OOC: Huge thanks to erichhess who provided the questions for me :)

What name is written in your underwear?I isn't wearing any underwear, I just has a giant sock covering my penis. I is joking! Well I has my name written on the little label thing so I know they is mines but they also say Calvin Klein on the front too. They isn't his though, they is mines. I buyed them with my own money.
If buried up to your neck in shit and someone threw a bucket of snot at you, would you duck?Yuck! That question is just ickyness, ewwww! I has absolutely no idea what I would do. I just wants to know what kind of sicko would do that to me, ha! I'd probably just let them throw it over me cos I think that ducking into that would be so much worse. I needs to ask other people that question now.
If you could kill any of the Cosby kids, who would it be?Who is the Cosby kids? Is they like singers or something? I don'ts know who you is talking about. I is just gonna take a stab in the dark and say.....the guy(?) I don'ts even know!
What is the most valuable thing you have? Don't worry, we aren't stealing it...unless its super cool.At firstest I was going to say; Shay, Kayden and Koa but I remembered that they is people and not 'things'. If I said that, it would be a bit offensive. Well I has lots of things with a lot of sentimental value but to others they isn't worth squat. I has this album called 'Gotta Tell You' by Samantha Mumba. I buyed it way back in 2000 and although it's not exactly a classic, groundbreaking album it still is one of my most treasured possessions. It was the first thing I ever buyed with my own money and it was also my first album ever. I was nearly five years old when it came out and yet I still remember the day I buyed it. I gots the album at such a bad point of my childhood and the record was like my only source of happiness for quite some time. If you wants to know about the most expensive things I have then you might be interested in hearing that I has a Chaos Award, a watch that is worth like £650,000 and I has a beautiful, large emperor sized, hand-carved Versailles bed. There's lots of room to roll around! I only buyed those as a treat for myself. I don'ts like to constantly spend huge amounts of money.
What song was playing when you lost your virginity?Well, I kinda lost my virginity unwillingly and no music was playing........um, can you do asking the next question, please?
What is the most attractive thing to you?Money! Ha, I is only joking. I think that a guy has to has a great sense of humour. If you can laugh about things and not be so uptight then you is instantly more attractive to me. I is a sucker for tall guys with brown eyes and dark hair, kinda the opposite of what I is! I doesn't have a fetish for these parts of the body but if you has a hairy butt and ugly feets then it's a turn off. Smooth butts and much more my thing ;)
If you were born with a tail, would you want to keep it attached? It wouldn't be a hairy tail. It would be limp and fleshy.Huh, that would be kinda weird. Let me do imagining.........HA! That's funny! Well to be honest, I seems to has a big long tail at the front and that's not giving me any grief so I don'ts see how one at the back would do any harm either. Wait....I might have to get it removed if it gets in the way when I is getting.....you know....
3 wishes. No wishing for more wishes or world peace. Go.Well my first would definitely be for Shay's hearing to improve. He was borned with only 10% hearing in one ear and completely deaf in the other. It's really hard for him to learn talking cos he can't pick up on words. If I could make that all better, I would. My second wish would be for Friends to come back. That was the bestest show ever! My final wish would be for a lifetime supply of blueberry muffins. They is my favouritest ever! Oh my God, thinking about them just made me do coming in my boxers.
Do you get a long with your parents?Unfortunately not. I used to be really closed to my mum but she sort of fell into a deep depression and hasn't really been the same. I still try to do talking to her when I can but it's not the same. It's like she's empty. My dad just hates me along with the majority of my home town. We was a very Catholic family almost extremist - very strict and religious. I went and did a few things that the church is against and dad sort of disowned me. I still love him but I doesn't exist to him. I wonder how that's going considering I is practically everywhere.
Do you think aliens exist?Oh they definitely do. I has seened them whilst on tour in America. They was buying jars of Nutella in Walmart. Mind you, that was when I was on a diet of just cocaine and Dr Pepper so I might has been imagining it.
Tight pants or loose pants?Well I has no idea if you mean 'underwear' or 'trousers'. I is just going to assume you is talking about trousers. I prefer wearing loose ones because I can run around more and they don'ts crush my man truncheon. I like seeing a guy in tight trousers though. Especially if he has a big butt!
