildness. Not hating though, I love them but I'm only saying what I'm seeing. ChloeJefferson94 - 9 Likes Edited by user 12 years ago
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