Hello and welcome to Loop FM morning show with me Adam Jones before I started talking we played Thriller by the loverly Lyrica Ocha we have a very special interview for you now we are joined in the studio by the super talented and super hot Amy-Jayne and the very talented Parish they are here to talk about the latest collaboration
So the first questions I want to ask are for Parish so Parish
So what made you want to work with Amy-Jayne?
I don't know, she's just a super cool girl y'know? I mean she's hot too, so that was my main reasoning... But yeah i saw the song and was like 'yeah, why the hell shouldn't i do this?'. You get me bro? Was just an awesome opportunity to work with someone who's got big tings going her way yo.
Aww cool it was a very wise choice as Amy-Jayne is destine for greatness plus I totally agree she is pretty hot
What is the meaning of your verse in Dance Though the night?
Not gonna lie to you mate, it isn't a particularly meaningful verse. It's just me chilling and having a good time. Basically every monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, and monday nights! Oh yeah, i said monday twice...
so you party basically every night that's the way to live the life
This next question is by far the one I have been waiting to ask
Do you think there will be another possible collaboration with Amy-Jayne in the near future?
I'm not gonna rule another collab out. It was awesome to work with her. If she ever needs someone to spit bars on one of her tracks i'd happily oblige yo. Was an awesomely fun couple of days!
Is it true that you also produced the song?
Yeah i did, not bad is it? That's pretty much my ting yo, i spit bars, and i produce songs.
Now it's your turn Amy-Jayne so when you found out that Mr Parish here said that he wanted to be on this record what was your reaction?
to be completely honest I was completely shock I did not expect an artist of his level to want to work with an artist like me
Now this is not related to the single but I read on the culture uncut website and it was saying that you was pregnant is this true?
I am happy to say that is true I am 3 months pregnant
so who is the daddy?
it's actually my ex's baby but my now ex boyfriend dumb me because of it
what a jerk so back to the new single it's out May 26th are you excited?
I am very excited Adam I hope this song brings me more success than my last two sings did
we hope it does to so another thing I wanted your opinion on was the fact that Many are calling you a flop star does this offend you?
to be completely honest with you Adam it really does not bother me at all I only care about my fans if your a hater I could careless what you think
That's all we have time for folks but Amy-Jayne and Parish here are gonna Do an exclusive performance of the single Dance though the night lets all enjoy
Get on up, get yourself ready,
Because tonight is gonna be one hell of a party,
We're gonna go wild in the night, keep dancing till dawn,
The clubs are gonna shut before we are all done!
I'm ready to move, i'm ready to shake,
That's right babe, let's throw some shapes!
Meet the friends outside and we'll do what we like,
All i really wanna do is dance through the night!
Tonight is gonna be the time of my life,
Not a care in the world, no worries tonight,
I'm gonna keep on dancing to the sun does rise,
Because i'm a party animal, and i wanna dance on through the night!
Dance on through the night!
Gonna dance on through the night!
It's getting late now, but we really don't care,
We're hitting the town hard, letting down our hair,
The party isn't stopping now, there's still plenty of time,
Because I've not finished in the club, or my glass of wine!
Keep your hips moving everybody, we're having fun!
I'm still full of energy, and i'm still not done!
Tonight is gonna be the time of my life,
Not a care in the world, no worries tonight,
I'm gonna keep on dancing to the sun does rise,
Because i'm a party animal, and i wanna dance on through the night!
Dance on through the night!
Gonna dance on through the night!
Oh! I can't believe how crazy tonight has been,
I don't want the party to end, because i feel like the club queen!
I'm having fun,
Don't care what's going on,
This is my night,
This is my time,
We're gonna dance on through the night!!
So, i'm in the club sitting down,
while all the bitches dance around,
In my hand is a glass of bubbly,
That's right girls, this man's feeling lucky!
Watching over you with my watchful eye,
I can see you want me girl, but you don't know why,
I can't tell you what it is, so don't try -
to understand, just dance all night! WOO!
Tonight is gonna be the time of my life,
Not a care in the world, no worries tonight,
I'm gonna keep on dancing to the sun does rise,
Because i'm a party animal, and i wanna dance on through the night!
Dance on through the night!
Gonna dance on through the night!
Tonight is gonna be the time of my life,
Not a care in the world, no worries tonight,
I'm gonna keep on dancing to the sun does rise,
Because i'm a party animal, and i wanna dance on through the night!
Dance on through the night!
Gonna dance on through the night
Keep on dancing everybody!!
WOW!! guys that was epic you two are amazing live if you like Amy-Jayne and Parish single please go out and buy it when it drops on the 26th May also you can check out the song on LoopFM.com now here Michelle Green and Explode to end our show