The five girls of SYNCO are seated on a little couch with posters around on the wall and a blackboard Layla is sat on the right armrest of the couch, Alex is sat next to her, Nicole is sat in the middle, Naomi is sat on the left and Jamie is sat on the far left of the couch they're all looking at the camera and smiling and waving as they speak to the cameraAll: "Hey That Music Site we're SYNCO"
Layla: "I'm Layla"
Alex: "I'm Alex"
Nicole: "I'm Nicole"
Naomi: "I'm Naomi"
Jamie: "And I'm Jamie"
Naomi: "And that was like our 20th time doing that"
The girls all laugh together before the video cuts for a second then goes to another partTMS: "It's really nice to see you girls how are you all?"
Nicole: "We're all super great today thank you!"
Nicole smiles after finishing the sentence before the interviewer speaks againTMS: "So you girls have recently released your new single Goodbye (Rest In Peace) can you tell us about it?"
Alex: "Well the meaning behind the song is a girl or guy changing after a bad relationship or like bullying or something just letting go of that and not letting it get to you anymore but like it's not a boring ballad kind of song it's basically a fun song but with a good story"
TMS: "And what made you write a song like that? Have you experienced something similar?"
Alex: "Well who hasn't experienced something like that? I mean I'm a teenage girl I have many insecurities and there are a lot of people that pointed them and still do point them out like every single day I use to let it get to me but it just doesn't bother me anymore I've let go of that of caring what people think"
TMS: "Naomi you didn't get a part solo on the song why was that?"
Naomi: "Well Of course I'm not going to get a solo on every single song that's part of being in a group it happens and I'm totally fine with that"
TMS: "Okay then so moving which one of you girls are taken and single?"
Naomi: "Taken"
Layla: "Single"
Nicole: "Single"
Jamie: "Also single"
Alex: "Yeah I'm single too"
TMS: "And Naomi who's the lucky guy?"
Naomi laughs as all the girls look at her waiting for the answerNaomi: "The extremely lucky guy goes by the name of Romeo Parker"
TMS: "And do the rest of you have any crushes?"
Layla: "My crush is Alex.....and Weekend!"
Alex: "I have a few won't say any names"
Layla: "Layla Sanchez better be one of those names"
Alex: "Of course baby"
Jamie: "God I hate this question my crush already knows who he is so I'm just going to keep it to myself"
She laughs a little along with the other girlsNicole: "Well....I'll be honest Brian from The Stat Nerds is super cute!"
The girls all laugh againTSM: "So you girls were put together by Weekend which member of Weekend would you say you are most like?"
Layla: "Alex is like Billy they're both hot and get this mean reputation which is totally a lie"
Alex: "Geez thanks Layla is our Dustyn they're both hyper and adorable"
Naomi: "I've been told I'm somewhat like Scott but cooler and hotter"
Layla: "And Nicole is our Riley and Jamie is our Oz"
TMS: "Who's the flirtiest member of the group?"
Layla: "Get ready for a shocker here folks it's....Nicole!"
Alex: "Yeah Nicole is the little flirt of the group"
Nicole laughs and shakes her headNicole: "I'm not a flirt how am I the flirtiest?"
Layla: "Well you're just super sweet and nice and stuff and sometimes that can come off as flirty"
Nicole: "Well that doesn't count!"
The girls start laughing once againTMS: "What are your top five favourite songs of all time? We can start with the flirt"
Nicole laughs a littleNicole: "I'm not a flirt! But my top five are number 1. 'On My Knees' by Jaci Velasquez, 2. 'Dreaming Of You' by Selena, 3. 'I Could Fall In Love' by Selena, yes I am a big Selena fan okay, 4 is 'Love On Top' by Beyoncé and 5 is 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran."