Ever sample a brick of coke with a switchblade, like in the movies?No, I don'ts think so. I might has done though. The cocaine days is all a bit blurry to me.
What is your favorite musical?I isn't really a big fan of musicals. Big shock, I know. The little gay boy doesn't like musicals, haha!
What's the most inappropriate thing you've ever laughed at?When Billy was hit by a car. I wasn't there to see it but when I heard that he was hit with a car, I just getted a mental imagine of Cindy being run over at the end of Scary Movie whilst shouting, 'Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!'. It was funny. Billy didn't think so though.
You ever play spin the bottle?I has never played it in my life. I'd play it if it was just with guys though.
Would you rather have Suzie's actual voice or Suzie's tits surgically attached to you?I'd rather have Suzie's voice. I can handle tits, they is like the Antichrist to me!
What is the last place you were kicked out of?I got kicked out of a club in L.A a few months back. They had no problem letting me into the place even though I is just 17 yet as soon as I start to snort cocaine in the toilets there is suddenly 'an issue'. I don'ts understand America at times and I don't think it understands me either, mainly because of this accent.
Paper or plastic?Paper. I likes to draw on it and it's fun to scrunch up and rip. Plastic is harder and meaner. Though, paper cuts can be a little bitch too. However, if paper cuts me I get revenge on it and tear it up! By the way, remember that shampoo you had as a kid and thought it wouldn't make you cry cos it said 'no more tears' but it still hurt your eyes like hell? I just realised it was meaning tears as in tears in you hair!
Do you respect the one urinal buffer zone in public restrooms?Pfft, no. It's not because I is gay and OK with being near a penis. I just think guys in general need to loosen up and not think so highly of themselves. Who would want to look at you whilst you're getting rid of bodily fluids? Just pee, wash your hands and go. Having said that though, if someone catches a glimpse of me at the urinal they tend to ask questions about my size which can be quite awkward.
Ever seen a grown man naked?Come on, did you really just ask me that!? I has seened lots of nakey men and mostly all of them had my consent, thanks for asking. Even if I was straight, I'm in a band with four other young men and we spend a lot of time together so it'd be inevitable that we'd see one another nakey. I can identify a band member by testes alone!
Ever spun around until you puked?I spin around a lot when I is bored but it hasn't made me do puking yet. I has eated so much Butterfinger bars which made me do puking though. We only has them here in those American shops, they isn't selled anywhere else and they is quite expensive cos of import prices and stuffs. Anyway, whenever I pass one of those shops I buy hundreds of them and eat them all in one day! Yeah, I is addicted.
What is your favorite cartoon character?Oooooh, I like....Marge Simpson. Her voice is great and the fact that she's putted up with Homer all these years makes me salute her. Daphne from Scooby-Doo is great too. She's so stylish and sassy. I also love Butters from South Park cos he is just so adorable, I wants to steal him! Also, Billy used to tease me and say that I was Butters.
If you could fuck any cartoon character, who would it be?I don'ts do the fucking, they'd be doing it to me ;) Eh......maybe Fry from Futurama. He's cute. Also, would Stiles McGraw from The Sims 3 count? He's not a cartoon but he's animated and not real. After this, I is going to lock myself in the room and play The Sims 3....
Oh no! Defcon 1, nuclear war is fixing to go down. What do you do?Eh....fart! Honestly, I do that when I is scared.
If a dog humps your leg, do you let him finish?Ahhhh no!!!!! I is scared of dogs. I don'ts even like them looking at me never mind doing humping!
Have you ever seen a Steven Seagal movie?Who? I has heard his name so many times but I couldn't pick him out of a line up. So no, I probably hasn't seened any of his stuffs. Is they good? Should I watch one?
Do you flip the channel when those Sarah McLachlan animal commercials come on?Those adverts don't air over here but I has heard that they is irritating like hell. I share a band with Riley Hamilton though and he talks a lot about animals so I guess I is used to it all.
Pirates, ninjas or samurais? which is your favorite?Samurais. They is super super cool! Pirates is ugliness. They look like they'll smell of stale beer and cat pee and their styling is repulsive. I is about to call extreme makeover. Ninjas is cool too but nothing can beat samurais.
