How does it feel to be married?I'm loving the married life it's really nice!
Did you enjoy your honeymoon?Oh yeah I definitely enjoyed my honeymoon. Loved it!
Have you and Dustyn had sex on the beach?No that sounds painful...
Have you read Fifty Shade of Grey?Pfft...yeah I haven't finished it yet.
When was the last time you spoke to your parents?I spoke to my mother at the wedding and I don't really talk to my dad anymore.
Do you have any pets?Dustyn has two cats that's about it.
Finish the sentence; 'The Stat Nerds are....'A group.
Will there be another album from The Zone this year?Nothing planned yet we're all just enjoying our breaks from recording and touring and all that.
We are huge Blake Williams fans. Can you sign our napkins?Sure, I'll sign anything.
Too wet or too dry?Um too wet?
Chocolate or cake?Chocolate cake!
Will Taylor Swift ever find love?I can't answer, I don't want a song written about me.
What is the best part of your body?My di.....nah probably my butt!
What's the best freebie you've received since becoming a celebrity?I got a free pack of cigarettes once.
What's the worst thing you've ever tasted?Liam's cooking.
Who has the best booty in the industry; Layla Raine, Layla Sanchez, Stephanie Fierce or Scott Wellington?Probably Layla Raine the others are nice too though not that I've looked...
Do you have a middle name?Nope, no middle name.
Will you ever get a tattoo? If so, where would you get it and what would it be of?I actually have a tattoo on my wrist, I got it a while ago when I was wasted. It's Dustyn's name.....yeah, I don't know if I want any more.
What car do you drive?I hate driving I usually get a taxi or take the bus.
Do you watch Diary Of An Escort? Is Riley Hamilton a good or bad actor?Yes and Riley is an amazing actor. Anyone who knows Riley knows that he's nothing at all like Patrick.
Finish the sentence; 'My feet are...'Sexy!!
Who's the funniest person you know?Probably Scott Wellington.
Favourite clothes shop?Doesn't really bother me where I get my clothes to be honest. Anywhere I guess.
If you type in 'Blake Williams' on Google, what are the first three predicted searches?Blake Williams Gay
Blake Williams The Zone
Blake Williams and Dustyn Blue
I've got a pocketful of sunshine. What do you currently have in your pocket?Cigarettes and gum.
Who's top and who's bottom?I'm top figure the rest out yourself.....
Sweet, salted or toffee popcorn?Salted because the rest just seems unnatural.
As you know, Mercedes & Luke split up so are you #TeamStriker or #TeamPayne?Why would you even do that to me? I like both of them I'm #TeamBoth.
How many followers do you have on Twitter?A million and something I believe.
Most embarrassing moment on camera?When I was younger my mother was recording me riding a bike and I was going really fast and feeling cool then I fell off, landed on my stomach and the bike continued going for a little without me, does that count?
Do you smoke?Yeah, trying to quit again though.
Will you release a solo album? PLEASE DO!No I don't see myself ever releasing a solo album.
Favourite pizza topping?Sausage.
Who's more caring; Riley Hamilton or Jesus?So they aren't the same person? Um Jesus I guess.
What's your party trick?I have no party trick, I'm the boring guy at parties.
Do you have any birth marks?I don't think so.
Do you have any piercings?Yeah, I do I probably shouldn't say where though...
Do you have a 'bromance' with any members of The Zone?Um probably Chris.
Are you and James Urie really the same person?Yes why do you think we're never photographed together?
Favourite swear word?There are a few and I blame Dustyn for making me swear, he's a bad influence! But my favorite is 'fuck',
How is Shay doing?Shay is doing fine, thanks for asking.
You and Dusty have a pregnant surrogate mother. Are you hoping for a boy or girl?Doesn't matter to me as long as the baby is healthy. Dusty wants a boy though.
How far is too far?Depends on what we're talking about.
Who does the cooking at your house?I think I cook a little more than Dustyn but we usually just order takeout or something.
Are you loud in bed?Not that I know of.
Would you rather have every hair on your body plucked or have every nail ripped off?Every hair plucked.
What song are you listening to most at the moment?'Drunk' by Ed Sheeran.
Weirdest place you've had sex?On top of a car.
What side of the bed do you sleep on?The right side.
The most important question. Do you like sushi?Oh God, I feel pressured to say 'yes' but the truth is I don't sorry.