Naomi: "1. 'No Scrubs' by TLC, 2. 'Say My Name' by Destiny's, 3. 'Have You Ever' by Brandy, 4. 'Umbrella' by Rihanna, 5. 'Price Tag' by Jessie J"
Alex: "Number 1, 'National Anthem' by Lana Del Rey, number 2 is 'Sex On Fire' by Kings Of Leon, number 3, 'She Will Be Loved' by Maroon 5, number 4, 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri, and 5 is 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran"
Layla: "My favorites are 1. 'Give Me Love' by Ed Sheeran, 2. 'Don't Think Of Me' by Weekend, 3. 'A Smile To Remember' by Jennifer Armstrong, 4. 'Shut Me Out' by Kourtney, 5. 'Marilyn Monroe' by Serenity Scott"
Jamie: "1. 'Skyscraper' by Demi Lovato, 2. 'Broken Arrow' by Pixie Lott, 3. 'Bleeding Love' by Leona Lewis, 4. 'Call Your Girlfriend' by Robyn, 5. 'Follow Me Home' by Sugababes"
TMS: "All great songs so recently there's been lots of other girl groups coming into the industry like 4U Girls, Radioettes and of course the return of GirlSpice does that worry you girls at all?"
Layla: "Not really I mean I love all of the groups you've just mentioned though I haven't heard anything from the Radioettes they seem like nice girls but yeah I definitely love GirlSpice and 4U and all of them they're so rad and I have a huge girl crush on Nadia...can we maybe cut that last part out?"
The girls all laugh once againTMS: "How long do you think you girls will be together"
Naomi: "I planned on leaving the group after this interview"
Layla: "Naomi we need you because if Nicole gets sick then who's going to cook? I know I can't and Jamie definitely can't and Alex is a vegetarian please don't leave me"
Naomi: "Oh that all you need me for?"
Alex: "Pretty much"
All of the girls apart from Naomi start to laugh againAlex: "Seriously now though I don't see us breaking up we all love each other so we'll be together for a long time"
TMS: "Okay well that's about it for the interview thank you girls it's been so fun talking to you and I can't wait to see what you do next"
Nicole: "Aww thank you!"

The video then cuts again to the girls sitting in different positions this time Alex is on the armrest on the far right, Nicole is next to her Layla is in the middle then Naomi is next to her and Jamie is on the far left seated on the armrest on the couch as well Nicole speaks this time
Nicole: "Hey That Music Site we're SYNCO and we're going to be singing an acoustic cover of Explode by Michelle Green hope y'all enjoy it!"
After that an acoustic version of Michelle Green's Explode is heard playing it doesn't sound exactly like the song but it comes somewhat close to the actual song this song seems a very different to anything SYNCO has ever sang before the lyrics are far more mature and sexual and the sound is completely different from their own music which would lead people to wonder why they chose this song to cover out of all of the others they could have chosen by Michelle Green or any other artist we first hear Naomi start it off with her more bluesy styled vocals she might not totally fit the song perfectly but she sounds pretty good as she continues singing through the song some say that she has the least powerful voice and least favorite member of the group which is also why she get's the least amount of solos in the group but there are some that might just fall in love with her voice after Naomi finishes her part of the song it goes to Nicole who is usually known as the sweetest and most innocent member of the group so it might come as a bit of a shock for her to take the line "I'm this years 'good girl gone bad'" mainly because it's Nicole and everyone who knows SYNCO knows her as the good girl Nicole sings her part really well surprisingly fitting in the song really well she even gives the camera a sort of seductive look as she sings her parts in the verse which shockingly looks pretty good on her we then hear all the girls come in together harmonizing through the pre-chorus and the chorus it still comes as a surprise that these five completely different voices can sound so good together even better now they sound like they've improved on something that was already great soon after Alex comes in with that smoky and sexy voice that matches the song perfectly Alex was usually known as the hot or sexy one and the leader anyway so she definitely fit this song perfectly with no surprise to that she took the whole second verse to herself as she sang she had this little smirk on her face the girls all then came in again for the pre-chorus and chorus before we finally hear the bridge which was shared by Jamie and Layla Layla the baby of the group starts this part up with that unique voice that people tend to fall in love with it's a bit weird hearing Layla sing this type of song since she's the youngest of the group but she sounded pretty good on it as she sang she showed off those amazing riffs and runs that she usually does we then hear Jamie come in showing off a lot of power in her voice as she sang on her parts of the bridge people also loved Jamie's voice she would often get compared to a lot of great singers like Beyoncé or Leona she never really thought that though Jamie had also seemed to have gotten better the girls continue going back and fourth through the bridge until Jamie ends it going into a higher voice she held it for a few seconds as the guitar stopped playing after that it started playing once again and the girls all came in harmonizing once again to the pre-chorus and chorus which they did twice this time before ending the cover
Pay attention baby, this is something that you've got to know
You'll be in for a ride when I lose all my control
Sit up. Listen up. Watch me whilst you get it up
I can go for hours, can never seem to get enoughI'm this year's 'good girl gone bad', bet you wasn't expecting that
Still as cute as ever but I pounce just like a pussycat
Deep breath, intake, tense up while I change the pace
Come a little closer, don't be afraid to have a tasteI got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH meI'm on overload, explode, baby please don't let me go
I'm hanging on the edge, never felt like this before
In a freaky state of mind, in complete and utter ecstasy
Now it's my turn to take the ropes, show off my new strategy
You've pushed all the right buttons, I'm going overboard
You're so sweet tasting, got me wanting more and more
Gonna show you a thing or two, my sexy little Valentine
All the girls want a touch but I'm glad I get to call you mineI got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH meDon't stop. Lip lock.