Weirdest spot you ever slept in?We was all staying at Riley's home one day, this was before we getted the Weekend complex so we is talking about his family home in Leeds. Anyway, there was no place to sleep for me and Oscar to sleep. Oz decided to just find a place on the floor but I sleeped on a shelf which was built into the alcove in the room. Luckily I was small enough to fit and was light enough to lay on it! It was quite comfortable.
If you had to make out with someone not of your preferred gender,who would it be?Ugh, really? Do I has to answer this? Hehe, well I'd say maybe Mariko or Erica cos they is small and I wouldn't has to stand on a box to kiss them. They is pretty too so it wouldn't be
that bad. I also think that Lacy from 4U is really pretty too so I'd make out with her but only if my life depended on it. Not disrespecting girls, girls is amazeballs but it's just hard to imagine me in a situation where I
had to do kissing one, haha!
Conservative or liberal. Which tastes better?Liberal. I had a Conservative once. Very bitter.
Is Charlie Brown funny?Is you talking about that balding cartoon boy with bad fashion sense? I don'ts know really, I has only ever seened drawings of him. I has only ever seened drawings of Hello Kitty too and has never watched the show. Maybe I should go on YouTube and watch some!
What is the perfect drug?Haha, I wonder why you did asking this question. Well the thing that getted me pumped up the most was speedballs. That's where you put cocaine and either heroin or morphine in the same syringe and inject it. I just used to put all three in though cos I didn't wants one to feel lefted out. BUT since I isn't here to promote drugs cos they is bad, I is going to be really cheddar cheesy and say love is the perfect drug. So addicting.
Do you try to save the earth?What!? Who is trying to hurt the earth!? I don'ts even know what's going on. I never knowed that the earth was in trouble. OK, I'll try to help save it but I has no idea how.
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone successfully?I wish! I don'ts even try to blame it on someone else cos I would never get away with it. My farts is so loud, it's really obvious where they has camed from and all the boys know how loudly I do farting so it'd be impossible to pin the blame on someone else! At least they don'ts smell bad like Billy's though! I did farting in church once....
Do you eat all your vegetables?No, maybe that's why I hasn't growed! I can eat sweetcorn, lettuce, potatoes and those hot peppers....I also like cucumbers but I can'ts buy them without getting odd looks. The rest of the vegetables can go and do dying. Broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peas, turnip, SPROUTS = Yuck!
Who is someone you can tell anything?I used to think it was Blake but I guess I was wrong. I can never seem to trust the right people. However, I feel like I can tell the boys anything, especially Billy. So far, they has been trustworthy and I is so thankful that I have them as friends. Jennifer Armstrong and Katie Coyle is really close friends too. I don'ts know if I could tell them
anything but I can still tell them lots of stuffs.
What would you pay Morgan Freeman to say?I'd pay him to say "I is Dusty" cos I always say that and I wants to hear what it'd sound like from him. It'd be so funny cos he isn't really Dusty, I is Dusty!
What do you have under your bed?I has a lot of plastic boxes filled with video games under my bed. All my shelves is filled with CD's, vinyls and DVD's and since I don'ts play video games much anymore, they go under the bed but I isn't going to throw them away cos I might decide to play them again one day. I also has a pair of slippers under there and I is pretty sure one of my kitties will be doing sleeping under the bed right now too. Oh and I also has some lube under the bed but I don'ts use that anymore. It was for Blake cos he is circumcised and needed.....you know what, I think I has said too much, haha!
Can you drive a car?No but hopefully I will be able to soon! My dyslexia used to be really badness and I used to rely on this talking app to tell me what things said and I had to speak into it and it would type out what I said. Now, it is so much better and I can read a lot more. I wasn't allowed to drive cos I couldn't read road signs and stuff but now I has improved I now has a better chance of passing. Scott is the only one who can drive in the band but he did moving to America so the group needs a new chauffeur!
What scares you the most?A lot of things scare me so much. I is terrified of spiders, insects, birds, dogs, snakes, crowds, enclosed spaces, loud noises, water, big industrial looking buildings like....if buildings and structures doesn't have windows it scares me because it's like it's all so secretive. Gas works and water towers frighten the life out of me! Abandoned buildings scare me as well as ships, shipwrecks and Nicki Minaj's voice. I think she is malfunctioning. What scares me the mostest though would be the thought of losing my kids. They is everything to me and I can'ts imagine being without them.