Baby turn the pressure up,
watch me do my thing, baby we gon' make it hot.
Want you to put it on me,
want you to feel upon me
Want all eyes on us,
want the whole world to see
I'll do anything you like,
I've got nothing to hide
If you get me fired up, we can go all nightI got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH me
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH me

After the cover the video cuts once again the girls are all sat in the same positions as earlier this time Alex speaks while the rest stay quiet Alex looks directly at the camera as she speaks again
Alex: "Hey That Music Site I'm Alex and we're SYNCO and we're going to sing an acoustic version of our new single Goodbye (Rest In Peace) enjoy"
She says with a smile as she finishes the sentence the guitarist then begins playing an acoustic version to the song and it sounds extremely similar to the original but different of course considering it's played on an acoustic guitar Alex takes the first verse and sings with that smoky sort of deep voice that everyone seems to love which is why she's the leader she looks directly into the camera as she sings the first verse and gives the camera a little glare as she continues singing after she finishes the first verse all the girls come in harmonizing beautifully in the chorus blending their voices perfectly together as they continue to sing after we hear Alex come in again starting up and taking most of the second verse after Alex finishes singing her part of the song Nicole closes her eyes and moves her hands a little as she comes in singing in a sweeter tone this time than we heard on the song she continues singing through her part sounding amazing until she reaches the end of the verse where she sounds even better as she holds the last note for a few seconds going higher and higher until the chorus finally comes back in with all the girls harmonizing nicely before we get into the bridge where we hear Jamie once as she sings her part amazingly showing off that powerful voice once again just like in the cover of Michelle Green's song she sounds absolutely amazing before her part ended the girls then came back in for the chorus where they sang with those nice beautiful harmonies however Jamie held one note for a few seconds being heard over the girls as they continued harmonizing she continued holding that note then they cam in together to do the chorus once more with adlibs done by Jamie and Layla this time which sounded pretty amazing they continued this for a little before the song came to an end the girls all smiled at the camera and waved before the video suddenly faded out
I'm rising from the ashes feeling reborn
Seeing everything clearly now that you're
Gone every doubt and insecurity seems to fade
Away now that you're not with me I stayed blind
Far too long wasted time but now that's done
And everything feels better now now that you're goneSo watch me rise up while you fall and you can try
All you want but the person you knew is so far gone
You'll never see her again you'll never see her again
she's dead oh she's dead so goodbye rest in peace but hello
to the newer better me goodbye goodbye rest in peaceYou don't even know how good it is to finally be free
To run my own life to finally be me no more of your
Holding me back feels like I'm finally back on trackI'm spreading my wings opening my eyes baby, baby
You can stay there and watch me fly my only limit now is the skySo watch me rise up while you fall and you can try
All you want but the person you knew is so far gone
You'll never see her again you'll never see her again
she's dead oh she's dead so goodbye rest in peace but hello
to the newer better me goodbye goodbye rest in peaceShe's so she's so far away she's so gone but I'm seeing a
New day about time I seen her leave about time I get to be
Me and get to do my own thingSo watch me rise up while you fall and you can try
All you want but the person you knew is so far gone
You'll never see her again you'll never see her again
she's dead oh she's dead so goodbye rest in peace but hello
to the newer better me goodbye goodbye rest in peaceSo watch me rise up while you fall (
watch me watch me oh oh)
and you can try
All you want but the person you knew is so far gone (
Woah she's so gone)
You'll never see her again you'll never see her again
she's dead oh she's dead so goodbye rest in peace but hello
to the newer better me goodbye goodbye rest in peace