Why did you get into music?I has just always loved music since ever! It made me feel happy, it made me feel sad, it just helped me to do expressing myself. I had a really bad childhood and I could never really do trusting or relying on anyone so music was my only safety net. It taked me away to a magical world and all the badness in my life didn't matter. Also, everyone knows that I like to has a good time and there is no better way of enjoying yourself than doing singing and dancing in your bedroom!
Who is the most unlikely person you have done drugs with?Hmm...there's probably a whole bunch of random people but I just can'ts remember! I once did lines with Sarah Jane Honeywell, who is one of those presenters on the CBeebies channel. That's a channel aimed at pre-school children. The babies watch that channel all the time and I enjoy it too! I always wondered why she was so energetic at 6am!
Who is one person you would like to see get their head rammed into an elephant's ass?I would really like to see that Katie Hopkins lady be inserted right up inside an elephant's butt. She really annoys me so much and makes me do an angry face which is something I hates to do. She is just a hideous woman inside and out and only does this for attention and soundbites. I doubt anyone in the world sets out to be hated without having an ulterior motive behinds it. She already knows that I dislike her anyway. Katie started tweeting about me and said that I shouldn't have babies and that my kids has no hope in life. I had the last laugh though cos she spelled my name with an 'i' instead of 'y'. Silly bitch doesn't even know who one is addressing, haha!
Cheesiest movie you like?Um....I don'ts really know what is considered as 'cheesy'. Is Mean Girls cheesy? Well, anyway I loves that film cos it is just so funny and I is friends with Lindsay Lohan so yeah, it's awesomeness!! I hate the second one though, that sucks major arse. Whoever camed up with that script should be arrested for.....being rubbishness.
Would you ever be a judge on a TV singing competition?I did judging on The X Factor Australia for a few days when one of the judges wasn't able to make it in. It was so much fun but I could never do it full time cos then I'd have to be tough and mean to people which is just badness. When I was a guest judge, I just said yes to everyone so they would be happy and do smiling. I remember when I did auditioning for Weekend and was accepted (and it's got nothing to do with the fact that the manager and creator is my big cousin), anyway I just wanted other people to feel that happy!
Do you know how to swim?No and I don'ts want to either. The motion of the water makes me feel sick and I don'ts like feeling sick. I guess nobody does though. Well, unless they has a weird sort of fetish but I don'ts have that. I hates the smell of swimming pools plus I don'ts like sharing water with strangers and sea water is bad too cos there is whale sperm and hungry little sharks in there!
Have you ever dressed in drag?Haha, not that I remember anyway. I has dressed up as Borat, weared just a loincloth, dressed as a leopard print condom and a zombie Elvis but drag? No. I know I is gay and people would assume I'm more effeminate but I still don't see the attraction in pretending to be a lady.
Do you have any tattoos?Sort of. It's not a real one, it's a transfer one but that stupid thing still hasn't done washing off and it's been nearly two months! I put a fake tattoo of James Cordon's face on my arse cheek as a joke but it won't go away. I has scrubbed and scrubbed at it but his lips still remain on my bum! I don'ts know if I'd ever get a real tattoo though. I is the only member of Weekend that doesn't have one so I feels a little lefted out but then again, I don'ts know if I could stand the pain. It might sting and make me do crying.
Do balloons scare you?Yes!!! I is scared in case they do popping and hurt my ears. What scares me even more is those balloon animals. Why the hell would they make a tiny pink giraffe with no eyes and demand money for it? 1, that just looks scary and 2, I don'ts get why the giraffe is smaller than me. Is only 5'2 and giraffes is much bigger than me, at least 5'6. My head is doing hurting just thinking about it.
On average, how many nude pictures of you exist?Haha, well there are a handful of comical ones but there is no 'erotic' ones. Me and the boys was a little tipsy at Billy's stag party last year and we pulled our trousers and underwear down for the camera. It was really funny though. I smeared rainbow cake on Billy's butt so if you see the pics, he has multicoloured bum cheeks! Those photos stay within the band though. Nakey pics is funny but I would never take those nakey 'selfies' or do it for someone else's sexual kicks. Billy's your man for that!